EPCOT to become “more Disney”

What would you like to see EPCOT become?

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Me neither, I've read posts about people so drunk they are throwing up in the bushes. I've been travelling to WDW every year for a long time, probably 30 plus trips. Most nights I walk home from EPCOT. I've never seen this. Aside from a few rowdy boys with loud voices, I haven't noticed it as a problem.
I like to wind down my day there, I've been known to have a glass of wine or a grey goose slushy, but drinking isn't the reason for being there. If all I wanted to do was drink, there's plenty of bars around that don't charge a $100 cover.

I haven't seen it either. Long lines for the bathrooms? Yep. Drunks throwing up in bushes? Nope.
Sometimes I think people confuse a group of people laughing and having a good time for being drunk and out of hand. Does it happen? I'm sure. Just not as much as these boards claim.

Sorry guys, they aren't going to ban walking around with alcohol at an outside park (especially the part of park that boasts itself on it's food and drink) or festival.

And perhaps quit defining a family park as one for families with small children. I know quite a few families of adults who enjoy a good time at Epcot. :D
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No one is ever going to agree on a single issue and I think everyone understands that Disney is not going to ban or limit alcohol anytime soon. People are entitled to their opinions and I don’t think any one is lying about whether they have seen someone drunk or never seen anyone drunk in the park. So agree to disagree. There is plenty out there which you may or may not support happening in the park. It is just fun to talk about it all.
So let’s move on. I see heavy majority in the poll supporting adding to World Showcase. Let’s hear your thoughts on this. What attractions? What countries would you like to see there? Any countries you think should go away?
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No one is ever going to agree on a single issue and I think everyone understands that Disney is not going to ban or limit alcohol anytime soon. People are entitled to their opinions and I don’t think any one is lying about whether they have seen someone drunk or never seen anyone drunk in the park. So agree to disagree. There is plenty out there which you may or may not support happening in the park. It is just fun to talk about it all.
So let’s move on. I see heavy majority in the poll supporting adding to World Showcase. Let’s here your thoughts on this. What attractions? What countries would you like to see there? Any countries you think should go away?

Well, I suppose it's fun to talk about it all until we get the posters who start judging those who choose to enjoy some alcohol while at Disney.

But agree, let's move on.
What attractions?
I’d at least add a small theater to every pavilion that doesn’t have an attraction - Italy, Germany, Japan, Morocco, UK - and show a travelogue movie. I’d probably also find a corner in Norway and bring back the movie there. Wouldn’t cost much and would add a little more to do.
Sorry, JC 1984., I was going to move on, but I'm still mulling it over. :scratchin

You see, this is why I'm torn.

This kind of rowdy isn't what I love about the Disney parks. I'm not offended by it and, of course, I know it all happens in pretty much every corner of the western world, I just really appreciated that Disney was different. (Plus, tipsy rowdy adults can be quite intimidating for kids.)
Me neither, I've read posts about people so drunk they are throwing up in the bushes. I've been travelling to WDW every year for a long time, probably 30 plus trips. Most nights I walk home from EPCOT. I've never seen this. Aside from a few rowdy boys with loud voices, I haven't noticed it as a problem.
I like to wind down my day there, I've been known to have a glass of wine or a grey goose slushy, but drinking isn't the reason for being there. If all I wanted to do was drink, there's plenty of bars around that don't charge a $100 cover.

On the other hand, this sounds hilarious! (I love it when complete strangers can share a good laugh.) And I know people do simply enjoy a quiet cocktail or two on vacation.
Never seen it either. The most drunk people I ever saw was this group of three girls and their mom who were pretty giggly/tipsy I remember one of them had a leg cast and was in a wheelchair. Anyway, I was in line for Maelstrom with them and the mom stepped back and fell into me - I had to catch her. All that happened was I ended riding in the same boat as them and they were a hoot! So, whatever, right? Not a big deal.

ETA: Oh, and I forgot to add, the funnest part was in line the girls ware all very into the Norwegian guy on the mural - the big, burly oil-rig man with the red beard - you know the one. They were in LOOOVE with him! 🤣
I suppose I'd give up the second to give up the first, because people can have a good time (and laugh with complete strangers) without alcohol... can't they...?? ;););)

And on a slightly different tack, I'm wondering about local APs who just go there because it's a lovely bar crawl. They're not paying any cover charge (except the high drinks prices! ;)). Does that make it a lot busier in the evenings? Does it end up pushing out vacationers who are primarily there for the Disney theme park side?

No wonder this is a contentious issue! Ultimately, I'd go for no alcohol rather than no change, but I'd prefer that Disney find a more creative answer. ...And, at least, I've worked out where I stand on it now!

I'll move on now, JC1984. :thumbsup2;)
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I would at least like to see more of the small entertainment offerings in the countries again. The flag show and juggler in Italy, the band in Morrocco, the lumberjack show in Canada, and things like that. I even liked that they changed them up now and then, but not just take them away with no replacement. Even if I didn't watch the whole show they added to the sound track and vibe of the pavillions.
Another thing I miss is the other Friendship boat that ran on the other side of WS. Walking can be a challenge for me even with my walker. I can sit on the walker to wait for the boat, so I often choose a restaurant near the boat dock to minimize walking at the end of a day. Why did they close the other side? Does anybody know?
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Another thing I miss is the other Friendship boat the ran on the other side of WS. Walking can be a challenge for me even with my walker. I can sit on the walker to wait for the boat, so I often choose a restaurant near the boat dock to minimize walking at the end of a day. Whey did they close the other side? Does anybody know?

I wonder if it's Covid-related or, maybe, to do with the new structures they're putting up for the fountains/Harmonious?

ETA: It's nice to catch your breath for a minute and enjoy the views of WS from the water, isn't it?
Another thing I miss is the other Friendship boat the ran on the other side of WS. Walking can be a challenge for me even with my walker. I can sit on the walker to wait for the boat, so I often choose a restaurant near the boat dock to minimize walking at the end of a day. Whey did they close the other side? Does anybody know?
Years ago. I so wish instead of killing it they made the boat a loop but they just killed the other route completely 😔
I wonder if it's Covid-related or, maybe, to do with the new structures they're putting up for the fountains/Harmonious?
No, the second Friendship boat disappeared years ago. I think it was stopped shortly after Illuminations: ROE premiered because of conflicts between it and bringing out the fireworks barges.
I wish they could put a second boat in the lagoon and have one go from Canada to Germany and the other go from Mexico to Morocco.
right now the kids understand the world showcase and that these are cultures and different places in the world. Too much IP and this will become difficult for children to distinguish real from ‘disney’.

This is not Disney’s responsibility. Parents are certainly capable of discussing the nuance between what’s in a theme park and an actual depiction of a culture.

This also feels like “won’t someone think of the children???” concerns.
I don’t like this idea at all. I am not a big drinker at all but one of my favorite things to do is get a grand marnier slush in France or tipsy ducks in love in China, or a margarita in Mexico while we wander. It’s pleasant and relaxing. I’d hate if it was tied to sit down dining only. We only do a few table service per trip, and the quick service in World Showcase is so good we don’t usually bother with table service there anymore. And my beloved grand marnier slush would not taste very good with the food at Les Chefs de France 🤣

Like I said, I’m not a big drinker but being able to walk around with a drink adds to the ambience of World Showcase, IMO. There’s nothing unhealthy about enjoying a drink and walking around with your family. The majority of people who order drinks at Epcot are responsible and shouldn’t be punished because of the overindulgent folks.
I agree fully. A vast majority of people are responsible about it, it's jsut a matter of the few that are over indulging and they shouldn't ruin the entire system for the rest. Alcohol defintiely isn't going anywhere as it is making them money and see limits as not too likely for the same reason. But the best "solution" I can think of off hand would be time based purchases. You have to scan your park ticket when purchasing alcohol and if it hasn't been an hour, or whatever specified time, since you last bought a drink then you can't purchase another. This would help allow people's bodies time to process the alcohol they have already consumed so they don't get too intoxicated, and it wound't limit the number of drinks overall. If they put a 4 drink limit someone could buy them all at once and get drunk or a person could spend the entire day there and have been fine to drink more spread out.
I haven't seen it either. Long lines for the bathrooms? Yep. Drunks throwing up in bushes? Nope.
Sometimes I think people confuse a group of people laughing and having a good time for being drunk and out of hand. Does it happen? I'm sure. Just not as much as these boards claim.

Put me in this boat too. I remember reading posts about having to step over piles of vomit around the world showcase. I have never experienced that. I have once time seen a child get sick and throw up on the sidewalk. It didn't take very long for Disney to clean it up. Never seen the hoards of young adults roaming around EPCOT throwing up every 20 feet that you see claims of in some posts.
Put me in this boat too. I remember reading posts about having to step over piles of vomit around the world showcase. I have never experienced that. I have once time seen a child get sick and throw up on the sidewalk. It didn't take very long for Disney to clean it up. Never seen the hoards of young adults roaming around EPCOT throwing up every 20 feet that you see claims of in some posts.

I haven’t seen that either. I have just seen some annoying behavior on a Food & Wine Saturday night - people yelling inappropriate jokes at each other the entire ride on 3 Caballeros (completely ruined the experience - my little kids were in the boat - it all went over their heads but it was just annoying and ruined the ride.) I have absolutely no problem with people drinking and having fun, but don’t ruin rides for people.

That same night my kids were playing in the mazes in the UK when 3 grown adults were trying to leap over all the bushes (some unsuccesssfully, we saw one guy fall flat on his face) Again, just annoying.

I think the worst we saw when we went for NYE was a guy peeing in the bushes. NYE wasn’t bad at all overall.

Nothing compares to the Boardwalk when Jellyrolls is at closing time, though. People already lit up from Epcot keeping it going until 2/3 am ... that’s where it can get really wild!

Most of the time we’re at Epcot at night it really doesn’t seem too bad. We love Epcot at night and from our experience we’ve seen more of the annoying behavior on festival weekend nights. And it’s usually just isolated incidents.
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Yeah, if I'd never been to Epcot, and I was reading this thread before a trip, I might think that WS was a party scene. We've been a few dozen times and the guests are generally polite. (Not like the folks who push there kids in front of you at the parades after you've been saving your spot for an hour. ;) )
I realize they probably don't do it now because of COVID, but is KIDCOT still a thing? Our kids loved going to each of the individual countries and having their passports stamped and drawing some monstrous version of Duffy or some kind of mask.

We don't have kids but on our trip last month I noticed that the KIDCOT stations had some kind of sticker/activity packet wrapped in plastic laid out on the table. Kid walks up grabs a wrapped packet and moves on. COVID rules I imagine would prohibit a kid from sitting at the tables to do the sticker/activity. No CMs were at the tables.
I agree fully. A vast majority of people are responsible about it, it's jsut a matter of the few that are over indulging and they shouldn't ruin the entire system for the rest. Alcohol defintiely isn't going anywhere as it is making them money and see limits as not too likely for the same reason. But the best "solution" I can think of off hand would be time based purchases. You have to scan your park ticket when purchasing alcohol and if it hasn't been an hour, or whatever specified time, since you last bought a drink then you can't purchase another. This would help allow people's bodies time to process the alcohol they have already consumed so they don't get too intoxicated, and it wound't limit the number of drinks overall. If they put a 4 drink limit someone could buy them all at once and get drunk or a person could spend the entire day there and have been fine to drink more spread out.

Interesting idea.

The problem with trying to discuss this topic (I can see why JC1984was trying to move us on!), is that as soon as you even mention any kind of change to the current drinking culture at the parks, you get some very defensive replies. I've seen posts assuming everyone who comments is in some kind of extreme group making extreme claims! :sad2:

Some people want things to stay the same; some would like a complete ban on alcohol (and they are entitled to that desire and have their own reasons) and some of us just like the idea of a bit of change.

I know I'm not alone in commenting without making judgements about others who drink (I like the occasional drink myself) and without comments about people throwing up everywhere, but they keep being mentioned as if it's all we're talking about.

Last time I'll say it, but I'd just like a bit of a shift (nothing extreme), encouraging slightly different habits.

The behavior MickeyWaffles describes here is the kind of reason why.

I haven’t seen that either. I have just seen some annoying behavior on a Food & Wine Saturday night - people yelling inappropriate jokes at each other the entire ride on 3 Caballeros (completely ruined the experience - my little kids were in the boat - it all went over their heads but it was just annoying and ruined the ride.) I have absolutely no problem with people drinking and having fun, but don’t ruin rides for people.

That same night my kids were playing in the mazes in the UK when 3 grown adults were trying to leap over all the bushes (some unsuccesssfully, we saw one guy fall flat on his face) Again, just annoying. ...
On a different note, I'm glad MouseGear still lives.

But I've lost track of what happened to the jumping fountains???
But the best "solution" I can think of off hand would be time based purchases. You have to scan your park ticket when purchasing alcohol and if it hasn't been an hour, or whatever specified time, since you last bought a drink then you can't purchase another.
That’s a great idea. It works with refillable mugs, why not here? And probably helps with any potential of buying drinks for others who are underage, as well. We don’t spend much time in Epcot, so I’ve never seen any bad behavior, but we’ve seen plenty at the college football games, and I’ve always used it as an opportunity to explain to my kids what responsible consumption is. But while the idea of limiting to sit-down dining is one approach, like one PP, I’m personally not much on drinks with food; I’d rather have mine by itself strolling around.


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