Do any of you have any

It's ok guys...I am at work where I have to be. This place just really brings me down lately. My arthritis is really acting up and today I have my arm in a sling it hurts so much. I miss placed my meds and can't get a refill because insurance for another two weeks. It is also frigid out :(

I have a trip planned, but I it isn't the same anymore...just seems to far away.

I would love to take my best bud out to lunch and just chat...and hang out....but time wise it isn't going to happen :( Marsha, shopping and your ideas seem like a great idea, but with school, and my kids sched. for the next few weeks just can't :( I would love to though.

Just a blue will pass....

hugs and thanks
Hey, Glo, from one pessimist to another, I know what you are talking about. The great ideas of music and shopping don't do it for me, but I'll tell you what does. Talk with your best friend or husband and tell them you need them to sit down with you for a few hours. Make a date, get some wine or hot tea and a box of tissues. Tell them that you don't want them to necessarily say much or give 'advice'. Then, pour your heart out. I know its hard for your loved one to hear all the angst, but as long as they know you just want a shoulder to cry on and not answers to everything, the presssure is off them. This works for me, because just verbalizing my feelings makes it better. Then go shopping! :)

I hope you are feeling better soon and the promise of spring lifts your spirit! hit the nail on the head. But it isn't going to happen...just the way things are. :(
I'm sorry Glo... Wish I could be there to take YOU out to lunch! And sorry about the pain....I know how dealing with that can really bring ya down. Still.....find just ONE way to treat yourself today. A call to a good dis friend tonight once the kids are in bed? Something...just for Glo.... {{{{HUGS}}}}

And Glo....Spring is riiiight around the corner!!!
You know those three little girls of yours? Have a tea party with them. On the way home, stop and get some flavored tea, some chocolate milk, some Milano cookies. Go home. Do your evening routine. Afterwards soak in a nice warm tub (put some Calgon in it that you bought at the store when you bought your tea, chocolate milk and cookies), then MAKE them sit down and have a tea party with you. Use your best china. While you're having your tea party, play "What's your favorite ..............". You ask some and let them ask some. You'll be so tired by the end of the day from work, routine and the tea party, good thing you'll be all bathed and ready for bed. All you'll have to do is tuck your girls in and brush your teeth and crawl in. Hopefully you'll get some giggles from your girls that will help you smile while you drift off to sleep. Don't do the dishes from the tea party tonight, either. Let your DH do them or do them in the morning. Oh heck, don't brush your teeth before bed either, just go climb in. ;) :p

Sorry you feel so bad, I hope it gets better. I get like that sometimes but it usually passes after a day.

There is a way to get more meds if you don't mind paying the full price. I had to do this once when my dd lost hers.

You can have your dr. call in a prescription to a diff. place and tell them you do not have insurance but you will have to pay the full price. Just a thought incase you dont find your meds.
Well, maybe this ugly mug will cheer you up for a second or two....


Awww Glo - wish that I could swing by and pick you up and do a road trip right now! I know about the old bones - my are killing me too - was much better when I was just a bit south of here - say WDW!!!
If I didn't have dr appts scheduled for the next 3 weeks I would go right now!
Marsha's idea of shopping does help - I walk the local mall just to get out of the house this time of the year.
And, of course, Brian's idea really made me LOL!!!
I hope you feel better soon Glo!

Well, let me tell you what I tend to do, but mind you it isn;t always advised:

2 or 3 drinks of Malibu Coconut Rum and Pineapple Juice
Hot bath

another drink with my benadryl- and bed

The next morning I usually feel somewhat better unless I am mad at myself for getting down in the 1st place.

Sending you a big hug. Wish I could hope on a plane.
Sorry that you are having a rough day :( . I know how you feel with the coldness. Thankfully, I don't have arthritis but I am sure this weather is not helping. When I feel blah, I like to watch a good funny movie. Laugh your heart out and you'll feel better. One of my personal favs is "The Wedding Singer" with Adam Sandler. Just thinking about it makes me smile. Hope you are feeling better soon.
{{{many hugs}}} glo :) Sorry to hear you are feeling blue and that winter is still going strong in MA. Our friends and family there are all just crazy for it to be over and a car load of teens are headed our way this week. :( It was a very long winter here in VA, the kids had 15 snow days and I was near tears two weeks ago! But, this weekend, things finally started to warm up and it won't be much longer for our pals in MA. :) Hoping your day looks brighter in the meantime. :)

:wave: Brisully :)
bake a treat, or prepare a favorite meal. Also, treating myself to a little really fine chocolate helps immeasurably (DH always says its the best $25 he spent that month((for 1 pound)))
How funny that this weekend I also had the blues. Feeling sorry for us that we can never afford a simple thing like going to the movies! My DS wanted to go to Outback for dinner but that's absurd for us! We only go there for special occassions. Anyway, as I was packing up a little "care package" for a Marine in Kuwait, I suddenly started to feel good. I mean, here I was in my nice comfy home, with every comfort at my disposable & I was putting "love" in a box to send to someone who is not sure if HE/SHE will return home to their loved ones, out in some strange desert, with not enough toilet paper! Boy, that really turned my soul around!

I think it had to do with doing something nice for someone else that finally kicked in & cheered me up. It can't hurt to try, right?

I sure hope you're feeling more "up" by now! We all are entitled to those days.
Come on Glo, cheer up!!! The warmer days of Spring and Summer are just around the bend!!!


I have the perfect solution for you. The WDWWDS would like to present you with a complimentary bottle of vintage It's a Small World ride water. Bottled in 1974, this is arguably one of the best years for IASW H2O. A glass of this and you'll get back that spring in your step, you'll feel like a kid again and you'll be singing that catchy little tune all the live long day.

I'll drop off a bottle at the meantime try this....

Compliments of the WDWWDS
Rent Saving Silverman...... that movie slays me... maybe that would make you laugh... it is really wacked..
{{HUGS}} Glo. I have been in a funk the last couple weeks myself. I keep thinking when winter is finally gone, so will my blues. February was a nasty month. Hopefully, March will be much better.

Take care.
Lots of prayers and thoughts of your wonderful children. :D

Sure hope your day is ending on a more happy note than it begin. I hate the blues. Of course, I am sure no one loves them. I tend to be way up high or way down low.

Please let us know how you are this evening.


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