Do you get a more detailed itinerary


DIS Veteran
Oct 8, 2003
We are about 7 weeks away from our back to back ABD trips (Imperial Cities and Flavors of France) and I was wondering if when we get our welcome plans if there is a more set itinerary. The one online doesn't really give too many specifics or times etc.

I don't think you should expect anything really detailed with times, etc. I recall that the information package (included with the backpacks, etc.) will have a booklet that expands a bit upon the itinerary printed on the ABD website. Really, all you're getting is what events and sites are on-tap for each day.

Each evening, the Guides will give you a (verbal) rundown of the day ahead. You'll know what time to meet in the hotel lobby and you'll know where you'll be in the morning, lunch, afternoon, etc. But you probably won't be really aware of any to-the-minute kind of scheduling. If you do need to know times - e.g. you want to book something specific during some free-time - let the Guides know and they will accomodate you.

Hope that helps.


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