Does anyone else coach soccer in the northeast?



I can't believe it may rain again tomorrow... if we get rained out again it will be the THIRD in 4 weeks!! I am going insane scheduling make up games....
Not a coach, but a T-Ball mom. We are looking to be rained out tomorrow too. This will make the 2nd game, and the they have had 2 practices rained out as well. And let me tell you, 5YOs need ALL the practice they can get for TBall. lol

Good Luck Alex!
DD's spring college fair was supposed to be outside on campus tomorrow, but needless to say they have already scheduled it to be held in the gym. At least it is not snow.....
We've had games cancelled and have played in the rain..I kinda hope today is cancelled though.
I'm waiting for a cancellation of our game tomorrow. It would be our first.
DS isnt playing soccer this season. First season in 6yrs he hasnt played.
Neighbor is hoping for that cancellation phone call though.
Not a coach but DS plays. If they do call today's game, it will be the 3rd rainout in 5 weeks of games. One of the rainouts was a double header too. I don't know when they will make them up. They started to season late because of the snow.
I just got the call... WE ARE PLAYING....
OMG this is going to be ugly... mud soccer!
DD has softball practice that I'm hoping gets cancelled.
We got our game & pictures cancelled, thank God! :D DH had his first experience of calling the players to tell them. When he called 1 kid(the one who cries and wont play) he started to leave a message. The kid(6yo) then picked up the phone and said "We know its cancelled", and hung up. :teeth:

I heard on the news this is the 4th rainy Saturday out of the last 5. :rolleyes:
My brother's lax game has been cancelled because of the rain. Last week one was cancelled because of the HEAT lol.
WOO HOO!!!! the rain held to just a drizzle and we won 4-0....!!!!!!!!!!
now next saturday is the Maine state Parade....please do not rain on my parade
We took DD to a college tour and DS went to his soccer game with his grandparents. They only had 9 players but still won. He usually plays defense but got put on offense today, AND SCORED A GOAL. I go to almost every game, and I missed this.


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