Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust! Jenn & Kevin 10/12/14 Italy/ADH/France - The End (7/2016 New TR Link!)

The following is transcribed exactly from our livestream, exactly as it was - including a couple of unplanned bits and pieces along the way!

Greg: Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. As you may have noticed in your programs, we will be having an unplugged ceremony this morning, and Jennifer and Kevin would like to ask that you please put away your electronic devices and cameras for the duration of the ceremony, so that you may be fully present and a part of the moment with them today. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Jennifer and Kevin. As most of you know my name is Gregory Losco, sister of our bride today, and it is my great honor to be officiating this wedding ceremony. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, and to allow Jennifer and Kevin to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them. From the bottom of their hearts, both Jennifer and Kevin would like to thank each and every one of you for traveling from near and far to be with them today, and for offering them your love, support and encouragement at the beginning of this next chapter in their lives.

Though marriage is still unforeseeable for my future, it’s an idea I, and everyone, think quite regularly about. If there’s one thing we can all conclude on, it’s that marriage can be pretty complex for many people. That being said, I couldn’t be more happier that Jenn and Kevin have figured it out. I’m happy to see my sister, with whom I’ve lived all my life, find a person with whom she’ll want to spend the rest of her life. Amidst the crushes and fleeting romances that plagued our teen years (years we, unfortunately for our parents, had to endure mostly at the same time), I’m in awe that Jennifer has found Kevin and vice versa and the two have harvested something real. While I wholly attribute my silly and dramatic side to my older sister (and my loud side as well), I am so impressed by the seriousness with which she enters the next stage of her life. And as her younger brother, you can be sure that I wouldn’t be standing here today if I didn’t believe whole-heartedly in the groom standing beside her.

Fortunately for me, Kevin is one of the funniest, caring, and easy-to-get-along-with guys I know, but those characteristics pale in comparison to the simple, passionate, and genuine way her cares for and loves my sister. Their personalities could not be more compatible. The excitement they carry together is palpable; however amazing these Jennifer & Kevin are individually on their own, they are most certainly made better by each other’s company. They are the epitome of strength in numbers, power in a partnership. To unite them permanently in this moment, is an unbelievable honor. I am excited also for the future to come, and the long, happy union that will continue to grow throughout the years. While I have no doubt that Jennifer & Kevin have fallen deeply in love with each other, I would also like to celebrate their commitment to stay in love with each other. It’s important to recognize the reality we’re talking about here: this marriage is for life. It’s a commitment to stay dedicated to each other and each other’s goals, because over time, people change. You may not be the same person you are today, or ten years from now. Or fifteen years from now. Or forty years. You will change, and your partner will change. To expect that your marriage will stay the same is unrealistic; it will have to change as well. Don’t be scared or hesitant; be excited. It’s a part of the commitment; it's a dedication to change alongside one another, to maintain healthy communication, and always to get to know each other just a little bit better.

I have no doubt that the challenges they may face they will overcome. Like I mentioned earlier, this is no fleeting crush: they are each other’s best friends. They have complete confidence in even the nerdiest of their shared interests. You can tell that the time they spend together, be it adventuring through Disney World or just a relaxing night on the couch, is a precious treasure for the both of them. And who knows, if they one day decide to start a family, their child may ACTUALLY be medically allergic to chocolate and thankfully won’t have to pretend. Jennifer & Kevin's unity is infectious: everyone here wants to be in on it. That’s why we're all here. These people here, as well as I, couldn't be more excited to be in your lives and to share in what will surely be many glorious memories to come.

Greg: Kevin, do you take Jennifer to be your wife and your partner in crime (Kevin: "I do - oops.") Do you promise to love and trust her, from this day forward to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

Kevin: “I do”

Greg: And Jennifer, do you take Kevin to be your husband and your partner in crime? Do you promise to trust and love him, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

Jenn: “I do”

Greg: Jennifer & Kevin have chosen as a couple to perform a Wine Box ceremony. You can see up here with us a box, containing one bottle of wine. Jennifer and Kevin have written letters to each other expressing their feelings as they begin their marriage. These letters have not yet been read. They have detailed why they fell in love and what they truly admire about the each other. Jennifer and Kevin, together you will seal these letters in the box, and on the happy occasion of your 5th anniversary, you will open the box, read the letters, share the bottle together, and upon your next anniversary of opening the box you will have new letters that will be added to read again. The only exception to this tradition is should you ever find your marriage enduring insurmountable hardships, you are to as a couple, open this box, sit and drink the wine together, then separate and read the letters you wrote to one another when you were united as a couple in marriage. By reading these love letters you will reflect upon the reasons you fell in love and chose to marry each other here today. The hope is, however, that you will never have a reason to open this box other than as a celebration of an anniversary, and I trust in what we all know of you that this will be the case. Jennifer and Kevin, you may now seal the box.

(Continued in next post
Greg: Jennifer and Kevin have written their own vows from the heart expressing the love they have for each other and their promises of their future, which they would now like to share with you today. Before we begin, I ask the two of you to look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another: friend, companion, lover, and even teacher, for you have learned much from one another in these last few years. Now you shall say a few words that take you across a threshold of life, and things will never quite be the same between you two. For after these vows, you shall say to the world, this is my husband, this is my wife. Now in the spirit of ladies first, Jennifer you may say your vows.

(Jenn takes out her vows)

Kevin: Oh Jesus, two sided (I have big hand writing and my vows miiiiiight have spilled onto the back page.)

Kevin: Aaaaaand I remembered I'm mic'd.

Jenn: Kevin, I'm forever grateful to the thought in your head that led to us meeting, for I cannot imagine a world where I am not lucky enough to know your unending and effortless patience, your immediate instinct to consider others before ever thinking of yourself, and the sound of your laughter and the way you smile, especially when you really don't want to be laughing at something but you really can't help it. When I think back about our story together it feels like the plot of some ridiculous romantic comedy, but that doesn't change the truth: that it only took me five days to fall in love with you, to know that I was never letting you out of my life again. I know it's not cool to believe in soul mates and destiny, but it's really the only way for me to describe what happened when you came into my life; like there was a piece of me that had just been restored that I never even knew was missing in the first place. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have ever done in my life, but I know that marriage is not easy, not by a long shot.

And so today I make a promise to you. I promise to love you more tomorrow than I do today and even more in all the days after. I promise to be a voice that will encourage and celebrate you in your best times and to listen and comfort and shelter you in your worst. I promise to stop bringing up important life discussions on Comic Book Wednesday, and I promise to make a sincere effort to keep the contents of my closet in the closet instead of on the bedroom floor. I promise to try every day to make you smile, to make you laugh, to give back even a fraction of the joy, love and happiness that you have given to me. I promise that I will love our family with everything that I am and with everything that I give to you today. I promise to grow old with you, but never to grow up. I promise to stand by your side for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, and to walk the rest of our days on this world with you as your lifetime partner and constant friend. I love you, I love you with all my heart and I'm so ready to start our life together.

Kevin: It's been slightly over four years since we met, and I have been immensely thankful for every one of those. I actually counted it has been 1,479 days to this day. There are times when I've had a terrible day at work, and you've known because you were talking to me all day online, but I come home and you greet me with a hug and I don't care what happened during the day, I'm just happy. There are times when we're excited about the same thing, like, this, and you just get adorable and you can't help yourself and it is so cute even though I've seen it a thousand times over. There's times where we've had problems but we've talked through it, and we end up becoming better people because of it, and we get to know each other better - and I still love that even though how we got there wasn't exactly great.

It's moments like this where I'm so stupidly happy, and how you've reminded me every day that I wanted to marry you since those five days that everyone else called us insane for, for a long time. Kevin asked me awhile back, a little before we left, had I ever thought about what my life would be like if I hadn't known you. After about 30 seconds I couldn't think of anything. I just could not imagine a world where we had not met, where I'm not the person I am today because of you. I am a better person, all around, because I have met you. I love you with all my heart and I cannot wait - and you can still talk to me on Comic Book Wednesdays, it's ok - but I love you with all of my heart and I cannot wait for our future.

(At the end of his vows Kevin leaned in to give me a kiss - he was so in the moment he didn't realize it - and I jumped back and shouted "NO!")

Greg: Kyle, May I have the rings please.

Kevin: Oh no, we've got to wait, I'm sorry, I'm screwing this all up.

Greg: Hey, don't get too eager. (Kevin punches Greg in the arm) Well, thanks for that!

Greg: For thousands of years, lovers have exchanged rings as a token of their vows. Let these rings be a sign that love has a past, a present, and a future, for like the circle they are shaped in these rings have no ending. Jennifer, please take the ring, place it on Kevin’s finger and repeat after me: Kevin, I love you with all my heart and I take you to be my husband.

Jenn: Kevin, I love you with all my heart and I take you to be my husband.

Greg: Kevin, please take the ring, place it on Jennifer’s finger and repeat after me: Jennifer, I love you with all my heart and I take you to be my wife.

Kevin: Jennifer, I love you with all my heart and I take you to be my wife.

Greg: May I have your engagement ring? The engagement ring is a symbol of a promise and intention. Now today, the intention is realized and the promise is fulfilled. So Kevin, would you please place the engagement ring back on Jennifer’s finger over her wedding band, symbolizing that the love that brought you together will protect and sustain you.

Jennifer and Kevin, before each other and your friends and family you have declared your love for each other and your intent to marry. Because you joined hands and made solemn vows and exchanged rings to remind you of those vows, you are now joined as partners in mutual love and respect. And now, by the power vested in me by the great Universal Life Church of the Internet and as allowed by the great state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Family and friends, I am pleased to present for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Finnigan!

(Continued in next post)

At this point Kristie came up to us and commented on how she forgot to tell us there was a delay in the music - after awkwardly standing at the "altar" for a few minutes we just said screw it and left, and our recessional music didn't start till we were almost out. Oops. I noticed it during our wine box ceremony, how the music itself didn't start till we were almost done with the box, but it then carried over my brother's introduction to our vows which I thought was nice. Kristie then turned her attention to trying to telepathically tell my brother to release the parents down the aisle, which he hadn't known to do (our parents just left on their own anyway).

OH WOW!!! I love your wedding! It's so romantic and full of love! The background is so pretty and I love the groomsmen and bridesmaids on the stairs. The vows were so personal and brought tears to my eyes, especially when he leaned in for a kiss. :) What a beautiful ceremony. :)
Your wedding truly looks so amazing and the best part is you can really see the love you have for each other and the vows your wrote are so amazing made me tear up a bit I just love when people write their own it adds another amazing element to the wedding and a personal touch and please tell your brother he did such an amazing job officiating for you guys!

Can't wait for more popcorn::

Best wedding ceremony ever! I love how Kevin was all his true self - it just shows how nervous he was and didn't want to screw up anything - because of you.
You had me in tears, really, and lots of laughs! Thank you so much for sharing (all of) it!
I am truly enjoying reading along. I feel as if I am/was there in the moment with your story telling and the pictures alongside. :upsidedow

Thank you for sharing!
amazing - thanks for sharing!

I love how personal your ceremony was - in the UK we can't yet have a family member or friend perform weddings - it sounded like your brother did a perfect job!

Looking forward to more :goodvibes

Emma x
Still loving reading your story! It's a beautiful tale of true love! :)
OH WOW!!! I love your wedding! It's so romantic and full of love! The background is so pretty and I love the groomsmen and bridesmaids on the stairs. The vows were so personal and brought tears to my eyes, especially when he leaned in for a kiss. :) What a beautiful ceremony. :)

Thank you so much!! Part of the reason we chose Italy over any other country (originally we had thought of going with Japan) was because of the way the platform thing lends itself to a more traditional wedding setup. I think everyone on the stairs looks amazing (even if my brother fell out of line - he stood out so he could actually SEE us though, so I can't blame him for that ;) )

Your wedding truly looks so amazing and the best part is you can really see the love you have for each other and the vows your wrote are so amazing made me tear up a bit I just love when people write their own it adds another amazing element to the wedding and a personal touch and please tell your brother he did such an amazing job officiating for you guys!

Can't wait for more popcorn::


Thank you so much!! Having my brother officiate really did make the ceremony for us, and I honestly could never have used scripted vows - this was really the perfect ceremony for us :goodvibes

Best wedding ceremony ever! I love how Kevin was all his true self - it just shows how nervous he was and didn't want to screw up anything - because of you.
You had me in tears, really, and lots of laughs! Thank you so much for sharing (all of) it!

Awwww tears?! You're too kind. I really think we can thank the first look for how relaxed and genuine we were during the ceremony - it made it that much more special and amazing because of the giggles and the mistakes.

I am truly enjoying reading along. I feel as if I am/was there in the moment with your story telling and the pictures alongside. :upsidedow

Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for reading! I really love sharing our day with all of you! :thumbsup2

You guys are just so freaking cute :lovestruc

D'awwww thanks :goodvibes

amazing - thanks for sharing!

I love how personal your ceremony was - in the UK we can't yet have a family member or friend perform weddings - it sounded like your brother did a perfect job!

Looking forward to more :goodvibes

Emma x

Well that's a silly rule - you should just do a vow renewal with a friend officiating so it doesn't matter that they aren't a minister or anything! Thanks for following along :)

Still loving reading your story! It's a beautiful tale of true love! :)

Awww! Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you to say.
After the ceremony things were a little chaotic, as I think they tend to be during this time. Somehow we were hustled past our guests to the other side of the Italy platform to do our formal pictures - my parents especially wanted at least one shot with all the extended family, as well as pictures with my grandmother before all of them headed onto the motorcoach to go to Atlantic Dance Hall.

While we were waiting to get everyone over to us, Kevin said we might as well update our relationship status on Facebook, and thus we had photos of this moment...

Best Man Kevin had his phone out waiting, wanting to be the first person to like our marriage on Facebook, when all of a sudden-

The title was snatched from him by my brother. I love how poor Kevin is still holding onto his phone in defeat.

Family portraits were a bit disorganized and rushed, at least it felt like it to me. For whatever reason the rest of our guests hung around watching, which felt weird - I kind of wanted to shout at them to hurry up and get over to the pastries! The one massive family picture my parents had wanted themselves they don't even love that much - partly because some of the family is sun-washed, which can't be helped, but also because my grandmother is still in her wheelchair.

I didn't notice it at the time, but if I had realized what other people taking their own pictures really meant I would have asked them to stop. In that really popular blog post from that one photographer about unplugged weddings, they mention that multiple cameras during the portraits make for wandering eyes, which we definitely suffered from, most egregiously in this picture (even though it includes two of the worst offenders!):

This is the only picture we have of my mom and her sisters, and it kills me every time that my aunt is obviously distracted by another camera

We released the extra family members to the motorcoach and took a few more pictures with the bridal party. Now that the ceremony was over I think everyone was feeling a bit more silly and relaxed.

Pretty much since the day we got engaged my DH's one request for a photo was him knocking me to the ground and running away with his best man (they think of each other like Turk & JD from Scrubs, if that helps you visualize their relationship). I think I'm really the weak point of these pictures!

Then my husband-Kevin started doing arm curls with Best Man-Kevin and we all completely lost it

After that, it was time to send the wedding party to ADH while we got a few more portraits around Epcot. At the last minute I realized we probably should sign the marriage license, even though it's not like we wouldn't see our officiant again - this way we had documentation of it!

I LOVE all my bored ring bearer shots and can't wait to taunt him endlessly about these in 10 years time

Even though the state of Florida puts two witness signature boxes on their marriage licenses, they do not actually require witness signatures for a legal marriage (just the officiant's). Still, since the boxes were there, we figured we might as well make good on the tradition of having honor attendants sign the marriage license - and this is when I realized for the first time that our Best Man was a lefty.

We sent everyone on their way and then it was just me, Kevin, The Roots and Trinity and a handful of media guides, and we got more photos around Italy.

Nate and Jensey were scoping out other locations they could shoot us in, when one of the media guides chimed in and said "Would you like to go up on the balcony?"

Nate: "We can?!"

Media Guide: "Sure!?" (She unlocked the gate). Nate was like a kid in a candy store he was so giddy.

*Insert repeat comment here about exercising severe restraint in not including every single one of our wedding photos*

Who says you never see your shoes on the wedding day hmmm?

Once we got down from the balcony we took a few more Italy photos - get ready for MORE KISSING!

The sun really was stupidly bright and it was SO HOT - but I'll be damned if it didn't make my bouquet look fan-freaking-tastic.

After that, it was time for us to pack up and go. We took one last look at our gorgeous ceremony site that was about to be swept away, and made out way back over to American Adventure for our luxury van chariot - with air conditioning!

LOVE everything! JD and Turk… I know what you mean… everytime DF and his BM exchange text, I ask him what his wife (me being the other woman) is doing ;-)
Your pictures are great, but I agree with the multiple cameras! And I am so pro an unplugged wedding since the last one we attended (everyone was so eager to take a pic with their smartphone that their photographer almost pushed me to the ground - and me being the only one without a smartphone in hand). I wonder how long one can request to have it unplugged? Maybe something like "no phones in EPCOT" ;-)
BEAUTIFUL! And how freakishly cool to be able to do balcony shots! How stunning they are. Wonderful day sweet girl! Can't wait to read more!
Your wedding ceremony was so beautiful! I love that you guys put so many unique touches that really made it your own. :) (I also love the shots of you updating your status on Facebook. It's so cute!)
LOVE everything! JD and Turk… I know what you mean… everytime DF and his BM exchange text, I ask him what his wife (me being the other woman) is doing ;-)
Your pictures are great, but I agree with the multiple cameras! And I am so pro an unplugged wedding since the last one we attended (everyone was so eager to take a pic with their smartphone that their photographer almost pushed me to the ground - and me being the only one without a smartphone in hand). I wonder how long one can request to have it unplugged? Maybe something like "no phones in EPCOT" ;-)

Hahaha, I am also the other woman!! BM jokes that he only "let me" steal DH away because he couldn't put up with his Disney obsession.

We did ask for no cameras during the ceremony (which obviously wasn't followed), but the real problem I had was at the family portraits. If I could go back, I would have spoken to those people I knew would be their directly before the wedding (our aunts, uncles and bridal party) and asked them to not take pictures during the time. Not like we wouldn't get those group shots back eventually! Of course, knowing my family I bet some feathers would have been ruffled, but what can you do.

BEAUTIFUL! And how freakishly cool to be able to do balcony shots! How stunning they are. Wonderful day sweet girl! Can't wait to read more!

Awww, thank you so much! We're nearly at the reception now :goodvibes

Your wedding ceremony was so beautiful! I love that you guys put so many unique touches that really made it your own. :) (I also love the shots of you updating your status on Facebook. It's so cute!)

Hahahaha we had to do it! We're a bit social media obsessed ;)
Backstage behind America, The Roots, Trinity and Kevin and I all piled into our awaiting luxury van. Just as if we hadn't already spent the past few hours getting our pictures taken, I took a selfie of us to serve as my new Facebook picture, and tried to resist the temptation to remove my shoes. I could feel several spots in my feet pulsing at this point, but I just knew once I took the shoes off there would be no getting them back on again.

It was here that David gave us the heads up that our livestream hadn't recorded our processional, and mentioned lots of Disney brides seemed to be watching (yay!), including some past clients of his. It was here where we made the connection that we knew of our favorite recent Australian couple, Jess & Ben (hi Ben!)

The ride to the Boardwalk was quiet and short. Before I knew it we pulled into the entrance of the Boardwalk and all piled out of the van. All of a sudden I realized this was the very first time we were seeing regular Disney guests going about their regular Disney ways - it was so exciting!

We took a few pictures on our way to the Boardwalk area. Somehow we managed to get to Atlantic Dance Hall ahead of schedule (which I didn't realize till much later....but we'll get there) - I'm going to guess it was because of the steadily rising humidity/heat, or it could have been thanks to my lovely feet. We did get some great shots though, and I'm glad the bulk of our photos are in Italy, since we won't ever get The Roots back in-park again (but we can always do a Boardwalk shoot with them in the future!)

My veil in this shot reminds me of the merciful breeze that came through right at this point

I love this shot, a) because it's gorgeous and b) because as soon as it was over the couple in the background was our first vocal congratulations - they were on their honeymoon!

It's us!! That's us!!

We were ushered inside the foyer and opened the doors into the main dance hall, where we ran into a couple of our friends straggling to sign the guest book. We greeted them with hugs and they were ushered upstairs to the pre-reception. Kristie greeted us and asked if we would like to join our guests upstairs; we looked at each other and instantly decided to stay where we were. I know it's kind to mingle with your guests as much as possible, but I really wanted this time to relax and personally I thought the formal announcement seemed silly if we had already started mingling with everyone. She invited us to take a look at the reception space and then pointed out a table under the second-level space where they had prepared a selection of our pre-reception pastries for Kevin and I to enjoy had we chosen to remain downstairs (that's Disney, always prepared!)

And as for our reception space - HO. LY. CRAP. It took my breath away. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for, the right balance of color and whimsy. We dashed off to our little table where we inhaled the pastries (including the one plain croissant that plain-eater Kevin so graciously let me have - our server brought down a plate of several more for us once he realized we liked them!). I wanted to grab a ring shot with Instagram:


Meanwhile, Nate & Jensey were darting around getting more professional shots of the space:

I was all set to be really annoyed with Disney Floral for doing chocolate dipped Mickey treats as our favors, considering that Kevin & I are both anti-chocolate - until I went through my e-mails post wedding and realized I never requested they be plain. Guess I can't be mad at Disney for something I forgot to ask for!

If you look at the back corner of the bottom level of ADH in this picture (where the ramp is on the right) you can see Kevin and I enjoying our pre-reception - I love this with all of our guests above!

And then - THE CAKE! For someone who placed cake design pretty low on their priority list, this looked A-MAZ-ING!!

The lovely, no-additional-cost sugar roses cake topper.....that sat in our fridge for 5 days and I completely forgot to eat (can you tell I'm annoyed I forgot?)

Meanwhile, our DJ, Chuck Johnson, came over to introduce himself and go over the order of the next few events, pronunciation, and our entrance and dances. We added my officiant-brother into the entrance (since it didn't feel right to leave him behind). David also came up and asked us at this time if he could try something new and stream all our dances - we gave him the go ahead and I was glad for the notice, as I was able to shoot off a quick Facebook-blast just in case anyone was watching the web that our dances would be online.

We also took this time to glance through our guest book responses - the book was pretty full!

I asked if now would be a good time to grab my flip flops, and Kristie asked if they were the same height as my shoes and if they would cause problems with our first dance. Since they were half an inch shorter (barely anything I know) I decided to keep my heels on just till after our dance and grab my flip flops (which were waiting under the sweetheart table) after. Kristie also bustled my dress at this time (so much for Vanessa learning how!) She took one look at my one-point bustle and ran off to grab several safety pins for additional reinforcement (she told us at our planning session that every one-point bustle she has ever seen has broken or been stepped on). Once she was done, this thing wasn't going anywhere! It was at this point that Kristie realized (being she was hanging around my butt) that I had a big dirt mark on the back of my dress. Honestly, I wasn't really bothered by it (I figured it was from sitting on benches in Italy). She ran off again to get some club soda and got the dirt mark completely out - whoo! If anything, the whole thing was actually pretty funny, because everyone went immediately into "Keep the Bride Calm" mode, even though it didn't really bother me in the first place! The thing will be cleaned eventually...

After a little bit Kristie ushered us over to the stairs leading up to the second floor where we could "hide" while our guests except the wedding party were moved downstairs. Once we got upstairs, we moved along the second floor towards the stairs, where DJ Chuck had gathered our wedding party to group them in order with Kristie. I personally flopped down in a chair, partly because of my throbbing feet and partly because I didn't want anyone to see me (even though Kevin did not hide himself similarly!)

Did I mention how much I love my bored ring bearer shots?

It's worth mentioning at this time that both Best Man-Kevin and Vanessa were pretty freaked out about their respective speeches, enough so that some of our guest friends who were downstairs (having been sent down early to get drinks at the bar per our BEO) intentionally procured them alcohol to calm their nerves.

Everyone was all lined up and ready to go, with Kristie once again at the ready to cue each person down the stairs. After Chuck asked our guests to be seated, the intro to our song, The Final Countdown by Europe blasted over the speakers. Our whole wedding party laughed and both Kevin and Vanessa turned to us in utter disbelief - we had successfully shocked and distracted them out of their speech nerves!

The music only meant one thing - it was time to start this party!
It looks really beautiful - and I have to the picture of you two in front of ADH and the Boardwalk writing are my two favorite of every picture if seen so far of them. You succeeded in looking so much more natural and happy than many others!
And I simply love your cake! It looks delicious (like a cake you actually want to eat because - it's cake!) and moreover for once you can really see the amazing design of the Mad Hatter! Great choice!
I hope I can stay as calm as you on my big day (and yes, you really make me want to choose Boardwalk for our e-session - we got everything confirmed - we just have to choose a location!)
God, I love your pictures of ADH... I really hope we can have our reception there. It's so gorgeous.

I really hope you get ADH too!! It's coming up on your penciling in time, isn't it? That's at 16 months, right? (we had a 13 month engagement so I only was penciled in for about 3 weeks ;)) You can do so much with the space and it's really beautiful!

It looks really beautiful - and I have to the picture of you two in front of ADH and the Boardwalk writing are my two favorite of every picture if seen so far of them. You succeeded in looking so much more natural and happy than many others!
And I simply love your cake! It looks delicious (like a cake you actually want to eat because - it's cake!) and moreover for once you can really see the amazing design of the Mad Hatter! Great choice!
I hope I can stay as calm as you on my big day (and yes, you really make me want to choose Boardwalk for our e-session - we got everything confirmed - we just have to choose a location!)

I looooooooooooooove the picture at the Follow Me To The Boardwalk sign. It's one of those pictures that I've seen on so many PJs before mine that the fact that I now finally have my own makes me love it even more. The Boardwalk makes for great e-pics!

The cake was delicious so I'm told (not because I didn't eat it, but because it was a case of head-cold-mucking-up-taste-buds).


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