Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust - Doug & Emily TR - SBP/Mangino's - UPDATED page 8

May I ask what your BAD choice of an outfit was for the honeymoon shoot? Was it not comfortable or did it not show up properly on film? I, of course, am asking for selfish reasons. :laughing:

Great trippie. Keep it up (when you have the time, of course!).
the first mistake was the adorable black wedges that made my feet bleed....:rotfl2:

I wore black capris and a turqoise 3/4 sleeve scoop neck shirt. The problem was the shirt, the color showed every imperfection on my body and made me look about 2 bra sizes bigger....which is bad cause i am a and showed every little area of flab......awful

i looked like an obese pamela was family and I have had quite a few laughs over these pictures, because EVERYTHING looks magnified!

Some of the camera angles did not help either......

I forgot to tell you all a funny know the fountain in the Italy pavillion of the naked man?

well......our photographer tooks pics of us by the biggie right? Except that he cut off teh top half of the all you can see directly above our heads is a piece of the male c'mon....that is not rocket science and i am not a photographer by any
I think you really need to write to Disney about this -- or email and attach some of the photos so they can see for themselves...
Some of the camera angles did not help either......

Oh....I know. In one of mine they had me sitting backwards and twisting around toward the camera. And I thought: buddy I have a big butt, do you really think I want it front and centre? :rotfl:

I forgot to tell you all a funny know the fountain in the Italy pavillion of the naked man?

well......our photographer tooks pics of us by the biggie right? Except that he cut off teh top half of the all you can see directly above our heads is a piece of the male c'mon....that is not rocket science and i am not a photographer by any

Oh my...this is just the funniest thing ever :rotfl2: should send it to Disney -- :rotfl2: I just CAN'T believe it
OMG Emily I dont know what to say. Some on this board think im just out to get Randy a couple new customers but sheesh-- did the Disney Photographer really treat you that way? Holy moly! Id be filing a formal complaint no doubt! Id love to hear what the back of the rides look like-- and about your experience was at night with the streets of MK. Sounds like an interesting trip! Im kinda glad you told me this because now I dont feel so bad about now doing the MK bridal shoot-- and i had been feeling bad about it. But after your experience along with Tiffany's I no longer feel that way!

I was cracking up about what you said about the statue and the bottom half!! That is hillarious!!

Loving this report Emily!!:woohoo: I miss having you around!!
oh my scared for my MK shoot now....may I ask who you had as a photographer? After your story, DF and I may cancel!

Otherwise...I am loving your have a great way with words. Keep it coming!
Emily you look so Beautiful. Glad you got your veil..... You and your DH look so happy and adroable together!!!!
the first mistake was the adorable black wedges that made my feet bleed....:rotfl2:

omg, I totally did that the first time I met my DF.. I flew to philly and didn't bring the right shoes so he took me to payless and I got cute wedges and walked TOO MUCH in them and they were literally cutting into my feet and I was bleeding everywhere! My DF must have thought I was a nut at the time! the things we girls do to look cute! To this day my DF says I'm the worst at wearing the right things (shoes, jackets, coats, etc) for the right occasion and he's probably right.

I forgot to tell you all a funny know the fountain in the Italy pavillion of the naked man?

well......our photographer tooks pics of us by the biggie right? Except that he cut off teh top half of the all you can see directly above our heads is a piece of the male c'mon....that is not rocket science and i am not a photographer by any

omg, that is hilarious!! Maybe you don't find it all that funny now but it will be something you can look back on and laugh and tell your kids and stuff.. haha! what a crazy photographer you had! I'm sorry you had so much drama surrounding the MK photo shoot!

can't wait to hear more about the rest of the trip! Reading your TR is really getting me jazzed about my own wedding! thanks! :woohoo:
Thanks everyone for reading up so far. I know i have been slacking a lot and I apologize. i am going to post my next installment tonight so keep posted!
Sorry your MK and Epcot shoots weren't the best. It wasn't as special of a shoot, but my BF and I got up early to get dressed kind of cute for our Crystal Palace res so we could take pictures on an uncrowded Main Street. Well, the sun was white hot and piercing that morning, there was a crane by the castle and my black shirt was not as slimming as I thought because it was kind of sheer in spots. All in all, it was terrible. I imagine it's worse when you've spent that kind of money. On the bright side, you do have absolutely beautiful wedding pictures, and those are much more important. You have lots of Disney vacations to look forward to, together, and one day, the weather will be right and the outfit will be right and you'll have those great park pictures, too.

Anyway, I want more TR! Keep it coming! :)
Hi Emily,
This may seem like a really off the wall question, but how was the weather when for your wedding? I ask because my wedding is March 4 of 2008, and I would like to wear my hair half up half down maybe, but I'm concerned about the humidity because it takes curl out of my hair pretty easily. Anyway, it sounds like you had a great trip and congrats! Keep the trippie comming!:thumbsup2
Hi Emily,
This may seem like a really off the wall question, but how was the weather when for your wedding? I ask because my wedding is March 4 of 2008, and I would like to wear my hair half up half down maybe, but I'm concerned about the humidity because it takes curl out of my hair pretty easily. Anyway, it sounds like you had a great trip and congrats! Keep the trippie comming!:thumbsup2

Actually, the weather was GORGEOUS! :cloud9: I could not have asked for better weather. It was about mid seventies, and the humidity was not your average Florida humidity. I wore my hair practically down and did not feel sweaty at all. And i am by nature a sweaty person. I sweat in the winter....:rotfl2:

Anyways, it was a beautiful sunny day and not hot at all. My mom was in an all black outfit pants and all, and she was comfortable. DH was in a black suit and he wasnt hot hardly at all.

It is a great time of year to not only be there, but get married. We were there for 10 days, and it only rained once. The middle of the night before we left, so we didnt even see the rain.
Bumping this back up for ya Emily!! Cant wait to hear more!:banana:

Thanks Maggie, I know I can count on you!

I will have more up tonight..........I PROMISE!

DH has school until 7:30 and I get home at I am planning at TR blitz! :rotfl2: :wizard:
Thanks Maggie, I know I can count on you!

I will have more up tonight..........I PROMISE!

DH has school until 7:30 and I get home at I am planning at TR blitz! :rotfl2: :wizard:

I cant wait, Emily! Dh and I are leaving for vacation on Thursday so id love to get in a little bit before we leave!! Hopefully ill have lots of planning journals/TR's to catch up on when we return! I love reading your TR!
Okay, so we leave the hotel at 5:00, because we had to be to MK promptly at 5:30. We acutally got there at about 5:15. So we headed to Tommorowland to kill some time, I had to stall Doug.....:goodvibes

So at 5:30 we head towards the castle and we are walking up to the wishing well and I point to Doug the wishing well......he is like "what?"......I answer by saying what is that in that bush?

There was a big laminated card that said, "DOUG MOON TOUCH THE LAMP", nestled in the bushes around the wishing well was a small genie lamp, attached to it was a card that read, "By touching the lamp you have set me free! I have taken the liberty of choosing three honeymoon wishes for you. My first wish is a wish for something sweet, just like Winnie - the - Pooh. Experience Pooh's ride then search for your wish behind the biggest plush Pooh's in the Thotful Shop"
Attached to the clue was two fast passes for Winnie the Pooh.

At this point Doug is kinda freaking out "Oh my God, you arent doing anything embarassing are you?"....... "What is all of this?"........ "Tell me".......

I just smiled and told him to follow his wishes...

So we head to Winnie the Pooh and as we get in line the person checking fast passes says, " Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Moon" (We had nothing on that would indicate we were just married....OR our names.....disney magic :wizard: )

We ride the ride and the whole time Doug is just in a puzzled daze, it was great. We get off the ride and go into the Thotful Shop.....we search behind the biggest Pooh in the store and find the second wish. Attached to the wish is a lime green bag with chocolate disney truffles in a tin box. The card read, " Enjoy these sweets! Your second wish is hidden on a Christmas Tree in a place called Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe"

So we head over to the Christmas Shop and start searching the trees. Now for those of you that have been in there, there is like 12 trees in that store. So we are digging through these trees to find this clue. I notice a girl in the corner that has been at every spot we have been at, so while Doug is looking after about 5 mins, I kinda glance over at her, and she slyly points me to the right I nonchalantly pull Doug to the vicinity, and he finally finds it.

(FYI - when you do a project through GOAL, they always have a person watching you to help you if you get stuck at some point, this was not a crazy stalker following us around the park)

So he pulls the lime green string ou of the tree and attached to it is a key to a locker at the front of the park, and a note in a envelope that says, "Oh no! I forgot to tell you not to open this! The wish has escaped to a locker in front of the park; a locker enchanted to not open until after 7:30 tonight. Keep this key so you can open the locker at that time"

7:30? But it is only 6:15........CONVENIENTLY...we have ressies at CRT! :rotfl2:

So we head to the castle and check in for our ressies...."Oh congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Moon!"....we head inside and have our picture with our beautiful hostess......

We then take a seat and wait...

"Ladies and Gentleman........we would like to welcome the Moon Family, and give this couple a round of applause, because they are celebrating a wonderful moment......their honeymoon!" People clap and whiste and congratulate us. :goodvibes

Then our host says, "Cinderella has instructed me to save only the best seat in the house for her special guests." He hands us our ticket and sends us upstairs......

Once we get upstairs, we hand our ticket to the seater person, and she says,"Ohhhhh I see you get the best seat in the house.....follow me."

So we do....

and they take us to a table front and center of the room, right beside the window.......ahhhh....fairy tales do come true....



Our waiter comes to the table and takes our order....

Doug - Salad, Roasted Chicken and Mousse cake
Me - Corn and Crab Bisque (amazing), Cheese Tortellini, and blueberry buckle

He also gives us our "gift" of ecthed chapmagne glasses.

We enjoy our meal and then the lights dim and here comes the gang!

Our fairy god mother announced our wedding ad honeymoon and says, "when did you get married?"

i say, "yesterday"

She turns and looks at everyone, and says, "yesterday!" Everyone claps and when that dies down she says, "Well then what are you doing here dear?"

Then everyone laughs at us.......;)

Once we finish dinner we leave the castle. We come out the front and the first float of the Spectromagic Parade is rounding the corner at the front gate, so we perch ourselves in a bird's eye view position and enjoy the parade.....and this is Doug's ABSOLUTE favorite thing at Disney, I always knew it but I was shocked at how he reacted......He starts dancing......DANCING!

My husband God bless him cannot dance, he looked like a fool, but he was having the time of his I danced too.....people were laughing at us and smiling. Then a couple from CRT stops me and says, "Did you get married at the Boardwalk?" I told her we had and she says, "Oh we saw you yesterday and thought everything was sooo beautiful", and said ever since then she had been bugging her BF for a Disney wedding.....too sweet

So once we are done with the parade and getting our groove on we head to the lockers to fetch the last wish.....

Inside the locker is a pack of 12 canldes, mickey wine glasses, and a disney CD. The note reads, "The third wish I have chosen for you is the wish for a romantic night back at your hotel. Something to go with these glasses will be waiting for you. Have a wonderful evening and honeymoon! Congratulations!"

So we waited to watch Wishes at the front of the park and then we headed back to POFQ.....we went to the concierge and picked up our "package delivery". We got this beautiful read wine box and a bottle of pinot grigio (our fave) to go with our mickey glasses.

Then we headed to our room to make our own Disney magic......:wizard:

I have to say, that GOAL wa snot cheap, but was SOOOOOO worth it. Once we got back to our room my DH started tearing up and said that that was the most fun, romantic, and meaningful thing anyone has ever done for him. He gushed and gushed about it.....and still does.

That night was the most magical night I have EVER had in Disney. It was like the stars aligned. We got start treatment, and through the wishes hunt, felt like we had MK to ourselves, because we had our little "secret" that no one else was in on.

Jane at GOAL was amazing to work with and made things so easy and carefree.

That night will forever be in mine and DH's memory as one of the best nights of our lives.

Wonderful.....wonderful......:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
:love: :eek: :woohoo:

emily!!! how awesome!!! That was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever heard of!! how sweet of you to do something like that for doug and you're right.. you're going to remember that night always.... awwwww.

i'm feeling so high on love right now! haha :cloud9:

what is GOAL exactly though ???

thanks for sharing more of your trip report! I loved that part!


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