ear planes- do they come in a childs size


<font color=red>Disney Planning Addict<br><font co
Oct 11, 2002

i purchased some ear planes at walmart but on the pack it said for 11 years and above- my DS is almost 3 and i really wanted to use these for him- does anyone know if they come in a childs size and where to get?

They do make them for ages 1 and up. Their homepage lists stores that carry them, here is a link. http://www.earplanes.com/childsear.htm

I have seen them at WalMart , Brooks and CVS but it took me a while to find the smaller ones they were always out of stock.
thank you for your answers

i am on my way to walgreens- hope i find them

I see you're in the NorthEast bratray; we're in NJ & I got my DS (age 5) child's Earplanes in the A&P when I did the food shopping. They were in one of the Health & Beauty Aid aisles, in with the decongestants.Try there if you have one near you.
also, if you get in a bind or forget to pick them up, we've always found the children's size available at the airport in the newstands and shops. they're more expensive there, but well worth it.
If you have difficulty finding child sizes ask the store/drugstore to order them for you.
I did this one time and they were happy to oblige. When I picked them up, they had an abundant supply of child and adult sizes. So, they didn't order just for me but stocked up.
My sons and I have all had difficulty with ear pain while flying. One son liked the ear planes and the other did not. I use them but an uncertain if they really help.
Best defense is a decongestant taken an hour before the flight. Ask your pediatrician for advice.
What has worked best for us is sour candy. It produces lots of saliva and therefore lots of swallowing. Best of Luck!
I would also recommending buying an extra set, in case the kids pull them out and drop them like mine always do. We've never been able to locate them in the airport and believe me we TRIED our hardest!! One kid yelling - but I don't have my EAR PLANES, convinced me to carry an additional box.
I SWEAR by Earplanes and just bought another set today at Target and they are available in child sizes there. I paid $4.59 for mine. In December I forgot mine at home and had to buy a set at the airport and paid $7.99 for them. Even at that price it was worth it for me!

remember the magic
DVC/BCVs 2002
Help! We are flying on Saturday and DS4 has a bad head cold. I'm praying that it will clear up by then, but it'll be my luck that DS7 will catch it and be congested then. Any suggestions for flying with a head cold. I know I can give them a decongestant, but that doesn't seem to work on my kids as well as it does for me. I have a call into the Dr.'s office right now, so we'll see what they say.


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