February 2009 - Walt's Warriors!!

Sarah thanks! I think that's the pair I will buy next and try them out. If it makes you feel any better, I got a hairline fracture in a bone in my foot when I was on a cruise in St. Martin. I was so pumped though I didn't go to the doctor until I got home and it actually bothered me that it hurt to walk.

I am really tired after my run tonight. It was my best yet. 2.68 in 39 minutes. I have to figure out what to eat to not be so tired afterwards. I had a banana shake. I am guessing I need to eat more pasta.
today should have been a run, but have to admit that life got in the way a little bit. More specifically and indian meal! Sorry. Did 30mins core work instead to try to make up for some of it. Off to physio in morning tho for shin/itb work so probably a good thing. Just 30 mins from me :headache:
Good evening Warriors!!!

Tomorrow Hakuna Matata will be hosting an Ice Cream Social. (that's an old fashioned term for mixer). We would love to hear from everyone about what their favorite recovery food is AND is that also your favorite WDW treat!!! Feel free to include any other interesting pieces of information in your answer especially the exact location in WDW where you get this marvelous food!!!

Hope to see you there!
Jeff: That's funny, my brother-in-law calls it "cracks barrel", but he's a cuban hick if that tells you anything.

I went out after work to a new park. Well, not the best and did nothing for me. I ended up doing only 3.02 miles. After 12 on Sunday, I was ok with it.
When I got up this morning I couldn't believe how sore my triceps and abs were from doing the Wii yesterday. I guess the pushup/side plank was the cause of it. HEHE

Hi Warriors! I gotta say I'm a Garmin addict here. I've got Nike+, but really like my Garmin. It is not the newer smallest model, but works well for me. Nike+ is not as accurate, but I've got it laced to my shoes so still use it when I'm on a LR.

Took Kirby Dog for a 2-miler. It felt so wonderful to be out there. It was slow going since snow was on the path, but I still loved the moment.

I'm going to be signing up for the Rock n Roll Seattle and I'm getting really thrilled to be able to make the trip there. I reconnected with a childhood friend on FB recently and plan to stay with him. He even offered to do the event with me!

I'll be heading to the doc to have my knee, back, hips, Achilles checked Thursday. DH has his follow-up apt and I will tag onto his apt. When one thing goes out of whack the rest follows.
Hi Warriors! I gotta say I'm a Garmin addict here. I've got Nike+, but really like my Garmin. It is not the newer smallest model, but works well for me. Nike+ is not as accurate, but I've got it laced to my shoes so still use it when I'm on a LR.

I'm going to be signing up for the Rock n Roll Seattle and I'm getting really thrilled to be able to make the trip there. I reconnected with a childhood friend on FB recently and plan to stay with him. He even offered to do the event with me!

I'm leaning towards the Garmin myself, to be honest. And not the newest smallest one, either. :goodvibes The Garmin 405 is beautiful, but I just can't justify the extra $200 to have the newest smallest thing.

I live in Seattle and will be running the Rock and Roll Seattle half marathon in June. Maybe if you have time, we could meet up before or after the race!

Edited to add: I was feeling better today after yesterday's day of illness, but not 100%, but decided to do a slow 3 miles anyway. Glad I did, actually, because I felt better after the run than I did before! My back is particularly sore today, and I'm starting to suspect that, though the running is making my back stiff, it's my chair at work that is making the problem worse. Ugh!
Yo ho yo ho, how's the Warrior crew?

I got my 8 1/4 miles in, 1:15:56. Tradewinds going outward bound, and tailwinds on the way back.

Thursday I'll be running over on the windward side of the island. I have to zip out of work to the local running shop to pick up our Swamp Romp race packet and t-shirts.

I recommend those looking for a Garmin 405, to do a Craigslist check. Lots of people sell them there, for under $200.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.
I am starting to get a bit addicted to the wii fit yoga. My body starts begging for it. I never knew I would love yoga so much. Last night I did 35 minutes of yoga and strength.

Off to eat some ice cream at the social :lmao:
2 miles for me last night. After 11 on Sunday and 8 on tap for tonight it felt good to actually do a short distance! Not to mention the fact that it was beautiful outside!

Have a great Wednesday, Warriors! We're half way there!
Hey Warriors!
1.5 miles for me today- 25 minutes. It was shorter than the past couple days, but the last 5 minutes were on a elliptical type machine so it was a much more... muscle work out I guess. lol anyway- hope everyone is doing well!

princess: Kat
Did 3 with Emma on her bike. I really didn't want to but got lucky and fun! Having a chatty 9 year old can be a good distraction!

Really hard to do this on my phone so I'll write later. LOL.

Jen in ga
Happy Wednesday Warriors!

Today I got in 6.5 miles in 60 minutes.

Not much else goin' on today.

You guys all Rock!!
Hey there Warriors ~

I got in 1.5 on the treadmill this morning, but spent the rest of the hour in the gym working on core, weights and other plyometric stuff. Fun times being back in the gym this morning.
Hey team.....

How's it going??? Just thought I would toss out some numbers.
For those of us posting our times and miles on the spreadsheet here are the totals for Carrie, Tracy, Amy, Lily, Jeff, Marcia, Erika, Kate, Sarah and Marcie...
Miles = 492.1
Time = 135hrs:53min:44sec.

Now for the rest of you keeping track yourself...
Jim, Jen, Michelle, Roxanne, Stacey, Jeff M, Barb, Katie and Kat if you have your miles and times up to a certain date and want to post them go ahead, I'm curious as to what our totals night be.

And again, if any of you want access to the spreadsheet to post, PM me your email and I'll send you the invite.

Hi Tracy- not an "official" total ( i have to add friday once it's over) but here's mine:
17 miles
4 hours- 45 min.

I believe I am the self-proclaimed "baby/padawan learner" of the group so you all will have endure my small totals for now! They will get better- i promise! haha
princess: Kat
Hi Team! :wave:

Jen--great race report! Glad we had you dressed right! :rotfl2:

Lots of great miles and training sessions being reported. LOVE it!

I have several days to catch up with...as usual.

Saturday = light run (the hamstring is almost better!) 3.7 miles, stretching - 1 hour
Sunday = 4.7 mile run, stretching - 1:10
Monday = 6 miles on the bike, 60 minutes of strength; 1:20 total
Tuesday = 1 mile snowshoe trek
Today = 1/2 mile swim, strength - 1 hour

Keep going, awesome Warriors!
Tracy--I haven't posted on the spreadsheet in a couple of weeks now and have lots to add. BUT...I lost the URL. Can you re-post? Thanks!
Erika - http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=p8PPZEl_DDQVrcFsXQKJmcg Love the new avatar!

HI all. SOrry to be gone so long again. Works been busy a gain adn my legs have been giving me issues, so I'm in a bit of a funk. :-( Hoping the new shoes I'm picking up tonight will help. Workign through lunch,but just wanted to stop in adn say I miss you guys!!!!!


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