Disney Marathon FAQ...update 3/16/08 (recipes link Nutrition sec.)

Lisa loves Pooh

DIS Veteran
Apr 18, 2004
PLEASE NOTE--this thread is in the process of getting cleaned up. So please pardon our dust as we prepare this area for your future enjoyment. :teeth:

I do not work with Disney or the race--these are fact based answers to FAQ that pop up often on our training threads.

Answers have been compiled to the best of our knowledge and expertise. Please be advised that there are risks involved with exercise—especially endurance exercise. If you question your abilities to participate in any kind of training regime for an event, please consult with your doctor.

The FAQ has changed. Links are provided to the most commonly asked questions. Please post any additional questions you have on the individual topic thread by clicking on the topic below. This will assure that some of our more experienced DISers can assist you with an appropriate response.

So what exactly is a marathon:

Full: 26.2 miles
Half: 13.1 miles

Did you know that the first marathon was in 1886. The current distance was established in 1908 for the Olympic Games held in London. About a mile and a half was added so that the race could start at the stadium and finish at Windsor castle. With the last 385 finishing in front of King Edward the VII’s box. It wasn’t until the 1924 Olympics that this distance was again utilized and it has stuck ever since. So let us give a DIS board “Thanks a lot man” to King Edward the VII—who obviously hasn’t experienced “the wall” except from his cozy little box.

History Link #1
History Link #2

This information below has not be "cleaned up yet"--so you must read it here as there are no links. Right Now--it is all of our information.

***NEW INFORMATION--Links for Team events at the bottom of this post for the team dinner and the team t-shirt***

NEW INFORMATION: Registration is open. Go to this link for information on Disney's endurance events--and your chance to earn a Medal
http://disneyworldsports.disney.go....s/sportDetail/detail?name=EnduranceDetailPage Listed under Amateur Sportes Tab then click on drop down "Endurance."

When is the next Disney Marathon Weekend?

The 2010 Half-Marathon is 6am on Saturday, January 09, 2010.
The 2009 Full-Marathon is 6am on Sunday, January 10, 2010.

How do and when should I register?


There were over 30,000 participants registered for both events past years.

DVC Members get a $5 discount, but you cannot do online registration. DVC members need to call 407-938-3398 to register.

Registration fees are non-refundable, so you should register when you are ready to commit to the races. The sooner you register, the better, as it is unknown when registration will close.

Both events fill up well before race weekend. Based on the past races, expect that the half will fill up well before the full race.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell when registration will close this year. The only thing that is certain is that once it is closed, there is no way to participate in the event unless you choose a fundraising team. Disney saves positions for many fundraising organizations. They are all for good causes and your efforts can benefit your health and the health of others.

While you can fundraise for any cause--these causes were recognized by Disney for 2005 and ways to participate if you find that registration for the half or full marathon has already closed. Contact the organizations for more information.

American Diabetes Association - www.diabetes.org
American Stroke Association Train to End Stroke - www.strokeassociation.org
AT Childrens Project - www.atcp.org
Huntsman Cancer Institute Hometown Heroes - www.huntsmancancer.org
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training - www.teamintraining.org
Multiple Sclerosis Society - www.nmss.org/flc
National Arthritis Foundation Joints in Motion - www.arthritis.org
National Association for Children of Alcoholics - www.nacoa.org
National Neurofibromatosis Foundation - www.nf.org/marathon
Prevent Blindness Team 20/20 - www.pbga.org
Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy - www.parentprojectmd.org
Roswell Park Cancer Institute - www.roswellpark.org
Taylor's Angels - www.taylorsangels.org

Charities for the marathon have not been posted. Check the registration link periodically. They have previously listed charities associated with event weekend.

How long is a half marathon/full marathon?

The Half Marathon is 13.1 miles.
The Full Marathon is 26.2 miles.

What about a course map?

Full Marathon, Half Marathon and family 5k

Is the course really flat?

In the racing world, this course is considered flat...but in the real world....not so flat. The impact on your racing is that it will challenge more and slow down your expected finish time as you work through these "mole hills".

You have overpasses, on/off ramps, and contemporary hill to contend with, plus the little bridges in EPCOT and along the Boardwalk--which at mile 25 aren't so little anymore.

It would be a good idea to incorporate some hill training--but be advised that this needs to be done with care and within your physical limitations. I am not an expert, but certain injuries or ailments would be made to feel worse with hill training or what wasn't injured is now injured after the hill or bridge work. So BE CAREFUL. Those with IT Band problems would most likely have problems with hill/bridge training and I have had coaches say to teammates to NOT train on hills or bridges.

The run down of hills as I remember them in order of appearance:
Half: 1 or 2 overpasses in the first mile (depends on exact placement of the starting line) + downhill (270 degree turn) ramp. Contemporary Hill (down then up--short but steep), small incline up and into the castle and down the ramp, repeat of the 270 degree turn ramp--but up hill, 1 or 2 overpasses to possibly include exit ramp.

Full: 1 ramp/overpass thing as you come around EPCOT to get to the auto plaza to run into EPCOT between mile 1 and 2, pedestrian bridge in EPCOT, 2 overpasses then the downhill (270 degree turn) ramp, Contemporary Hill (down then up--short but steep), small incline up and into the castle and down the ramp, between mile 14 and 16....there will be a portion of the road that banks steeply, Animal Kingdom pedestrian bridges, on-ramp from the AK parking lot exit onto the main road, 2 overpasses on your way to Wide World of Sports, Exit ramp up and then down to get to World Drive (that crosses over an MGM parking lot entrance), Exit ramp that goes uphill to get to MGM, some minor (but at that point seems major) elevation shifts within MGM, downhill after exit MGM to run along canal, 2 bridges along boardwalk (one where you enter the beach club/board walk area and one when you are heading into EPCOT) that seem very tall towards the end, and 2 pedestrian bridges in World Showcase.

How long do I have to finish the Disney Marathon and what are the pacing requirements?

You have 3 hours 30 minutes to complete the half marathon.

You have 7 hours to complete the full marathon.

You must MAINTAIN a 16 minute per mile pace for the entire race. At anytime you fall off of that pace...you are subject to being swept and prevented from continuing and finishing the race.

Here's the sweep pickup times from previous events--if you do not reach a particular point by a particular time--you will be swept. It is clear by these times that this is the elapsed time from race start and NOT the elapsed time from when you cross the start line. So plan accordingly :):
Mile Mark: Location Description: Time Allowed:
3.5 WALT DISNEY WORLD® Speedway 1:11:00
6.3 Magic Kingdom® Park Security Gate 1:56:00
8.1 Magic Kingdom® Parking Lot (Daisy) 2:25:00
10.2 World Drive Ramp to EPCOT® Center
Drive 2:58:00


Full Marathon
Mile Mark: Location Description: Time Allowed:
2.7 EPCOT® Main Entrance 0:53:00
3.3 Backstage EPCOT® at Test Track 1:03:00
5.5 EPCOT® Center Drive Bridge 1:38:00
8.3 WALT DISNEY WORLD® Speedway 2:23:00
10 Disney's Contemporary Resort 2:50:00
13 Floridian Way 3:38:00
18 Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park 4:58:00
20.5 Osceola Parkway 5:38:00


PACE Calculators:

McMillan pace calculator

New calculator:
Pacing Calculator--version 2

HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you train for a 15 minute per mile pace. This will allow you wiggle room to handle congestion and any unknowns along the course.

Training tip: Take Baby steps and be sure to count them.
Lisa's tip of the day----COUNT YOUR STEPS!!! I did not believe my coach last year--didn't believe him this year...UNTIL this morning.

Walkers should be at 70 steps per minute (per foot) and runners at 90 steps per minute (per foot). You accomplish this by taking SHORTER steps....not more longer ones. It will feel foolish--I felt like a Looney tune on steroids trying to shuffle along....though I have been affirmed that I looked just fabulous (but of course!). I got to 90....I went from a 13:42 pace 2 weeks ago to a 12:55 pace today and that is with 3:1 intervals. Now some of that is the fact we didn't run the bridge--but with the bridge I was at 4:1, so that is an impressive improvement.

Count your steps--and work on getting close to the 70 or 90 per your activity. If counting for a minute is hard, just count for 30 seconds (35 steps for walkers and 45 steps for runners).

Now here is why this is important:

With every step (at least for running)--you impact with 3x your body weight with each step. The longer the stride (and the less steps you take)--the more in the air you are between steps--and the more weight/stress you are place on your legs (ahem--KNEES!). Shortening the steps does a few things: It increases the turnover rate, gives you less time in the air, and it lessens the impact and reduces the risk of injury and strain to your knees and other parts of your leg.

And here's the best part--at least for me anyway....I was not running fast--but I felt like I was zipping along (though as a zippy turtle) and it did not feel fatiguing to me.

If you are several steps away from 90 (or 70)...make a goal in the workout to shorten the strides to increase the amount of steps you take. It may take one or two workouts--it may take several.....but you will eventually get to 90. As training progresses and as your walking or running regime continues on well past Disney....you will notice as you get stronger, that your strides will naturally get longer...(a clue is that your step counts start going above your goal....time to lengthen the stride a little bit). Your body will then be telling you it is ready to take bigger steps.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase BABY steps.

If you are a mortal--and want to get FASTER...the key is to step shorter--and not reaching as far as you can with your foot.

Happy Training!!!

How do I know what my anticipated race time is and what is it used for?
Anticipated race time is the time you think it will take you to finish the event. Based on the time you estimate, you will be placed in an appropriate corral with other people who anticipate to finish in similar times.

With a good training program--you can finish in less than 3.5 or 7 hours....so unless you really think it will take you the entire regulation time to complete the race--you should mark it for less or you will get placed in the last corral.

To determine your anticipated finish time...take anticipated pace and multiply that by the number of miles. If you are unsure...IMHO it is best to underestimate than over estimate. For half marathoners--3 hours is safe and for full marathoners 6 or 6.5 hours is safe. If your training shows that anticipate to finish more quickly--be prepared on race day to pass lots of people. You can still get a good chip time....but you will have slower racers in front of you that you need to get by.

So how bad are the crowds?

Well--imagine a Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) shopping experience at Toys R Us, Wal-mart, or even the mall around 10am. Imagine trying to run through it while every one is in your way.

This is a good image of the feel of race day. While you cannot practice with 1000s of your friends during training....knowing that it will be exceptionally crowded and having a mental plan on how to deal with that is a good idea.

These crowds will slow you down and you should always be cognizant of your pace to know when it is a good time to take it easy--or time to fly through the crowds. You can expect in the first 3 miles for there to be major congestion and for you to be minor to majorly over your pace. That is why it is a good idea to get your warm-ups done in the parking lot PRIOR to race start. If you are already a SLOW starter...you will be an even SLOWER starter with the crowds.

Can I walk?
Yes you can...you just need to maintain the pace requirements set forth by racing officials.

I registered for one event, can I change my mind?
Good question. I will have to look up the official reason for when both events are still opened.

I do know that if you change your mind to not compete at all, your entry fee is non-refundable. However, you are guaranteed entry for the same event in 2010 (you still have to register and pay the fee for 2010 when registration opens).

Once both events have closed registration, you cannot change your mind and switch. Additionally, on race day, you can only show up for the correct event. Officials will not let you switch on race weekend. The half and full marathon are on different days, so you cannot opt to complete only 13.1 out of 26.2 miles and get credit for finishing the half. Additionally, it is not recommended to sneak in to the wrong event. If you found your sneakiness led to success, be aware that your chip will not register at the start which in turn will not work at the finish and means that you did not officially participate. Disney will not provide you with a finishers certificate.

I'm feeling ambitious, can I participate in both the half and full marathon?
Wow, that is ambitious. Yes you can and must register for both events as a Goofy registrant for that Goofy medal. Those who succeed in completing both races will receive a special Goofy medal award and bib numbers are different colors. (Not recommended for novices :teeth: ). And those who choose to do this are just plain GOOFY!!!

What is an official time versus a chip time?
You official time is the time from when the gun goes off to start the race to the finish. All clocks you see along the course are "official" time.

Your chip time is how long it really took you--you where a chip on your shoe (provided at packet pickup), it registers when you cross the start line and as you cross mats along the course if they are placed out. More importantly it registers at the finish. Your chip time in the full marathon is what is what you use in future races to state how long it will take you. Finishers within pace time will record a chip time. If you finish within the time constraints, you will be acknowledged as an official finisher when Disney mails you a certificate and race results post-event.

Once pace time (Official time + the amount of time it takes the last person to cross the start time) has passed the limit allowed on the course, Disney will turn off the mats allowing no other finishers to record a chip time. If you have not been swept yet, you will be allowed to finish. You will be given a finishers medal, but you will not be officially acknowledged as a finisher because you will not receive a certificate.

But if you cross that finish line--you FINISHED regardless if you get a piece of paper in the mail. I'm proof of that!

What does sweep mean?

This means that you are swept or removed from the course. Disney will provide a bus or other transportation to take you to the finish.

Is this a good event for beginners?
Good Question and a profound YES!!! This is a great event for beginners, but you must be armed with the knowledge to help you succeed and navigate the world of endurance. Based on our experiences in 2005--the WISH team wants you to have all the knowledge you need to help you get to the finish line and not be swept.

The crowds are HUGE and this is a serious racing event. When Disney says they will sweep--they absolutely mean it. That being said...it is possible to come with your poker face on, but have an absolute blast.

A good training tool is to enter some 5K races close to home to get a feel for a racing environment. If your training schedule allows...a participant registered for the Disney Half can participate in a half marathon elsewhere for practice. This will give you a good feel for your pacing and racing habits regarding supplements and water.

Participants in the Disney Full should register in a half marathon close to home that corresponds with your 14 mile long day training week. You should use this as practice and not as an opportunity to win first prize as that can lead to injury resulting in a setback or not being able to participate at Disney at all. You should NEVER participate in a marathon as a "practice" run--save all that energy for race day.
Shoes--what kind, will it cost a lot, can I just get them at Wal-mart?
Depends, probably, probably not :teeth:

You need to know your foot type. To figure that out, you can do the wet foot test as described here to determine your foot type:

You should consult a podiatrist or a shoe store that specializes in running shoes to have your feet checked out and your gait examined. It is important to know what your foot is doing when you run or walk or both. Running shoes come in three types: neutral, stability, and motion control. They come in others as well..but unless you're an elite runner...they won't help you much. My feet require a motion control shoe and it is only available in shops that specialize in running shoes. A good store will let you exchange your shoe out and help you find a better pair if it is not working for you.

Even if you are walking--you will want to look into running shoes as a possibility since you will be on your feet for a very long time.

A good pair of shoes will cost you about $70-$90. Those with special issues can spend over $100. I do own a pair that cost over $300...but they are custom made. If you have freakish feet...this is an option. You won't have to break in the shoe...and they will be the most comfy shoe you wear.

WOW--that is a lot of money....Yes it is...but unless you have exceptional feet that can wear any shoe with absolutely NO pain whatsoever anytime anywhere...running or walking in cheap shoes will cause a variety of problems that can at the very least hinder your performance and cause discomfort. At the very worst, it can cause injuries and major setbacks that can prevent you from racing all together.

It is possible to luck out with the best pair of shoes in the world because they were on sale or you just found a shoe in your price range. DO NOT SACRIFICE COMFORT FOR COST. Don't by a shoe just because it is cheap, buy it because it works for you. With some savvy shopping, you might luck out on both accounts.

I am not a shoe expert--but I know my feet--and once I invested the money...I didn't have issues that were due to improper shoes.

Expect between now (Jan-05) and race day...to have to utilize 2 pairs of shoes by the time you get to race day. The mileage amounts that you should have min and max on your training shoe vary...you should have at least 30-50 miles on your race day shoe that included your longest run/walk leading up to race day. If your shoe is heading towards that 300 mile mark or so before you've done your longest training run...it is best to replace the shoe. If after your longest run you decide to replace the shoe, you should replace it with the same exact shoe.

If you are interested in a custom shoe (runner or walker)--you can contact the Hersey company....especially if you have different sized feet, bunions or other foot deformities that are causing you to tear your hair out because you cannot find the right shoe...give them a call and speak with them. It takes 12 weeks once they receive your order to craft your shoes...so if this is something you think you require...you need to order months ahead of the race. This shoe doesn't require "breaking in". I received my pair too late for Disney--so I cannot comment on them personally yet...but my dad SWEARS by them. http://www.herseycustomshoe.com/

How do I start training?

Plans are available for 8 weeks to 12 weeks and up...but you can start at anytime to get in shape. The best thing to do now is to start working out slowly and gently.

There are many training methods available. Check the weekly Marathon Training threads on the wish board. We are a growing team and lots of people train differently.

Books to try:
Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham

Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer by David Whitsett...more about the mental aspects of running/training.

I want to do it--how do I become a part of the WISH Team and how do I get a clippie?

Go onto the current week's Marathon Training Thread (posted weekly by Chimera for 2006 Marathon (with some early 2007 members posting) and she will add your name to the list. Please include your first name in your post, if it is not especially obvious from your user name.

2009 Half Marathon Clippie:

2009 Marathon Clippie:

2009 Goofy Challenge Clippie:

If you need assistance to get your clippies in your signature post an inquiry on the tech board and someone will help you :)


What do I eat during the training months and what about carb loading for the event?

I am not a nutritionist. This information is from handouts from Brevard County Team in Training Nutrition Clinic on October 4, 2005—power point presentation from local nutritionist and article from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (www.gssiweb.com) and includes advices from my coaches. For more specific needs, consult a sports nutritionist (familiar with athletic nutritional needs) or your doctor.

Estimated Calories necessary:

Athlete (What most of us are by now):
Body Weight (In pounds) x 20

Regular Exercise (300/calories per day)
Body Weight x 15

Sedentary (may or may not be your rest days—up to you! Remember—you are fueling all week for those long days)
Body Weight x 13

Ultra-Endurance Athlete (the BIG Dawgs!)
Body Weight x 30

You daily caloric intake is very important as on your long runs—it will soon become impossible to have a solid positive intake versus expense of calories. (On our 20 mile day, we burned 2000 calories last year….on the day of the marathon, I estimated that I burned about 3000+ calories—it will be impossible and not advise to have a regular net calorie intake that day. I. E. If you consume regularly 2000 calories…you would have to consume roughly 4000-5000 calories on those long days to compensate and maintain a net regular intake. That is neither necessary—or really possible…it is what you do during the week that will help offset that.)

How your calories should be distributed:
HIGH CARB—60-70% of your calories should be carbs.
That is 5 to 7 grams of carb per KG of body weight (divide weight in pounds by 2.2 to get your KG).

For a more specific guideline:
Exercise less than 1 hour---consume 6g of carb per kg of weight that day.
Intense exercise of 1-4 hours—consume 9-10g of carb per kg of weight that day.
Intense exercise in excess of 4 hours—consume 11-12 g of carb per kg of weight that day.

You should consume 1.5 grams of protein for KG of body weight each day.

Carbohydrate is the body’s “energy powerhouse” that fuels muscles for training and competitions and is essential to building glycogen stores and providing long-haul energy that is important in endurance events.
Carbohydrate intake for long days and day of event (practice for the long runs and try nothing new on race day):

Overnight fasting (aka—you are sleeping and not eating) depletes your glycogen stores by 80%.

Liver glycogen is a major source of Blood glucose and can impair major performance in events >60 minutes or which really heavily on glucose.


Maintain a high carb diet as described above throughout training. Minimum of 3-days rest (no workouts—not being lazy) before event while still maintaining a high carb diet.

For each gram of carbohydrate stored—additional water is stored...the increased weight and a feeling of stiffness…subsides with exercise. This is beneficial for only events in excess of 90 minutes.

As far as Carb “Loading”—maintaining proper nutrition throughout training is more important than stuffing yourself with pasta the night before your event. Whatever you have been doing the days and evenings before long days throughout training should be mimicked and nothing new attempted. If you didn't eat 10 bowls of pasta and 10 cookies the night before your 20 miler...don't do it before the marathon. :teeth:

MEAL BEFORE EVENT (AKA Breakfast): Aim for 1-4.5 grams of Carbo per KG of weight 1-4 hours before respectively (basically—eat breakfast or something before your event—suggested time frame is a good 2-3 hours before). If on long runs, you do not get up this early—set the alarm, wake up and eat and go back to sleep until it is time to wake up for your workout. When you start training is a good time to start practicing this. By the time your workouts exceed 6-8 miles, it is very important to be practicing this. Race day morning is not the time to try eating breakfast for the first time.

1 HOUR BEFORE EVENT: Have 1 gram CARB per KG of weight. Experiment with what works (I’ve gone as simple as having a GU…drinking a sports drink works as well). If Hypoglycemic, try low glycemic index foods or delay until 5 minutes before event.

Keep in mind that for the meal and for the pre-event your carbs can be in a combination forms to include GEL, Sports Drink, and food in the form of grains and fruit. IF you are of the population that just cannot eat anything at all—try a slim fast or carnation breakfast drink or any LIQUID form of nourishment to get in your carbs.

DURING THE EVENT/ACTIVITY in excess of 1 hour:
Carbs provide glucose to muscles and prolongs time to fatigue. AS muscles run out of glucose, they rely on liver glycogen which depletes and causes a drop in blood glucose. May feel like hypoglycemia, but usually feels like fatigue with a need to slow down. Carbohydrate feedings help maintain blood glucose as opposed to actually sparing muscle glycogen.

Consume 30-60 grams carbo per hour—liquid or solid.
5-10 oz sports drink every 15-20 minutes provides this amount of carbo.
Eat or drink BEFORE feeling tired.
Avoid fructose (I think this means fruit juices and such—the oranges and bananas offered during the event are actually good for you and necessary).

CARB REPLACEMENT DAY OF THE EVENT, after crossing the finish line:
You need to replenish glycogen stores.

It is best to eat within 2 hours of the event when there is greater blood flow to muscles and greater sensitivity to insulin.

If you wait more than 2 hours there is a 66% decrease in repletion.

Consume 1.5grams carb per KG of body weight in first half hour. And repeat every 2 hours thereafter. Can be simple or complex carbs, liquid or solid.

WISH Team members have contributed recipe suggestions Recipes for Runners on the Go! Stop by and add your recipe contributions.

For non-exercising adult, 8 cups/day is necessary. As athletes, we need more.

Weigh before and after each workout—for each pound lost, replace with 20 ounces of water (in addition to the 8 cups). Urine should be pale in color.

Hydrate during the week before the event---do not forget to drink water.

1-2 hours before event, drink 16-32 ounces (2-4 cups).
15-30 minutes before: drink 8-16 ounces.
If possible drink fluids throughout the night before.

At the event—my coach personally recommends….go to the bathroom 3-4 times. Once you finish, go out and get back in line and repeat until you have gone about 4 times. This will reduce the need for last minute potty stops before the event (but this is not guaranteed) as your body is dealing with all that water.

During the event—drink 6-8 ounces every 15-20 minutes.

Caffeine free, nonalcoholic is best—though if you have had your coffee every morning all season—you will need it on race day.

Mild: General fatigue, loss of appetite, flushed skin, light headed, dark and scant urine, heat intolerance.

Advanced: Numb skin, delirium, sunken eyes, shriveled skin, clumsiness

Cannot rely on thirst as a gauge.

Sports drinks increase thirst.

“Drink to replace sweat; don’t over drink. If you run more slowly and stop for MORE fluid breaks, you run the risk of over hydrating. This occurs when an athlete takes in too much fluid and sodium levels in blood drop too low.

Very important to supplement your fluid intake with sports drink if possible—mixing it with water if necessary.”

Also—our coaches have us consume one salt packet (like what you would get at McD’s) towards the end—about 2/3 of the way through.

Very important to replace sodium lost during workout (OP commentary: that’s gritty stuff on your face is salt from your body) Especially if you are a heavy cramper. Salting foods regularly and eating salty (but healthy) snacks will help. IN GENERAL…endurance athletes should not follow a low-sodium diet.

Sweat rate: How much weight you lose in fluid ounces + how much you consume during exercise is how much you SHOULD drink to replace sweat fluid losses.”

Hyponatremia discussion from WISH Team members

Event Weekend Information

I would like to combine this momentous occasion with my Disney Vacation. Is this a good idea?

Absolutely--as long as you plan wisely. Park hopping the week prior to the marathon is an excellent reverse taper if you are a walker. If you are a runner, you still need to get in your daily runs per your training regime. You can enjoy Disney's food the week prior, but you should still follow your training eating plans as closely as possible so as not to feel sluggish race day. In other words, dessert buffets every night before your event is probably not a good idea.

For a vacation post event--prepare that for the day after your event....you might very well be in pain and a slow mover. You should plan this as a relaxation day for you while your family is hitting the parks. Rest, catch up on sleep....if you do this, then you should be in better spirits and physical shape for the rest of your vacation.

Some tips from some WISE experienced WISHers include:
Do not park hop the day before the event--walk a little around the resort to stay loose, but otherwise relax and enjoy the scenery.

Have your "carb load" meal 2 nights before your event.
Eat a light meal the night before your event.

Go to bed EARLY 2 nights before the event. Try to do the same the night before your event.

Be prepared to wake up at about 2:30am on race day. Busses in the past began running at 3am. The only "ID" you will need is your racing bib (the number) to be permitted into participant areas and into the correct corral that corresponds with the corral listed on your bib number. They expect racers to be at the waiting area at 4:30am when the gate to the start opens. You will have lots of standing around time--don't stand around...use this time to warm up especially if you are a slow starter.

The bag you get at Expo (it contains your goodies) is the bag you will use if you want to bag check any items that you will want immediately post race. There will be a tear off portion on your bib number that you will use to label the bag. A tie is included in your goody bag to attach the label to the bag. When you arrive on race day to the race, you check your bags in--last year, you had to check them in by 4:30 or 5. Do not leave anything valuable in there--including your room key and your AP...if you have a fanny pack, where them...but don't leave them in your race bag. The bags are kept in tents, but they are not secured by lock--just watched by volunteers. You could leave your key and AP in there--but then you'll spend the whole race worrying about them.

Post event--go shower, take an ice bath, swim in a cold pool--AVOID the Jacuzzi...save that for the following day. ICE is all you should be using after the event is over. Hit a theme park, hit the victory celebration...keep moving until you crash for the evening. This all helps with recovery.

Marathon Week - What we have learned -2008 tips

When is the latest I should plan on arriving for marathon weekend?
The latest you should arrive for your marathon weekend is dictated by the packet pickup schedule:

"All runners must attend the Expo for race number and packet pick-up. If you are planning to arrive at WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort before Thursday evening, we highly recommend that you attend packet pick-up on Thursday to avoid expected long lines on Friday and Saturday."

Expo Hours:

3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

(note that half participants can only pick up on Thursday and Friday, just in case that slips your mind).

You will need photo ID (can't get your chip without it!) and your pickup form that comes with your marathon info packet you will receive in the LATE fall. You will first pickup your chip and #, verify your chip, register your chip to notify friends and family of your split times during the event, then go downstairs and pick up your goody bag that has your shirt and other miscellaneous items. This bag is what you will use on race day to bag check items you wish to have immediately following the race.

Will there be any official WISH Team events?
Group resort reservation: Will be discussed on the WISH Events board for those interested in forming a group. It was also discovered that when code rates were released for Florida residents and AP holders--that you saved even more money beyond the group rate. Since the group rate is based on the number of rooms booked...only go this route if you don't think you can get discounts elsewhere. Florida residents and AP rates are not guaranteed.

For last couple of years--WISH team scheduled a group dinner meet and greet for the Friday night before the Half Marathon event at Pop Century meeting at 4:30 and a Monday morning breakfast (last couple of years at Boardwalk Bakery). There have been scheduled: a night at Jellyroll's or the Adventurers Club. Some other team members got together on the side at other times. Just because you are coming with family doesn't prevent you from participating in these events. After a year of training together--it is great to see all of the faces. Information is posted on the WISH Events forum as the ideas unfold.

NEW--WISH Team Shirts/Hats!!!
Shirt orders are usually places a couple of times per year. Check the threads for the sign-up as they are posted.

Hats and socks have been ordered and the same information applies; check the threads for the sign-up as they are posted.
PCFriar80 said:
First off thanks for all of the great info on the board!! Are there lockers or a check area to leave stuff prior to the race? What kind of ID do you need the actual morning of the race? I know I'll have to carry my room key and I'm thinking my AP if I finish around 8:00 for the 1/2 and hang out then walk through Epcot back to the BCVs. :confused3 but getting better!!!

Good questions, I should add a brief race day FAQ to the bottom of the OP....when I have a moment...but for now:

You need PHOTO ID and registration sheet (I forget what it is called, but it is mailed sometime in the fall and will have your race # on it)...you must bring both items to the Health Expo to pick up your race packet for your pin on #. Then you pick up your goody bag that has your race shirt in it (make a note to not wear the current race shirt in the actual race ;)). That plastic bag is what you use to hold any items that you will want at the finish. At the bottom of your bib # is a tear off tag that will serve as your bag label. A tie is included in your goody bag to attach the label to the bag. When you arrive on race day to the race, you check your bags in--last year, you had to check them in by 4:30 or 5. Do not leave anything valuable in there--including your room key and your AP...if you have a fanny pack, where them...but don't leave them in your race bag. The bags are kept in tents, but they are not secured by lock--just watched by volunteers. You could leave your key and AP in there--but then you'll spend the whole race worrying about them.

On race day--your bib # is the only identification you will need to get into the participant areas.
eric84 said:
Hey im new here, and just wanted to ask a quick question. How does the fundraiser part work, how do you sign up to run for charities. Does it cost extra, and what do you get if you decide to run for one. This will be my first year running in a marathon, and i really wanted to run for a charity but was unsure of how it works. Thanks.

(edited to add: WELCOME by the way ;))

I can only speak from my experiences with Team in Training---but the ballpark effect is the same. Shortly before the training season, the organization will be recruiting for athletes. You sign up. With TNT--they let you train for two months before signing your contract that obligates you to fulfill the fundraising commitment and to do the race barring a doctor's dismissal of your participating. Typically--airfare trips are near about $3500 (Give or take--I didn't have to fly so my particular fundraising was $1900). TNT takes the expenses for your participation in the event (hotel, airfare if applicable, tranpsportation race week if applicable, pasta party, victory party, and race entry fees) and multiplies that by 4--so 25% is expenses and 75% goes to Leukemia Lymphoma Society...anything above and beyond that goes 100% to the charity. It doesn't cost extra per se--as the fee for a charity runner is no more than a regular runner. But you do have to fundraise. Most reputable charities will support your fundraising efforts. TNT is all about the letter campaign...and then once you do your letters--they have a fundraising clinic to give you all sorts of ideas and help you brainstorm. Each team also has mentors that help you along--as they have done it before and know where all the good ideas are.

What I did was click on their website and submitted my name so that they would notify me when they were recruiting. Find a charity that is close to your heart and that you believe in and that will make all the difference in the passion you have when you are trying to raise that money and working hard on your training. So you can just click on the links above and contact the specific organization you are interested to find out more about running for their cause at Disney. Recruiting would probably be some time over the summer.

A fellow WISHER on the training thread is going on her own with fundraising for ALS (evidently noone has run a marathon to fundraise before for that charity). All teams started with just one person trying to make a difference.

TNT does have one kick butt post race celebration which I intend to enjoy every minute this time around. I was soooo sick for the Marathon--I could only stay at the party for an hour. We just had our reunion/picture swap and someone had a movie on it....it looked sooo much fun.

But don't pick your charity based on a party---you gotta go with what you want to help out with. Leukemia spoke to my heart so that is what I chose.
I think the other big ones out there that I noticed was for Stroke.

Fundraising ideas can be found here on a post I did on the training thread:

Hope this helps--and I'm not trying to recruit you for TNT deliberately...like I said I can only speak from my personal experience.
lacool said:
Thanks for the thread. It has been extremely informative! Now, if you don't mind another question -- How does your family find you to watch you and cheer you on? I will need their support along the way!

I do have some tips for that one---I will work something out and then post in on the FAQ.....

but the basic is: Have an idea of your pacing and anticipated time at milemarkers--figure out where you want your cheerleaders to be (TTC is an EXCELLENT LOCATION--then they can hop the monorail to go to MK or Grand Floridian and then monorail back to EPCOT for your big finish).

While it is not guaranteed that you will be spotted--if you the athlete know where to find your cheering section--and if they hold some kind of OBNOXIOUS can't miss me poster (Disney friendly of course)--you should have no problems spotting one another.

CELL Phones are the next sure thing. They will weigh you down--but they are good to carry if you have racing pockets on your racing shorts/pants or wear a fanny pack.

Busses will be extraordinarily slow race morning--so they should anticipate getting up at about 5am or so and hitting catching an early bus (My hubby allowed 2 hours to see me and they got stopped at one point and the bus went nowhere--he met me at the finish instead).

Based on your training--you should have an idea of where your mental weak points are (for me, between mile 8 and 11--a pick me up would be nice--as well as at AK which is about mile 16 or so)...once you know where you need that extra push--then you figure out where along the course that will be and plan to have your family at those spots.
Glory Days said:
I really want to do this, but being a fast-walker instead of a jogger (I just hate to run!) has me a little scared. Right now I do a 14 minute mile. With training I should get better, but I've never done a half-marathon either. Is the sweep from when the last person crosses the starting line, or is it somehow in your shoe chip, or something else? This could be the deciding answer to if I think I could do it or not.
Tks. :cheer2:


Sweep is based on chip timing--so the "sweepers" don't start until the last person has crossed the line. This buffer should be ignored by participants as the buffer varies greatly year to year (I have no idea why) and if you become dependent on it--it could mess you up thinking you have more time than you really do. Anything sub-15 minutes should be safe. The crowds is what slows you down--you will spend the first mile or so at least weaving through people. The concern is for those who are pushing the time limit of 16 minute miles that they get too slowed down by traffic to make up the time sufficient enough by the mandatory sweep zones.

I think you should go for it! If you are maintaining 14 minutes now...you should be in fantastic shape for the marathon.
Rockclimber said:
Great info. I posted a question earlier today, but seeing as how you all seem to be the Disney marathon experts, I'll put the question to y'all. Are sports massages offered after the race at or near the finish of the full? I was trying to avoid making an appointment at one of the spas, but if there is no "massage tent", then it would be smart to make an appointment soon, cause I would imagine the spas would book quick. Any advice?

After the last marathon I did I had a lower body massage and let me tell you... that is the ticket!!! Painfully good during, but afterwards I had the freshest legs ever. I am hooked!



There was a massage tent. Due to illness and my very late finish, I couldn't partake of the services. And b/c i had to go to the med tent, I couldn't see them. They do charge for the service--I had carried money for it.
trpscooby said:
I'd like to say first of all, thanks for all the info here, it's great!

Now for my question: For those of you who have run the marathon before, how many corrals are there and how does Disney determine which one you'll be in? My DH is running it and he sent in his time for a half-marathon he did last March but we're just wondering where he'll actually be placed???

Thanks for posting.

I forget the number of corrals. Last year--I think it was about 6 or so each for the half and full. It is unknown how large the field be...so there will be at least that, maybe more.

For the full--5 hours and 30 minutes is the fastest time you can sign up for without having proof of time.

The half will have a similar minimum time that doesn't require proof (roughly 2h 15 min).

You are corralled with people who responed similarly on their applications. So if you put that you would finish in 6 hours for the full--you would be grouped with peopel who also put that on their application.

For the full last year, I put 5 and a half hours (first time with no proof requirement) and we were in Corral D I believe. LIned up near the front of the corral, we were about midway in the starting field.

I do not know the time increments from groupings, so am of little help to you.
thndrmatt said:
For those of us who weren't on the ball enough to register before it closed, what are the options available? I've been to the various charitable organization sites, but none that aren't sold out show any real details as to how much is required to participate. Anyone with insight as to the easiest way to still get in and run?

And of course a second question, how difficult is it to just hop on in and run in the mass? I'm guessing as lame and "unofficial" as the experience would be they probably wouldn't prevent a runner from doing so.

Nowhere I'd rather run my first marathon, and it works out training time wise in my schedule, would have to run a different marathon if unable to squeeze into this one.

I can speak only for Team in Training.

Our recommitment date is coming and they require 25% of your fundraising to be complete (it can be a personal donation).

I live in Florida--so the fundraising requirement is $2200....for out of state, your looking at anywhere from $3000-$3500 depending on where you are originating. You are obligated to this even if you find your own airfare or choose to drive. The fundraising minimum is determined by multiplying total expenses for participating by 4 so that 75% of the money raised goes directly to the mission.

Other organizations are within $200-$500 of TNT (I checked another out last year--and they were more than TNT).

It is IMPOSSIBLE to run with everyone--your race number is your golden ticket. You will not be permitted to corral up with everyone (can't even get into the participant areas)..and should you just get onto the course--an official somewhere will be happy to show you off. (Since the entire course is on private property...and goes through the parks.

Good luck!
Tina1 said:
Here's a question for those people how have stayed at Boardwalk Resort for the marathon? Can you walk to Epcot the morning of the race from this resort? Here's another question, does the monoral run early so the people can take the TTC to Epcot? Were staying at the Poly and were thinking of changing if this is more convenient. Thanks Tina

All transportation starts early (busses only run to EPCOT though :) ). Polynesian will be more convenient than boardwalk...you cannot walk to EPCOT in the wee hours of the morning--that access is only available at 9am. You and your guests will have to take the busses to the start. (And they would need tickets to walk through anyway and you would need a ticket to walk back through).

Lots of wishers are staying at the Boardwalk. If you are looking for just the convenience of quick access..then Poly would be better.
TINA 1-- You can't walk thru EPCOT the morning of the race to get to the start. Runners staying at the EPCOT resorts use the early buses to get to the start (3a-4a). Runners staying at monorail resorts get to the start via the monorail, I believe they encourage you to get on the monorail between 3a-4a as well. After the race you can walk thru EPCOT to get back to the EPCOT resorts, IF you have a park ticket. Of course if you stay on the monorail you just hop on that to get back. Personally, I believe monorail transportation would be the most convienent for runners. We are staying at BWI again this year just bcs I prefer staying in that area. If we had any family/friends coming to cheer us on I would have stayed at a monorail resort.

thndrmatt: I can't imagine being able to run the Disney as a "bandit..." there are volunteers and workers everywhere along the course. I personally wouldn't waste my energy even attempting it. I have no info on trying to get in w/ a charitable organization.
TNTsouthmiamirunner said:
Wow what a great site this is so much information. I have some questions I am training with TNT does anyone know what hotel they put their runners in? I have a reservation at the yacht club and just don't know if I should keep it. I am also going with my family does anyone know how that work for your room because I heard that everyone has to share a room. Any information would be great.

Miami, FL

I forget her title..but our office rep says that TNT has booked Coronado and Carribean Beach. You will know when your celebration meeting (I forget what it is called actually--ours is in December) when you do your final paperwork and payments.

I am booking a 2nd hotel room. After the nightmare of last year with 2 sick children and being sick myself (absolutely no sleep on Friday night when I was well--and then just a horrible night for me on Saturday night before the marathon)...Hubby will get the TNT room on the night before the half and I will take it the night before the full. The non-racing person and the kids will stay in another room. Presently we have Contemporary booked--but will keep it only if the finances hold.

You will get the room anyway regardless if you use it or not--and as the participant, I highly suggest staying in it on race night---no interfence with your rest from family....the support of your coaches and TNT rep...the cameradie with your team.

You are able to buy out the other half of your room so that you don't have to share. We did this last year and will do it again this year. I think it came out to something like $80 per night...but I dont' remember. We have 3 nights booked this year with the team...and you will have to pay for all those nights if you take it.
thndrmatt said:
Very helpful info, thanks for the replies.

Another line of thinking though... So they've capped the number of runners, what happens to the umpteen number of people who registered and either decide not to or are unable to run due to injury or "something coming up" or various other reasons? I assume they check ID when you show up for your number, but do all those people just end up taking slots that won't be used and no one can replace them?

Noone can replace them. Once the field is closed--it is closed. Sorry :(.

Those who have to drop and actually let Disney know..get automatic registration for the next year (but still must register and still have to pay the money again).

Logistics don't allow for a race day registration...they just have too many runners and dont' know until you cross the start mat who dropped at the last second.
brcotecchia said:
I booked the Disney Port Orleans French Quarter, and I want, on the marathon day, walking to the start line an hour before the race. Anyone has stayed at Disney Port Orleans Resort (or in Old Key |west Resort) and knows if it is possible? Thanks BrC

Actually you can walk...though it is not recommended. It is SAFER to ride the bus. Be EXTRAORDINARILY cautious...but it can be done and has been done. Many runners from Runners world have done this and some of the spectators from our team has done this.

You do so at your very very very own risk!!! There are NO crosswalks and NO walking paths! But in theory...it is a doable practice.

The marathon start is actually the 2nd highway over from the front entrance to Old Key West.

Disney will tell you not to--and I will tell you not to...but on race day..they do not have barricades preventing this practice.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
There was a massage tent. Due to illness and my very late finish, I couldn't partake of the services. And b/c i had to go to the med tent, I couldn't see them. They do charge for the service--I had carried money for it.

The massage tents are great! Last year it was $10 for 10 minutes, and you could do 20 for $20 or 30 for $30. My wife and I both had the 20 minute, and there were two people working on each of us. More important than the massage, they stretched us out, much better than we could have on our own. WE felt great the next day, while other people on our TNT team were still very sore. Well worth the $$!
JRoglitz said:
Unfortunatly I am unable to attend the marathon this year. I thought I read somewhere that you could transfer your registration to next year's race. Does anyone know how to go about doing this? Thanks!

That deadline has already come and gone. According to p. 13 of the guide sent to us, if you registered for the 2006 event and are unable to participate, you are eligible to receive guaranteed entry into the 2007 event, if you notify us in
writing, postmarked by November 11, 2005.

You have forfieted your entry fee, but you should be all set with open registration which begins January 9, 2006.
Anyone who may be looking to join in the fun. Stop over to our Monthly walkers/runners thread. You don't have to be participating in WDW event only. The info and fun will run through the race this year and someone will certainly continue it for the times to come. It is NEVER too early to start.
goofyguy1958 said:
Hey Lisa, I am running the full marathon with the Eastern Pennsylvania Team In Training chapter and I would like to thank you very much for your efforts in this thread. I only wish I would have discovered the thread back in August when I first started training so I could be asking all of those questions I asked everyone who would listen. That said, I do have a question about the massage tents: does anyone know how long a wait there is to get the actual massage if you finish the marathon in say 3:40 (my goal is 3:30 but probably not going to do this as injury limited training for 3 weeks)? And can you charge the massage to you room or do they only take cash?

Excellent! I will be at the 6:30pm pasta party--which will you be at? (I'm in NM and all my paperwork is in FL at the moment). I will be at the Victory Party on Sunday---and us Central Floridians tend to be the loudest ;).

I do not know how long the lines are. I intended to use them last year but was too sick to even want to go into them. :(.

I have heard that they do have LOTS of masseuses and the processing is fairly efficient. You can always kill time replenishing fluids and eating. :teeth:

I carried cash with me for the purpose. I am sure you can ask officials at expo if you can charge the room.

And as LILY said--it is NEVER too early to start....our training threads for 2006--started I think on the Monday after the marathon of 2005!!!! :banana:


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