Excuse me, you'll need to see security. What has Mickeystoontown done? Update 3/25x2


Why don’t the women’s bathrooms have four rolls of toilet tissue?


:rotfl2: No Way - there were four rolls of toilet paper in each of those stalls? :rotfl: Either the Disney CM's don't want to change toilet paper rolls as frequently or men use 2 -3 X as much TP as women. The later is my guess.

You'll have to thank John for those pictures because I can honestly say I have never seen pictures of the men's rooms before.

Isn't the castle show great? I absolutely love it. I also love that Hunter road the Barnstormer. :thumbsup2
I had fallen a bit behind, but I'm back on track now! John is such a good DIS spouse to get you the potty pictures! :thumbsup2 I always cry during Wishes too...I think it may have a bit to do with the fact that we normally see it on our last night. :sad:

I'm not a fan of the new photobucket. I switched a while ago just to test it out....but switched back. Looks like now I won't have a choice.
Aww, last days make me so sad. Boo!

I'm going to tell you, though, I've gotten a lot better with my good-byes. On my first trip (at 29 years old), I sat at Downtown Disney on our last day and cried my little eyes out. :rotfl2: No, really. At the tables by the water right near Ghiradelli.

After we moved to Georgia and started going yearly, I got a little better, but I always had to visit a park on our last day...even if that meant getting home really late and having to work the next day.

Now, we've moved it up to going a couple times a year and I can leave directly from the resort in the morning on the last day. I still have to visit the gift shop one more time...and maybe take a look at a few more things around the resort before we leave....and maybe, just maybe, my husband has to practically drag me to the car....

But it's definitely better.
Again -- I love your castle shots. I ABSOLUTELY love that John took pictures in the mens room!! And FOUR rolls per stall?? :rotfl2:

Of course, I’ll have to fight Cinderella for it but I’m a tough broad and think I can take her.

My DD thinks the same thing...

It's not even 9:30 in the morning, but now I'm hungry for a hot dog!! I like that style of split rolls. However, I really liked the corn dog nuggets from Casey's. So yummy with the "cheese" sauce to dip them in. Drooling now...
:rotfl2: No Way - there were four rolls of toilet paper in each of those stalls? :rotfl: Either the Disney CM's don't want to change toilet paper rolls as frequently or men use 2 -3 X as much TP as women. The later is my guess.

You'll have to thank John for those pictures because I can honestly say I have never seen pictures of the men's rooms before.

Isn't the castle show great? I absolutely love it. I also love that Hunter road the Barnstormer. :thumbsup2

I'm hopeful that there will be four rolls in each stall in the new Fantasyland bathrooms. I always seem to be the one who goes in a stall without tissue and realize it too late.

I have never seen the inside of a men's room before either until John took these pictures.

I love love love the castle show!

I had fallen a bit behind, but I'm back on track now! John is such a good DIS spouse to get you the potty pictures! :thumbsup2 I always cry during Wishes too...I think it may have a bit to do with the fact that we normally see it on our last night. :sad:

I'm not a fan of the new photobucket. I switched a while ago just to test it out....but switched back. Looks like now I won't have a choice.

I was a little surprised that he suggested that he take the pictures. I didn't even have to coax him or anything.

I'm not a fan of the new photobucket either. I never did make the switch myself and made them force it upon me. :rotfl:
Aww, last days make me so sad. Boo!

I'm going to tell you, though, I've gotten a lot better with my good-byes. On my first trip (at 29 years old), I sat at Downtown Disney on our last day and cried my little eyes out. :rotfl2: No, really. At the tables by the water right near Ghiradelli.

After we moved to Georgia and started going yearly, I got a little better, but I always had to visit a park on our last day...even if that meant getting home really late and having to work the next day.

Now, we've moved it up to going a couple times a year and I can leave directly from the resort in the morning on the last day. I still have to visit the gift shop one more time...and maybe take a look at a few more things around the resort before we leave....and maybe, just maybe, my husband has to practically drag me to the car....

But it's definitely better.

It's wonderful that you can go more often now! I would soooo love to live closer so that we could go more than once a year. It's an 800+ mile trip which ain't nothing to sneeze at.

You're just like me. I want to do seomthing anything[/I one last time. :rotfl:

Again -- I love your castle shots. I ABSOLUTELY love that John took pictures in the mens room!! And FOUR rolls per stall?? :rotfl2:

My DD thinks the same thing...

It's not even 9:30 in the morning, but now I'm hungry for a hot dog!! I like that style of split rolls. However, I really liked the corn dog nuggets from Casey's. So yummy with the "cheese" sauce to dip them in. Drooling now...

You know what? I thought about that very picture when I wrote that last installment. I believe it was in your POFQ report.

Oh gosh! Cheese sauce makes everything taste good!
I love that John took such detailed photos of the bathrooms. He's the best DIS husband ever!
Ooohh… little brother has a little to learn about married couples wanting alone time…:angel:

I can't imagine getting Corey to take pictures in the bathroom! He gets the food pictures, but he hasn't been trained like John has been over all these years!!!

Yeah, little brother wasn't thinking was he?

I was a little surprised when John suggested he go in and take pictures.

I had taken pictures of the girls side last March ,but I bet i hadn't gotten to that part of my TR yet when you traveled. :rotfl2: Because I am so slow at posting. UGH. I wanted to get more of mine up today and not gonna happen again.

I am surprisee Hunter didn't leave with Jesse and Lacey, just to keep an eye on them. That what a lot of younger brothers do. :rotfl:

Honey, I've been dragging this trip report out for so long. I really want to get a pre-trip report started but I knew that there was no way I could keep up with two.

Hunter is like me and will stay in the parks until they get ready to kick us out. Kinda like you staying on the cruise ships until the last minute. :lmao:
The last night is so sad..always!!! Great pics!! I love that John took pictures of the restrooms! :thumbsup2 I really like the new circus area. It is so cute!

I really really really don't like the last day! I'm looking forward to seeing all of the new Fantasyland.

I fully intend to ride the Barnstormer this trip (is it still called that?). I haven't been on a roller coaster in many years and I really want to do it again. (My weight was a factor before -- when the bar doesn't go down, it is rather embarrassing.) I am going to start with the Barnstormer, then do BTMRR and if that goes well, then I might, just might, try one more. Nah, I'll be proud of myself if I can just do those two!

I am also trying a water slide (at POFQ) this trip. I haven't done one of those since a very scary experience 20+ years ago. I was scared but didn't realize that what was happening to me wasn't supposed to happen until I was met at the bottom by two lifeguards and my family. I thought I came very close to flying over the side and apparently they all thought so too.

So, if Hunter can do Barnstormer, then I feel totally comfortable doing it.

I think it's called Barnstorme with the Great Goofini or something like that. Congratulations to you for the weight loss! :cool1: Barnstormer is pretty tame so I think you should start off with it. Lots of kiddos like this one.

Oh my! What a scary water slide story! I can see why it's been 20+ years since you've gone down one.
First of all I was literally laughing out loud at your bread story, especially when I got to Hunter's pic, that boy had "I'm up to something" written all over his face! I'm glad you got your mama her bread, it's the small things. :thumbsup2

Your wishes pics made me remember how awesome it is! We have missed it on our last two trips. Hopefully we'll see it this year!

We laughed so hard while I was stashing the bread in the ziploc bag. It was hilarious! Yep, Hunter did have one of those looks on his face.

Hope that you get to see Wishes next trip!::yes::

I'm :lmao: at John being so proud of himself for getting pictures in the new men's room. I kind of want to know why the men get so many more rolls of TP in their stalls too, but I kind of know the answer too....:rolleyes1:rotfl2:

I almost :faint: when John asked if he needed to take the bathroom pictures. I guess he figured that there wouldn't be anybody in there at that time of the night.
Oooh, those castle pictures are amazing! With the reflection in the water, beautiful. Now to go back and see what I missed.

I thought that they turned out pretty darn good!

Hmmm, 4 rolls.

I never saw the knife throwing thing, or if I did, I didn't realize it was a photo-op.

The knife throwing circle thingie is in the line for Barnstormer. I'm pretty sure that it would be hard to see/get to if the line is really busy.
I'll take a stab at answering your question with another question. Why do women love to stand in endless lines when using the facilities? Men go in and take care of business and get the heck out. That's why we seldom have lines. BTW, we don't pee in front of each other - we do it next to each other. And yes....there is a difference in those two things. Also, notice the privacy walls.

I'm guessing that the newer restrooms at Disney will start having 4 rolls. That way Disney doesn't need to send someone in to add new rolls quite so often. That'll save them a little money.

I never understood women who had to go and linger in the bathroom either. I'd much rather get my "stuff" done and leave too. I guess the whole urinal AND stalls make sense. ::yes::

Plus don't forget the rules of urinal etiquette like always leave one between you and the next person if you don't know them or it's not crowded.


I know that most of my trip report readers are women but for those men out there, I have a question. Why is it considered okay for men to pee in front of each other out in the open like that? I’ve never understood that. It’s weird to me!

It's funny that's not really something most guys think about it's just go in do your business wash your hands and head out.[/QUOTE]

:thumbsup2 for the bathroom etiquette.
Way to drag out every last moment!!! :goodvibes And here you are only a short time away from seeing the castle in all her glory again!!! :cool1:

Just 61 days!

We didn't get a weinie on this trip and that makes me sad!! But I did get to try Peco Bill's, so it's okay, I guess. Casey's is sooo yummy! ::yes::

Hunter could eat hot dogs every day of his life. Oh yeah, Pecos Bill's makes up for a no hot dog trip.

Pretty Castle pictures! I would guess if anywhere was still serving food it would be Casey's, since they are closest to the exit and where everyone would pass on their way out. Glad Hunter was able to enjoy his hot dog!

Hunter loves him some hot dogs and was glad to see Casey's still open.
I was wondering the same thing as I read this. I need to install four at my house! Maybe then there'll always be a roll on the spinner! :laughing:

I hadn't thought about that! Maybe I need to buy a couple more spinners to install in our home bathrooms. :rolleyes:

:rotfl2: My daddy had some just like that in 1970....He also had a wide tie to match!

I twas probably plaid too!

Very pretty! Love the castle reflection in the water. :goodvibes

Thank you!

Here ya go Lisa. So you can relive your last night anytime you want to. :cool1: Just click on the photos to see the video.

This one includes the kiss goodnight. And if you listen closely as we start our walk down Main Street, you can hear a grown woman whining about not wanting to go home and begging to stay. Oh, wait, that whiner is me!

Thanks so much! You little whinnie, you! :rotfl2:

Haven't seen pants like that since "Austin Powers"

Love the castle reflection picture...you should sell that one to Disney for a postcard

Those pants were something else....I just don't know what the "something else" was.

I really lucked up on those pictures of the castle. They usually turn out crappy.

Your castle photos are really pretty!! Ugh, I completely understand the "I'm going to take a picture of a Disney hot dog bun just so I can possibly delay leaving by another few seconds!" :rotfl:

I knew fellow Disers would understand! ::yes::
Oh, and I forgot to say, what is it about Casey's late at night??? We have done the exact same thing -- all of a sudden everyone is starving and Casey's is the only thing open!!
You should frame one of those castle pics for your home. I love how crisp the reflection is.

Do you know that there is a website devoted to WDW bathrooms? Obviously, her husband is not trained -- all the pics are of ladies' rooms. Just google "Disney World Bathrooms" and you should be able to find it.


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