Feeling Super Bummed About the Dispop Hiatus


DIS Veteran
Mar 6, 2016
Over the last 4-6 weeks Dispop has very much turned into something that is a weekly must watch for me. I enjoy it on Saturdays while I am stuck doing less desirable activities (aka working from home when all I want is to be able to enjoy my weekend). So when I was watching this weekends episode I was sad to hear that it is going on a hiatus. I am really hoping it's a short break after all :sad:.
I dunno. I got the feeling that this was a forced goodbye even though I hope it's more of a "we just have a lot on our plate so this has to wait"
Yeah, just as it was finding its groove! I thought the show was best when ryno had someone to play off of, rather than the solo ones discussing a particular thing.
You should watch the recent ones then! It's been Ryno and Craig in the studio doing the shows.
SO upset that DisPop is going on hiatus - and even more bummed that there's no return date in sight yet. It and the Tuesday show are my favorite DisUnplugged shows.
I too am bummed about the hiatus - truly hope it is just for a relatively short period while they think of how to reformat and how they want to proceed - I am sure with all the halloween events and food and wine and then other holiday stuff they do have a lot of their plate as well

I am glad to hear they said they wills till have movie reviews and stuff like that - hopefully Ryno also does some arts and craft episodes - especially with Halloween activities!
I really hope the show comes back soon!! Its definitely going to leave a gap in the podcast's I listen too! Hope everyone down in Florida stays safe during Irma!!
I think Ryno is great and the shows are great, but I have to say I've never quite understood how DisPop fit in the show lineup. As we've discussed elsewhere, the podcasts are meant to drive business to Dreams. It's easy to see how the Tuesday show, the Universal show, the Dreams show, Best and Worst, and Connecting with Walt all do that. They encourage/inspire people to book trips to see and do all of the things they are talking about.

But DisPop doesn't. If he reviews a movie or a comic book or a comic con he attended or some 1980s TV shows, none of that has anything to do with travel. It's all fun and informative and entertaining but I don't see how it would generate business for them. So I can't help but wonder if that's the underlying issue.
I think Ryno is great and the shows are great, but I have to say I've never quite understood how DisPop fit in the show lineup. As we've discussed elsewhere, the podcasts are meant to drive business to Dreams. It's easy to see how the Tuesday show, the Universal show, the Dreams show, Best and Worst, and Connecting with Walt all do that. They encourage/inspire people to book trips to see and do all of the things they are talking about.

But DisPop doesn't. If he reviews a movie or a comic book or a comic con he attended or some 1980s TV shows, none of that has anything to do with travel. It's all fun and informative and entertaining but I don't see how it would generate business for them. So I can't help but wonder if that's the underlying issue.

I think those are fair points - especially if they are feeling resource strained as far as producing probably make sense to back off the show that likely creates the least business directly

Obviously there is some value in creating interest in the YouTube channel as a whole and just building sense of community - but not the same as helping to gain clients directly

Still hope it comes back soon!
I think Ryno is great and the shows are great, but I have to say I've never quite understood how DisPop fit in the show lineup. As we've discussed elsewhere, the podcasts are meant to drive business to Dreams. It's easy to see how the Tuesday show, the Universal show, the Dreams show, Best and Worst, and Connecting with Walt all do that. They encourage/inspire people to book trips to see and do all of the things they are talking about.

But DisPop doesn't. If he reviews a movie or a comic book or a comic con he attended or some 1980s TV shows, none of that has anything to do with travel. It's all fun and informative and entertaining but I don't see how it would generate business for them. So I can't help but wonder if that's the underlying issue.

I think they would say that there is stand alone value, especially in the social media world, to building a brand, a following, a community. I also think it fit in a broader idea of building the Disunplugged channel into a "one stop" Disney Shop for all things Disney. They have the parks covered but there are aspects that aren't necessarily park related but play into the Disney Fandom, and is all intertwined in a way. Guardians of the Galaxy went from a Comic Book to a movie to now a significant park presence and Disney is the king of maximizing their synergy.

I do see your point though, that the show has sort of drifted into an area where it may be a stretch to see how discussing Family Matters and TGIF (as fun as that may be) fits into the overall goals of what they are doing.

I do think Ryno did a good job with the show and was always positive and attune to feedback.
I'm really bummed too to hear that DisPop is going on hiatus. I've really enjoyed listening to Ryno and Craig -- they were always entertaining and I've enjoyed the recent nostalgic episodes of late.
I loved the concept of the show but haven't been interested in any episodes in the past month or so. Hoping it can return stronger than ever.
No, no no! I'm rethinking my Patreon membership. I want more Ryno not less! Good thing there are other Tubers out there that make me smile like he does. I'll just spread my small dollars between them.
I also hope the show comes back soon! I was genuinely disappointed to hear about the hiatus. I only started listening to the show over the past 2-3 months, but I've really enjoyed it. Might just have to go listen to all the old episodes to tide me over until its return...
I'm definitely a little bummed, but I'm confident that the show will come back better than ever. I think that one of the things that makes DIS POP so great is the passion that Ryno, Craig, and others bring to the topics they discuss, and if they don't have that passion right now, then I think a hiatus is a good idea.
Of course we're a smaller data set, but DIS POP and Dreams Travel could point to one another when considering the major conventions. The conventions (MegaCon, Comic Con and so on) have to do with typical DIS POP content and folks plan travel for the con circuit. I loved the craft and cocktail segments, but I could see that not having an easy tie-in to dreams travel.

Anyways, safe travel to Ryno and best wishes for future segments, in whatever form they take.
I'm definitely a little bummed, but I'm confident that the show will come back better than ever. I think that one of the things that makes DIS POP so great is the passion that Ryno, Craig, and others bring to the topics they discuss, and if they don't have that passion right now, then I think a hiatus is a good idea.

I too hope it comes back better than ever - and maybe just some time to refocus it a bit can be good in the long run. While I have enjoyed the Nickelodeon and TGIF shows, they seem a bit of a tangent from what I think the original vision for the show was and to be connected to Disney related Pop culture news
I remember when it started, they said it wouldn't be on a set schedule and that is was an experiment. I too love the show and really enjoy the in-depth movie discussions, the Con coverage, that type of info.

I realize that I love anything Ryno does, I think he is personable, interesting, has a lot of good experience with pop culture topics and of course, love his food vlogs with Craig. I thought it was a good idea when they became each other's co-hosts on their respective weekly shows, as they have great chemistry together.

As long as they keep doing the food vlogs and they aren't replaced by the weekly DIS Dining show, I can handle DIS Pop going away for a little while. I just hope this isn't any kind of move to push Ryno to the side to make way for the new guy!


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