Dumbo Double Dare!!

If anyone is interested in adding the 5K to the mix, the runDisney reps told me on Saturday that there will be 45 minutes in between the 5K and 10K, so if you can run a 5K faster than that, you can do all three races that weekend. The 45 minutes starts from when the first person crosses the start line though, so keep that in mind. If you are speedy, and want even more of a challenge, it is possible.

Just to add on, a lady told me that the start of both races is at the Mickey & Friends Parking Lot, like the past 5ks starts and that the finish line for both is the 1/2 finish line behind ESPN Zone, so it shouldn't take a long time to get from the 5k to the 10k. She wasn't sure how the 10k was going to be set up ~ corrals like the 1/2 or on your own w/ time posters like they've done the 5k in the past.

I know I need to save $ this year, but if it doesn't sell out as fast as everything else and training is going well, I'm very tempted...
We signed up at the Marathon expo. Now we can all await the medal reveal. It will a be a huge medal haul for those doing C2C and Dumbo Double Dare. Whoo Hoo! :)
kim3339 said:
Just to add on, a lady told me that the start of both races is at the Mickey & Friends Parking Lot, like the past 5ks starts and that the finish line for both is the 1/2 finish line behind ESPN Zone, so it shouldn't take a long time to get from the 5k to the 10k. She wasn't sure how the 10k was going to be set up ~ corrals like the 1/2 or on your own w/ time posters like they've done the 5k in the past.

I know I need to save $ this year, but if it doesn't sell out as fast as everything else and training is going well, I'm very tempted...

My concern about that is just how long will it take for the the 5K runners/walkers to clear the start. At WDW, they had four corrals for the 5K and the last corral did not start until25 minutes after the first corral. So that gives Disney a whole 20 minutes to prep the corrals, timing tech, etc before the start of the 10K. Something doesn't add up here.

Now maybe there won't be 10,000 people running the 5K at DL like there was at WDW....
I am so dissapointed that this is full allready. That's ok, I am still hoping to be able to do the half marathon though.
JCH said:
I heard from one person that the original limit was 2k, and that was long since sold out, so they had to up the number. At any rate, it was a small enough number for me to want to do it. Being one of 4,000 seems more special than one of 25,000! :)

Just remember, that 5000 number is merged in with the number of runners in each race. So this still means a large field of runners for the Half. I do not know what that race usually has, and does anyone have an idea of the cap for the 10K?
I'm so disappointed that I didn't get in for the DDD...when I got home to register it said 95% full so I started registering and it sold out before I could finish! If what's being said here is correct and there are only 5,000 or so spots...why have such a low number? I mean, there's plenty of time to make up medals and shirts. So, I signed up seperately for the half and the 10K...and sent a letter to runDisney asking if there's any way they would open more spots seeing how it's sold out so fast. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't but it doesn't hurt to let them know that there's lots of people who wanted to earn that special medal. At least I got in for the 10K and my daughter will run that with me too...can't believe it's nearly full as well.
I had a minor freakout b/c the website was down for 20-30 minutes. I had to wait for my lunch break at 12:00 CST to register. 10K was at 67% when I started, by the time I finally got in, it was at 75%.

Luckily, the 3 DDD folks in our traveling party got in. I would've felt bad if someone had gotten left out.

SO looking forward to this! So excited to be running at DL!!!!
Some people are signing up for each race individually in hopes that they can turn it into the Dumbo Double Dare. Who knows if Disney will accommodate, but at least they can run both races.
It looks like the 10k is full now too :confused3 I'm so glad I registered for Dumbo at the Disney World expo with so few spots available.
Just remember, that 5000 number is merged in with the number of runners in each race. So this still means a large field of runners for the Half. I do not know what that race usually has, and does anyone have an idea of the cap for the 10K?

For the 5k I know it's usually around 4,000-4,500, so a bit smaller than WDW. I think last year's 1/2 was 17? Someone can correct me on that, I just remember reading somewhere they added 2,000 more than '11. The start area for the 10k is kinda tight and full up during the start of the 5k, so I couldn't imagine more than 7-8,000 fitting unless they corral it and have the overflow in the parking lot next door and you just move up as corrals ahead go off.
In for the DDD. Thankfully my DW got me registered just after opening. I was trying from the phone but it locked up halfway through.

Coast to Coast here I come.

We got shut out of DDD, but at least managed to register for the half so we can get C2C medals. Oh well, I guess this means not running Saturday equals more time in the parks and less money spent on races means more money to spend at DL.
pilk said:
In for the DDD. Thankfully my DW got me registered just after opening. I was trying from the phone but it locked up halfway through.

Coast to Coast here I come.


Jon I am c2c at DL too, nice to have a pirate friend along! Will C being coming with you?

Already excited to do DDD and get my C2C as well. Just got to find a place to stay. Are the on site Disney hotels worth the extra cost?
Managed to get into DDD this afternoon before it closed...next month's Disney Princess will be my first half EVER, and here I am signing up to run a 10K and half marathon back-to-back. Feeling like I might have completely lost my mind...:confused3

However, it'll be my first visit to DL -- could NOT be more excited! :cool1:
Managed to get into DDD this afternoon before it closed...next month's Disney Princess will be my first half EVER, and here I am signing up to run a 10K and half marathon back-to-back. Feeling like I might have completely lost my mind...:confused3

However, it'll be my first visit to DL -- could NOT be more excited! :cool1:

I'm right here with you! I started running one year ago, did a 5k race last May, then the TOT. I'll do Princess next month and I registered for the DDD not even knowing If I'll be able to complete that first half marathon. I do hope for a pace around 14 mm, maybe a bit longer if I decide to stop for a very few pictures.
I'm so looking forward to those races and all the cool medals that will come with them!
I'm right here with you! I started running one year ago, did a 5k race last May, then the TOT. I'll do Princess next month and I registered for the DDD not even knowing If I'll be able to complete that first half marathon. I do hope for a pace around 14 mm, maybe a bit longer if I decide to stop for a very few pictures.
I'm so looking forward to those races and all the cool medals that will come with them!

That's awesome, good for you! We'll be fine...we can do this! :cheer2:

The bling will make it all worth it. :goodvibes
Already excited to do DDD and get my C2C as well. Just got to find a place to stay. Are the on site Disney hotels worth the extra cost?

The DL Hotel is right at the staging area (in the parking lot), close to the start, right at the finish line and where the expo is. It's also close to the Monorail which will take you into DL, but not into DCA. The Grand Californian is closest to the parks and has their own entrance into DCA, but furthest of the 3 to the race, but not far at all. Paradise Pier is the furthest from the parks and 2nd closest to the race areas. You also get Magic Mornings to the parks. All the surrounding non-resort hotels are also somewhat close to the parks and race area. If you stay at the hotels on Harbor, you just walk down DTD to get to the race areas. They also have shuttles from some of the hotels; they drop you off at the entrance to the parks and you walk down DTD like if you were staying on Harbor.


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