Even with Blisters and Bad Hair, Disney is Still Magical! A Sept. 2014 TR -Updated 5/13

I love the title of this as it reminds me of .. well me! I have natural curly hair so me and weather don't mix. I figure when I go I will be in a constant bun or pony tail and sporting the blisters (like I did in Disneyland). Who has time to fix their hair!!!! :)
Clare, what a great update.

I LOVE the Florida Welcome Center (I'll miss that now that Mark will no longer be doing his business trips to Florida). And such cute pics of the girls.

Yes, there are some very crazy town names and even crazier places with funky things in front of them to lure you in.

Cute pirate room...glad the girls still have that pirate love (we have too many princesses ;)).
Stalker, Peeping Tom, call me whatevah you want. :rotfl: The bossman was on the phone and I was checking my email when you posted. Lucky timing, I guess. ;)

Peeping Tom! LOL!

Wow, all that sugar AND Disney in the morning... I bet the little ones didn't get much sleep!! I know I wouldn't :rotfl::rotfl:

Yeah, they get to eat whatever they want on vacation. :) They surprisingly got the most sleep of any of us! I guess the sugar couldn't beat out the walking.

The pirate rooms at Caribbean Beach are so cute! I would love to get one of those pirate beds for my future-child!

They really are fun!

Can't wait for more Disney fun :goodvibes:goodvibes

oh Sweet Lord.. you just made me re-do that entire boring ride again!!! With the exception of Downtown Chicago..
You pretty much did drove past my house too. right after the skyway right before the Indiana toll you see a forest? I live about 3 blocks west of it. :thumbsup2

Sorry! Didn't mean to make you go through that again. ;) But you didn't have to deal with rush hour where you live, so that was nice! And I totally saw that forest.

As for the rest of the drive i kept saying: SO THAT'S what it looks like! since we drove in BLACKNESS. :rotfl2:

Hah! Yeah, not much to look at in Indiana, but at least Kentucky and Tenessee are pretty.

lovin the report!!!

Thank you and thanks for joining!
I love the title of this as it reminds me of .. well me! I have natural curly hair so me and weather don't mix. I figure when I go I will be in a constant bun or pony tail and sporting the blisters (like I did in Disneyland). Who has time to fix their hair!!!! :)

Thanks and welcome! Well, it looks like you're going in April? The humidity might not be quite as bad. But definitely easier to go with an up-do!

Clare, what a great update.

I LOVE the Florida Welcome Center (I'll miss that now that Mark will no longer be doing his business trips to Florida). And such cute pics of the girls.

Yes, there are some very crazy town names and even crazier places with funky things in front of them to lure you in.

Cute pirate room...glad the girls still have that pirate love (we have too many princesses ;)).

Thanks, Kathy! We do love that Welcome Center. The kids asked if we were stopping on the way home. Sadly, we said they don't welcome you when you're leaving. :worried:

OMG the town names. I always seem to notice a new one on every trip. And our girls do like the princesses, but I guess they love pirates more! Fine by me!
So, where were we? Ah, yes, we had just arrived at CBR. It was after 3pm by this time, and we weren't going to waste a full park day tickets on a partial day, so the parks would have to wait until tomorrow. That was okay, though. We had dinner plans. Before heading out, though, we wanted to walk around the resort a bit and get our refillable mugs. The girls were ready and hung out outside the door.

We got started and of course I had to take some pictures along the way. We call this guy "Mr. Happy," well, the girls do. I think that sounds like a name for some inappropriate, uh "toy" if you get my drift, but that's what they named him. We weren't sure what he was for the first time we visited, but Lisa (mickeystoontown), thinks they are to deter folks riding the surrey bikes from going that way. That makes sense to me. We had originally guessed they were for tying boats up to, but we never saw any boats on the lake and that wouldn't be a great place to dock anyway, so Lisa wins!

Of course there is one on either side of the bridge, so I give you "Mr. Happy 2."

Much the same as Mr. Happy, don't you think? You can even see Mr. Happy smiling smugly in the background. Of course Bucky came along, and I see Stitch and Angel too, because Maura is incapable of going anywhere without at least 2 stuffed animals in her arms, that always somehow end up in my arms. I didn't bring them, yet I'm such a push over, I always end up carrying them. We have no less then 300 stuffed animals in our house, about 50 of which made the trip with us. This will be evidenced in a later post.

Tangent! I'll stop. We kept walking and passed "Turtle Beach," so named (again by my girls, clever, aren't they) :rolleyes: because of the stone turtle statues that reside there.

We went into Old Port Royale and got our mugs. It was nice to have a new design since we have 7 of the old version. We filled up and the girls found the checkerboard in the lobby. They named it "Old Chec..." "Are you serious?" No, they didn't name it this time. I'll stop having conversations with myself now. They did decide they wanted to try to play a game, though.

Jason decided to help them play while I suddenly had to head back to the room because I "forgot" something. I was really going back for a surprise for the kids. I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about the actual trip, but I like to plan little surprises during the trip. I took some pictures on my way back to the room. It's about a 10 minute walk from OPR to our village.

Turtle Beach looking across the lake to Jamaica

Fuentes Del Moro Pool. This is in front of OPR.

Not sure what kind of tree this was, but it was gorgeous!

Looking back at the pool from our village

Another view of Jamaica. I posted this picture on Facebook declaring how wonderful and peaceful it was at that moment.

Jason took this picture of the girls by the fountain before he got a call from me to head back towards the room. They were drinking their caffeinated beverages of choice. The rule is, on vacation, there are no rules about food. They can eat and drink things they may normally not get at home. Caffeinated soda is their favorite. We need them to keep up with us, so we keep it flowing steadily. Don't judge. We're commando style tourists.

Jason and the girls got back to the room and guess what they found there? A TREASURE MAP AND A NOTE FROM THE ONE AND ONLY CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW!!!!! I of course did not get to see their reaction to said map, as I was nonchalantly laying in a hammock on the beach guarding the treasure. Do you think Jason took a picture of their faces when they found the map? OF COURSE NOT!!!! So, neither myself or you fine people get to enjoy their expressions. I'm sure he was helping them read what it said, but still, I would have liked a picture.

They ran down to the beach, saw me coincidentally laying in the hammock and told me the exciting news. The map was all drawn out with an X and everything. They began their search for the treasure.

Daddy had to help them unearth it.

Their booty!

Captain Jack did not disappoint. He left them each a $25 Disney gift card, a ton of chocolate coins, some necklaces, glow sticks, candy necklaces, and plastic gold coins. They were so excited and absolutely believe he left it for them. I dread the day that kind of magic will be gone from their lives.

As soon as that excitement was done, we headed over to DTD. We had some friends to see and a dinner reservation to get to!
Joining in!

I LOVE that Captain Sparrow paid your girls a visit!

Can't wait to see what other magic awaits!
Joining in!

I LOVE that Captain Sparrow paid your girls a visit!

Can't wait to see what other magic awaits!

:welcome:! Thanks for joining! Yeah, imagine that, Captain Jack himself.;)

And it looks like you have a new baby! Congratulations! How exciting.
You guys found the two Mr. Happys! I'm still guessing that they are there to block surrey bikes from going down that path but I don't know for sure.

Oh I won't be judging you for letting the kiddos do whatever they want food wise while on vacation. My wise old pediatrician told me that it was better to see them eating than seeing them sitting at a table refusing to eat. Made sense to me. Not saying that I didn't watch what they ate but I wasn't a stickler like some people are. Besides, who am I to Judge? I'm a CocaColaholic. :rotfl:

Very cute idea to have the buried treasure for the girls! They sure loaded up on some fine gifts there. I'm going on vacation with you next time. :thumbsup2
So excited to read your report- we are headed to CBR in March for our first visit.

Treasure hunt is an adorable idea!
You guys found the two Mr. Happys! I'm still guessing that they are there to block surrey bikes from going down that path but I don't know for sure.

Yeah, I 'm now with you on that one. I just can't imagine what else they'd be for. The kids love them, though!

Oh I won't be judging you for letting the kiddos do whatever they want food wise while on vacation. My wise old pediatrician told me that it was better to see them eating than seeing them sitting at a table refusing to eat. Made sense to me. Not saying that I didn't watch what they ate but I wasn't a stickler like some people are. Besides, who am I to Judge? I'm a CocaColaholic. :rotfl:

Hah! I'm a Diet Pepsi-aholic so I get it. Yeah, in general, they eat well, Lucy especially, but most of the time, I'm just happy they eat! :)

Very cute idea to have the buried treasure for the girls! They sure loaded up on some fine gifts there. I'm going on vacation with you next time. :thumbsup2

Well we'd love to have you! Think, two crazy families together?

Ok...Hilarious! Can't wait to read more!

Thank you and welcome! More will come either today if I have a slow day at work, or tonight.

So excited to read your report- we are headed to CBR in March for our first visit.

You will LOVE CBR. It was our third stay there and it's so beautiful.

Treasure hunt is an adorable idea!

Thank you, and welcome too! Thanks for joining!
What a wonderful treat the Treasure Hunt was. How kind of you to assist Capt Jack in burying the treasure, too. What a great idea!

We always drive down from MI and the FLorida Welcome Center is like that first magical step into vacation heaven. We are so close we can taste it in the delicious OJ.

I will be staying at CBR for the first time with other family members next summer so I am loving the resort photos and plan on sharing with them.


Clare, trying to catch up.

I love that the girls name things at the resort. Those turtles are adorable.

Great pics of CBR as you went to prepare the Treasure Hunt. What an awesome idea. And I LOVE the surprises in the treasure chest. Can I be your child too? :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Hi! I'm new around here, but your girls are so awesome and I *LOVE* the buried treasure idea. What a cool mom!

Tell your hubs I said "geez, dad, how about more pictures?" Your internet sensation celebribabies need to get their pictures out to their adoring fans!

I'm sure the humidity will wreck my hair as well. It will slowly get bigger and bigger as my photos move along chronologically; I just know it.
Absolutely love that treasure hunt idea... my daughter would have absolutely flipped lol

They did love it. It was fun putting it together for them.

What a wonderful treat the Treasure Hunt was. How kind of you to assist Capt Jack in burying the treasure, too. What a great idea!

Well, Capt. Jack needed help. He drinks a lot of rum you know. ::yes::

We always drive down from MI and the FLorida Welcome Center is like that first magical step into vacation heaven. We are so close we can taste it in the delicious OJ.

Totally! And just the fact that that means you are ACTUALLY in Florida is awesome.

I will be staying at CBR for the first time with other family members next summer so I am loving the resort photos and plan on sharing with them.

Share away! And you will LOVE CBR. We've been very happy there.

And welcome! Thanks for joining in!



Clare, trying to catch up.

I love that the girls name things at the resort. Those turtles are adorable.

They are crazy with names. Everything gets a name. And those turtles are so cool. They're like ceramic or plaster or something.

Great pics of CBR as you went to prepare the Treasure Hunt. What an awesome idea. And I LOVE the surprises in the treasure chest. Can I be your child too? :rotfl2::rotfl2:

I'd adopt you! :rotfl:

Hi! I'm new around here, but your girls are so awesome and I *LOVE* the buried treasure idea. What a cool mom!

Welcome! And, thanks. I try to be cool once in a while since they are still at the age where I can actually be considered cool. :cool1:

Tell your hubs I said "geez, dad, how about more pictures?" Your internet sensation celebribabies need to get their pictures out to their adoring fans!

Oh, he took pictures. But when HE thought about it. I think it's kind of my fault because I didn't SAY he should take pics, but come on, he should have figured that one out on his own.

I'm sure the humidity will wreck my hair as well. It will slowly get bigger and bigger as my photos move along chronologically; I just know it.

Hah! If that happens, you'll have to post pics. I just stopped trying after a couple of days. :rolleyes:
oh i just love that IDEA!!!! bad hubby No pictures! or video!

Thanks! it was fun to do that for them and I found that old looking treasure chest at a rummage sale. And yes, bad Jason. He does redeem himself with photos a little bit later, though.
Alright, so where were we? Right, treasure had been procured, and we were all getting hungry. Time to head to DTD for our
dinner ressie at T-Rex. This would be a first for us, but we'd heard only good things and the girls love dinosaurs, so it seemed
like the perfect choice.

Since we had the luxurious van at our beck and call, of course we were going to use it. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of the busses. I
just don't like that you never know for certain when they will come, and you have to add on that much extra time to be sure you arrive in
time, so the car it was. It's also so much easier when you have 2 strollers and 2 sleeping kids at the end of the night and you don't have to fold
them up (the strollers, not the kids) to get on the bus.

So, back into our chariot we went. We were going to drive to POR and take the boat, as we'd never done that before, and I had heard
nightmares about the parking at DTD because of the construction. We set off for POR and couldn't find it. Heaven forbid we use the
GPS available on either of our phones, but we didn't. We also realized we were REALLY close to DTD, so we risked it and parked. I
have to say, the rumors were wrong. We parked in the Casting lot and walked right across the street. There was a crossing guard manning
the chaos and everything. DTD itself was a hot mess, but parking was a walk in the park.

Oh, and on the way over, even though we told her not to, Maura took off her Magic Band, and of course dropped it on the floor. We couldn't find it initially, though we knew it was in there somewhere. Like the wonderful parents we are, we threatened her with a gray one if we couldn't find it and needed to replace it. Her's was pink, and she was none to happy about the gray option. After some digging we found the coveted pink MB and all was right with the world again. She didn't take it off again except for sleeping time. She wasn't taking any chances.

I have to go on a tangent here for a moment, because when I was just going through Photobucket to check out the pictures for this post,
I found this old gem. Here is Lucy at 4 1/2 on our first visit to CBR. We just stayed for 1 night while visiting my in-laws, who live
about an hour north of Orlando. Maura stayed with grandma and grandpa so Lucy could have a special day with us. We had the best time
and here she is the first time she met Mr. Happy. Look how little she is. :(

Tangent over.

So we finally made it. DTD was in re-furb chaos. It was difficult to navigate, but we found our way.The girls discovered the Characters
In Flight balloon and wanted a picture in front of it. They were very intrigued with it and wanted to try, but we didn't have time this visit.
We made a promise to try on a future visit, and they were okay with that.

A few more twists and turns around the re-furb walls and we reached our destination!

We checked in, were immediately put in line, and were
seated in about 5 minutes.

Here's Jason and Lucy waiting to get our table. I think that's a weak attempt by Lucy to photobomb. Usually she's much better at it.

We were seated in the Geo-cave, just outside the ice cave. We loved the place and took about 5 minutes just looking in awe at all the stuff in there. I did take a picture of a giant bug. We have a good friend back home who HATES spiders and bugs, so to torture her, Jason and I took pictures of any insect or arachnid like things we saw on the trip and made a point to post them on her Facebook page. Aren't we nice friends?

It's especially nice because it's called an Assassin bug. I'm sure our friend thought it would kill her in her sleep. :rotfl2:

I was also looking for my friend, Toni. Toni is a friend I met on another BB site when we were pregnant with our first babies in 2006. I had
seen her in person 2 other times when we'd come to Florida, as she lives there. They happened to be at Disney this weekend celebrating her
daughter Chloe's 8th birthday, and they thought they'd wait it out at T-Rex and meet us. Turns out, they were already seated about 3 tables away!
We got up, said the hellos, and decided to meet up for some shopping after we all ate. Toni and her family are in the background of this pic.

The kids were given the T-Rex hats and we forced them to sit and make a decision about their food, ensuring them we could explore the place in
a bit. We had ordered our drinks by this time, and our server, whose name I of course didn't write down, so I'll call him Fred, had brought them and was patiently waiting to take our order. Finally the kids decided, so off Fred went to put in our order and up we got to check the place out. We took a lot of pics.

A rare photo of me. I told you the humidity wrecked my hair.

This octopus over the bar was so cool!

The girls loved this baby mammoth.

Sorry about the poor quality of some of these. Maura was taking some of them and what 5 year old that you know bothers to focus?

I think this is a scared face?

Again with the baby mammoth. They were obsessed.

Finally some food porn for you people who like that sort of thing. Thankfully, the first food pic I had to take, Jason was in the bathroom for. If he hadn't been, there probably would have been a bite out of either our appetizer or my hand for getting in the way of his food. The man loves to eat. This was our appetizer. The Footprints Flatbread. Warm flatbreat tooped with cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, and goat cheeses, rotisserie chicken, and caramelized onions, drizzled with a balsamic glaze. $15.99

It was really good. The kids of course ate none. They don't eat things that taste delicious. But really, that was fine. More for Jason and I. We offered them some but got the stink face.

Our entrees arrived soon after. Jason got the Guac-O-Saurus burger. (You see what they did there?) A 100% beef burger topped with guacamole, a fried onion ring, pepper jack cheese, crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato, and pickles. Served with waffle fries. $17.99

See his hand in that picture? He's getting ready to slap me. :lmao:
Maura ORDERED the Jurassic chicken tidbits, which is basically dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, but Fred mis-heard her and brought her the Shrimpkins, which was the nuggets and popcorn shrimp. She chose watermelon as her side (good girl!)

Now let me get something straight. Maura doesn't eat shrimp. Maura sometimes doesn't eat chicken. Thankfully, there were about 3 more pieces of chicken on the plate than she would eat anyway, so we told Fred not to worry about it, and then Jason got to eat the shrimp. More food for him! Maura didn't care as long as we "got that creepy shrimp off her plate." Yes, those were her words. The creepy shrimp went into daddy's belly.

Lucy got the kids Paleo Pizza. It was a pizza. With cheese. She ate it all.

The kids food came on these cute plastic T-Rex plates. I'm sure we could have purchased them in the gift shop, but we forgot to look.

I got the Pterodactyl Salad. Rotisserie chicken, mixed greens, celery, tomatoes, bleu cheese crumbles, chopped egg, and bacon tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. $16.99

I asked for no tomatoes. They are little pieces of disgusting to me. As you can see, my salad has tomatoes on it. I ate around them. I'm sure Fred couldn't hear me because it's louder than an AC/DC concert in there. I also don't usually eat bacon. Don't judge! I like pigs! But, when I"m on vacation, I don't follow the rules and eat whatever I want, since we tell the kids that's the rule, so I got the bacon and enjoyed it very much! the salad was good, even with picking around the tomatoes, and that garlicy goodness hunk of bread that came with it was outstanding.

(continued in next post)
The kids ate quickly, well, Maura ate her 1 chicken finger and like 2 pieces of watermelon, and Lucy devoured her pizza, and they wanted to take some pictures. This is what we got.


This is where they cook the chicken

And a random shot by Lucy. She's not too bad!

We were celebrating their birthdays while we were there. Maura's is in July, and Lucy's was 2 days after we left Disney. The trip was like their presents, so Fred and his friends brought out some ice cream for them with some singing and clapping.

Maura looks thrilled.

After that, we settled our bill and went to look at the gift shop. The girls had seen some other kids with Build-a-Bear dinosaurs and decided they had to have one too. They needed to add more stuffed animals to their huge collection. Maura can barely fit in her bed she has so many. But, this was vacation, so we obliged them. After much deliberation, Lucy picked the Anklyosaurus and Maura the oh-so-realistic looking multi-patterened Triceratops. If you've never been to Build-a-Bear (you must live under a rock then), you choose the shell of your animal of choice and then help stuff it, put a heart in it, brush it, and dress it if you want. We let the girl choose a sound to put in theirs, so Maura picked a growly roar sound, and Lucy picked the vibrating heart, which doesn't really make noise, but "beats" when you press it.

Here they are making a wish with the fabric hearts they'll put in their dinos.

Here are the finished products, Lava the Anklyosaurus, and Colors, the unrealistic Triceratops. And me of course with my uncooperative hair.

We walked around DTD looking to meet up with Toni and her family again. We had to stop at the Elsa window. She's the best you know.

Toni texted and said they were at the Lego store, so that's where we headed.
It was a madhouse in there, and way to crowded to really do or look at anything, but we took a few quick pics, got 2 Simpsons mini-figure surprise bags, that contained Itchy and Nelson. Score! And each of the kids got a Lego keychain. Lucy got Emmett from The Lego Movie, and Maura got a green dragon, much like a mini version of the big one in the lake.

It was crazy in there and I couldn't stay. I asked Toni if it was that busy because it was a Friday. She goes to Disney all the time. She said it wasn't very busy at all that night and I should see it in summer. :eek:

We made our way to World of Disney where Maura tried on some hats.

There's the photobomb style I'm used to!

And again. Lucy gets into the photobombs. She's pretty much perfected it.

After a bit in WOD, the kids found this fountain that they wanted to play in. It was hot, the end of the night, and they were with their friends, so who was I to stop them? The water evaporated off their clothes in like 13 seconds anyway.

Hey, Hidden Mickey! Lucy found this one and was REALLY proud of herself.

We stopped in the pin trading store and found some old friends.

It was almost time to call it a night, but I had to get a pic of Toni and I first to post on our mom's board. Guess who took this picture?

Do you think he could have gotten more in the center? The kids could have done a better job.

We stopped in the bathroom before our goodbyes, and as I walked out, I noticed my little purse/wallet thing I carry in my pocket was missing. I immediately panicked as it had my ID, Debit card, and about $200 in cash in it. I ran back into the bathroom and saw a woman who had just picked it up and was about to turn it in to lost and found. I gave her a huge hug, thanked her, and secured it in a new pocket. Thankfully, that was the only time that happened on the trip. Phew! That would have been a crappy start to the trip.

We said our goodbyes to Toni and family and walked back to the car. It was about 10pm by this point, and we had an 8:00 breakfast reservation, so we showered (you have to in September in Florida, you can't wait until morning), and hit the sack with dreams of our first park dancing in our heads.

Up next, finally, our first park day!


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