Every Adventure Requires a First Step.

Ok...dolls are scary, but you live with THIS terrifying thing!?!

YES it it terrifying!! First i cannot reach it.
THEN when i do get it and hide my HUSBAND decides to bring that THING back out and it stares at me!!
i must burn it..

Oh, I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with that!!!!!!

I know who makes them. 😉 . Plus i think these are going to become my client gifts!!

Your kitchen turned out SO cute! I absolutely love all the little Disney touches everywhere, and the red walls with the yellow stripe. Seriously just awesome!

Thank you!!! I loved it when it was fist done.. Now? It's like walking into McDonalds!!! I Hate McDonalds!

Puppy pictures are always fun

Love me some Long John Silver but unfortunately there aren't any in my area anymore.

I love Long John Silvers!!! but after not having it for so so long that grease gets ya!! HA HA

I got a couple of those for Christmas last year but still haven't done them. I've been on a puzzle obsession this year.

Actually the one puzzle was the inspiration for the color scheme -

The red and yellow IS from here!!!
and I haven't even DONE the puzzle! I did open it and found out there is a picture in there! So i think i might just frame that instead?!?! :confused3

Diamond paintings it mindless so i can do that while working so i don't lose my mind with the idiot co-workers.

Love them especially the Wonderful World one! I have Pluto on my car of course but I bought it off of either Ebay or Etsy. I have no talent for that kind of stuff.

umm... All ya gotta do is send me a message! i might start Meghan a facebook store- but i have no idea how they work..


We did a quarantine home improvement project too!!! We redid our master suite. Since Brian and I were both working in there full time. Our bedroom is big enough for Brian to have his office set-up there, too. When I ended up working from home, we just set up a table in front of a window. So, we LIVED in that room and bathroom for months.

Wowza that is a BIG room! I need pictures of the re-do! Yep I get it. you are stuck in a room or two you need a different atmosphere!

The Amazon man WAS Santa for those months of renovation!

For real. For a while there it was a crapshoot in what was going to be on that new front porch! OR a gamble in how much weight it can hold!!!
I loved it!

The last of the project was hanging the bedroom curtains. Brian was SO OVER the whole thing, that we are just now hanging those curtains this weekend...and I have been back in the office since mid-August!

HA! tired of looking at it already??
Speaking of.--- that is the last of the kitchen redo CURTAINS! - what kind of curtains? i planned on making them..
Opinions please!!!

Love the way your kitchen came out. Great job!

Thank you so much!!!
and big ol Welcome! So glad your here- I do promise i will get to the planning part

You did an amazing job on the kitchen. I especially love your coffee set up. :)

Thank you so much! I LOVE my Coffee bar.. LOVE it and i love decorating it. the kids think they are baristas now.. I have more flavor creamers and k-cups.

Those are really cute.

Thanks I love my Cricut!! I want the new one now..

That would be really to have in the kitchen.

YES! I love having a black board Every time i do something with it kitchen theme- a child- whether mine or one that thinks they live here comes and erases it does their own art.

Thank you for your kind words on the Kitchen Still plan on putting music notes across the top - i don't know what song yet

and i need Curtain ideas!

Sorry no Update today-- had to run the kids to the Doc for Hep shot then did some work started dinner and now about to take them to the gym.. I need to get over the fear of the gym.. But i still think my fear is understandable.. I don't want to wear a mask while working out so i don't think i am going to do a lot of cardio.

--- Remember When i had 3 jobs and still a mom to three kids that NEVER had a dull moment.- and we wondered what would happen if it was all taken away
I thought it would have been a heart attack and die.
Truth is
I got LAZY and FAT! I can't even walk a mile without being out of breath! NONE of my clothes fit
Time to rectify this. My 'cheat' day is always going to be Tuesday
because tacos..
No more excuses!

See ya all tomorrow


Thank you!!! I loved it when it was fist done.. Now? It's like walking into McDonalds!!! I Hate McDonalds!
Hilarious. I hadn't thought of that at all, but now that you mention it...you're right!!

You should TOTALLY start Meg a store on FB!! She is so talented with her painting, etc. I'm sure she'd have lots of clients immediately (ahem, cough, me). And you guys can Cricut away!!

I gained so much weight during quarantine, too!! Such a depressing time, I didn't want to do anything!!!! After the first month or so, Rob and I did get into a pretty good routine of taking one long walk, like 5 miles or so, every day, or a couple short ones. That definitely helped, even though I still really just wanted to stay on the couch!
Hilarious. I hadn't thought of that at all, but now that you mention it...you're right!!

Would you like fries with that???
let's not even talk about the German flag going on either.

You should TOTALLY start Meg a store on FB!! She is so talented with her painting, etc. I'm sure she'd have lots of clients immediately (ahem, cough, me). And you guys can Cricut away!!

well I will talk to her when I pick her up today! If she says yes then I will!!! i have NO idea how HA HA HA HA

I gained so much weight during quarantine, too!! Such a depressing time, I didn't want to do anything!!!! After the first month or so, Rob and I did get into a pretty good routine of taking one long walk, like 5 miles or so, every day, or a couple short ones. That definitely helped, even though I still really just wanted to stay on the couch!

It was so so hard.. I cannot believe how easy it was to just give up! sitting and watching TV became life.. and trying to get motivated is SO HARD!!
Living the Quarantine Life!

So i left you all off with the redo of my Disney/German/McDonalds Kitchen- I am only missing curtains!
So if any of you have some ideas to maybe BREAK the McDonalds/German vibe I am open to them!

Well if you have a Disney Kitchen you need to fill it with Disney food right?

Also rethinking the blackboard-

Peanut to the rescue-

We were still losing our minds with the quarantine somehow Zack was dared? maybe? or someone said you won't do it.
But he started to write out the entire take out menu to a local restaurant!

About here is when America lost their d@mn mind. I believe fatigue of the virus brought out the UGLY. Chicago was under fire it was the scariest time i have even seen. At this time Chicago still looks like the aftermath of war.
so Again as a mom and a decent HUMAN we try to make life a little more normal.
We had a small BBQ on the 4th of July with close friends Tom was working I am NOT a good BBQ-er
I have learned the hard way and i will never pretend to BBQ ever again. I will stick to my McDonalds kitchen! HA HA

When i say small BBQ because we normally have about min of 50 people at any BBQ at any time. this was adults of about 4 and children about 7ish??

We kept our friend family- all the girls were back together- Meg needed this more then air.

I felt so BAD for angelica she was being kicked by the Meg to the left! So M.A.M is back together!

SLOWLY Indiana was starting to open back up. we got the the call. Football and Volleyball was ON! THANK YOU!
my kids have bene playing sports since they were 4. 4! Constantly moving and playing and working out ect. to dead nothing not a dang thing and it affected my kids HARD. when we got the news of opening sports it was reinvigorating. breathed new life into my kids!
so they went out and started to get back into shape.

That umbrella thing they run with resistance

matt was ready for practice about 48 hours BEFORE start time.

Sand training was in full affect

things were defiantly looking up
their permits came in the mail

You thought riots in Chicago scared me?
It was driving. All you parents out there who already went through this.
Your my hero.. A friend of mine suggested taking them to a Cemetery - Best idea EVER! so many turns and lanes stop signs.. No one to hurt!

We drove past a resale shop and lo and behold there was a BIKE! I could be happier! A old Schwinn!
they got it all perdy for me

Cuz everyone has their bikes in the front room! right? Or is that just us! HA HA HA

We have the best bike trails around here and i always wanted a bike!
so we would go out every night Even my sister got in on this!

Look at that smile! Getting out and some movement! even if she fell in the dirt..
Totally changes the soul!

Ya know what else make the soul happy..


I don't know if this is the pride or not it has the castle and this rainbow remind me of

and they make me about 2 inches TALLER! they have a bit of a platform and totally bouncy.

Murphy was excited out local Dunkin Donuts was selling Dog Toys!

he was NOT sharing either..

my boy...

During one of my shopping days i was DELIGHTED to find this

HAPPINESS IN A BOTTLE- it tastes just like a bombpop! Magic. I had to share this little picture i cannot tell you how happy that made Lori and I on our virtual hangout while watching tv..
also made bike riding THAT much more fun...

I hope you can understand the impact quarantine had on the mental state of some..
Like Matt-

He got his helmet.. Winning the lottery didn't compare to the feeling this kid had to receive his helmet.

Meghan gave her approval

it was time-
some have woobies of blankets of Duffy
the boys?
Helmet and pads

A small bit of normal was happening!!!
Before i knew it -

they turned into Sophomores!!! YOU GUYS! I can't even!!

Cannot be happier or more comfortable with the way the school is handling this whole crazy time-
They have the option for Virtual or In person- If you want to play sports then you have to do in person. I completely agree with this.
They are in school 4 days with one day for cleaning then weekends are cleaning
all students are 6'apart but the kids said they feel like its a camp.. uncomfortable yet sadly becoming normal.. I hate this all so so much and pray daily this world will heal soon
The world need more of this-

OMG have you had these?!?!?! If more people would eat these cookies there would be more love and warm fuzzies.
Raven agrees-

until then we have to deal.. a little better then some

Please see the feet..
I mean.. Amazing RIGHT?!?!

People watching just kicked up a notch or 12!!

I think i gave you enough eye candy for one day--

See ya tomorrow!!

Chapter Page
Next Chapter-
Living a More NORMAL
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A friend of mine suggested taking them to a Cemetery - Best idea EVER! so many turns and lanes stop signs.. No one to hurt!
My Dad's favorite discovery when he was teaching me to drive, too!! Especially because I couldn't make right turns, LOL. He found a perfect square route through the cemetery and just made me drive around and around turning right.

PS Seriously?! They're DRIVING!?!

I don't know if this is the pride or not it has the castle and this rainbow remind me of
Those are SO cute!!! I love that they're platform. They remind me of the 70's magicband and shirts, etc they were selling last year, so maybe part of that line? Either way, those are amazing. I'd totally wear them!

I'm so glad your kids are able to do in-person learning. I was sort of uneasy coming back to school in-person, but it has really worked out SO well, and my class is thriving!! I have 8 e-learners, too, but we zoom daily and I try to include them in as many things as I possibly can, so they keep that social connection.

Now if only IL would let my kid play hockey!!!!
My Dad's favorite discovery when he was teaching me to drive, too!! Especially because I couldn't make right turns, LOL. He found a perfect square route through the cemetery and just made me drive around and around turning right.

PS Seriously?! They're DRIVING!?!

HA! how many rights make a wrong?!?!
I was taught in one of our very large Park districts. I started the kids there.. but the Cemetery is so much... More for them ya know?
Yeah.. Theyre drivin.. i can't even think.

Those are SO cute!!! I love that they're platform. They remind me of the 70's magicband and shirts, etc they were selling last year, so maybe part of that line? Either way, those are amazing. I'd totally wear them!

See you get it.

I'm so glad your kids are able to do in-person learning. I was sort of uneasy coming back to school in-person, but it has really worked out SO well, and my class is thriving!! I have 8 e-learners, too, but we zoom daily and I try to include them in as many things as I possibly can, so they keep that social connection.

Me too they just do so much better IN PERSON.. we had first quarter stuff and they are doing fantastic except geometry..
Geometry is bad...

So glad you're doing well! I know parents are losing their minds with virtual. They aren't even showing up to classes somehow that's the teacher's fault. My niece is a CPS teacher. my heart goes out to all my teacher fam and friends!
you are so cleaver in all your teachings!!! I am sure you keep those kids captive! I wanna join!

Now if only IL would let my kid play hockey!!!!

I thought the IHSAA just vetoed Prickster no sports crap?
Living more normal

Going to be quick here its Friday!!!! End of month junk AND hearings for the city. So it's a bit nuts..
This weekend is one of THE BEST HOLIDAYS everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


On a Saturday with a blue moon and amazing weather! FINALLY!

Kids are currently constructing a Monster, the house WILL be up for anyone brave enough to go out and brave enough to visit Bonadurer Manor.. MUUUUHA HA HA HA HA H AH

Introduced the kids to a little thing called

they are hooked.. didn't realize all the cool stuff out there- between making monsters haunted house stuff
but football work outs..

Pintrest is the deVIL i tell you! DANG YOU PINTREST!
Have any of you went down the pintrest hole and have remorse? or Fails?

i will show you the final product when they decide to finish it.. LOL

Left off with football in full affect
we can't go without booboos

Zack was laying in the middle of the field and wasn't getting up. The way he was laying i KNEW it was his knee I wasn't too worried - the trainer they haven't isn't the best judgement and always told them DO NOT walk if you feel like you popped something. well he thought he popped something and his emotions took hold. i actually was called out to the field to calm him down
I did of course... MY BABIES! THEY NEED ME FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway they brought out the cart we flopped him on the trainer wrapped him up and we watched as the team lost like 50 something to about 8? it was a hot mess. those kids were enormous.

so we ended up-

He was terrified he did something bad...
after X-rays and an MRI week later-
he was OK!!! No tears just sprain. Off he went with a brace and a LOT of therapy to strengthen those knee muscles.
Not to be out done Matt got a booboo too-

By the way that was AFTER he showered..
Forgot a LOT of the grass remnants. Thankfully we were at Bryan and Amy's house matt WOULD not let me clean this. But he Let Amy
i guess she did it nicer..

Moving on
The look i ALWAYS get from Zack-

Mr. BOOBOO arm


oh wait

It was picture day

I pray their smiles look a lot better then the above?? HA HA

Next game Gimpy was able to run out but still not cleared to play

Matt was doing his job-

but they knew my boy and went after him DIRTY-

and poked him in the eye! Even the principal said she had my back to after that CHILD did that Matt!

I thought they would have to cut it to alleviate the swelling.. Thankfully not. but Trainer pulled him out of he game and he was ANGRY

Very.. Very angry..
he put himself back in the game without them noticing. Then trainer pulled him again and took his helmet away..
3 days later he was able to open the eye-

so we went for another bike ride!

GAH! I love twilight and skys!!!

If you ever driven between Indiana and Wisconsin Indiana toll rode - Because you can afford 10.00 in about 3 miles-
That is 90!

We LOVE this route. it is urban and country!

So what do you do when you finished the kitchen?
You move on to the craft room..
My craft room is being shared with Tom's CD's and few things.. I WANT to move into the kids OLD play room in the basement and leave the office for Tom- I don't know why this says double click?!?

During operation clean I got the call
someone was released to play!

so I bought him THIS paper helmet..

Totally safe.

I am almost caught up with Life itself and can get more into FUTURE! FUN STUFF!

Until Monday--
I hope you all have a
Happy and Healthy SAFE Halloween!!


Chapter page

Halloween 2020
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The look i ALWAYS get from Zack-
It looks like he is wondering what you are saying about him - again. ;)
GAH! I love twilight and skys!!!
I love that sunset. And I am jealous of your Schwinn bike. That looks very comfortable to ride. Do they have bike trails at Wolf Lake?

I'm glad the kids have such a great high school. But I also hope we all get back to normal soon, too, so all kids can get out of their houses, away from the computer, and be kids again.

Using a cemetery for driving lessons is a great idea. We have some grandchildren who be reaching that age in a few years. :)

Have a great Halloween. It will be interesting to see how many kids show up. Your haunted houses are legendary. :) Our town suggested putting treats on a card table outside, an idea I had already thought of ages ago. So that is what we'll do. :)
O.M.G. I don't know how you restrained yourself from destroying the kid who poked Matt in the eye!!! I once got thrown out of one of my brother's high school soccer games because I was screaming at a kid who kicked him. If it was my own kid...yikes...all bets would totally be off.
It looks like he is wondering what you are saying about him - again. ;)

truth.. can't deny that.. HA HA

I love that sunset. And I am jealous of your Schwinn bike. That looks very comfortable to ride. Do they have bike trails at Wolf Lake?

They made ALL kinds of Bike paths over there! but we do the one that is half Illinois and half Indiana.. anywhere i can take some amazing pictures and a sun set!!!

glad the kids have such a great high school. But I also hope we all get back to normal soon, too, so all kids can get out of their houses, away from the computer, and be kids again.

They are currently hinting they will be closing again. I PRAY this doesn't happen. I hate it and i am tired of it - too exhausting..

Using a cemetery for driving lessons is a great idea. We have some grandchildren who be reaching that age in a few years. :)

BEST idea ever!!! can't hurt anything!!!

Have a great Halloween. It will be interesting to see how many kids show up. Your haunted houses are legendary. :) Our town suggested putting treats on a card table outside, an idea I had already thought of ages ago. So that is what we'll do. :)

it was hardly anything.. especially comparing to years past.. I will post some pictures!

O.M.G. I don't know how you restrained yourself from destroying the kid who poked Matt in the eye!!! I once got thrown out of one of my brother's high school soccer games because I was screaming at a kid who kicked him. If it was my own kid...yikes...all bets would totally be off.

It wasn't easy.. let me tell you.. i wanted to find the kids parent and take it out on them!!!
I have been known to scream a thing or two. and may have been asked to leave a time or two..
-Halloween 2020-

Hello friends!!!

We did it.. We got through Halloween in 2020!
I hope you all had a great day ours was.. Different.
I just love when the memories pop up
Their first trick or treating!

Oh the cuteness!!!

If you don't know we are a HUGE halloween freaks.. when the kids were about 5 the saw a house that was scaring people.. we sat and watched it for a longtime.. once we were home zack wanted to scare people too! and he sat on the porch and scared the living poop out of people.
which turned into us having a full on haunted walk through

this was our 9th year!
and they made a scarecrow!

They had friends over which made this a full on crazy haunted house.. While i---

we NORMALLY have a line that goes all the way down the block
this year-

far and few between..
I don't even know what we gave out v/s what all those kids ate-

It was a beautiful night which is also one of my close friends birthday.

After the kids tore down their house and went out for a bit we retired to the back yard and the drunks decided to try and burn the entire backyard.

i mean i have been complaining about the weeds this was extreme

We enjoyed the blue moon or they told me this is blue?

i just didn't see it..

We sang happy birthday just relaxed and enjoyed each other.. Was one of the best times i have had this year.

Apparently we had a few kids spend the night-
the normal girls and a couple of boys..
Things are changing in our house.. 16 year olds.. both male and female..
I know have to become a helicopter Mom along with giving them space and respect. This is not easy.
THANKFULLY we have a totally open relationship even if i am completely cringing on the inside.

I must keep this open communication..

I made them ALL breakfast the extra boys of the house went home it was the normal crowd of me and the boys and the 3 girls.. I have accepted the fact I have 5 kids..
Even Murphy treats them like they live there.

we ordered Pizza watched the Saints win took down the Halloween Decorations DOWN!

that extra hour did nothing for Monday...

so i have some more stuff to get done around these parts!

I want to hear about your Halloween and see all your pictures!!!

by the way never watch Disney clouds.. DO NOT DO IT.
Just don't.

Chapter Page
It wasn't easy.. let me tell you.. i wanted to find the kids parent and take it out on them!!!
I have been known to scream a thing or two. and may have been asked to leave a time or two..
And this is why we're friends :)

I love that your family builds a haunted house in the yard--that is such a fun tradition!! Glad you got a bit of normalcy in your Halloween....and also glad your house wasn't burned to the ground along with your weeds!!

We were supposed to go to the Dells for a Halloween weekend with my Mom, but that didn't happen because I can't quarantine for 2 weeks when I come back to Chicago...so...we did a sleepover with pizza party picnic at my parents' house on Friday night, Boo Fest at MSI on Saturday and slept over at a hotel in Rosemont so we could have a swim and play board games. It was a whole lot of fun! :)

Jimmy dressed as Shaggy, and had me pull out my Daphne costume from 2004!!! We were awfully cute if I do say so myself!
We had more kids than usual stop at our card table for treats. And we saw more teens than usual. I think they wanted to have fun for a change. :)
And this is why we're friends :)

HA HA HA HA!! there are so many reasons...

I love that your family builds a haunted house in the yard--that is such a fun tradition!! Glad you got a bit of normalcy in your Halloween....and also glad your house wasn't burned to the ground along with your weeds!!

Thanks! I don't know if they will do it again.. But it has been a thrill!!!
The fire was a bit ridicules.. Adult boys when drunk are.. not the best decision makers..
Thankfully i can report that i still have a yard, and the wires were not torched,

We were supposed to go to the Dells for a Halloween weekend with my Mom, but that didn't happen because I can't quarantine for 2 weeks when I come back to Chicago...so...we did a sleepover with pizza party picnic at my parents' house on Friday night, Boo Fest at MSI on Saturday and slept over at a hotel in Rosemont so we could have a swim and play board games. It was a whole lot of fun! :)

Not going to lie i am seriously jealous of your Halloween weekend! and NO CLEAN UP! im still cleaning up..
but it's Wednesday and the kids have virtual learning so we can get a lot done today,

Jimmy dressed as Shaggy, and had me pull out my Daphne costume from 2004!!! We were awfully cute if I do say so myself!

OMG you make the best Shaggy and Daphne! WTH how can you still fit into things from 5 years ago??

We had more kids than usual stop at our card table for treats. And we saw more teens than usual. I think they wanted to have fun for a change. :)

oh that is such great news!!! I love the kids got out for a bit of fresh air and innocent fun!
these kids have GOT to get out a bit!

Ok dokey i am almost done with the 5 months of covd living and can move onto the fun FUTURE!
OMG you make the best Shaggy and Daphne! WTH how can you still fit into things from 5 years ago??
It's a One size fits most costume, so thank God it still fit or I would've been in serious tears!!! I actually have a kind of hilarious story about this costume. When I bought it, the picture on the front showed the dress about this short....when I tried it on at home, it hung down way past my knees. I was like, is this the Amish Daphne look??? My Mom's friend is handy with a sewing machine, so she brought the hem up to the right height, LOL.
-Sweet 16-
Part 1

When you see double rainbows you MUST believe things are going to look brighter right?

Zack thinks so-

Because it was


Yes can you believe my midgets are now 16 years old? 16!!!

Where the heck has time gone?!?!

I couldn't allow covid to ruin their 16th Birthday It IS a big deal especially for Peanut.

Pintrest here i come. I didn't have a lot of time to come up with a better theme then SWEET so with a trip to the dollar store i started with some small stuff-

jello shots!

The cake was all on the kids they had to pick it out totally.
This is what happened-

Zack is taking his OLDEST sibling to heart. and made HIS name the largest. They all thought this was the funniest thing on earth and i allowed it. it's their cake and their memories.. Right? I did have to stop the misspelling of Zack Matt to this day calls Zack ---Sac Matt wanted Sac on the cake i said NO.. all three names I GAVE them must be ont he cake other then that i didn't care.

these two came by early to decorate Meghan's room they did such a cute job.

and i have NO pictures of it..
since they did such a great job i gave them freedom to decorate the Sweet table and those tier things while i had to FLUFF the beef
yes I had to FLUFF beef.

Final Product.

They did an AMAZING job!

Had to have boyish sweets too!!!

Meghan made cake balls.

we had close friends and family over-

it doesn't look it. But these are the people we are around daily..

Look at that weight i put on!!!

Lori came up with the idea to keep teenagers busy with games--
Like in it to win it one minute game things??

I think it was how many mini marshmallows can you stick on your face?!?! I don't know i was partaking in the jello shots and left this to Lori

Picture overload...

Next chapter:

Sweet 16 part 2

Chapter Page
Sweet 16
Part II

Prizes were amazing

It was time to present the cake-

we sang

Then doused with Silly String. and Confetti gun thing

Matt is weird

But he loves me and will always be the Mommy's boy

AS the night wore on we had a great time! Playing bags and finally having some normalcy!

The next day they begged me to take them to the mall now that they all had some money burning a hole in their pocket. I was in NO mood for a mall or people or leaving the house. I had a bit of a headache
but i did it - i stayed in the coffee area Hiding while they did teenager things

the boys didn't really get anything Dick's didn't have whatever football stuff the boys wanted
but the girls made a Bear- The three of them all came up with the outfit the name is the three of them smashed together and it has three hearts.
They are adorable.

On their birthday we went to Texas Corral their choice in Indiana where you can go and sit in a restaurant

Video of them singing.

Next Chapter:

Chapter Page
It's a One size fits most costume, so thank God it still fit or I would've been in serious tears!!! I actually have a kind of hilarious story about this costume. When I bought it, the picture on the front showed the dress about this short....when I tried it on at home, it hung down way past my knees. I was like, is this the Amish Daphne look??? My Mom's friend is handy with a sewing machine, so she brought the hem up to the right height, LOL.

HA HA HAHA one size fits NOT ME! HA HA HA
OMG Amish!!! that's so so funny!!!
now all i can think of is-


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