Fit for the Fairytale/looking good on "THE" day~beauty & weightloss ongoing chat~

I'm not doing so well with the healthy eating (Chinese buffet, anyone?) but I am on week 2 of Buff Brides AND I've noticed a difference already! I haven't lost any weight or anything, but I am getting stronger and have been able to move from "beginner" to "intermediate" and I'm going to go buy heavier weights :thumbsup2
Wow, that's good!!! :cool1: I really need to get Buff Brides!!
I have stepped up my exercise routine now. For almost a month I have hovered at the same weight, don't really know why. Now I am doing 30 min on the Elliptical trainer in the morning, and 15 min in the evening and my sit ups in the evening. I am also walking 40 min a day, fast pace.
I better see a result on Monday (weigh in day)
Wow I had a tough session with my personal trainer yesterday - I'm really feeling it today! We did this crazy exercise where you hug a hand weight to your chest and, keeping your feet slightly apart and facing forward, you swivel at your waist from side to side! Well, I'm really feeling an ache in the love handle-y part of my body today so fingers crossed it'll help give me some more definition there...

I've also started the Couch to 5k programme. I'm registered to do the 10k Race For The Taste in October so I figured I needed to start somewhere as running is not really my thing. I managed to run 1.5 miles on my first attempt so I've got a way to go but it's a start...

For me the thing that really works and helps to kick start another level of weight loss is plain old walking. I have a pedometer and I ensure I do a minimum of 10,000 steps per day - 5000 before midday always sets me up for a good day...

Have a good day, everyone...:thumbsup2
Hi girls!
Karen we are also doing the couch to 5K. It has been a little hard during the snow though. Keep up the good work!
Two months ago today, I started my new lifestyle (I have to keep reminding myself it's not a diet!), trying to make small changes that will have an affect. So now I:

1. Eat breakfast every morning. A study said that eating two eggs for breakfast means you will burn more calories over the next two days than a bagel. So I've been eating Eggbeaters for breakfast every morning.

2. Drink four bottles of water a day. This one was tough at first, but now it's second nature.

3. Give myself a break. If I have a healthy lunch, I allow myself a little slack for dinner or visa versa.

4. Take a multi-vitamin every day. On a related note, someone a few pages back asked about the WeightSmart vitamins making her sick. They DEFINITELY made me nauseous. I gave my mostly unused pack to my friend, and they made her sick as well. I joked that maybe that was the marketing ploy: you lose weight because your stomach is too upset to eat anything! lol!

5. Take the stairs to work every day (and I work on the 7th floor!).

6. Do something physical every day, whether it's lifting weights (I have a strapless dress!) or running on the treadmill for twenty minutes. I also read recently that it's more efficient for your body to burn calories if you do jogging/springing sets for 20 or so minutes than running straight for 30 minutes. Something about variety makes your body burn calories in a different way? Who knows.

In two months, I've lost four pounds. I'd like to lose six more pounds by my wedding, but that's only six weeks away and it took me eight weeks to lose four, so I'm not holding my breath. I'd like to say I feel healthier, but I don't so far. But I'm keeping my eyes on the prize!

Oh, and another great book, similar to You on a Diet, from what I hear, is Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink. It's basically studies that Dr. Wansink did that showed how mindlessly we all eat. For example, he gave free, STALE popcorn to movie-goers who had just come from lunch (so they obviously werne't hungry). At the end of the movie, he weighed the popcorn left over. People ate a lot more of the popcorn than they thought they did, even though they weren't hungry AND it didn't taste good. How crazy is that? Anywho, it's a fascinating book.

Thanks for letting me hop on to this thread!
I also read recently that it's more efficient for your body to burn calories if you do jogging/springing sets for 20 or so minutes than running straight for 30 minutes. Something about variety makes your body burn calories in a different way? Who knows.

This is absolutely true. It was some of the latest research presented to personal trainers at Can Fit pro (Toronto) last year. It comes down to the fact that the more often you change the mode, the more calories are burnt (i.e., you burn more calories by doing 10 mins of cycling + 10 mins of running + 10 mins of elliptical than 30 continuous mins on the treadmill)

I found it very interesting. However, I didn't find it practical because it was rare that I could move from treadmill to elliptical to bike during prime time at the gym without having to wait for people to finish (thereby eliminating the benefit).

I had great results by doing intervals on the elliptical for 30mins total (3 mins warm-up then 3 mins at medium intensity/ 4 minutes at very high intensity/ 5 minutes recovery/ repeat the 3-4-5 + cool down) It's a managable routine that really burns calories. I also lifted some weights, but mainly just for toning. And I would go for long runs with my dad on the weekend.

Diet-wise, all I did was cut out the wine on weekdays and made sure I had dinner by 8PM (i.e., I didn't eat after 8).

I managed to lose 20 lbs in 4 months.

I gained 10 back on the honeymoon (what can I say the Dining plan is great :rotfl2: )
Oh, and another great book, similar to You on a Diet, from what I hear, is Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink. It's basically studies that Dr. Wansink did that showed how mindlessly we all eat. For example, he gave free, STALE popcorn to movie-goers who had just come from lunch (so they obviously werne't hungry). At the end of the movie, he weighed the popcorn left over. People ate a lot more of the popcorn than they thought they did, even though they weren't hungry AND it didn't taste good. How crazy is that? Anywho, it's a fascinating book.

Thanks for letting me hop on to this thread!
Oh my, that is so interesting. Popcorn and chips are my downfall and I know I would have ate that popcorn!!!:rolleyes1
ok so some of us havent been that good, but no one said it would be easy!!

Congrats to the girls that have stuck with it!!!

I will be going monday to check out memberships at lifetime & the park coworker & I plan to start going after work.

I still think my biggest issue is portion control at dinner time.

Well i only have 9months to go, so i better quit whining to myself & enforce the plan;)
Well, Monday is my weigh in day and I haven't lost any weight but I have lost inches. Does anyone know that during your time of the month, does weight loss stall? I mean I've burned off about 3000 calories this week, and I haven't lost any weight, I find that really hard to believe.
However as I said I did lose .5 off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. So since Jan, I have lost 2 inches off my chest, 3.5 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips. I really want the weight to start coming off though.....
yes I think most people hold water during that time, I know that I put on about 1lb during that time of the month
However as I said I did lose .5 off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. So since Jan, I have lost 2 inches off my chest, 3.5 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips. I really want the weight to start coming off though.....
Great job, congratulations!!!!:cool1: I think I would rather lose inches than pounds!!! Keep up the hard work. Yes, I think you gain water weight when it is that time of the month.
I AGREE THAT its better to lose inches than pounds....they do say muscle weighs more than fat

im going to check out what Lifetime fitness has to offer today.....a 24hr gym could be useful when Im bored & want to eat...I would have no excuses

glad to see some of you have kept with it so well...i wish I could say the same, but having a mother in law living with us has not helped....endless amount of fattening homemade mexican food...yum!!!;)
I had the :banana: BEST:banana: day today! The school secretary was behind me coming through from breaktime and she came to my classroom and said "I just have to say, you are looking amazing!" I was so happy! DF can't notice it as he sees me each day, but others notice - I am delighted! It's happening, it's dissolving away, slowly but surely! I hope you're all having as good a day as I am! :):woohoo:
We're gonna do it by crikey - I know we are! Just a bit less of this: :happytv: and a bit more of this: :cheer2: and we'll get there in no time! I'm off to cook my tea stood on one leg (good for core stability I hear!)!
i need to lose baby fat!! i had my son 2 months ago, and already have lost about 30lbs (gained 50lbs during my pregnancy... but he was a 10 pounder, so he needed all the twinkies i was eating daily! haha.. thats how i justify my bad pregnancy eating habits) well now those twinkies have come to rest on my tummy, and they refuse to leave!!! I'm eating healthy now, but it seems like i'm gaining MORE weight :confused: i need to lose that extra 20 lbs to get back to pre pregnancy weight and shape!

-- got any good tips on losing that extra 20lbs, and getting toned up?? How did any other mommies lose that baby weight?? I got a while till the wedding, so i'm hopeful on losing it.. but i don't know where to start...
I had the :banana: BEST:banana: day today! The school secretary was behind me coming through from breaktime and she came to my classroom and said "I just have to say, you are looking amazing!" I was so happy! DF can't notice it as he sees me each day, but others notice - I am delighted! It's happening, it's dissolving away, slowly but surely! I hope you're all having as good a day as I am! :):woohoo:
Yay, congrats!! :banana: I really need to try harder.....I need to motivate myself.
i need to lose baby fat!! i had my son 2 months ago, and already have lost about 30lbs (gained 50lbs during my pregnancy... but he was a 10 pounder, so he needed all the twinkies i was eating daily! haha.. thats how i justify my bad pregnancy eating habits) well now those twinkies have come to rest on my tummy, and they refuse to leave!!! I'm eating healthy now, but it seems like i'm gaining MORE weight :confused: i need to lose that extra 20 lbs to get back to pre pregnancy weight and shape!

-- got any good tips on losing that extra 20lbs, and getting toned up?? How did any other mommies lose that baby weight?? I got a while till the wedding, so i'm hopeful on losing it.. but i don't know where to start...

THE biggest advice anyone could ever give you is to stick with it !

When I had my "princess girl", I did 10 flights of stairs every morning before work & I lost a ton of weight, but then I got lazy(&older) & it came back & now im heavier than I was right after I had her....bad me...
for the tummy, i recommend the balance ball for situps....& try& mix it up..dont do just one type of situp, alternate
Also, do lots of walking....I cant tell you how many times Id load up the stroller & walk all over time i was gone for over 5hrs & DH was ready to call the cops until I walked walk whenever you can.

Congrats on your little one:goodvibes


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