Flight Socks?


Super Shopper
Aug 18, 1999
Well I bought my Flight Socks yesterday from Boots - has anyone else used them yet?

Last year I had just come out of hospital and was advised to wear those elegant thigh length white stockings you have to wear now when in hospital - but they were soooooo hot (and I mean HOT as in warm/hot ~~ LOL) so have opted for the Scholls Flight Socks.

Having just lost a friend with a DVT following a flight from Australia I feel its not worth taking the risk.

Any thoughts/comments anyone??
it's not something I've really considered, which is probably niave of me, how are the scholls socks? Do they also look thick and uncomfortable?

I agree with you Janice, it is not worth taking a risk. Flight socks will be on our list of things to buy for our trip this summer.
They are definately on my list, as im abit worried about the risk of DVT.

How do they look?, how much where they?

Bethx:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Well the are black, and a bit like the Opaque tights you buy? I haven't tried them on yet, they look like they will be a tight fit - but that is the object of them. You buy them according to your shoe size.

Mine were £12.50 - they are £11.45 in Tesco/Saisburys I think - but well I was in Boots and just got them so that I didnt forget to - if you see what I mean.

They dont look over thick - but even if they were, I think that far outweighs the fact that they well may save my life.

I think we get back after you leave Bev - otherwise I could tell you how they are - what day do you fly?
we fly on the 31st - if they are just like thick opaque tights, then I think I might get a pair - wonder if my dh would agree to wear them?

What about kids? Are they at risk too?

Hi Janice,

Yes I used them last year (even bought mine out of Boots as well!). They were okay on the way out but on the way back by the time I had landed I was desperate to get the damn things off as they felt very constricted! but unfortunately I made the mistake of wearing my jeans on the way home and couldn't get them rolled far enough up my legs to reach the top of the socks (Doh!). I think the difference was that on the way out I did a lot of walking up and down the aisle with our 2 yr old, you can imagine LOL, but on the way back as it was an evening flight I didn't move too much. This of course is the danger and therefore I definately think they are a good idea. Just make sure you wear loose trousers so you can take them off as soon as poss without having to run to the nearest loo;)

LOL that was the problem I had with the White Thigh ones from the Hospital last year AnneMarie.

Can you imagine this demented looking woman running to the loo as soon as we landed, I ended up with the blooming things falling down under my trousers and flapping round my ankles! NOT A PRETTY SIGHT! LOL DH was in stitches and absolutely no help at all. LOL

Did you put them on just before you boarded your flight?

Bev - we get home before you ... just. I might not get back on line if DH has dismantled everything in readiness for our move.

I would make Chris wear them to be honest. After attending the funeral of our friend, who was only in his early 60's - it really brings the importance home to you.

Katie - I am not sure! I would perhaps see if you could find out from Scholl?? or ask in Boots.

Oh I just looked up this for you Bev - it might be worth looking here

Flight Socks Info
Yes Janice I really can picture that demented woman:D because I was at the point of being ready to just 'drop my kegs' right there, right then to get the damn things off, LOL!

Bev, I remember asking at the time I bought mine about children's and I know that Boots didn't do them then.

I wore them on our last two trans atlantic trips (NY and Orlando) and actually found them quite
comforable! Not too thick, and quite nice to walk around in if like me you take off you shoes. One problem though, though they are quite tight and surprisingly comfortable on the way out, on the return trip they seemed to have lost a lot of their springiness? Maybe I just have fat legs!:p
We bought ours from TJHughes. They were less than £10 a pair & were available in black or beige, adults & Childrens.
They were very comfortable and it was lovely to get off the plane without shoes pinching because of swelling. On the way home we also thought they had lost a bit of elasticity but at that price it still seems worth it to me even if we do need new ones each time.
Well thank you everyone, I am really pleased to get these positive reviews.

I wonder if you could rinse them whilst your on holiday to get the elasticity back?

Did anyone do this?

To be honest, if I thought that the socks were impaired or less effective for the return journey - I wouldnt hesitate to take another pair with me. Is this too excessive, am I fussing too much?

I have been advised by the doctor to wear these as I had muliple blood clots on my lung, so nice to hear about these as I am flying in Oct, another bit of advise I was given was to take an aspirin a day for about a week before I go suposedly helps with the blood. ANNIE:sunny: :sunny:
Has anyone tried one of the blow up thingy's that you manipulate with your feet pushing the air from one side to the other to exercise, I have considered buying one as DVT's seem to run in my family and although this is our 5th trip with out any problems so far you can't be to careful.

I don't know if I could stand the stocking thingy's as I have eczema quite badly on my legs and am not sure how itchy they would make me.

I certainly plan on taking my Asprin though as a precaution.
Believe me, no-one would thank me for takin me shoes off in-flight! :eek:

I just do a lot of foot wigglin and tendon stretchin to keep meself in shape.
My parents bought these for their recent round the world trip as they are knocking on a bit and Mum has a varicose vein in her leg.

Apparently Dad looked most fetching in his :confused: :confused:

However, by the time of their fifth flight (LA to Heathrow) they were really hurting Mum and making her vein much worse so she took them off.

Like Spotty I do leg stretches and ankle rotations. My Dad and partner are always on the move on board the plane to avoid DVT and are constantly flitting about getting in the way :)

Last tiome we flew there were so many people walking around and stretching
etc it was more like an airbourne gym!:p
there is a scholl shop just around the corner from my office, so I think I will pop in there at lunch time and see what they have to say.

I mentioned it to Phil, and he just said he would wear them, no bother, his exact words where 'it can't hurt can it'

that website seems to suggest that kids are ok - and to be honest, Katie never sits still for more than 10 seconds anyway- but I will ask further in the Scholl shop.

And Janice - if you are concerned, and you have every right to be, then I would take 2 pairs- £10 is not much for a little piece of mind.

got back 6 days ago. i wore the flight socks and took an asprin on the way out as i had a pain in my leg the last time i went. i also have a tendency to swell at the ankles. i had no pain, and no swelling. on the return trip i just wore the socks. i didnt get swollen ankles but my leg did ache towards the end of the flight. hope this helps.


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