Dremwvr's Planning Journal - Canceled.

I am so sorry.......I don't know you at all but have followed your PJ and posts here on the boards and you definetly don't deserve this...:sad1: My heart broke for you when I read this........I agree with all the others, time will heal your pain and you'll find somone better....that man doesn't deserve you. If you ever need anything or want to vent feel free to PM me. Hugs and prayers heading your way:grouphug:
I am so sorry to read this. I am new to the site and enjoy reading the PJ since I am trying to plan a wedding myself. Although I have not been cheated on while in an engagement period, I have been cheated on twice with men I thought I loved. It hurts, but just know you are a great person and all will work out in the end. I will keep you in my thoughts and Prayers!
:hug: Dremwvr - I am so, so sorry. I know exactly how you feel as it happened to me seven years ago - I was due to get married on December 1st 2000. Later on in your life, you'll look back and know that you had a lucky escape, and that things happen for a reason. I'm truly sorry, and I'm sending healing heart wishes your way.
Kimberly I am so sorry this had to happen. You are such a great and creative person. Please try to keep your chin up. We are all here for you. You will get your fairytale one day. Never give up on yourself. Hugs

I don't even know where to begin to tell you how heartbroken I am for you.

I can't begin to express if any better than the other ladies have, but know that you will be in my prayers.

Oh my goodness...I'm a lurker, don't speak up much around here, mostly because I'm a newly engaged groom...so I know I'm outnumbered here. But I had to send my hungs to you! I can't believe that...I feel horrible for you and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!

If you need anything, just ask

I'm so sorry to hear what has happened. Hugs:grouphug:. Know that one day you will have your fairytale wedding with someone that really deserves you.
I'm so sorry :hug: . I've been reading your PJ for a while and thought it was great. You do not deserve this at all. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please be strong, I know it's hard, but this hurt in your life will pass. As you can see there are a lot of people here who have come to care for you :grouphug: and if you need anything we will all be here.
You all are so sweet. Thank you for your heart warming comments. Although I am heart-broken, I am standing strong. If I knew years ago, what I know now I would have not even considered the idea of marriage with him. He has shown his true colors recently and attempted to play me for a fool. When he tried to commit fraud on my bank accounts, I was so thankful I was out of the relationship
Good for you for being so strong!:thumbsup2 It looks like you dodged a bullet with this guy:scared1: . I hope you continue to stay strong and feel better each day. You are way too good to put up with that. Take some time for yourself. It will be hard for a while but it is going to get better and you will be a stronger person for it. Come here if you ever want to vent. We've got your back!pirate:
You all are so sweet. Thank you for your heart warming comments. Although I am heart-broken, I am standing strong. If I knew years ago, what I know now I would have not even considered the idea of marriage with him. He has shown his true colors recently and attempted to play me for a fool. When he tried to commit fraud on my bank accounts, I was so thankful I was out of the relationship

Wow. Just wow. Change your locks, change your passwords, change your phone number if you have to, cancel anything that ever had your names jointly and check your credit report. Protect yourself.

I'm sorry you're going through this, but you sound like you've got a great handle on things, and a very clear head in spite of your hurt.

Best of luck, and big cyber hugs.
I am speechless right now. I know there aren't enough cyberhugs in the world that will make you feel better. I'd put a big ol' hurt on him if I could but that's kind of illegal and all. Although one of the girls I went to college with had a great aunt who was a real live gypsy. Wonder if she could put a curse on him for you? Seriously though it's best to get out now then later. I just wish it hadn't happened to such a sweet girl. I never posted anything but I did read your PJ religiously and just have to say that I feel for you so much right now. If you need anything, big or small don't hesitate to PM me, ok?


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