first wdw visit any tips with 5yo DS?


Earning My Ears
Feb 25, 2002
We will be leaving for our first trip to WDW soon.This will be our first big trip with my 5 yo DS.Any suggestions on what I need for the trip.So far I have sunscreen and Autograph book? Any other must haves or ideas?Thanks in advance - you guys are great!!

Lori (Poly Nov. 15-23)
:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy:
Remeber to take it easy. If he wants to stop & see something that isn't important to you, do it anyway.

I see too many parents in the park in commando mode and the kids look miserable.

My DS used a stroller until he was 7 at WDW. There is a lot of walking involved at WDW
Be sure to do a character meal or two. He is the perfect age for that. Also don't just assume any ride is" too baby" or "two grown up". My DS still liked Dumbo at 9, and depending on his height, he might can ride some of the mountians and other "thrill" type rides.Share a kids guide book or planning video wiith him so you can decide together what he might like.

Take or rent a stroller!

Have a blast!!!

Jordan's mom
My kids love taking their own I'd suggest getting him a disposable camera just for himself!

We also did the Epcot passports at that age - that was alot of fun. We opted to skip the *mask* making at the kidcot stations after a near disaster with tangled yarn, rain and runny magic marker :rolleyes:

AK has a version of the passports as well, with CM's in each *land* that provide activities for the kids, then they stamp their book....

Have a GREAT trip!!!:Pinkbounc
We took our 5 y/o DS on his first trip to WDW this year. He is a seasoned traveller and has been to many other places, so staying in a hotel was not an unsual experience for him.

I would make sure to pack a night light. Those rooms are pretty dark at night and if you son is not used to travel, strange rooms or really dark rooms, he might not like it.

I would strongly urge you to rent a stroller. Little legs last longer this way.

My son would have been completely miserable without his sunglasses and hat. The sun is much brighter and stronger than what we were used to in Ohio that time of year.

Take along little snacks and juice boxes or something. My son refuses to drink soda, so having a juice box with us saved us a lot of hassle.

Okay, I just asked my son what he was really glad to have with him at WDW and here is his reply:

"I really liked my necklaces--the pin one and the bead one. Oh, and tell them not to take their teddy bears."

The pin necklace was his pin lanyard and the bead necklace was a cheap little stretchy thing from wal-mart. He forgot his very favorite teddy at WDW and he never found his way home--hence the comment about the teddy.

I am sure there is more, I just can't think of anything else right now!
We took our 5 y/o DS on his first trip to WDW this year. He is a seasoned traveller and has been to many other places, so staying in a hotel was not an unsual experience for him.

I would make sure to pack a night light. Those rooms are pretty dark at night and if you son is not used to travel, strange rooms or really dark rooms, he might not like it.

I would strongly urge you to rent a stroller. Little legs last longer this way.

My son would have been completely miserable without his sunglasses and hat. The sun is much brighter and stronger than what we were used to in Ohio that time of year.

Take along little snacks and juice boxes or something. My son refuses to drink soda, so having a juice box with us saved us a lot of hassle.

Okay, I just asked my son what he was really glad to have with him at WDW and here is his reply:

"I really liked my necklaces--the pin one and the bead one. Oh, and tell them not to take their teddy bears."

The pin necklace was his pin lanyard and the bead necklace was a cheap little stretchy thing from wal-mart. He forgot his very favorite teddy at WDW and he never found his way home--hence the comment about the teddy.

I am sure there is more, I just can't think of anything else right now!
Ordinarliy I say, let your child call ther shots about what hes up for, but there are two things to know.

Alien encounter is terrifying. While your child is big enough to ride it, he may not be mature enough. Ride this first without him and check it out.

Buzz Lightyear is a must for this age. Drag him onto it if you have to. It will be a favorite.
Although I dont have kid yet I agree with the camera. It gives kids a sense of control. My parents let us have one whe we were little in WDW. We had the old 110 ilm cameras. Do they even make those anymore? :D But anyways, when I got back I was so excited to get my pictures developed.


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