Dremwvr's Planning Journal - Canceled.

I have been lurking on this site for a number or months and after reading your planning journal I had to post. :)

First, I love all of your ideas they are so creative and, if you don't mind, I am hoping to use a few myself. We are also getting married at the Disneyland hotel, but a few weeks after you on January 26, 2008.

We have scheduled our planning session for next week, but was hoping you would not mind sharing any extra words of wisdom for a fellow Disneyland bride. I am feeling very overwhelmed and like I am way behind. :bride:

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!!
Here is me mailing it! Mark this Joyous occasion.

:yay: :yay: that must have felt so good!!! I'm getting ready to address mine in a couple of weeks and I'm excited!! your invites are fabulous ...looking forward to more...:surfweb:

Michelle :cloud9:

I want to start by saying....Happy Birthday on Sunday!!!

How are the rhinestone mickey ears coming....i think you just game me a craft idea to do for my DD!!

I think FFIL was "tacky" to be so blunt....is he paying for the dinner? if not he should zip it!!
Do what you want & if tis pizza...its pizza....i had pizza after my DDs bapism..no big party...went over fine...beggers cant be chosers, right?

As for the missing BM & GM....i would have a talk with DF & come up with a plan in case they dont show...its better to have a backup just in case

I hope DF feels better....wow it sounds like he REALLY got beat up...tell him we hope he gets well soon & to take it easy!!

The invitations turned out GREAT!!

cant wait for more...im still with ya!!

Thank you, I am not really all that excited about my birthday. I guess I am hitting the age that doesn't care anymore, but doesn't hate to admit their age.

The Rhinestone mickey ears were coming along, until a small packing accident. Since there is a glued on patch, we had to prep the hat by taking the patch off. I was having trouble with it so I sent it to CA with DF. when I packed it, the hat traveled just fine. When DF packed it to come home the ears were smashed flat. <take two steps back> Now I need to either wait until I go to DL again which is in 2 weeks. OR buy another pair on ebay.

FFIL wanted to pay but only budgeted about $750 for the rehersal dinner. Feeding 30 people on a budget of $750 is not an easy task. He is coming over tomorrow and hopefully we are getting somewhere with it.

We are arranging a back up BM and GM. But its hard to ask them to be a fill in until we know if the orginal BM and GM are no shows.

I have been lurking on this site for a number or months and after reading your planning journal I had to post. :)

First, I love all of your ideas they are so creative and, if you don't mind, I am hoping to use a few myself. We are also getting married at the Disneyland hotel, but a few weeks after you on January 26, 2008.

We have scheduled our planning session for next week, but was hoping you would not mind sharing any extra words of wisdom for a fellow Disneyland bride. I am feeling very overwhelmed and like I am way behind. :bride:

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!!

I am so excited tohear about your wedding plans. I love seeing more Disneyland brides since there are so few of us. Have fun at your planning session. Before you go make sure you somewhat know what you want. This will make the planning session go much smoother. In the mean time, post a planning journal here because I am very interested in seeing your plans. If you have any questions at all Let me know and I will do my best to assist!!!

:yay: :yay: that must have felt so good!!! I'm getting ready to address mine in a couple of weeks and I'm excited!! your invites are fabulous ...looking forward to more...:surfweb:

Michelle :cloud9:

Hiya Michelle,

it really did feel so good to mail the first invitation. I have to tell you, since my bridal shower is halloween themed, I sent your pictures of your invitations to my mom and MOH for ideas for the invitations for my bridal shower. They are just so pretty. I had to share. Can't wait to hear when you mail yours out!

Update on MIA BM My MIA BM emailed me today. she is really sick :sick: with gall stones and might have to have her gall bladder taken out. :confused: I am so worried about her well being. I wish she would have told me!! Luckily, she is no longer MIA and all there is to worry about it s the illness and the MIA GM.
I LOVE your invites, what a great idea! And that pic of you mailing the first one is great, what a good feeling.

Sorry to hear about the Mickey ears. And I Hope you and FIL can work something out. We did a pizza party for our rehearsal dinner. We actually had a GB Packer theme to the night and asked everyone to wear jerserys, etc. It totally fit our personality and there was a preseason game on that night. We had dinner at a local pizza joint in their backroom with a huge screen tv. We've been married 9 years this month and we still have family talk about what a good idea that was. Good luck!
I mostly lurk, but wanted to tell you I love your invites. They are so well organized and concise. Your guests will appreciate all the hard work that went into them. They are great.
Just wanted to say that I have had similar problems with my FMIL over the rehearsal dinner, so I completely understand your stress. She wouldn't even look at pictures or sample menus for the possible sites that we had gathered information on for the rehearsal. In regards to some of the options that you mentioned as possible locations I have only been to the Jazz Kitchen, but it was fantastic. The bananas foster is amazing! They have a patio area on the second floor that would be semi-private if they would allow you to have that for your dinner.
Here I am just a little over three months to go till the wedding, and I had to cancel it. :sad2: Larry has moved on and started dating one of his employees. It was extremely difficult to call my WP and tell her the news, I wouldn't wish this one anyone. My dream wedding is over, and my fairytale didn't come true. Please understand, I am not going to be coming to the boards much any more. :sad1:
Theres not much I can say that will make you feel better. But I am oh so very sorry. If you ever need to talk we are all here for you. Big Hugs.:hug:
Oh my god! I am so sorry to hear you've had to cancel the wedding. Perhaps you and your bridesmaids should still make the trip and have some fun!

I have no idea what you must be going through, and I am sad we won't get to see all your hard work come to life. At least he has done this now before you got married. I've known several people who were cheating and still went ahead with the wedding and ended up divorced soon after.
I know it doesn't make things any better, but I'm so sorry to hear about everything. You definitely deserve to be treated better. :grouphug:
I know there's nothing anyone can say to make it better for you - but I'm very sorry for what happened to you and I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong, you're so smart and sweet there will be a better opportunity for you in the future I'm sure of it. My heart broke for you and I don't even know you. I'm just sitting here in shock and I feel like I want to cry. Time will heal everything. :hug: Don't let him ruin you, you have so much going for you.
I am so sorry to hear that you had to cancel your plans, I had just been looking at all your hardwork. No one can say anything to make the pain go away but think of this as a new beginning and live your life for you!
I'm so sorry. :grouphug:

If he acts like that, he doesn't deserve you. And look at the slightly positive side - at least you found out now how he was before the wedding and before having to go through a divorce.
I'm so sorry to hear this. :grouphug: I wish you the best of luck.
my heartfelt sorrow for this devastating news... and I know your heart is broken at this horrible turn of events but it is truly better now than after the wedding or worse yet - at the wedding.. you're a real sweet person and life will smile at you again..honest:hug:

Michelle :cloud9:
I don't know if you're still reading this, but if you are...

I just wanted to say first of all how sorry I am, and that I really do know how devastating this is. This marriage is actually going to be my second - I was divorced back in 2004, in large part because my EX was cheating. And what I eventually found out was that he was probably cheating, or at least trying to, for most, if not all, of our over 10 year marriage.

I also know how miserable he got to be to live with over the years, and I think at least some of that was due to the lies and the double life he was living. So believe me, all those who have said that you are better off to find out before the marriage are absolutely right. It doesn't make it feel any better.... it hurts like crazy. But you're still a lot better off.

Oh... and my name is Kim too... :)

If you need to talk or anything, feel free to PM me. I know this is hard. He certainly doesn't deserve you!!!
im sorry this has happened to you & i truely hope you can find happiness

chin up & we are here if you need to talk/vent

things happen for a reason & though its hard to see now.....you will when your ready

good luck to you & BIG HUGS!!
Oh Kimberly!:grouphug: I am so sorry that this is happening to you. :sad1: There are no words to take away your pain. All I can say is it's true, time will heal your pain. You are so creative and fun imaginative, if he cannot appreciate that, it's his loss. You deserve so much more and I am sure you will have it. :hug: Lean on your friends and family now, things will get better for you I promise.:flower3:
I'm so sorry Kimberly!!!! You deserve someone better... someone who can treat you like the true princess that you are! princess: I hope that your dream Disney wedding will someday come true, and when it does I know it will be with your real Prince Charming... you are in my thoughts and prayers!!! :hug: Hang in there!


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