First official roll-call for April 15, 2006 Eastern


Never Forget!
Oct 11, 2000
So, guess it looks like we are going on the eastern in April 15th of 2006 according my hubby! I just can't access the current postings to my original thread for our august 29, 2004 cruise. It is so weird as I called Jay in a panic at work to say the disney dates for 2006 are out and I'm sure Roger and everyone else has already booked............was afraid if I didn't book ASAP, I woud definitely be stranded here in Washington state! LOL
Anyway, he can access the current threads and said that the talk was April 15 on the Eastern . Hope that is correct, although I thought Roger wanted to go on the Western. Our dates are so flexible, as we already anticipate having to take the kids out of wouldn't break my heart either as this week and the week prior are almost $3000.00 dollars more for a category 4 family suite due to spring break...........but hey, seeing you all again is worth the additional money right?? I may have to give up Starbucks for years to come, but it is worth it AND caffeine is really not all that good for you, right?? Ok, now that I have the jitters, definitely on board. Can't wait to see everyone again!! Please let me know on this thread what the current talk is and what dates are a go for sure!
Thanks all1
Hi Michelle, First I want to thank you for thread on Linda! After I posted looks like everything is gonnna be alright. Anyway, have been waiting like we all have and am excited about the new dates coming out. Have not even attempted to call TA yet because funds are not yet deposit ready. Not even sure how much you have to put down at first call. Kinda frightened about the rates I have been seeing for this cruise.. But still holding strong to this date and could not imagine being on any other cruise that year. As far as my magical gathering program goes, it stopped working after my first Connection so I need another invitation... from anyone. What kind of prices have ya gotten so far?.To tell you the truth, I loved having two connecting rooms and could not see us going any other way. Hope you got the mango that we spoke about and looking forward to hearing from everyone soon. Take care for now... Love, Eileen
I called Dreams Unlimited a couple of days ago, and after much thought, decided to book 2 side by side category 11 cabins. We were originally going to get a category 4 family suite, but because this cruise is during "spring break" it was ultra expensive. The category 11 cabins are on deck 7 aft so hope they will be ok............the price was $7250.00 for 5 of us (Russell will not be going as he will be in high school then and taking kids out of school then can be really he will be staying with my step-daughter...........the deposit are $250.00 for each passenger ............I look at it like a down payment of sorts.....with the final payment due in January of 2006. More expensive than I thought but well worth it when I consider that any amount of money would truly be a waste if we were not all back together! We could have picked another week not quite expensive, but how fun would that be!! I'm glad we were able to get the rooms and so glad you will be there with us!! Hoping to find a port with mango rum!! Take care!
It was $7520!! Oh well, what is a few dollars amongst friends!! LOL
Just wanted to say Hi to you guys!! Thanks for all your notes last week. I feel so much better this week!! It's going to be really hard to watch you plan your cruise knowing I won't be there! :sad1:
Your news just made me day.......having some second thoughts about this cruise and have been tossing and turning all night long as deposit is due tomorrow..............just can't see myself letting go and having 100% great time while Russell is home.........I know it will be easy for me to take the smaller children out of elementary school but Russell will be in high school at the time, and it will be next to impossible to get the ok to pull him is too difficult for the work to be missed or made the plan was to keep him home with my stepdaughter......and guess what, I'm freaking out just thinking of being separated from him that long, especially onboard the ship when access is totally, now I'm wondering if I should postpone the cruise planning for awhile and let go and let God......It does not feel right to me today, and if it does or when it does, I guess I will book it..........after all, it isn't until 2006!! And if we end up having to skip the cruise in April, there is always the summer of 2006 to hook up somewhere!
Take care!
It's a tough decision. How does Russell feel about it? The only thing about waiting is the higher prices and risk of not getting on later if it fills up and you do decide to go (especially where you need 2 rooms). If you book now you can always cancel later - you'll have a year and a half to get things sorted out. But certainly if it really doesn't feel right then follow your gut.

You're a great Mom! Keep us updated. :hug:
can't get this decision off my mind.......still don't know what to do..........I'm just such a big baby when it comes to my kids and can't seem to go anywhere without them......thus the reason we were on this past was the best of both time and couple time........awesome, I hate to plan so far in advance........but need to decide.............Jay and I really want to go, and truly, I think Russell woud rather stay home least that is what he is saying I may put down the deposit and see how things go......wish me luck!
WE ARE GOING!! Today it just felt the connecting cabins we wanted, transferred our reservations from disney cruise line to Costco and saved almost $700.00!! Today I feel good and am totally psyched about our decision to go........I can always add Russell to the reservation at some point which is comforting!! Today is a good day!
Thanks for giving me the along with my sister-in-law gave me the direction I needed!
Sorry it took so long to write. We have been sooooo busy lately. Michele how's Jay and the kids??? I hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe this trip is getting closer. We will be arriving Monday night the 10th and I hope we will be staying at the Boardwalk for the week. Keep in touch :grouphug:
Hi Roger! It was so good to hear from you!! We can not wait to cruise again, and so glad we are going to create new memories with you, Maria, Gabrielle and Matthew!! Wish we just did not have to wait soooooooo long though!! I'm sure when we get in the planning mode, the time will just fly!
Jay went back to full-time duties as a firefighter a few weeks after we got home! He is doing great and is adjusting well. He loves being a firefighter so this is where he needs to be!! The kids are doing great! Russell is now over 6ft tall, is playing basketball and is excited about going to high school next year. Paige is still doing ballet twice a week and still loves to dance and sing. Ty is in first grade and although he says he hates school each and every day, he is doing quite well. He just truly hates leaving me in the morning! He is playing baseball for the first time this spring as is very excited about it! Matthew just turned 5 last weekend, and I can hardly believe my baby will be heading off for kindergarten this fall!! Where did the time go?? Don't know what I will do with my time in September when I have no one at home! Guess I will have to put our plans in full gear for our cruise!! Nothing better than to think, eat, speak, and plan disney!! Give my love to all!!


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