Florida Amendment 2

And yet Bobby and Suzie can still go to Vegas on Tuesday, get married, and on Wednesday wake up with a hang over and get a divorce!:scared1:

What's the divorce rate in the USA these days?

What kind of Marriage are they trying to protect?:confused3
I posted this over on the Liberals Only thread on the CB but they are a little election heavy today (rightly so) and this has really gotten me steamed. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that this is the year 2008 and we are still dealing with this kind of ...I don't know ...what would you call it?

Hatred? Intolerance? Stupidity? Take your pick. Add a few more if you like.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to invite the government into his or her bedroom. :confused3 Of course this is coming from the person who hated having to cough up money to get a marriage license and getting permission from "the man". Marriage/unions should be a contractual matter not involving the state.
Isn't it funny how these ultra-conservative ballot initiatives seem to only pop up in presidential election and, to a lesser extent, mid-term election, years? Its actually not funny at all but more of the Rove-esque divide and conquer politics that has characterized the last 7 years under this administration.

Give the crazy conservative base a nice, meaty issue to get them out to the polls (based solely in hate, of course) and while they are there they will also vote a Republican straight party ticket.

The only way for us to end both the discrimination that this amendment would enforce and the other goal of motivating the Florida conservative base is to make sure that an equal number of fair minded people are also energized to vote.

Still counting down the number of days until this regime is out of power....
Missouri passed the "Defense Of Marriage Act" in 2004, which included an ammendment to the state's constitution to ban gay marriage. :sad2:

Defense of Marriage?!?!
Defense against what?
Against drunk, drive-through Vegas weddings? Sadly not.
Defense against divorce? Sadly not.
No, it's defense against allowing loving, committed adults to legally marry. :confused3

Unfortunately, we're part of a minority. And the majority has taken it upon themselves to decide how we should live. I just don't understand how people can take an entire group of people, and throw their basic human rights around like a beach ball. It's sad, and it's enfuriating...:mad:
It is so bizarre that people get caught up on that word "marriage." I have argued till I am blue in the face with people who don't have any gay bias per se but who insist, "I just don't want them to call it MARRIAGE." ***? And that's a good reason to vote for this henious amendment?! Who the &^!% cares what it is called...that is NOT what this is about. It's about a state in the supposedly free United States restricting a right for an entire group of people for no good, factual reason whatsoever. But that one stupid word is going to win them a lot of votes because people are so hung up on that one little point. I've had them say, "But marriage has always been defined as between a man and a woman." By who? Can't definitions change? African-Americans were once defined as constituting only a certain percentage of a person. So should we have continued to cling to that?

My undies are really in a bunch because the M word is the biggest defiance I get when I talk to otherwise right-minded people about this. How did one little word get such big power? And why do people care so much who marries whom when it has absolutely no effect on them personally?
Alright Florida way to go !!!!!
I'm so sorry that the zealots are intent on stomping out equality in FL. :sad2: Hopefully this piece of crap legislation won't pass.

I was just looking at the HRC site and I didn't see this mentioned, either on the home page or in the FL section. Somebody might want to give them a heads up. I know in the past they have put a lot of concentrated efforts into defeating things like this.
I'm so sorry that the zealots are intent on stomping out equality in FL. :sad2: Hopefully this piece of crap legislation won't pass.

I was just looking at the HRC site and I didn't see this mentioned, either on the home page or in the FL section. Somebody might want to give them a heads up. I know in the past they have put a lot of concentrated efforts into defeating things like this.

Its not crap and hope it does pass:cool1:
Alright Florida way to go !!!!!

Thanks for your illiterate response! You lose all credibility making your well thought out point when you type "alright" when "all right" is correct.
:grouphug: You all should not have to deal with such ugliness. I am so sorry. :flower3:
Forgive me, don't know how to quote just part of something but re-read this from above...

"Children need a mom and a dad. It is just that simple. When you create a same sex marriage, you are simultaneously creating a same sex family. Same sex marriages subject children to a vast, untested, social experiment. Homosexual marriage proponents must take the position that there is no inherent value or importance to human femininity and human masculinity when it comes to the socialization of children. Dad and mom's are optional. This is the assumption of their position."

So we also need to take all the children away from single moms and single dads everywhere, because they are not raising kids in a mom-and-dad relationship. Go ahead, try that one.

So FL still says that same-sex couples cannot be foster or adoptive parents either? Whoever believes that one should have to take the kids that a loving gay family would gladly have parented. (This gets me riled up. I work in foster care, and three of my best, most committed families are a lesbian couple, a single gay man and a couple in which mom is transgender.)

Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve:lmao: :lmao:

Hey you're quoting "But I'm a Cheerleader" there aren't you!?

I love that movie! What's your favorite part?

I love the part where they talk about their roots :lmao:. My friends and I search for ours for fun all the time. Mine is that my name is "Amanda"--"A" "Man" "Duh"--get it? :rotfl2:
Wow...just wow...some people. Makes me ashamed of being a Christian...oh wait, I don't have to be ashamed because they're the ones who apparently didn't understand Christ's teachings of acceptance of EVERYONE (and yes, God did create Steve too no matter how the informed like to banter "cute" little sayings).

I am a doctor of psychology and I wholeheartedly support the adoption of children by gay/lebians and parenthood by EVERYONE who wants to be a parent. There is no inherent harm in a child being raised by same-sex parents...the important thing is that it is a loving home, and it's ridiculous that FL already stops loving individuals and couples in the gay community from sharing that with children in need.
For the first time I have actually engaged the "ignore" feature. :rolleyes1 Please stop quoting the zealots so I don't have to be exposed to such drivel.

I know some straight parents who would curl your toes. Really incredibly selfish people who have no business having children. My best gay and lesbian friends have chosen not to have children, but they would be terrific parents. I would trust them with my own DS.
To quote Shakespeare, even "the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose". :headache:
Unfortunately the religious right has been misusing Bible text to persecute people for centuries...it has been used to support slavery, the Holocaust, and the killings of women labeled as witches for example. I find it more ironic that the people who so vehemently quote these verses seem to leave out the ones which oppose things like divorce and birth control - both of which are perfectly acceptable today.
What ever happened to "Love thy neighbor"? :confused3

Leviticus 19:34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.
To quote Shakespeare, even "the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose". :headache:
Unfortunately the religious right has been misusing Bible text to persecute people for centuries...it has been used to support slavery, the Holocaust, and the killings of women labeled as witches for example. I find it more ironic that the people who so vehemently quote these verses seem to leave out the ones which oppose things like divorce and birth control - both of which are perfectly acceptable today.
What ever happened to "Love thy neighbor"? :confused3

Leviticus 19:34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

And I love how gay people love to quote the bible and only use the part they like and no I don't believe in divorce or birth control as well as abortion is out right murder and for one more thing is if you read the bible it clearly states no man shall lay with another man and no woman shall lay with another woman for it is an abomination agianst the Lord and one last thing is why do think that GOD destoryed sodom and gamora.
I would love to know why the Christian conservative contingent in this country believes that they own the market on deciding who is right and who is wrong. You believe that my God-given sexual orientation is wrong. Fine. That's your view. But that's all it is - your view.

Please keep in mind that your predecesors-in-crime, 50 years ago, were making the same Biblical arguments against inter-racial marriage.
I would love to know why the Christian conservative contingent in this country believes that they own the market on deciding who is right and who is wrong. You believe that my God-given sexual orientation is wrong. Fine. That's your view. But that's all it is - your view.

Please keep in mind that your predecesors-in-crime, 50 years ago, were making the same Biblical arguments against inter-racial marriage.

Still don't believe in it and you want to live that lifestyle and anyone strait is suppose to bow down to ya:worship: don't think so
Still don't believe in it and you want to live that lifestyle and anyone strait is suppose to bow down to ya:worship: don't think so

And with that, my friend, hung by your own ignorance, I am signing off. Well, with one obvious footnote. We don't want you to bow down to us. Trust us - we really don't care what you do. We do, however, refuse to be treated as second class citizens to you - denied of hundreds of federal and state benefits reserved by the majority for the majority.

Ok, I'm ready to head back and talk about Disney World some more. ;)
And I love how gay people love to quote the bible and only use the part they like and no I don't believe in divorce or birth control as well as abortion is out right murder and for one more thing is if you read the bible it clearly states no man shall lay with another man and no woman shall lay with another woman for it is an abomination agianst the Lord and one last thing is why do think that GOD destoryed sodom and gamora.

Funny, I always though the story of Sodom and Gamora was about people who turned from God, and they were punished for Idoltry.

And does the bible not say "Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself"?

But the most important part is that the Bible was written by man, and has been changed and rewritten many times since the origional books were written. A lot of the meanings people pull from the bible do not fit the origional version at all. For example, the term used for "virgin" in arameic is also means simplay "a young, unwed girl."

But all of that means nothing. My point is that if I CHOSE to be gay, then I could understand your point. I did not choose it. When I started puberty and my sexuality began to emerge, I hated myself for it. I was suicidal. I would have done anything to change what I was. But it didnt happen. I finally came to terms that God made me the way I am. I can live my life as well as I can, and still be gay. God is not hatred, God is love. It's the people who can't see that who have turned away from God and will have a lot to attone for before they will be welcome in His kingdom.

If you dont like the way I am, all I can say is I am who God made me to be. Don't blame be, blame God (if you dare).


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