Favorite MK rides to ride more than once?


Earning My Ears
Dec 30, 2019
Inspired by the recent wonderful thread about the best MK attraction to ride first - I'd love to hear what are your (and your kids') favorite MK rides to ride twice (or more) in a day? I was surprised I couldn't find many blog posts or threads on this topic!
Space Mountain I’ve done 50 something times in a row before, and I’d gladly do that every day I was there if I could.
Space Mountain, Expedition Everest, Rock n Rollercoaster, Haunted Mansion, Toy Story Mania, Slinky Dog Dash
Inspired by the recent wonderful thread about the best MK attraction to ride first - I'd love to hear what are your (and your kids') favorite MK rides to ride twice (or more) in a day? I was surprised I couldn't find many blog posts or threads on this topic!
We hit all the mountains multiple times.

Typically start with Space, then hit Buzz, then we work our way back through Adventureland up to Splash, then BTMRR, then hit Splash again and BTMRR again. I try to setup FP+ for about 9:30 so we are hitting our first two back to back at 10:30ish. After the 2nd, I try to move the 3rd FP up a bit if possible. On our last trip we rode Splash and BTMRR at least 4x each
Splash Mountain (which was my answer on that other thread, too!). We're from the north and like to go in December and have literally ridden it over and over and over because it's too cold for a lot of people.

Otherwise it'd be BTMRR. Love it, too.
There are so many things we like at MK, that I don't think we ever get to the same ride twice in a single day!

At DHS, the guys usually go a second time on RRC (once is enough for me, and I shop - LOL) and at AK, we have been known to do both a morning and afternoon safari, or hop right back in the single rider line after getting off EE.
Buzz for sure and if we can swing it without waiting long BTMRR (which we usually do FP then either early or late)
The Mountains, 7DMT, BTMRR and Buzz. It can be a tall order to get some or all of these in more than once, however.
The Mansion of course. I must ride it multiple times per trip - the more the better! I'll re-ride almost anything at MK though. Usually I'll do The Mover just because of the usually short wait, well, that and it's awesome. Jungle Cruise is often ridden a couple of times to get different skippers, or to do a nighttime ride (JC is almost always my first ride at Rope Drop). The only thing I rarely do twice are show-type attractions, but even then I might.


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