dissapointed in DD

Life is about experiences. Maybe if you find someone else to take her place so that you dont loose the money you already spent it would ease your mind a bit. If she doesnt go and stays with her grandparents she may learn some things from them. A bit of bonding. Also sometimes the things we think we want aren't all they are cracked up to be. Not that I am hoping she has a bad time by not going. But I think the last day fo school thing is an experience she wants to have, because we are older we know these things are silly and later in life not all that important. When she does stay at home (and all her friends leave for their own vacation) and finds that it was only a day of fun and the rest of the family had tons of fun in disney she may make a different choice next time. Again...life is abiout experiences. Let her live and learn (than you can say "I told you so"-- but only to yourself)
I'm really glad to hear that she's going. I know when I was that age, I was starting to feel out my limits with my parents too.

Enjoy your trip! :D
Sometimes teens don't want to make the decisions themselves...it's possible that she really wanted to go all along, but that her friends were giving her a hard time about it so she was putting up a fuss to you for show. By "making" her go, you have taken the decision from her...she gets to tell her friends that her mom is making her go, but her renewed excitment tells me that she is actually happy about the trip, which she might not want her friends to know. I'm just guessing here, because I don't know you guys, but I know my nieces pulled stuff like that all the time.

I think that you have made the right decision...staying home from a family vacation is not something a child should be allowed to do...and even at 12, she is still a child. Children only "grow up faster" if their parents allow them too much autonomy and treat them like adults at young ages.

Bravo to you, Mom! I feel confident that you will all have a wonderful trip! And as added incentive, you can offer to throw a party over the summer if she behaves well before and during the trip! Enjoy!
I jsut needed to share this because it totally took me by surprise. We are leaving in 7 days for a 10 day trip to disney. Well we were sitting at dinner a couple of nights ago and my dd12 told me that she does not want to go with us to disney. I was floored...first off who wouldnt want to go to disney and second this is a huge trip for us. i went all out because i had a little extra cash this year and planned a bigger trip for us. I am debating if i should make her go or let her stay home with her grandparents. on one hand i want her to be with th famly but on the other i dont want to hear her gripe all week cause she dosent want to be there. I have decided that you are danged if you do and danged if you dont. Thanks for listening.
:confused3 :sad2: :mad: :confused:
Take her. She will have a good time. YOu know that age---it is all about being "cool". Enjoy
We just went in April and my 11 year old son didn't want to go. Well he had no choice but to go. He complained every day before we went. Once we got there however, he enjoyed himself. He didn't go on alot of rides but he was fine with that, he had his lanyard and pins and was more than happy to just wait and trade pins while others were riding. I hope your daughter enjoys herself once she gets there.
There were so much great advice in this thread. I am glad that she is now on the disney countdown with you. Being a parent did not come with a handbook of instructions, so its great when we can take a situation and learn from it. I'd make sure that next year, that everyone gets involved with the planning and dates. Have a magical time :thumbsup2


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