DVC Point Rental for Aulani

Do I make that specific room request when entering my reservation request?
Yes, anything you are requesting should be noted as a reservation request with David's so they can pass that onto the owner. But a word of caution that it can be difficult to get specific rooms. It may be best to request more general things so the room assigner knows what you want, in case the room you are requesting isn't available (i.e. high floor, overlooking resort, near elevator, etc etc)
We also buy liquor and mixers and make our own cocktails throughout the week, and take them down tot he pool with us--this saved us a bundle last time, as mixed drinks are typically about $15 each!
Even if you only drink a couple drinks a day this adds up to substantial savings. Might I add too that Costco has an amazing selection of premixed alcoholic drinks. Just add ice and blend and voila, affordable cocktails!


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