Do you think this is werid? (Child related)


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Apr 27, 2000
My DD went to camp today and said she met a new friend who was older, girl
We get home about 1/2 hour later the phone rings it is this girl who my DD calls her a different name than her actual name said it was ok since my DD couldn't remember her name.
Anyway she is calling to ask if my DD could come over...I ask how old she is she is 9 my DD is 6. I said no. She said they go to our pool and I said we would be there next week at 1. They could play then.
I may be just parinoid or something but it just seemed so odd that a 9 year old would be calling for a play date with a 6 YO. My DD told me this little girl has no friends. Which is sad and I hope isn't the case. most of the kids today went on a field trip.
I explained to DD that she was a little old for her to play with and that I needed to get to know her. Also if this girl wanted to come over here that would be fine. I guess with everything in the paper my heart just skipped a little
I don't think 9 and 6 are that far apart, especially if the 9-year-old has no friends.

But I would certainly be hesistant about sending the 6-year-old to someone's house that you have never met.

Inviting the 9-year-old to your house, or meeting at the pool or a park would be a great way to get to know her while they play.
Maybe the 9 yr old is a little "slow" developmentally and is more comforatable with younger kids rather than those her age.
It's not really to old if they get along. Especially if the 9 yo has no one to play with.
I too dont think a 6yr old and a 9yr. old are far apart in age too play, I mean think about it they play with the same things and the 9yr old finally made a new friend and probably just thought how great, never even thinking they were 3 yrs apart. But I do agree with not sending her to her house to play, I too would agree to meet someplace and play instead of going to each others houses.
Well you have to do what your heart tells you concerning your children but....

when I was little we lived in a community that had very (and I stress very) few chidren. I was an only child, and all of my friends from school lived at least 30 min away. I made friends with a girl who was 3 years younger than I was. (We met on the school bus when we had assigned seats and she asked if I wanted to color in her Precious Moments coloring book.) We became such close friends. We played video games, went to movies, played barbies, slept over at each others get the idea. We were very close until I went to jr high and was involved in a lot of activities that kept me from spending much time with her. As we got older we would still talk to each other occasionally to see what was happening in each others lives. She lived with her grandmother and aunt, both of whom my mother meet and became aquainted with.

Perhaps you should speak to this girl's parents and ask them how they feel about the two girls spending time together. You should also meet the girl first before passing judgement on her in my opinion. It could be that she doesn't have many friends of her age that live nearby and she doesn't have transportation to visit friends who live further away. Also the type of children in her neighborhood might not be suitable for friendship. I understand this first hand as we had quite a few "hoodlum children" in my neighborhood who I would never have considered playing with, much less have been allowed.
When I was that age, a lot of my friends were two-three years older than me. It wasn't weird or anything - we met in after school day care and became close friends. But you should always go with your gut instinct.
When I was 9, my sister was 6, and so were two other girls that lived on my street. We used to play together all the time and our parents didn't mind. We're still friends now, even though I'm 18 and they're all 15. I don't think the age difference is a big deal.
I do agree with you that I would get to know this little girl, or at least call and speak to her parents. But I don't think that a 9 year old is to old to play with a 6 year old. John-Cole and the little boy across the street play together constantly. J.C. is 10 and Jonathan is 13. They play so well together. Also there is a little boy who is 7 who comes to visit his grandmother and J.C. plays well with him too. At this age they are still just children. I don't see anything wrong with long as you do meet or talk to the parents.
I don't find it wierd, maybe uncomfortable at first until you actually meet up with her and decide then.
She may be immature for her age and your daughter may share the same interests.
I agree many kids have friends that are older or younger. I too had a dear friend growing up and I am almost 3 years older but we lived next door to each other and played all the time parents knew each other....
I guess with this friend I just don't know anything about her and surprised how quickly she called they met today. Also my niece just turned 10 and seemed to make a big "age" jump if that makes sense.
well we'll see how it goes we'll be at the pool all of next week if it isn't raining! I am sure she is a really nice kid.
My daughter plays with a variety of ages-she is 7 and the friends range from 5-10. I love to listen to them play school. The older ones are always the teachers and boss the little ones around a bit. The little ones are so happy to be playing they just go along. I think its a learning experience for them all.

You'll notice at some point the older girl won't want to play with kids that much younger anyway. I think my older daughter was around 12 when this happened. Anyone under 11 seemed like a baby to her. I think its a teenage hormonal thing....
i dont think the age difference is really weird, but i think you did the right thing since you don't know this girl at all.
Nah, nothing strange about the age difference. But you did right by not letting her go play with someone you didn't know. Better to get to know her a little first :)


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