Do you "rent" points to family and if so, for how much $?

We have only been members for a few years and haven’t had any extra points. I did just buy another 150 points at VGF and got the 2023 points I didn’t really need. I rented a few for $18 to a stranger. Ended up booking an extra trip to use them up.

We are planning a Disney cruise in 2024 instead of going to Disney so I’m thinking I might rent some. My sister goes to Disney a lot and mentioned she would like to stay at BLT one day but it’s always like $600 a night. Since I am not going to need the 2024 points I might rent them to her for the cost of dues and the cost per point. As much as I’d love to be like just take them for free, I want to rent them and use the money towards the cruise. I think that’s fair since she will only be paying like $250 a night at the most vs whatever the ridiculous amount she pays Disney.

I do worry about renting points to family and having them cancel last minute. My DD19 wants to go to WDW in a year or so. I worry about her friends cancelling and me losing the points. I might charge them just the dues or something which is pretty minimal.
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I do worry about renting points to family and having them cancel last minute. My DD19 wants to go to WDW in a year or so. I worry about her friends cancelling and me losing the points. I might charge them just the dues or something which is pretty minimal.
There are enough stories on these forums of family/friends doing just that to cause me to agree that having them pay something upfront, even just the dues, makes it clear to them that their accommodations aren’t free to you. If they’re not willing to commit any $, i wouldn’t be willing to commit to reserving a villa for them.

Then again, other than booking a studio for DD’s honeymoon, we’ve never booked for F&F except for when we’ve invited them to join us on a trip.
There are enough stories on these forums of family/friends doing just that to cause me to agree that having them pay something upfront, even just the dues, makes it clear to them that their accommodations aren’t free to you. If they’re not willing to commit any $, i wouldn’t be willing to commit to reserving a villa for them.

Then again, other than booking a studio for DD’s honeymoon, we’ve never booked for F&F except for when we’ve invited them to join us on a trip.

There are other ways to manage that commitment - plane tickets, booking rooms in a fashion you can let them go (a studio for your guests, for instance). But charging them at least to cover your dues is a valid and good way to make it clear that this isn't "free" to you.

We currently have a two bedroom booked at HHI with no guests who have taken us up on the offer. Its possible we will just have an empty room. There are some personal things that are up in the air for us again (elderly and ill parents), and it isn't a big deal if we have a room we don't use. If someone does go with us, it will be "free" - I'm keeping the room because I think its quite possible we will get at least one of our kids to join us. And there is the possibility we won't use the room at all.

In the past, we've always just covered room costs and our guests usually treat us to a meal or three - or pick up other costs for us (rental car)
Our kids would absolutely be free, but we also gave a free week to a close friend who was subbing for my husband in a tennis tournament bc he was helping us.

Otherwise I think it will be on a case-by-case situation, depending on the circumstances and who is renting them.
We have only been members for a few years and haven’t had any extra points. I did just buy another 150 points at VGF and got the 2023 points I didn’t really need. I rented a few for $18 to a stranger. Ended up booking an extra trip to use them up.

We are planning a Disney cruise in 2024 instead of going to Disney so I’m thinking I might rent some. My sister goes to Disney a lot and mentioned she would like to stay at BLT one day but it’s always like $600 a night. Since I am not going to need the 2024 points I might rent them to her for the cost of dues and the cost per point. As much as I’d love to be like just take them for free, I want to rent them and use the money towards the cruise. I think that’s fair since she will only be paying like $250 a night at the most vs whatever the ridiculous amount she pays Disney.

I do worry about renting points to family and having them cancel last minute. My DD19 wants to go to WDW in a year or so. I worry about her friends cancelling and me losing the points. I might charge them just the dues or something which is pretty minimal.

We decided that if we do invite family and friends to go with us, we will go in with the attitude that they could cancel out and may have to adjust to a smaller room at a resort that isn’t our first choice, or decide to just enjoy the larger space.

This way, we can’t be disappointed!
I’m in No way criticizing anyone, nor am I looking to stir the pot,,,

Maybe I’m missing something, or perhaps I’m the outlier here, but I would personally never charge family or friends.
I could see the angle when you’re using points for friends who are traveling without you, but that‘s not something we’ve really done with our points. And even that would be a tough one to swallow.
Family? Never getting charged. EVER.
Admittedly, any friends and/or family who’ve stayed on our points have traveled with us, with maybe 1-2 exceptions in the past 23 years for family members.
Like I said, maybe I’m missing something here, but I wouldn’t charge family for points that I already own (yes I‘m aware of my annual dues, but I’m paying those regardless).
Not a criticism, just my perspective.
Every family/friends dynamic is different. You need to do what "feels right" in your particular situation. Generally, if I bring family /friends I don't charge. Even when I got a GV and a two bedroom over Thanksgiving week a couple of years ago. Generallly, in my situtation, I get the room, and who ever I'm traveling with will buy all the food, including usually one table service meal per day, plus groceries for breakfat and sandwiches for dinner.

Many years ago I did barter with my dentist, who was a friend, but not a super close friend, for some dental work, for a week in a 2 bedroom for his family. Mom and I did happen to travel at the same time, but not actually "with" them. We did bump into them at EPCOT one day.
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I’m in No way criticizing anyone, nor am I looking to stir the pot,,,

Maybe I’m missing something, or perhaps I’m the outlier here, but I would personally never charge family or friends.
I could see the angle when you’re using points for friends who are traveling without you, but that‘s not something we’ve really done with our points. And even that would be a tough one to swallow.
Family? Never getting charged. EVER.
Admittedly, any friends and/or family who’ve stayed on our points have traveled with us, with maybe 1-2 exceptions in the past 23 years for family members.
Like I said, maybe I’m missing something here, but I wouldn’t charge family for points that I already own (yes I‘m aware of my annual dues, but I’m paying those regardless).
Not a criticism, just my perspective.
I struggle with that whole idea too.

When I say "family", I'm talking about brothers, sisters, mom, dad, and kids. I'm not talking about a second cousin, twice removed, from Toledo. My "family" all know exactly what DVC costs and how it works, and there is absolutely ZERO chance any one of them would flake on a trip. Could things change that FORCE someone to miss a trip or force a reschedule? Absolutely. But, that could just as easily happen to me too. Such is life.

As for the actual charging, I'm 59 years old. My sisters are 52 and 55 respectively. Over the past half-century, there have been innumerable acts of assistance, sacrifice, and sibling support that even things out in the bigger picture. Taking days off to stay with a sick kid, or take a niece or nephew to the doctor. An emergency "loan" when finances were tight and that repayment would never be accepted on. Car repairs, or running over in the middle of the night to fix a broken pipe or help fill sandbags. Taking turns sitting with our parents when they were ready to leave us, even if it meant missing days of work. When one is down, the others lift them up. Never a question, never a second guess. Even now, when we travel to WDW, my youngest sister actually stays at my house to watch the dogs, alleviating the need to kennel. Because she wants to, not because she needs to. THAT is family, and I figure my family has given enough to me over the decades that 100 points every 2 or 3 years (if that even) seems a pretty small "sacrifice", and is still just keeping everything in balance. That is also the ethos I'm instilling in my kids, so the same goes for them.

We don't keep a scorecard or a running ledger, but I hope things all balance out in the end.
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It’s analogous to letting family or friends use a vacation cottage that you own. Letting them use DVC points for free is like letting them use your cottage for free. Charging them the maintenance fees is like looking at what you spend to maintain your cottage (new boiler, paint job, property taxes, etc.) and charging them a portion of that. Charging market rate is like looking at what nearby hotels and Airbnbs are charging and billing them accordingly. I’m not saying there is a right or wrong way as everyone’s situation is different.
I’m going to use this board to show my niece that I’m not ‘under charging’ her.

We booked SSR for her family and it’s about 14pts/nt avg. So we said $200/nt is more than enough. Comes out $14.50pp. Seems fair but she keeps thinking it must be costing us more lol. She doesn’t want a discount. I tried to explain it’s not. Half the $14.50pp is dues, the other half is buy-in $4pp with the extra $3pp covering any time value of money or opportunity lost on us using those points.

~$15pp seems fair from all angles. I’m not profiting and she’s paying her way, right?
I’m in No way criticizing anyone, nor am I looking to stir the pot,,,

Maybe I’m missing something, or perhaps I’m the outlier here, but I would personally never charge family or friends.
I could see the angle when you’re using points for friends who are traveling without you, but that‘s not something we’ve really done with our points. And even that would be a tough one to swallow.
Family? Never getting charged. EVER.
Admittedly, any friends and/or family who’ve stayed on our points have traveled with us, with maybe 1-2 exceptions in the past 23 years for family members.
Like I said, maybe I’m missing something here, but I wouldn’t charge family for points that I already own (yes I‘m aware of my annual dues, but I’m paying those regardless).
Not a criticism, just my perspective.
I think I’m the outlier here as the millenial whos not fully established with kids and etc. I wouldn’t charge family to stay unless it were without us then MAYBE maintenance fees but at this time I do charge friends even when we go with them if it means spending more points on room accommodations as a result. Unfortunately we’re not at the point in our lives to be able to give away thousands of dollars in points away for nothing. Fortunately our financial situation will improve over the next few years and then maybe I’ll toy with the idea of treating some of our friends who we just really want to go with us. But anyways just thought I’d give the alternative perspective.
I've seen this same conversation before and I often find that these threads go the same way as tipping threads, those who can afford to be most generous talk the loudest! I would love to have enough points (and money) that I could treat everyone I wanted, but that's not realistic for me. Unfortunately, I'm sure I'll be made to feel bad for this post.

Someone up the thread likened it to a vacation cottage. My sister used to own a property near WDW. When she wasn't using it she rented it out. If I wanted to use it she offered me it at 'mates rates'. I was perfectly happy with this as I was well aware that if I wasn't there she would be receiving full price from someone else. Now that I own DVC, if I'm not using my points I rent them out. If my sister wanted them I would give them at a reduced cost but she knows that I would get full price for them if she didn't!

Last time I rented I got $23 a point. When my sister wanted to use some I offered them at $10. She was well aware that she was getting a great deal that she couldn't find elsewhere. Even for a one week/100 point stay I'm basically giving a 'gift' worth $1300. We're not the kind of family that gives each other gifts like that usually. If I was renting to friends or wider family, I would go up from this point, depending on how close we are.

I think it's great that some people are able to give away their points freely and I have absolutely no criticism of this, but I think it's a shame from comments on here that some people can't seem to understand why not everyone is in the position!
I don't charge when inviting friends and upgrading to a larger room because I want their company. They will usually offer a couple hundred bucks or buy a meal. It has worked out well so far. I could see there being an issue with someone canceling on me and then having a larger room than needed.
I haven't been in this position yet, but my thoughts on charging also revolve around what other trips/rooms I would have been able to use those points for. For instance, a friend was going to join me on springtime surprise, but we would have to upgrade from a 1-bedroom to a 2-bedroom. This would eat up points I was planning on banking for a larger extended family vacation next year. I wasn't planning on charging my family for the points on the extended trip, but I was going to charge maintenance + per point cost to my friend had she joined me. Turns out we both had to cancel our runs due to other commitments anyway, but considering other trips where I would need more points also weighs into my decision of whether and what to charge. And, I was waiting for any commitment from her to book the room anyway, like a registration for the race. Like others here, though, I agree I wouldn't charge market rate to F&F.
For family and friends, I don´t charge. But often I will just get something else from them in return.
When I say "family", I'm talking about brothers, sisters, mom, dad, and kids. I'm not talking about a second cousin, twice removed, from Toledo. My "family" all know exactly what DVC costs and how it works, and there is absolutely ZERO chance any one of them would flake on a trip. Could things change that FORCE someone to miss a trip or force a reschedule? Absolutely. But, that could just as easily happen to me too. Such is life.

Over the past half-century, there have been innumerable acts of assistance, sacrifice, and sibling support that even things out in the bigger picture.
My guess is that @DonMacGregor and I view this the same way. And again, I'm not criticizing others. Just my viewpoint. But what he said above is exactly how I view things as well.
I think I’m the outlier here as the millenial whos not fully established with kids and etc. I wouldn’t charge family to stay unless it were without us then MAYBE maintenance fees but at this time I do charge friends even when we go with them if it means spending more points on room accommodations as a result. Unfortunately we’re not at the point in our lives to be able to give away thousands of dollars in points away for nothing. Fortunately our financial situation will improve over the next few years and then maybe I’ll toy with the idea of treating some of our friends who we just really want to go with us. But anyways just thought I’d give the alternative perspective.
I appreciate your perspective; thank you for sharing. I hold no negative feelings towards those who charge others. I was giving my perspective and was surprised at how many will charge family members. It helps open my eyes to read other perspectives as well.
I think I’m the outlier here as the millenial whos not fully established with kids and etc. I wouldn’t charge family to stay unless it were without us then MAYBE maintenance fees but at this time I do charge friends even when we go with them if it means spending more points on room accommodations as a result. Unfortunately we’re not at the point in our lives to be able to give away thousands of dollars in points away for nothing. Fortunately our financial situation will improve over the next few years and then maybe I’ll toy with the idea of treating some of our friends who we just really want to go with us. But anyways just thought I’d give the alternative perspective.
Really apples and oranges though. To be clear, while I won't charge family, there's almost no scenario where I WOULDN'T charge a friend, and to be honest, I don't see myself letting any friends use them regardless. Maybe a VERY close friend who has a son or daughter getting married or something (like a pre or post cruise day or two), but that's about it (and even then it would very definitely be a wedding gift). I still have a line, it's just drawn in a different place in the sand.

Also, for some perspective, I gave my sister 50 points last year for a five-night stay in a studio. The points cost me a total of $10.74 each, including dues, so the total value of the stay was $537.00. Not pocket change, but not into the thousands.
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When we first moved out to Florida, we had more points than we needed, so I started renting some out through a broker. I had a couple of friends ask about renting points, so I charged them a what I could get from a broker minus a couple of bucks per point. More recently when they asked I offered a price of $16 a point. I figured it was a savings of $4 to $5 less than they’d pay a broker per point.
We are new owners. We have enough points for our family and that’s it. If we do take anyone with us and we have to choose a different room/resort and/or have to buy onetime use points, we will charge them that cost.


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