Donald's Defiant Dashers (AKA Triple D's/Duckies/The Ducks) Dashing into 2010

today is the start of a new month! during the month of january, i ran 51 miles (that does not include my warm-ups and cool-downs. i only track my actual running to get an accurate read on my speed). woo hoo! i've upped my distance to 4.5 miles per run.

saturday is my first 5k. i'd like to finish in under 30 minutes. i currently average under a nine-minute mile. so, i'm giving myself some extra minutes since there will be other people running.

now. i'm trying to decide if i can get ready for a 10k by march 27.
Good Morning, Triple D's! The Monday Mixer is back and this time, it has it's very own thread! I want to make sure your whole team feels welcome - come on over!

In spite of this weeks' question being all about ice cream, things are already starting to warm up at the W.I.S.H.-Wide Monday Mixer!

What is the Best Ice Cream Treat on WDW Property? Include a picture or a story, if you have one!

Come and join us - it's lots of fun! (plus, I'm about to bust out the beverages!) See you at the Mixer!
Hey, Ducks....
Can I come back? :goodvibes

Tricia...thanks for taking over. I know Brian and I sort of slacked out at the end of the year. I know he had a bunch of LTO. I has some of that, but also just got discouraged when so many Ducks bailed and I sort of took it a little personally, since I had spent a lot of time making the spreadsheet and keeping the tallies going, even for the absent people (always wondering if they would come back). (That includes you, Big Vic! Welcome back! )

Let me know what I can do to help make this an even stronger team than last year!
Airman - Congrats for getting your goal last week. :thumbsup2 on getting new shoes - that is always a good feeling.

Big Vic - Great job on getting 5 miles in - that's alot better than me - I got a big 0 in since Thursday and that wasn't even really anything. Sorry to hear about your TM - :sad1:

Emily - Great job for getting the miles in last month - :thumbsup2 Good luck on your first 5k :cheer2:

Betsy - Welcome back :hug: of course you are welcome back. I am not much of a captain but I figured I would step up and try and keep the Ducks together. As far as what we can do to make our team stronger not sure but hopefully you can add your input on what we should do about miles.

Miles ~ What do we do about them??

Do we report them and track them, report them just to stay accountable but not track them, ? ? ?

ahoff - Once we answer that as a team then that should answer your question. Hope your foot feels better. I am only going to be doing the 5k for the Virtual Valentine's Day as well.
Would anyone want to take back a slacker from last year's team? I know I haven't been on the boards in almost 2 months due to stuff going on personally but I think about several of you everyday. I am still waiting to get my computer back from the guy who is fixing it. I am hoping that will be done in the next day or so. My personal issues are still going on but we are nearing some kind of conclusion soon. I am VERY sorry for the way I bailed last year. Part of it was under orders from my attorney. Part of it was because I just couldn't get on a computer as much. Hard to get on one when you don't have one.

Anyway, I would love to come back and help in anyway that I can if you all will have me, I have always LOVED the Ducks!!!!

Hey Triple D's, just checking in to let you know I haven't quit! Between work, travel, and being sick I haven't posted very often.

Going to the Doc tomorrow to see if I cracked a rib from coughing. I actually just called him to see if it was possible to crack a rib by coughing and if it was cracked, could I still work out. Of course, being a doc, he wants to check it out! I haven't been sick in over 5 years, so this is a real pain to me!
I just want to be able to work out at my normal level!!!

Welcome to all our new members, I think it's going to be a fun year. :goodvibes
Hey Ducks! Hope everyone had good a good weekend! Mine was very busy, but good, and ended up extending into today. We got a fair amount of ice here Friday and Saturday and with some of it still around in shady neighborhoods, schools were closed today (and are delayed tomorrow). I've got some sick kids, looks like just one of mine will be able to go to school tomorrow.

I did get one run in, on Saturday, on the DREADMILL. I've seen that term used by many, but that's the first time I've used it myself, I believe. I am officially part of that club! It's funny because I did the entire C25K on it last year and really relied on it, thought it was easier than outside, and gradually as the year went on I grew to feel the opposite. Running on the treadmill is harder than outside for me now! But anyway, I had to run on it due to the ice. So I did 3 miles...that's all I could motivate myself to do. No running since then, and probably won't be any until all my kiddos are well again.

CALIFLADY~ Welcome! I hope you're having a wonderful time in WDW!! :wizard:

Rich~ IF (and that's a big IF) I were to go for the Goofy, it would probably be in 2013 at the earliest. I've got the half next year again, and if I feel motivated to do the full then I'll do that in 2012 at the earliest, and then I would go for Goofy a year or two after that.

But right now I don't have any motivation to do a full. I've only been running for a year and I feel like even when/if I want to do a full, I need to be a runner for a longer period first and get some more halfs under my belt. I think it's a psycological thing...

But you know what else? I kinda don't want to "do it all" within a few years and then it's over, you know? The WDW races, I mean. Once you do the Goofy, what is there to go for? I know you can go for better times, but still, that brand new experience is over. I want the journey leading up to that to last awhile. Know what I mean?

That's great you and your wife did this years trip alone. We also honeymooned in WDW and have not been back alone-yet. Will do it someday!!

Tricia~ Sounds like it was a neat fair, and you got lots of exercise at it! You are right, the weekends are always too fast. Honestly, ALL the time is too fast it seems to me!

Joe~ Way to go on reaching your goal! Enjoy the new shoes. You know I thought about that website and was going to post it for you, glad you found it.

Vic~ Ooo, sorry about the treadmill. If you read my post above we lost ours last fall and bought a cheapy (temporary) replacement. I wish I never needed to use the tm, but sometimes it's just the way it has to be. Good luck deciding what to do with yours.

Augie~ Hope the foot continues to heal. That's great you can do so much biking though! I would love to bike, maybe someday I will buy one and get into it. We used to go biking before we had kids.

Emily~ Way to go on the miles for January! That's great! I bet you will finish in under 30 no problem. I did my first 5K in 28 minutes, and I was not as fast as you! That first race gets the adrenaline a-flowin'! :) I think you could totally do a 10K on March 27 too. You are already running 4.5 miles, you only have to add another 1.7! Here's an 8 week plan, and you are already running much more than this calls for:

Betsy & Bryan~ Welcome back! :)

SamSam~ Yikes, ouch! Wow, let us know what the doc says! Hope you feel better!!

As for the miles tracking thing, I'll do whatever the team decides. It isn't something I would choose to do though, honestly. I keep a running log on my own already. I'm into the social and supportive part of being on a team.
Hi Ducks...I'm sending over another new member, so please welcome "hussfat" when s/he gets here.

bryan, welcome back!

liz, thanks for the encouragement! (and the link)

the news just said it is supposed to be pouring rain (in the 30s) on saturday morning. ugh. i know that it iced on everyone at disney this year, but that's disney. lol! i don't know. i may have to pick a different 5k. i'll be fine as long as it is just a light rain. i don't think i'd enjoy pouring rain though.

i am going to go for the 10k. even if i have to walk some of it, i think my time should be good enough to move me into a better corral for the disney 1/2. it's over a huge bridge, so i know that may slow me down some. i need to try to get out and do a trial run over the bridge. and just ignore how high i am! :)
Hi Ducks, I had a crazy weekend - my computer had some major issues, so we had to do a complete operating systems reinstall...still sorting through stuff, programs, and such...then yesterday was knocked out with a stomach flu.

The GOOD NEWS is with some anti-inflam. meds - my tailbone issue is slowly resolving, and I was able to run for 2 hours on Saturday night. Was thrilled, since it's my longest run to date.

Hi Vic, nice to meet you - I did a spell of 2 years as a 911 dispatcher - good times. Love the pics you included, and thank you for your many years of service to our country.

Jessica- I hate the cold weather too! Hope you found a treadmill that works well for you

Liz- hope you got your naps and running in (just saw that you did on your TM), Sorry to hear your kids are sick

Hi Cali- nice to have you with us - and congrats on the past marathons and weight loss - hope you're having a great solo WDW trip!

Tricia- wow, that's some walking! hope you had a great time at the fair

Ahoff- sorry to hear your foot is giving you a problem, but glad you could still bike

Emily- I hope your 5k went well, and congrats on upping your mileage

Betsy- nice to meet you, I'm newer here, and looking forward to getting to know everyone

Hi Bryan - nice to meet you, sounds like you've had a rough couple of months- hope things start to brighten up for you

Sam- yikes, hope you didn't crack your rib!

- heard you're going to be joining us, and wanted to send a big welcome your way
Welcome back, Bryan and Betsy! You both did a great job with the tracking of the miles. Speaking of which, if we decide not to do it, that is ok. It does seem to give some motivation though.

Emily, you should be able to go to a 10K. I was only doing 5K's and a few times an occaissional week running 2 to 3 miles at lunch time, and I went right to a 13K (the Tot) and had no problem. And from that sort of went to the half this year, again with not much long running, though I did increase the few weekly runs to over 3. And I also did the WISH virtual turkey trot 10K. My legs were a bit sore after, but I got over it. I know I would not have been able to do a Goofy though! I was impressed to see Rich out running the next morning on the BW.

I like your thinking on building up to a Goofy, Liz. I thought I would do the full next January, but maybe I will hold off. There are a few halfs I would like to do first.

Thanks for all the wishes for the foot. It does feel better, but I still have not run on it yet. But I do go long stretches without running. As some of you know, I do a lot of biking, it is almost my main mode of transportation. I commute to work almost every day, a bit over 12 miles each way. Even in this cold!

Well, have a good evening, everyone!

Hi Triple D's. It's so good to see all the interaction here!

Update: Yes, I did break a rib from coughing. So I ask my Doc, will working out do any damage? His first response, "just listen to your body".
My next question, "So walking is fine?"
Doc, "Yes, but it will hurt, especially if you use your arms"
Me, "But, it won't cause more damage".
Doc, "just looks at me"
Me, "What about a kickboxing class, I know it will hurt, but will it cause damage?"
Doc, " No kickboxing, no weights, no high impact"

Dang, I guess until the break heals, the only workout I can do is walking. That is really difficult for me, I feel like I will lose everything I've gained through really tough classes and free weight workouts.

Okay, done whining....I need to be thankful that I'm usually extremely healthy and look at this as a small 'bump in the road'.

Welcome to our new members. The Triple D's Rock!
Just wanted to say, I just got off a phone call that ended with "welcome aboard", so I'll be getting my new running shoes pretty soon :)

Haven't been running much in the past week due to a minor strain in my foot anyway, though these next few days while I still have nothing to do during the day, I will try to get a few workouts in to ease myself back into things.
Reporting in for minutes/miles for the last week of January:

330 minutes 14 miles.

All was done before the cracked rib, the first couple of weeks in February will probably be pretty light, although I do plan on walking as much as possible.

It's supposed to get up to 40 today with a little bit of sun, so I'll be able to walk outside. Love days like this!
Augie, thanks so much for the encouragement! i'm definitely going to try for it. it is a high bridge, so i'm going to try to get out there and do a test run, just so i'm not totally blind going into it.

the weather is looking better for the 5k this weekend. i did a "test" run this morning. my average minute-per-mile was 8'33". i was pretty excited. that's almost 20 seconds than my normal average!
After nearly a full week off (strain in my foot that I was, for a time, afraid might be a stress fracture), I did my first run today, approximately 3 miles in approximately 30 minutes. Going to see how my feet feel tomorrow, and assuming they are all right, hopefully run 6 tomorrow night.

Two and a half weeks from my next half. Was hoping this would be my chance to break the two hour mark, but am backing off from that goal and am instead going to use the race as a "see how I'm doing" kind of trial.
Hi all. This week has been rough. All 4 of my kids are sick now, home from school, not sleeping well, I am so tired. No running has happened and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get out there.

Deb~ I'm sorry about the computer issues and the stomach flu. That's great you were able to do a 2 hour run though, I bet it felt great to accomplish that, congrats!

Augie~ It's nice you have the biking thing to do when you can't run. 24 miles a day to/from work, that's great.

SamSam~ Wow, I can't believe you broke a rib from coughing! I'm sure you won't lose everything, I bet it will come back to you.

Tim~ Congrats on the new job! That was fast!! I hope your foot handled the run ok and you can do your 6 tonight.

Emily~ If you are running 8.5 minute miles in training, I bet you are going to do very well for your 5K.
Hi Team Donald!

Thanks for the welcome. :) I am a 48 yr old mother of 2 who has been running properly since 2003. I started cautiously but have since run 15 half marathons, 9 fulls and a bunch of 5 and 10km races. My Disney races so far are WDW full 2006 and Princess 2009. I ran NYC in the fall and have been keeping it low-key since.

Quick question on mileage it a weekly total and should I report in on any particular day?

I look forward to "meeting" you all!
Went to the indoor track at the Y again this evening, and did just under 6 miles, in something like 50 minutes. Finished with 1/4 mile of hardcore anaerobic pace (which felt good, if difficult)

Foot is a bit sore, though not as bad as last week. I am not yet using new shoes (will get them soon though), though I'm not certain if that's even really the issue. The discomfort isn't as bad now as it was a week ago, and may just be one of those aches and pains that happens for a while then goes away, who knows. Honestly, I'm hesitant to even call the doctor back for fear of being told, in so many words "You're fat and your run really long distances, what did you expect?" ha!

Overall though, feeling pretty well. Will hopefully get in a 10+ miler on Sunday, and a 16 miler next week sometime.


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