Follow the progress of my Mickey Mural!


Artist in residence
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 23, 1999
SO! I did my oldest DS's room in the Lion King about 8 years ago. My youngest DS (autistic) has just just showed an interest in Mickey Mouse. He is almost 4 and non-verbal. He shows very little emotion at all, but when he started to like Mickey it was MAGIC. He's smile at him on TV, hug a stuffed Mickey and then when I got him a Mickey pillow he hugged it and rolled on the floor w/ it. So being a Disney nut, I HAD to do a mural in his room for him. I hadn't really been thinking on what it would be since this all happened in a short span of time until I came upon this litho from the DCL. Normally, I'd design my own, but as you see, his room was already painted that ragged blue background and my DH LOVES fish so it was just the win-win combo. I'm changing a few things that I want to change, but it'll basically be the same art. It's just so fun to do, it's sad not to share w/like-minded people.

Here we go: I'll keep adding updates as I finish them. :goodvibes I hope you enjoy!
The original work

day 1

day 2
That is amazing!!! It looks wonderful!!!I also have an autistic son- he was non verbal untill 5. He had a similar liking to Buzz Lightyear. He just smiled and hugged him. He is now going to be 10, and he has the opposite problem and cant stop talking (Actual diagnosis has changed to Aspergers recently). Keep the progress pics coming, cant wait to see it done.
That is amazing!!! It looks wonderful!!!I also have an autistic son- he was non verbal untill 5. He had a similar liking to Buzz Lightyear. He just smiled and hugged him. He is now going to be 10, and he has the opposite problem and cant stop talking (Actual diagnosis has changed to Aspergers recently). Keep the progress pics coming, cant wait to see it done.

:hug: You gave me hope. I'm so frightened he'll never talk. He does spout out a word now and again that is clear as a bell, but then, nothing. I can count on both hands the number of words he's said (most only once) in his life. :( HUGE HUGS to you and your son too!!!!! And yep, I'll post after each day I work. : )I'll do the bottom row of fish tomorrow. :goodvibes

My oldest's LK room will be redone this winter into Nightmare Before Christmas. I figured I'd be safe doing that as A: he loves it and has for years and B: he'll likely love it into his adulthood and I do NOT wat to repaint after that. ;) He had been wanting Pokemon for so long but no thanks... that would last what.. a few years tops? Most likely anyway.
How are you doing this? Is it freehand or a stencil or something else? It looks great!

I love arty things like this, too bad I can't draw to save my life! But I guess that's why I cross-stitch.
:goodvibes Thanks guys! I haven't been able to get to it in a week and just when I started today I had a low-blood sugar incident and had to lay down. Dang it. Hopefully this week! I wanted to have it complete by now. sigh

Oh and for the poster that asked, it's all being painted by me by hand.
I just finished these for our yard. Someone on the DIS boards did some similar last year that gave me the idea. then I saw pix on the Theme Parks board of the MNSSHP and saw the ghosts Photopass pictures got superimposed on them. We HAVE to go next year to get a family pic like that!
Day 3. Not a great photo but it was quick to take w/ my phone. A couple more days and I'll be done. WHEN I get those days in is anotehr matter entirely. :goodvibes:laughing:

have you finished it??

I understand about austic son - I have 2, now 14 & 16, both non-verbal, just a note when pubety hits watch for seizures, it is common for our guys - like 1/10th of them but the good news is 9/10th of them grow out out it but still to add another worry on top of everything else. My oldest got seizures but my youngest didn't.
have you finished it??

I understand about austic son - I have 2, now 14 & 16, both non-verbal, just a note when pubety hits watch for seizures, it is common for our guys - like 1/10th of them but the good news is 9/10th of them grow out out it but still to add another worry on top of everything else. My oldest got seizures but my youngest didn't.

Oh gosh, not yet. Been SO BUSY in my other painting work, the holidays and being sick. UGH! ALl I need is 1 or 2 good sessions and I'll be done. :goodvibes I think when my DH is home between Christmas and New Years, that should be prime time.

Watching for seizures?!?!? :eek: THANKS for that warning. I guess I hadn't thought that since he's not prone to them now (had an EEG to check for that) that he might not change in the future. :guilty:
How are your non-verbal kids in school? I was wondering what the counties do. they have these nice special classes for them in pre-K but I'm wondering what will happen when we get to actual K and above. Of course, we still pray for him to speak and he does a word every now and again, but I need to be mentally prepared. BIG hugs from another mom of an autistic child. And my hats off to YOU for having gone through it for so long. In the last 5 or so years, it's gotten so much less of a stigma and we've been given so much more help by the government for it. I've sill trying to get him MA. I finally have all the paperwork they asked for. Wish me luck!
Oh gosh, not yet. Been SO BUSY in my other painting work, the holidays and being sick. UGH! ALl I need is 1 or 2 good sessions and I'll be done. :goodvibes I think when my DH is home between Christmas and New Years, that should be prime time.

Watching for seizures?!?!? :eek: THANKS for that warning. I guess I hadn't thought that since he's not prone to them now (had an EEG to check for that) that he might not change in the future. :guilty:
How are your non-verbal kids in school? I was wondering what the counties do. they have these nice special classes for them in pre-K but I'm wondering what will happen when we get to actual K and above. Of course, we still pray for him to speak and he does a word every now and again, but I need to be mentally prepared. BIG hugs from another mom of an autistic child. And my hats off to YOU for having gone through it for so long. In the last 5 or so years, it's gotten so much less of a stigma and we've been given so much more help by the government for it. I've sill trying to get him MA. I finally have all the paperwork they asked for. Wish me luck!

Good Luck

it seems to vary by school, mine is pretty good, local college has several students come in, found out they have a therapy dog that my son who is usually avoids dogs, walks & is very fond of. You never know, it seems to help if they keep the same teacher or aids each year. Our school usually changes the school every 2 years (so pre-K & K are at one spot, 1 &2 is in another, etc until high school) but we had teachers move up sometimes so that helps or an aid moved up with them so they can't get away with not doing something they did before -- one year an aid came over to the school for something else & looked in oldest was sitting with a puzzle & the teacher commented to just give up on that, he doesn't do them, aid called his name & pointed so he did it very quickly. then aid got a few days with teacher & class so they all got back to where they left off (apparentllly mine wasn't the only one pulling this on the new teacher:lmao:)

honestly, take it one day at time & keep praying
Oh my goodness, it looks fantastic! that is so inspiring! looking forwards to seeing how it looks as you continue working on it!
Absolutly beautiful, you could paint for the new Art of Animation hotel.Have you finished?
Absolutly beautiful, you could paint for the new Art of Animation hotel.Have you finished?

:lovestruc *BLUSH* I've always wanted to work for Disney, I'm just living in the wrong locale...and now at my age, I'm not exactly keen on starting at the bottom. :rolleyes1 ;)

I've not finished yet. I NEED to though. I've been trying to finish up some commissions for people (I paint hroses for a living) and it's been taking SO LONG. Then, we had to squeak in a quick WDW trip. :rolleyes1 Time to get back to it It should only take a few days. I hope!
it was my young foolish dream as well, now my daughter wants to , house is filled with sketches and painting of tons of characters. what fun!
This is incredible!!! I can't wait to see the next step! Thanks for sharing!


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