Flowers and Smileys and Chit Chat, Oh My..... Part 3

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I thought it was weird to have a candy dish in the bathroom too. But darn it if that dish wasn't empty when I went back in there later to get rid of a few beers! Now that I am thinking about it, perhaps she had her kids help her set up the party...I have seen my son do some odd stuff.

People were probably taking a ton of bathroom breaks to eat the M & M's.
Hi everybody! This is me, already trying not to post during the day. I did read a little.
Neither of the First Communions are going to be a big deal. Just the family. So we're doing it in the house, and eating simple stuff like hot dogs & hamburgers.
Just gave myself a scare. I looked in my wallet, no Disney Visa. The whole time I was walking back to the office I was trying to remember the last time I used it. Got back, looked in my backpack--there it was. I used it at McDonald's on Monday night, and for some reason put it in a pocket in my backpack rather than my wallet.
come to think of it, McDonalds could have made me sick. Or Quiznos. I ate them both on Monday.
Neither of the First Communions are going to be a big deal. Just the family. So we're doing it in the house, and eating simple stuff like hot dogs & hamburgers.

That sounds good to me. Except it would have to be at a park and I am not sure DH would be happy if I put him to work cooking. :rotfl2:
Hi everybody! This is me, already trying not to post during the day. I did read a little.

I try not to post either. ;) But work gets boring and I wander off into DIS land....... And the rest is history. :rolleyes1
I just realised I forgot to go to the ATM. So I am going to do that, then back to work!
That sounds good to me. Except it would have to be at a park and I am not sure DH would be happy if I put him to work cooking. :rotfl2:

well, both of them have nice backyards with gas grills, so that is what we usually do for every family party. Both BILs love their grills, so they don't mind doing the cooking.
I love the idea of a barbeque! A lady here at work just did that for her son's Communion. But, my BIL had shoulder surgery recently and I am not sure how well he could handle that duty. And somehow it just looks, well, wrong if the man is not manning the grill. Or maybe that's just my thinking because my husband won't do it and I always have to do the grill and the inside stuff. :rolleyes:

Glad you found your VISA, Missy. I hate when I do stuff like that.
well, both of them have nice backyards with gas grills, so that is what we usually do for every family party. Both BILs love their grills, so they don't mind doing the cooking.

So does my DH but I want him to be able to enjoy spending time with everyone.
So does my DH but I want him to be able to enjoy spending time with everyone.

good point. but I guess they figure since it's 100% family, it's OK. We visit the whole weekend, so an hour or so of cooking time isn't that bad.
Hi ladies. I'm back.

Didn't make it to my movie though.:rolleyes: We went out to lunch and when we got into the car there was a message from my mom on our cell phone.

She said she was in the area for a meeting and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up with her after.
Since I knew Ruben had a chance to go in and get overtime today, and since he doesn't like scary movies, I said I'd just skip the movie and go shopping with my mom and we could see it another time.

We went to where she works but she wasn't there. The meeting must have been cut short so we missed her.

By that point it was too late to go back and see the movie and Ruben couldn't even go to work cause now he had to take me home.

So the whole thing got totally messed up. :sad2:

If only my mom would join the rest of the world and get a cell phone, we wouldn't waste time chasing her all over town.

(sigh) Oh well. Now I'll probably never see a movie here before we move!! :rotfl:

Hope everyone else is having a good day!! :)
good point. but I guess they figure since it's 100% family, it's OK. We visit the whole weekend, so an hour or so of cooking time isn't that bad.

True but I still don't want a house full of people. :rotfl2:
Well it is almost time to go home and I don't have a clue if I did everything I was supposed to or not..... :rolleyes1
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