Follow me to a Fantasy Follow-up Familymoon with Four Fantastic Fledglings

:offtopic: I am hoping to update this trip report more or less this weekend but first...I have a job interview tomorrow morning for a job working with kids with mental illness. I am über-passionate about this sort of work so please, any prayers and pixiedust would be appreciated!! :blush: :offtopic:

...will keep you posted of course! :hippie:

For sure! Praying and sending pixiedust pixiedust:for you right now:thumbsup2
For sure! Praying and sending pixiedust pixiedust:for you right now:thumbsup2

:wave2:Thanks so much! I solicited a lot of prayers on this one. It's 10th interview I've done in the last month. It's been an exhausting process. The interview this morning went really, really well. They may find someone more qualified but I doubt they'll find anyone more passionate in the interview. :woohoo: Now I wait until Monday morning, and this is the first time I have felt so at-peace with the whole process.

Thanks again. :goodvibes

ETA - you prayed exactly 10 minutes before I went into the interview! Just noticed. :)
:wave2:Thanks so much! I solicited a lot of prayers on this one. It's 10th interview I've done in the last month. It's been an exhausting process. The interview this morning went really, really well. They may find someone more qualified but I doubt they'll find anyone more passionate in the interview. :woohoo: Now I wait until Monday morning, and this is the first time I have felt so at-peace with the whole process.

Thanks again. :goodvibes

ETA - you prayed exactly 10 minutes before I went into the interview! Just noticed. :)

:thumbsup2 I hope you get good news tomorrow!
:thumbsup2 I hope you get good news tomorrow!

Alas, I did not. I got some good feedback about the interview, they loved my passion and they thought I should pursue a leadership position. But not that parTIKular leadership position. I feel quite :sad: about it but am trying to be :goodvibes about it as much as possible. I'm sure that it's all part of a bigger plan. Anyway the bottom line is I still have a job I love and I'm thankful for that.

In other news...not much panning has happened for this trip recently. I've been busy with an online course, although to be honest being online makes it easy to pop over to the DIS for a few minutes here and there, and I've joined the FB FE group so I'm starting to get some ideas. There are about 5 families on our cruise who have signed up on Cruise meet at the moment. If you're reading and are on the cruise...come on over! :cheer2:

As it goes, I have planned Pippa's birthday party and settled on the YMCA for a swimming party, even though a) she will have to miss the last week of gymnastics and b) we have to have one adult for every two kids in the pool. I am going to be pulling people in off the street!'s something to look forward to two weeks from Saturday. Pippa is currently writing the names on the backs of the invitations, which look like this -

I almost bought a digital file and then thought - wait a second. I can do something for free and that's another 10 bucks in the cruise fund! They're not as brilliant as some of the ones on Etsy but I'm getting the hang of the graphics app I've got.

The next few weeks are marking final projects and report cards. I would say I'm looking forward to the summer but I'm taking a course for all of July and I think it's a doozie.

DPR is taking me out for fish and chips tonight to ease my pain. Stretchy jogging pants - CHECK!! :wave2:
Well....don't I have the best DreadPirateRoberts... I got these today as a cheer-me-up present. :lovestruc He's so lush.

:guilty: I'm sorry the interview didn't work out! But that DH of yours is definitely a keeper!:love:
Hello, I've been reading your pre trip report! I'm just across the bridge from you in Sarina, i'm about (say "about" with a canadian accent!) 30 min from Port Huron but my biggest attachment to the great white north is my love of the Orilla area where i've spent many, many weeks of my summers since the later 50s. I was born in 1955 and my Mom or MUM :rotfl2: was pregnant with me that first summer. We stayed on Sparrow Lake at Grandview Lodge and still go every summer (first week of August). We had 4 generations at one time going. Such wonderful memories. Learned to ski, fish, drive a boat, drink, saw my first bear, drink, kiss canadian boys (they are so cute) and did I mention drink! My poor mom. but it was a safe environment and I was paid back by my 2 daughters and now i have 4 grandkids who are paying back my daughter for me. but they love it like the rest of us. I to booked a cruise for 3-31-14 on the Magic and it's also a surprise Christmas gift to the family. My husband's 60th birthday and our 30th anniversary and just because!!!!! I was able to do a disney cruise on the Dream last year with another daughter and one of my grandaughters. (the older 2 are step grandkids as of this month and together they have a son who will be 3 end of june). you get it YOURS, MINE AND OURS! so before all that occured, this cruise was planned because I would never, ever take 1 grandchild and not the rest. so i'm really excited to be doing this again for everyone. I hope i can continue to keep it a secret from them. So many times i've wanted to just blurt it out. I find that by reading others reports and sharing mine that it helps to calm me down and not feel so anxious. :bride:My daughters wedding is in 6 weeks and then our annual trip to Sparrow Lake will make the summer go by fast and then before you know it, it's Christmas and I'll need to come up with a cleaver way to give them the gift. I have a tiny cruise ship ornament that i know i'll be using. I'm feeling really blessed to be even doing this again!!!!:angel:
I should of introduced the rest:
Me, my husband, daughter #1 and her husband, their 4 kids ages at the time of the cruise will be 16, 14 10 and almost 4. 3 Princess's and a very handsome prince who loves everything disney. I created monsters in the 2 youngest and i'm working on the older ones who are very receptive. My brother who lives in orlando is also a cast memeber in Epcot where he drives the boats from there to resorts, etc. so he of course has lavished his freebies on us more times than i can count. but cruises are different :sad2: so thats us!
Hello, I've been reading your pre trip report! I'm just across the bridge from you in Sarina, i'm about (say "about" with a canadian accent!) 30 min from Port Huron but my biggest attachment to the great white north is my love of the Orilla area where i've spent many, many weeks of my summers since the later 50s. I was born in 1955 and my Mom or MUM :rotfl2: was pregnant with me that first summer. We stayed on Sparrow Lake at Grandview Lodge and still go every summer (first week of August). We had 4 generations at one time going. Such wonderful memories. Learned to ski, fish, drive a boat, drink, saw my first bear, drink, kiss canadian boys (they are so cute) and did I mention drink! My poor mom. but it was a safe environment and I was paid back by my 2 daughters and now i have 4 grandkids who are paying back my daughter for me. but they love it like the rest of us. I to booked a cruise for 3-31-14 on the Magic and it's also a surprise Christmas gift to the family. My husband's 60th birthday and our 30th anniversary and just because!!!!! I was able to do a disney cruise on the Dream last year with another daughter and one of my grandaughters. (the older 2 are step grandkids as of this month and together they have a son who will be 3 end of june). you get it YOURS, MINE AND OURS! so before all that occured, this cruise was planned because I would never, ever take 1 grandchild and not the rest. so i'm really excited to be doing this again for everyone. I hope i can continue to keep it a secret from them. So many times i've wanted to just blurt it out. I find that by reading others reports and sharing mine that it helps to calm me down and not feel so anxious. :bride:My daughters wedding is in 6 weeks and then our annual trip to Sparrow Lake will make the summer go by fast and then before you know it, it's Christmas and I'll need to come up with a cleaver way to give them the gift. I have a tiny cruise ship ornament that i know i'll be using. I'm feeling really blessed to be even doing this again!!!!:angel:

Haha... I've kissed my share of Canadian boys myself! :) Welcome along! We need to go to Pt. Huron soon to get more Vitamin water zero. We can't get the Lemonaid in zero which is my favourite and I figure that if we buy 40 bottles, at a savings of one dollar per bottle, we've saved the price of gas for a round trip! :drive:

Cruise ship ornaments are a good idea. Maybe I'll look into making some of those for my brood. :grouphug:
This is a promisary post... (I have spelled that incorrectly but am too knackered to care...) :rotfl2:

This weekend I will deffo write a proper post including:

a) my convocation
b) new musings about the cruisings
c) job updates

Blimey!! It's been quite some time, but I bear glad tidings.

So let me see the content promised...

a) my convocation

A couple of weeks ago now, I graduated with my M.Ed. At the same ceremony, my FIL became a professor Emeritus. It was awesome and the finishing of 3 years of work that I am GLAD I am finished!

Here's one of me and the Dread Pirate -

and one of us with his parents. I think my FIL's get up is a TRIP.

b) new musings about the cruisings

As to this, I've been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest with the online course I'm doing (whoever invented online courses should be whipped with a macbook charge cord) and finishing up the school year and of course the small matter of looking after four children and being a domestic goddess. :rolleyes1

I've joined the FB group and there is now a DIS group as well. I think there are going to be some penpal shenanigans which will be grand. I'm quite surprised that I've been able to keep it a secret this long, truth be told. My mother has completed the skirts and dresses for the girls which will hopefully still fit next summer when we cruise. I will have to post a picture of them wearing their dresses.

Meanwhile... I did make some t-shirts for Princess Pippa's birthday party. I always think that's a great idea until I am standing by the iron swearing and blinding under my breath about having thought it was a great idea. This time I designed them myself instead of buying the transfers on etsy, although with the price of ink, I'm not sure it was any cheaper but what can you do.

Here are a couple of the shirts -

And now...the surprise good news. We have decided to go (just the DPR and me) to WDW for a week in AUGUST!! THIS AUGUST!!! :banana::banana:

I'm taking a course for all of July and this will be a kid-free reward for finishing it at the beginning of August. The last few days I've been putting together dining arrangements and I'll be booking shortly. August 7 - 13 at POP.

And that is the update!! :dance3:
I almost forgot...the next birthday is (always) just around the corner! Cate is too big to want a Disney Invite so she got this...

Blimey!! It's been quite some time, but I bear glad tidings.

So let me see the content promised...

a) my convocation

A couple of weeks ago now, I graduated with my M.Ed. At the same ceremony, my FIL became a professor Emeritus. It was awesome and the finishing of 3 years of work that I am GLAD I am finished!

Here's one of me and the Dread Pirate -

and one of us with his parents. I think my FIL's get up is a TRIP.

Yay you're back! Congratulations on your accomplishment!:thumbsup2:teacher:

Love your pics! If your FIL had red and gold robes he would make a fab Dumbledore:wizard:;)

And now...the surprise good news. We have decided to go (just the DPR and me) to WDW for a week in AUGUST!! THIS AUGUST!!! :banana::banana:

I'm taking a course for all of July and this will be a kid-free reward for finishing it at the beginning of August. The last few days I've been putting together dining arrangements and I'll be booking shortly. August 7 - 13 at POP. And that is the update!! :dance3:

I am so jealous! My DH keeps quoting prices for just the two of us to go again this September with the free dinning... knowing full well with our cruise in just 4 months there would be no way to swing it. He loves to taunt me:furious:

Oh and have a great Canada day weekend!party:

I am so jealous! My DH keeps quoting prices for just the two of us to go again this September with the free dinning... knowing full well with our cruise in just 4 months there would be no way to swing it. He loves to taunt me:furious:

Oh and have a great Canada day weekend!party:

Haha! Yes back with a vengeance. I start a course all day long next week :surfweb: so should be able to sit at the back and get some posts in. ;)

This morning I Was saying that when we're in MCO next month, we could pick up some cruise themed stuff at the Disneystore in the Terminal.

DH says, "Have you ever seen someone chain-smoking?"
Me: Yeah, why?
DH: You're chain-disneying. You're starting the next trip while you're still on the last one.

HA! I haven't actually booked yet. I want to wait until Tuesday morning when I'm coffeeed up and there are no children in the house and I can phone and do it properly. Hoping for 50's/60's/70's at PC, close to the main building. l

CAN. NOT. WAIT. :woohoo:
Well, here we are, putting a pre-trip report inside of a pre-trip report. La de da...:wave2:

Currently I am on vacation from everything but the laundry and the assignment that has to be handed in on the first day of my course on Monday. The former is in the machine and the latter I am trying to to think about quite yet. This week has been a surprise week off because, not really being a details person except when it comes to Disney planning, I thought the course started yesterday and only two days ago realized that it doesn't start until next week. So now I have several days to do very little, not really my strength but there you go. Currently at this moment I am watching The Butterfly Effect which just took a turn for the freaky. :scared:

So I convinced DH that we should take a "cheap" vacation to the world next month when we have a week with no kids. Weeks with no kids, much like weekends with no kids, are a mixed blessing. On the one hand it is great to have time for just the two of us and/or to get things done in the house so that kids weekends can be more about fun. On the other hand, it sucks being away from the kids and I miss them but whattaya gonna do. You focus on the positive. And I am positively going to Disneyworld in 35 days. Flights and Package booked. But I'm getting ahead of myself as per.

So DH is surprised how little it costs to go to PC for a week. this is because the first trip we went last year for our HM we stayed concierge at the Poly. This set me up for success as almost anything we do now is going to be cheaper, and he thought the Poly was a great value. Pretty much smooth sailing from there budget wise.:drive:

I considered the All Stars, and POFQ but settled on Pop. i'm still hoping I might be able to call back and switch to AoA LM but there was no availability yesterday when I rang them and I'll be happy if we stay with Pop. Here is a pic of DS when he was wee at PC in 2004...

He won't be on this trip. I have to say, we told them about the trip that we are taking without them and they didn't get upset at all. I have to think it's because they know we love to take them places too. I was quite proud of them.

Anywhoooo... so we settled on Pop. Next, to get an 'Ohana ressie. Sigh. I managed to score a 9:40 or something ridiculous on the last night of the trip. I'm still holding out to get a surprise first night 'Ohana meal as this is our favourite and was the first meal of our honeymoon too. As it is, the meals stand thus:

August 7, 2013
Plaza - Magic Kingdom - 7:10 pm - then Wishes

August 8, 2013
Cape May Cafe - 6:50 pm - then Illuminations

August 9, 2013
Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge - 5:55 pm - then back to DHS for Fantasmic

August 10, 2013
Narcoosee’s at the Grand Floridian - 5:50 pm

August 11, 2013
Nine Dragons in the China Pavillion - 6:15 pm

August 12, 2013
’OHANA!! - 9:40 pm

Gratuitous HM 'Ohana pic -

I've never been to Cape May, Narcoosees or Nine Dragons before. We're going to have the Dining Plan so I'm planning on paying OOP for the Plaza on the first night so we'll be there for Wishes (must do first night) and then using the TS credits for the other five.

Any thoughts on that dining rotations? I'm not sure about Nine Dragons. We love Rose&Crown but have done it a few times. Don't like French food or German...was thinking maybe Mexico if not Nine Dragons.

Super looking forward to Narcoosee's. We love seafood and I'm always a bit leery of eating seafood anywhere I don't a million percent trust (all part of services I offer as a total snob and control freak) so looking forward to eating there with no worries! :cool1:

So...there is the planning so far. The washer and dryer have both stopped so that seems like a natural end to this post... until the next time!! :hourglass
So you're almost in the single digits for your WDW trip!!:cool1: I'm sooo jealeous! I'm just waiting to sign in and book my Palo and Remy in 21 minutes. ;)
So BLIMEY. I zoned out there for a bit. We went to WDW and when I got back I think I was totally Disney'd out from all the planning and lapsed on the Cruise planning and the Disboards.

DH and I had a BLAST at Disney in August. I can't even believe it was so long ago...or that I booked this cruise so long ago! Dear goodness me. We did actually do a photopass but I never got the pictures. It was bizarre. I paid for them, doctored them and then asked for a download and they never came. I always thought I should ring Disney and ask about it but of course then I left it too late with everything else i.e.LIFE getting in the way. And once school started in September I was swamped with three new courses I'd not taught before, one of them Grade 10 HISTORY of all things, in a class of all boys and one girl. I learned the word "sausagefest". Charming.

Hopefully I will be back online chipping away at this pre trip report.

Currently we are on our second day of school closures due to the snow and -25 C weather. I'm not sure what that is in Fahrenheit except that is it COLD. Olaf was banging on my door to get in this morning. Speaking of which I should make a carrot cake.

214 days until the Cruise. More soon! :scared1:

My brood at Christmas...



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