February 2009 - Walt's Warriors!!

OMG! I don't think you need to worry about that guilt thing. Hearing about the "hills" just has me panicking about the half there in June. I guess I will crawl those parts. I mean, I've got 4 hours and plan to enjoy the view!

The course is still being finalized, but I don't think the Rock and Roll Seattle half marathon tackles any of the really big hills in the city. However, you can't do 13 miles in the city without it being at least a bit hilly. :goodvibes I somehow manage to do most of my training on flat surfaces (the coast lines are great for that), so I'm not really prepared for hills, either!
Jim: Congrats on your ESPN 5K!

Jeff and Amy: Hope you're enjoying your races this weekend!

Today was supposed to be a faster tempo run, however, despite running fairly quickly, it still took forever to complete the run. In the course of 1.5 miles (I do an out and back along the west shore of Lake Union for anything 5 miles and under), we came across:

1) Road construction that completely blocked the bike/jogging path so we had to run on a busy street for a stretch.
2) Police cars with flares blocking the path.
3) A huge group of reporters (and accompanying looky-loos) filming two police boats towing what appeared to be a burned-out motor boat in the Lake
4) A group of about a half dozen fire trucks, several ambulances, and a number of police cars clustered around a group of office buildings near the Fremont Bridge. They were packing up when we got there, but there was a lot of water around and a hydrant had clearly been used.

It appears that there was a boat fire that spread to the docks and/or buildings on shore, but there was no visible damage besides the burned out boat in the lake that we could see. I guess we'll find out on the news tonight.

Anyway, that was our excitement for the day. The less exciting part was that my tempo run was 3 miles in 36 minutes. :laughing:

Hope all you Warriors are having a great weekend!
ESPN 5k this morning in 25:30.
Awesome job, well done.

Jeff and Amy good luck for your races too! Hope they go brilliantly

Had a trip to london today to catch up with a uni friend, but managed to squeeze 30mins of core stuff in. I'm off on a hunt to find the shin splint stretch again!
The Swamp Romp was an absolute BLAST!!! 5.5 miles of mud, puddles, mud, obstacles, mud, ocean, mud, sand, mud, stream, mud, hills, mud. Oh, did I mention the mud?

Although the check-in/drop off waiver/pick up timing chip, was poorly organized, it was way worth the effort. Lots of characters in costume.






The wanted teams to start off in sequence, but when the gun went off, at least 1/3 the field was still waiting in line for their chip.

They started three teams together, in 30 second intervals. We were team #8 & #69. By the time I got my group to the start, they were already in the 30's. No biggie, since the time goes by mat, and not gun time.

Out the chute, and headed down a dirt path. First giant puddle, I was stomping and splashing everyone withing 20 feet of me. They were yelling "hey, stop that." My reply was, "you're going to be way dirtier than this when it's over." I just laughed and kept on running.

First obstacle had a line backed up. Reason, you climbed up a 7 foot ladder, in which you slid down the back to the first mud pit. Automatically you were stuck in the mud. People were trying to walk out, but you were stuck up to your knees. I opted to lie face first, and crawled Army man style out of the mess. I did have to push a few by their butts, to get them out of my way.

These pictures doesn't show how thick the mud was. My wife got there after I had already gone through. The water you see was not there when I went through. These people standing, means it was way easier to get out than when I went through.




From there we ran through more puddles, and had to climb over at least 5 log obstacles ranging from 3 to 6 feet high.

Down the road, we had to run through a thick clay area of a estuary. Some people opted to swim through it. From there down a path, and eventually up a short hill. Down another path from there to the first water stop.

From there we went along a roadway, and went through a bushy area. We emerged and went though several deep puddles. There was even a puddle where you had to crawl through a 2 1/2 foot tunnel.

Further up the path, we rounded a corner, and had a beach to run down. It was about 1/2 mile down, where you had to go into the Pacific Ocean, to round a marker that was about 20-25 feet off shore. It was about waist high in the water. Now back down the beach from the way you came, so you go to see everyone behind you. This is where I spotted the second team I put together, and had started behind us.

Just before the end of the beach, there were two separate wood crate tunnels, that you had to crawl through in the sand. When you exited, there was a crate about 4 feet tall, and 6 feet wide that you had to climb over. Fortunately there was the second water stop.

The next puddle required you to get down on your stomach, and go under a cargo net. No room under there, so basically I was swimming with my eyes closed.

From there back on the trail, and a tire obstacle course. Back through more puddles, and then back to a road for a short distance. We turned a corner around a fence, and entered a stream. It was deep, and unstable because you were walking through grass that the people ahead of you had trampled down.

Up a hill, around another fence line and we arrived back to the staging area and near the finish line. But, we couldn't finish just yet. We stood there for about 25-30 minutes for the rest of my team to catch up. Teams were passing us to the finish, but we had no choice, we had to wait.





Finally the others got there, and we finished arm in arm. I have no idea what our time was, as there was no clock at the finish line. I'll have to find out later.

We took a fun finisher's photo at the end, all sitting in a puddle. I can't wait to see that.

There were two fire trucks at the finish, which gave a great shower with a 3 inch hose. Talk about water pressure! I wore a pair of bathing suit shorts under my pants, so that I could strip down and get all the funk off of me. Well, needless to say, it took three shampoos, and scrubbing with some strong body wash to get the funky smell off of me.



All in all, I had a great time, and can't wait to sign up again. Only thing is I need to find better teammates who can run together, and not whine about their boots, the blisters, and the mud. A few of those who came out today, will not be on my call list next year. Too many headaches before the race ever started.

What was really the best part, mud spa for $22, and it included the tshirt! Some of you pay over $100 for a spa treatment. I saved big bucks today!
Hi everyone-

Jeff- that looks so crazy- but so fun! Glad it went well and love the pics!

Jim- Great Job!

got my final run of February in today! I've officially made it one month! woohoo! :woohoo: :banana: I had to do it on my treadmill at home (home for the weekend from WVU.) and I hate that treadmill... it's in the cold, dark basement. It's old and I'm pretty sure it doesn't track distance right. I did my normal workout that usually is between 1.5 and 2 miles and it said I only did 1.... grr. Oh well...

Tracy- Final stuff: 18 miles
5 hours 10 min.
The course is still being finalized, but I don't think the Rock and Roll Seattle half marathon tackles any of the really big hills in the city. However, you can't do 13 miles in the city without it being at least a bit hilly. :goodvibes I somehow manage to do most of my training on flat surfaces (the coast lines are great for that), so I'm not really prepared for hills, either!
Just an FYI, they posted a course as final and elevation maps too. If it changes though I'd have no idea so won't matter to me. Maybe it will for you if you are training for the event.

Jeff, all I can think is Eeeeyyeeewww!

I must say the pics looked like a fun event.


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