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Can we umbrella book fast passes for MVMCP tickets? @ScrapYap do you know?

What do you mean by "umbrella book"? If you're asking if you can book additional FPs with an MVMCP ticket, then the answer is no. You can only pre-book 3 per day, using either the MVMCP ticket or a regular ticket.
What do you mean by "umbrella book"? If you're asking if you can book additional FPs with an MVMCP ticket, then the answer is no. You can only pre-book 3 per day, using either the MVMCP ticket or a regular ticket.
If Person A is staying on site and Person B is staying offsite, can Person A book MVMCP fast passes for both people 60 days in advance?
We were given some FP for our trip in Sept. Is there a list of rides that those special FPs won't be good for? They are not tied to a certain park, so I'm assuming we can use 1 in MK and 2 at DHS? Is that correct?
If we use a 7:10 FP for Flight of Passage (for dad and kid) while mom waits with toddler, and then do rider switch (for mom and kid) while dad waits with toddler, can we make it to our Rivers of Light FP (with arrival time of 8:35-9:00 for 9:15 show)? I don't know how long the Flight of Passage ride is or how far Pandora is from ROL. Thanks!
I would say it will be very tight. It's been reported that even with a FP, FOP is taking 20-30 minutes at best, just due to the multiple rooms and linking process. And though your ROL time is 8:35-9:00, it's been recommended to show up 45-60 minutes before showtime even with a FP. So you'd want to arrive at ROL by 8:30 at the latest. Assuming you arrive at FOP right at 7:10 and each ride takes 30 minutes, you'd be ok.
We were given some FP for our trip in Sept. Is there a list of rides that those special FPs won't be good for? They are not tied to a certain park, so I'm assuming we can use 1 in MK and 2 at DHS? Is that correct?
We had some of these on a prior trip, and they excluded parades and fireworks, and had some ride restrictions as well (FEA, for example). Ours were also only good in 1 park (we had to declare the date and park they would be used in). I'm sure not all are the same, though. Best to call and check the specifics of your situation.
If Person A is staying on site and Person B is staying offsite, can Person A book MVMCP fast passes for both people 60 days in advance?

If person B is on person A's Friends and Family list, yes. FPs can't be booked during party hours though - they have to be booked between 3:30-6:30.
Question on FP and rider swap. Does the entire party need a fp for an attraction or would only the initial group of people going on need a fp? Example: dh and my mother takes daughter on mine train with their fp. Myself and father wait with toddler who can't ride. They are issued a rider swap for myself and father to go once they get off. Since we will all get to ride the ride do to rider swap, on headliners should we not all book a fp so then my dad and I would then have not used one of our fps to use somewhere else?
We had some of these on a prior trip, and they excluded parades and fireworks, and had some ride restrictions as well (FEA, for example). Ours were also only good in 1 park (we had to declare the date and park they would be used in). I'm sure not all are the same, though. Best to call and check the specifics of your situation.

We had a resort issue and was given a couple and we chose MK. We tried to use them, they were never added to our account. That evening I asked about them, and we were given more and requested for Epcot. We did use those, (but not for FEA). However, we had a bunch of other issues and near the end of out trip, we were given some for our next trip and they are not tied to a park.
Can someone help me figure out how to do fastpasses in the following situation involving two tickets?

We have two old no expire tickets linked to our profiles which have been partially used but have no hopping. They cannot be transferred. Six days left on each.

We are planning a visit with five park visits, staying onsite. We want to hop one of our park days. Probably day 4. Since our old tickets cannot be upgraded but don't expire, we were planning to just buy one day hoppers to use on day 4. How should we book fast passes? Book all five days using the tickets already in our profiles? But then how do we make sure that on day 4 we use our hoppers instead of our no expire tickets? Will we lose our fastpasses that we're booked on day 4 during our 60+5 window?
:wave2: This is the FP FAQ which follows the Terms of Service for booking FPs.

Loopholes that have been deemed as violations of the TOS, can no longer be discussed. Because they are off-topic for this thread, posts discussing the violations are being removed.
:wave2: This is the FP FAQ which follows the Terms of Service for booking FPs.

Loopholes that have been deemed as violations of the TOS, can no longer be discussed. Because they are off-topic for this thread, posts discussing the violations are being removed.
If I book FP+ online 60 days prior (I have many comp tickets and NE tix already), but buy an AP the day I arrive at Epcot (i.e., 60 days after I made the FP+) - I use the AP to enter the park - the TOS seems to say that I cannot use those FP+. Ugh. When I'm at GS buying the APs, is it possible that GS can change my existing FP+ to be under my AP instead of the comp/NE tix??

Could that be true: Disney wants me to buy the APs 60 days out? (I'd like to put off paying $3,200 (4 APs) until the day I arrive if possible.) Not arguing - honestly need to know if I should buy the APs before 60 days prior to trip start. (And, if I do: do they have to be prioritized before I choose the FP+? I.e., how does MDE know if I'm booking the FP+ on the NE tix, the comp tix, or the AP certificate (AP will not be activated until 60 days later)?)
If I book FP+ online 60 days prior (I have many comp tickets and NE tix already), but buy an AP the day I arrive at Epcot (i.e., 60 days after I made the FP+) - I use the AP to enter the park - the TOS seems to say that I cannot use those FP+. Ugh. When I'm at GS buying the APs, is it possible that GS can change my existing FP+ to be under my AP instead of the comp/NE tix??

Could that be true: Disney wants me to buy the APs 60 days out? (I'd like to put off paying $3,200 (4 APs) until the day I arrive if possible.) Not arguing - honestly need to know if I should buy the APs before 60 days prior to trip start. (And, if I do: do they have to be prioritized before I choose the FP+? I.e., how does MDE know if I'm booking the FP+ on the NE tix, the comp tix, or the AP certificate (AP will not be activated until 60 days later)?)

I would call and ask. I don't blame you for wanting to get the AP the day of. How many FPs are you looking to move? I don't see why they wouldn't transfer 3 FPs each party member to the AP on the day of. You're entitled to the 1 1Tier and 2 2Tier each. Don't expect them to give you more than the 3 per ticket you're entitled.

MDE will know the day you get to the park and try to use FPs that aren't on the APs you entered with.
Can we change parties before the day of use? Is it only day-of that violates TOS?
I would call and ask. I don't blame you for wanting to get the AP the day of. How many FPs are you looking to move? I don't see why they wouldn't transfer 3 FPs each party member to the AP on the day of. You're entitled to the 1 1Tier and 2 2Tier each. Don't expect them to give you more than the 3 per ticket you're entitled.

MDE will know the day you get to the park and try to use FPs that aren't on the APs you entered with.
Thanks - just the 3 FP+ per day that I booked at 60 days prior to onsite stay. (I have 10 days admission per person on existing non-AP tickets, so I can book FP+ for our entire onsite stay based on those. But of course will want to use the AP to enter the park.)
I think that you would be violating the current Dis interpretation of the ToS, but not Disney's. Disney is just fine with you doing what you have suggested. Book them with your current tickets and when you add the APs to your MDE account, use your APs to redeem them. You will not be using the Change Party feature so I think that this is safe for discussion.

ETA - mods, if this is not an appropriate response, please delete. Trying to walk the line here.

Dis has been allowing the original conversation for years, even with all the complaints by those against it. They would allow the new alternative discussed now if it wasn't against Disney's ToS.
I would call and ask. I don't blame you for wanting to get the AP the day of. How many FPs are you looking to move? I don't see why they wouldn't transfer 3 FPs each party member to the AP on the day of. You're entitled to the 1 1Tier and 2 2Tier each. Don't expect them to give you more than the 3 per ticket you're entitled.

MDE will know the day you get to the park and try to use FPs that aren't on the APs you entered with.

@Amanda999 amazingly, I'm in exactly the same boat. I have a non-expiring ticket on one MDE and a 7DPH on another MDE. I'm trying to keep the two accounts separate because I've heard horror stories about "ticket prioritization" not working and I didn't want the non-expiring days to get used. I'm going to upgrade the 7DPH to an AP, and I can't make the fastpasses on the 7DPH becuase I'm using them on a later trip.

I'm planning on a good chunk of time at Guest Services on the first day to do exactly what @DisneyMom93 suggested - I'm going to ask them to move the fastpasses over once I've upgraded to the AP. I'm not trying to get more than 3, I'm just trying to transfer. Hopefully that will work. When are you going? I'm going early July and could update you if you would like.
Thanks - just the 3 FP+ per day that I booked at 60 days prior to onsite stay. (I have 10 days admission per person on existing non-AP tickets, so I can book FP+ for our entire onsite stay based on those. But of course will want to use the AP to enter the park.)
You won't have a problem using those fastpasses if you link your AP to the same profile on your MDE account that has the tickets. If you do it right then you would see a list of tickets under your name that would include the ticket you had when you booked the fp and the AP you just bought. It is no different than when an AP holder books free dining and has to buy a ticket. Now that person has more than one ticket linked to their name. :)
I would say it will be very tight. It's been reported that even with a FP, FOP is taking 20-30 minutes at best, just due to the multiple rooms and linking process. And though your ROL time is 8:35-9:00, it's been recommended to show up 45-60 minutes before showtime even with a FP. So you'd want to arrive at ROL by 8:30 at the latest. Assuming you arrive at FOP right at 7:10 and each ride takes 30 minutes, you'd be ok.

Thanks! Hopefully it'll work out. I tried to get an earlier FOP time but they're all gone so we'll have to stick with what we have.
I'm going early July and could update you if you would like.
I'd love it if you could update! I'm going late August. (But I'll probably just suck it up and buy the APs before 60 days prior. I cannot go to Disney with our 2 disabled kids - DH can't go - in late August heat without FP+!)
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