Donald's Defiant Dashers 2011

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Congrats on the full Karin. Hope the knee feels better mine are still feeling it from the weekend.

Welcome to the Ducks Jenny. I love the picture of you and Liz and Carissa during the marathon. Congrats on your first full. How cool to have the half on your Bday next year.

Welcome back Big Vic - glad to see you back on the boards and hopefully LTO will leave you alone so you can get back into the running swing of things.

I am thinking of doing a 10 mile race March 13 called the Shamrock 10 miler which isn't too far from home. Taking it easy this weekend (my first weekend home since before Christmas!!) and probably going to go out for an easy 3 or 4 miler tomorrow morning since Sunday has been my normal run day anyways. Can't believe it has already been a week since we did the Disney Half and I was 1/3 of the way done with Goofy. At least we didn't have to get up as early this morning!!

Have a great weekend Ducks!!
Wait, Big Vic, is your real name Bill?! I just assumed it was Vic!

Tricia~The 10 mile race sounds like a good idea. I feel like I need a decent length race to sign up for to give me something to shoot for right now. There isn't much to choose from in my area though!
Wait, Big Vic, is your real name Bill?! I just assumed it was Vic!

Tricia~The 10 mile race sounds like a good idea. I feel like I need a decent length race to sign up for to give me something to shoot for right now. There isn't much to choose from in my area though!

Not Bill. :) Of course I have been called worse. :lmao:

Thanks for the welcome back.

Carrisa - Niceville has been Coldville lately. :)
Carissa~I'm sorry the groin was bothering you more, it's weird how injuries go sometimes!?!
Not Bill. :) Of course I have been called worse. :lmao:

Thanks for the welcome back.

Carrisa - Niceville has been Coldville lately. :)

LOL Well good. It would have been hard to wrap my brain around calling you Bill after thinking you're Vic all this time! Plus, I like the name Vic, it was my grandfathers nickname (his real name was Svend (Danish) but for some reason his nickname was Vic).
Carrisa - Niceville has been Coldville lately. :)

Coldville? Somehow I doubt it's been cold. Maybe colder than you Floridians are used to... ;) I'd rather be there during the "cold" then during the hot! I visited him down there once many years ago (for his retirement ceremony) during July. Convinced me I didn't want to live in Florida. :rolleyes1

Carissa~I'm sorry the groin was bothering you more, it's weird how injuries go sometimes!?!

I just want it all better so I can work on speed! I want to be Speedy Ca-Ree-Sa! :woohoo: Who am I fullin'. My fastest will probably always be a jog. :rotfl:
... I just want it all better so I can work on speed! I want to be Speedy Ca-Ree-Sa! :woohoo: Who am I fullin'. My fastest will probably always be a jog. :rotfl:

There is no jog, there is only run or walk! (That's what I think anyway. :))

There is no jog, there is only run or walk! (That's what I think anyway. :))


This needs to be said with a rolling R. My Algebra 2 teacher had a very strong French Canadian accent and that is how she pronounced my name. ;)
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! I feel at home already!

Liz I think it will just be the half next year. Since it's my 40th birthday I want it to be about fun and relaxation. (DH is coming along). When and if I go Goofy I think I need to go by myself so I can really focus on what I need to do and not have to worry about anyone else. That was kind of hard this year with everyone here for the marathon (though I wouldn't change it.) I loved having my whole family there for my first marathon.

I haven't gotten back out there yet either. I figure I should give it at least a week. My knees hurt pretty bad after the race. So maybe I'll go for a short 3 miler on Monday. I need to find some local races to do throughout the year too.
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! I feel at home already!

Liz I think it will just be the half next year. Since it's my 40th birthday I want it to be about fun and relaxation. (DH is coming along). When and if I go Goofy I think I need to go by myself so I can really focus on what I need to do and not have to worry about anyone else. That was kind of hard this year with everyone here for the marathon (though I wouldn't change it.) I loved having my whole family there for my first marathon.

I haven't gotten back out there yet either. I figure I should give it at least a week. My knees hurt pretty bad after the race. So maybe I'll go for a short 3 miler on Monday. I need to find some local races to do throughout the year too.

Gotcha, makes total sense. So just you and dh next year? woohoo! Hope your knees feel better!
Not Bill. :) Of course I have been called worse. :lmao:

Thanks for the welcome back.

Carrisa - Niceville has been Coldville lately. :)

Sorry Vic - I got confused - I looked right at your post too :confused3 I have been to Niceville before - its nice (LOL) there but when we went it was REALLY humid so Niceville can be HotHumidville too. We are cool down here as well which is nice for a change.
Welcome to Jenny, and congrats on the Marathon. Hmmm, Ak is mile 18? Not too far to the finish! When I got to mile 10 in the Half, I thought, "well, just a 5K left" So, maybe around MGM?

Augie~I hope your 10 mile race went well today! And you enjoyed a beer at the end! :)

Thanks Liz, race was fun. Much colder then this year's Half, even colder than last years. It was below 20 when I left my house. Legs felt fine until I stopped running. But a beer helped :)

Last year after the Marathon I was in Rose & Crown, and it was packed with medal wearers!
Hi Vic, good to see you around again. Hey, John Force wins another FC championship, so there is hope for us old guys!

Hello, Ducks. Thanks Liz for starting this thread.

I'm an original Duck. I believe this is the start of year 4 for the individual teams. Time has definitely flown by. I haven't made it to marathon weekend for the past two years. Way too much LTO and JTO (Life Takes Over/Job Takes Over) going on. But, things have settled down and I can now concentrate on training.

Congrats to all who raced this past weekend!!

I will do my best to more active and post more.

Y'all take care.

Thanks Liz, race was fun. Much colder then this year's Half, even colder than last years. It was below 20 when I left my house. Legs felt fine until I stopped running. But a beer helped :)

Last year after the Marathon I was in Rose & Crown, and it was packed with medal wearers!

Way to go Augie! Brrr, below 20! I'm sure you warmed up fast though since you're Speedy Gonzales.
<---Augie :teeth:
Tricia - Glad to see you again. Yeah, this area is definitely HotHumidville in the summertime.

Carrisa - Anything below 50 is cold around here. It's been in the 20s the past few mornings. (In my best Johnny Carson voice) It was so cold I saw a squirrel burying Sterno! :lmao: Of course, I'll take cold over hurricanes any day.

Augie - Great to be back! The old man wins his 15th. I agree, there is hope for us yet. :rotfl2:

Way to go Augie! Brrr, below 20! I'm sure you warmed up fast though since you're Speedy Gonzales.
<---Augie :teeth:

Way to go today Augie on the 10 mile run!:thumbsup2. It looked really cold in your FB pictures, I stayed inside today.


Liz I altered your Speedy picture to look more like Augie.
CONGRATS Ducks to everyone who ran Marathon Weekend, no matter what the distance! :worship:

I've been away from the boards for a week or so--been concentrating on trying to win some compression tights on E-Bay--Lol. And on scouting the airfares like the stock market for Princess weekend. Paid-off & I got a great deal. Whew. Glad that's over.

Now onto getting my brain to accept that I have to do 9 miles on the dread mill tomorrow. Thank goodness for Netflix.

Of course I'll have to keep that 9 miles a secret from my PT.:rolleyes1
Hopefully the knee holds out.

Welcome to 2011 Ducks:banana:
Team List
ahoff(Augie) New York
airman(Joe) Michigan
Big Vic(Vic) Florida
CALIFLADY(Renee) Alberta, Canada
carissanboys(Carissa) Virginia
dismagiclover(Jenny) Maryland
fairestoneofall(Emily) South Carolina
liznboys(Liz) North Carolina
Maddykins06(Karin) New Jersey
marathonmommy(Laura) East Coast-DelMarVa
TnTsParty(Tricia) Florida

Many of us are on facebook, send anyone a pm to get connected.

Upcoming Races
1/15 ahoff(Augie) SRC 10m Run to the Brewery, Patchogue, NY

2/12 carissanboys(Carissa) Virginia is For Lovers 1.4m Fun Run, Virginia Beach, VA

3/5 airman(Joe) Champion 5K, WDW
3/19 carissanboys(Carissa) Shamrock Townebank 8K, Virginia Beach, VA
3/26 Maddykins06(Karin) Phillies 5K, Philadelphia, PA

Don't forget meeeee ;)
Shanonn, South Jersey
Is Shannon the only Duck doing the Princess?
What's up with your knee?

Hope your 9 miles goes well!

Here's a funny:
My husband, Bryan, downloaded all my Garmin info from the marathon & he could tell exactly where my pee stops where.
Like Mile 23 when it took me over 18 minutes to finish the mile! :rotfl:
There were only TWO potties & a line!

(O.K., I'm a little behind w/technology) :rotfl2:
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