From Atlantic to Pacific gee the traffic is..non-existent! We're Cruising!! - WBPC 2/24/19-3/10/19 - COMPLETED


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2009
Welcome to anyone that follows along with another adventure for us on DCL. :welcome:
I have backed all my photographs up this time so hopefully this trip report will get finished!

Panama Canal had always been on my radar as a cruise I’d love to do, we even had it booked a couple of years ago, and then had to cancel as Scott and I couldn’t get the two weeks off work. My Mum, who turned the grand age of 90 years old last June (so fortunate that she is not only able, but completely willing to do these trips), mentioned in passing that she thought it would be interesting to do the Panama Canal, which in Mum "speak" means - we should do this. :laughing: She had been on a troop ship many moons ago (I think back in the 1940’s - correct me if I’m wrong Mum!) and had gone through the Suez Canal on her way to Egypt to join my Dad and thought it would be really nice for her to be able to say she had done both. So! Say no more! :goodvibes

Here's a goofy embarkation photo for you, just so you know who we are. I know my family are groaning right now. :rotfl:


I started looking into the Westbound, which of course was close to being sold out, and I booked us two veranda guarantee rooms. About a month later, cabin 8528 opened up, so I booked that for Mum and Maureen. :thumbsup2 About 2 days later 8526 showed up online, so I took it as an omen and booked it for Scott and I. :cheer2: To be honest, the rooms were larger (capacity of 5 = more $$) than we needed, but the fact that we could get two next to each other was worth it, plus we had an OBB to use so that helped. Annnndd these rooms will be converted to concierge after dry dock this year, so - technically we SAVED money....hahahah. The wait ensued and before we knew it February had rolled around and the four of us were off on a two week adventure from the Atlantic to the Pacific. :banana:

Day 1 - Saturday February 23rd - Pre-cruise travel

Our journey would begin with Maureen flying from Knoxville, and Mum, Scott and I leaving from Houston. Maureen was going to arrive in Orlando about 2 hours ahead of us, but the weather in Tennessee in February can be tricky, so it was a strategic move for her to get an earlier start. For our part in Houston we were super organized, packed and ready to go and just waited on our taxi arriving at noon.


The taxi was right on time and we had a smooth ride to the airport – Scott somehow ended up in the back of the car. Ha ha :laughing:


Check in at the airport was somewhat painless although there were long lines to drop your luggage, so that held us up a bit. The plan was to grab something to eat before heading to the gate but we didn’t find anything open that appealed to us and by the time we got to the gate there was no real time to eat. I ended up grabbing us some waters and we elected to purchase a snack on the plane instead. Boarding went quickly and we were soon in our seats and ready to go.



Good bye Houston!


After we took off the pilot announced that there might be some turbulence. It wasn’t really bad, but they decided not to start the beverage service until we had been airborne for over an hour. By now we were starving! :crazy2: I think Scott and I ate almost every Altoid that I had in my purse. :lmao: Eventually we got some hummus and pretzels and Scott and I got a wine each. The bonus was that it ended up being free as their machine to take credit cards wasn’t working. The stewardess also mumbled something about the fact it had taken them so long to get started on the service. They didn't seem particularly happy. :laughing:

With some food in our tummy life seemed a little less frazzled and it wasn’t long before we were coming into Orlando. We were treated to a very pretty sunset on the way down.


Maureen had already made it with no delays, and was at the Hyatt waiting for us. We texted her as she was going to try and help us with luggage, but between dazed and confused we managed to completely mess it up. :Pinkbounc Scott went and got the luggage and Maureen met Mum and I half way and helped Mum back to the hotel. I went straight to help Scott with the bags, only to miss him completely and in the end, I was the last one to the hotel where everyone was waiting. :rotfl: We got checked in and went up to our rooms. Side note: We elected to stay at the Hyatt again because it is really convenient when you basically just want a place to stay for the night. I ended up booking it through DCL and got the rooms about $100 cheaper than my original booking online through the Hyatt website. :thumbsup2

The rooms were a hike around but we made it eventually.


Both rooms had a king bed but when I called down to the front desk to see if we could switch one to two queens they said they were fully booked and couldn’t move us. That was a downside to booking through DCL, as normally I can pick my room when I book. Anyway, the couch made out into a bed, and although it wasn’t as comfy as a real bed would have been, Maureen said she would be fine with it.

This was our room.




This was Mum and Maureen's with the couch pulled out into a bed.



We got ourselves situated and snapped some more photos.



By now time was ticking on and I had an order coming from Instacart from ABC Liquor. :dancer:

I had asked at the check in desk what the best way would be to coordinate with them and she suggested meeting them at the valet forecourt. I got a message from Instacart that they were on their way and Scott and I met him at 7:30 pm and got all the booze up to the room. It was a great way to get wine pre-cruise without packing it and I'd definitely recommend it. Mum and Maureen had headed down to the lobby to see what the wait was for a table and by the time we got there, we didn’t have much of a wait.


We went to McCoys as we had a pretty decent meal there last time. Maureen and I both got their margarita which was really good. Scott got a manhattan, definitely not as good.


Scott and I look a little tired. Mum definitely looks more perky that us! :rotfl2:



We ordered a couple of appetizers to share (mushrooms and meatballs), both of which hit the spot, although us girls avoided the raw jalepenos for sure. :faint:


Then Scott and I got a burger each and Mum and Maureen split fish and chips.



By the time we got back upstairs and got ourselves ready for bed it was about 10:45 pm. We got our luggage tags on our suitcases and got the wine packed into our carry on bags and then it was lights out. :goodvibes

Up next: Embarkation Day - exciting!!!! :cheer2:
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I love the start of your report and that your mom is still traveling along with you all at the age of 90! My parents are healthy and in their 70s so still do some trips with us - I hope they can keep it up!
Day 2 - Sunday, February 24th – Embarkation Day

I woke up super early but after tossing and turning for a bit fell back asleep.


We eventually got up at about 8 o’clock and got ourselves ready. The airport atrium looked nice and sunny!


Our luggage had to be ready to be picked up at 8:30 but we had pretty much got it all ready to go the night before. We met up with Mum and Maureen and went to Hemisphere restaurant to have breakfast. Service was really slow and the coffee, unfortunately, was horrible! :crazy2::crazy2::crazy2: The coffee you could get to go for free (located by their door) was way better than the stuff we paid for. :confused3 Scott would know, because he dumped the stuff we paid for and went and got one. :thumbsup2 We weren’t in a rush, but it was still not a great experience. Scott, Mum and I had completely finished our meals before Maureen even got hers. Eggs, bacon and toast ( she ordered the same as the rest of us) are evidently more difficult to make than you would think. Here is her gastronomic delight that took 45 minutes to appear. :lmao:


We got back to our rooms at just gone 10 am to find that the maid was busy inside cleaning – despite the fact that all of our bags were still in the room. It was annoying I have to admit, as we were clearly well within the noon check out time. :headache::headache::headache: We all wanted to use the bathroom and she had already cleaned both, so I guess she ended up having to do them again. I would have understood it if the room was empty, but she had had to move our bags in order to get to the beds. Proof below! Ha Ha.


She also didn’t ever leave the room, she just worked around us as if we had no right to be there. :confused3:mad: Ugg…strike two for the Hyatt this time around. I know, I know...I should have complained. But I'm British and complaining is something we like to talk about but never actually do!! :lmao: But, the Hyatt is super convenient, it wouldn’t put me off using them again.

Trying to put the not-so-great start to the day behind us, we went down to get in line for the Disney shuttle. Our frustration lasted about 1 minute. Here we are all happy and smiling again.



We really didn’t have to wait too long before our group was being called to get onto the bus, although we missed the first few calls I guess because we were last in line and the last ones to get on the bus. (I blame it on the lack of coffee! :laughing:) Mum and Maureen got seats together, Scott and I sat apart.


He and I texted each other like a couple of teenagers the whole way to the ship. :hyper::hyper:


I guess he snapped this out of the window at some point.


We got to the port at about midday, made it through security fairly quickly, and by the time we got inside they were already boarding groups one through seven. Perfect timing! Check in was really quick and we were on the ship in no time. Here's the better embarkation photo, although it's a bit boring after the goofy one!


We decided to go straight to cabanas as there were no changes I needed to make to dining etc. this time around. Happy, smiling, cruising faces were now the order of the day.


The place was packed but we hung out there for a while and got a bite to eat. This was my first plate, I'm sure there were others. :goodvibes I have no idea why I only got three french fries though. 3??? Seriously?? :rotfl:


This was where we really noticed the difference in demographic from most of the other cruises we had been on. Platinum and gold lanyards were out in full force (more than 70% of the passengers) and children were a rare sighting. The average age was also considerably higher than normal. We hung about in Cabanas until the rooms were ready at 1:30 pm. Ahh…nothing like those first few minutes where you check everything out. :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc I always feel like that moment is when it’s really real.

Here are the obligatory cabin photographs courtesy of our own official photographer, aka Scott. :teeth:






We were right opposite the DCL logo on the cruise terminal, so time to get some photos out there as well.


Our stateroom host introduced himself and came and opened the veranda divider for us. :thumbsup2 Awesome!!! We didn't have connecting cabins so the veranda worked out perfectly to pop back and forth.


Mum and I had ordered a water package for each cabin as it was going to be a two week cruise. It had already been set out for us. We ended up never moving it unless we put a bottle in the fridge.


Scott's long arms make for some good selfies!


This was right next to us - neat paint job!


Our luggage was delivered pretty early, so we managed to get completely unpacked before muster drill started at 4:00 pm. :thumbsup2


We left for muster a little early so that Mum didn't have to rush. This meant we had some extra time to goof around.


A cast member took this one of us all, it turned out great!


There were a lot of platinum members who showed up pretty late :rolleyes: and it got really crowded. :crowded::crowded: This little fella did not have a good view!:rotfl::rotfl: I had to take a photo of him because he was so squeezed in there. Ha ha.


The elevators after muster were even more crazy crowded than usual. Mum and Maureen tried to wait for one, but eventually gave up and Mum walked the entire way back upstairs to deck 8. :faint::faint::faint: Seeing as she had already walked all that way, we decided to just go on up to the deck party on deck 9. It was the new Sail-A-Wave party, which had recently begun on the Wonder.



It was good to see that Jo was going to be our club host - we LOVE her - she's beyond funny.:lovestruc:lovestruc



This is Brian, also one of the adult activity peeps. He did a lot of the cooking shows...we heard that he left DCL either during or right as this cruise ended. :sad1:


They have changed it up to be a bit more “hip” I guess. I’m not “hip” is my take away on that. Ha ha.


But you can always count on the oldies but goodies. :thumbsup2



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While Scott was getting some good photos of the party, Mum, Maureen and I sat off to the side and realized that we had not had a drink! :scared1: Menu studying began. :rotfl:


We all ended up with something yummy. Mum got one of the non-alcoholic drinks (I think. :rotfl:)


I didn’t get a photo of Maureen’s but it was the Pina Colava or something like that where they mix two together. I got the drink of the day which was a Bay Breeze and Scott got a Stella.


We pushed away from the pier as we were sitting with our drinks and so we decided to go up to deck 10 next to watch us sail out.


It was crowded up on the top deck, so we found a little spot to watch from.



Someone took pity on Scott trying to stretch his arm to get a selfie and took this for us.


And then an official photographer showed up so we put on our best "behaving" faces for them. :lmao:



Mum and Maureen watched for a little while and then went back to the cabin to relax.

Scott and I grabbed a drink at Signals. Here is my "ugg...hurry up and take the photo" face. :rotfl:


We ran into someone we had met on another cruise, and who was in the Facebook group, and while she and I were chatting, Scott happily snapped away with his camera. And then disaster suddenly struck :scared1: and his DSLR Nikon decided to have a malfunction, which definitely threw him in to a tailspin as he couldn’t figure out why the shutter was frozen. :confused::confused:

We left at 5:45 pm and went and got Mum and Maureen to go to the show in the Walt Disney Theater. We don’t typically go the shows, and especially not on the first night, but this was an act that we hadn’t seen before, The Great Dubois, and we decided to give it a whirl. :thumbsup2


Just call him Stretch Armlong....get it?? I crack myself up.:rotfl:


The Great Dubois were pretty good and everyone seemed to enjoy it. It was a nice change of pace for us, and I didn't miss the usual show on the first night at all.

We decided to go and wait in the cabins for the 30 minutes we had before dinner. Scott was on a mission to try and fix his camera and I burned through all of the free data package in about 3 minutes trying to Google possible causes. :rolleyes::rolleyes: It was successful in that it led him to a cause for the frozen shutter, and thus started an obsessive/compulsive determination to try and fix it, which included a quick trip down to the gift shop to buy an eyeglass repair kit, which had the smallest screwdriver he could find. :magnify: Seriously, this man could pass for MacGyver any time. :laughing:

The day was going by pretty fast and before we knew it it was time for dinner. Tonight we were in Tianas Place with the 8:15 seating.


We met our servers, Sasha and Charlie, and also ran into some old friends. Maggie, who we have known for several years, Putra, who we met when Susana was in the main dining room and Judy, usually in Palo were all on our dining rotation. Jackpot of fun servers to have around us. :thumbsup2

As soon as Maggie knew we were in the dining room she went and got a present that she had brought for Scott. It's a hot sauce from Trinidad. He loved it - I think he ate it on everything that night. :rotfl:



We hadn't requested her as a server, and I felt a bit awkward about that! :scared::scared: I think she was disappointed. :guilty: Anyway, on with the cruise and cheers to us - we made it!! party:


I had Bruschetta and Pork Wellington and Maureen had the same.



Scott had Calamari, Couscous Salad, and he also had the Pork Wellington (no extra photo).



Mum had the lighter fare salmon.


The dessert menu had the cute Let The Magic Begin theme, so here's a photo of that.


We weren't going to get a dessert...but we ended up sharing a Sticky Fig Pudding and a Kahlúa Crème Brûlée. Ugg..that menu should read Let The Weight Gain Begin. :lmao:



We decided to call it a night right after dinner and went back through the atrium. There was no line for the photographers and so we had a few photos taken.


I call this one "The Disappearing Husband" :laughing:


Mum and Maureen didn't want one with Pluto. :scratchin


We got back to our cabins at about 10:15 and had this cute seal waiting for us. :love:


Scott continued with his mission to try and fix his camera. :rolleyes: I headed to bed straight away and I have no idea what time he finally came to bed but I know there was a lot of grumbling and heavy sighs involved. :sad2::sad2: I didn’t even want to know what time it was so I had my head stuffed underneath a pillow. ::yes::

Up Next: Castaway Cay :beach:
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I love the start of your report and that your mom is still traveling along with you all at the age of 90! My parents are healthy and in their 70s so still do some trips with us - I hope they can keep it up!

We are so lucky she is still able to travel with us. We love these trips with her! I'm so glad you are able to do the same thing with your parents. My Dad's health wasn't good for several years before he passed away, so Mum has actually traveled much more since then.

Awesome so far Jen!! Such a blessing to be able to live it again .

It was a great trip. It's good to re-live it for sure! I tried to get ahead of the game so I have photos and notes done up until Cartagena :thumbsup2
YES!!! You KNOW I've been waiting for this trip report :Pinkbounc:banana:

Can I just say, first off, your mum doesn't look 90! That's some good genes for sure :thumbsup2 Ahhhhh I'm so glad you all got to do this cruise together!!

Rough start at the Hyatt, yikes. Oh well, shake it off, right?

Deck 8 is so fabulous on the Wonder!!! I actually have deck 8 booked again for Alaska, though not concierge this time :laughing: Pretty sure that was one and done (never say never, right?) I haven't done my trip report from March yet, but will hopefully start soon (yours starting is probably the kick in the butt I needed to start mine).

Well I hope Scott was able to get his DSLR working, guess we'll find out :thumbsup2
Day 3 - Monday, February 25th – Castaway Cay


Scott and I woke up at just gone 8 am. The ship was still, and when I looked out of the window we were already docked at Castaway Cay.


It had been a rough night with Scott staying up late trying to fix his camera, and then he had had issues with his sleep machine that caused even more consternation to his already disagreeable mood, so we were both pretty tired this morning. :rolleyes: :coffee:

I ordered coffee to get us up and moving and went outside to see what was going on. The divider removed on the veranda was pretty awesome.


Maureen and Mum were already up and they had just ordered coffee as well. We sat outside on the veranda and enjoyed the view and our coffee.


The parasailing was already in full swing, they seemed to be in a hurry to beat the weather which was looming on the opposite side of the island.




Such a pretty view.


We had already decided that our day on the island was going to be lazy with no real plan to do anything other than just go with the flow and relax. Scott wanted to continue to try and get his camera fixed before we headed out. There were lots of rain showers and one headed across the island while we were sitting outside, so we got to see “liquid sunshine” for a little while. It sounded so peaceful though!


We decided to go to Cabanas for a late breakfast at about 10 am. We each got a little bit of things that looked good. This was mine.


And Scott's.


On the way back we went to guest services and Scott asked if they could help him out finding a smaller screwdriver. They were so helpful, and basically called every department they could think of to try different things. Aww...poor camera-less Scott at Guest Services. :laughing:


Meanwhile, I took a photo of Ariel with my iphone. ;)


Mum and Maureen and I came back up to our cabins and watched the world go by outside.



And inside, this was happening in the cabin. :teeth:


After about an hour of Scott going up and down to guest services, he agreed that he had exhausted about all that he could think of to try and fix it and gave in. It was about noon when we headed off the ship, but we seemed to have missed all the rain showers and the weather was clearing up nicely. Scott begrudgingly took my point and shoot camera with us (which got pretty good photos). :rotfl:




We got on the tram and headed up to Serenity Bay. It was pretty chilly and breezy and we sat at the Castaway Air Bar for a while and enjoyed some adult beverages.





Maureen and I had a Konk Cooler, while Scott and Mum went with a Blue Moon and a water. The Konk Cooler’s were delicious.


We sat there for a while and then decided to go and eat at Cookies for lunch. Mum and Maureen had never eaten there, and the Serenity Bay BBQ was absolutely packed!!

Waiting for the tram.


Our serving team had told us they were going to be at Cookies so that was another good reason to go. They also let us know that because of the high percentage of adults, they would be serving steak at all locations for lunch so I have no idea why Serenity Bay was so packed. :confused3 Scott was goofing around on our way back on the tram, so I am having to post two photos just to get one good one of us all!



We stopped off at Mount Rustmore along the way...


And took a look at the family beach which was pretty much empty. It really told the tale of the lack of kids on this cruise. I had originally wanted to do the snorkel trail because I knew it wouldn't be busy, but it was just too cold to even think about it! :scared1:



At Cookies we met Judy, but Maggie had been sent up to Serenity Bay so we missed her. It was pretty empty and the crew were all hanging around looking a tad on the bored side.


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We all got plenty to eat. Their BBQ is really good, and I love all the sides they have with it.



Beause I can't pass it up. :)


then took a stroll up to pelican point. It was another place on the island that Mum and Maureen had never seen.




It’s pretty much compulsory to play with these water guns I think. :rotfl:



We sat at Heads Up Bar and enjoy the view of the ship while having another Konk Cooler.


The rain seemed to have cleared out and it was a pretty day, overcast but not too hot, and a nice breeze – great day for exploring the island. Here's about every combination of photo we could possibly take. :lmao:






We finally decided to head back to the ship.


We wandered through the gift shops along the way, although none of us found anything we couldn’t live without. We rode the tram back for the last portion and got back onto the ship with no wait at about 3:15 pm.


We soon plonked ourselves back onto our veranda.


And it was soon time to watch us sail away from Disney’s little spot in paradise. Aww....the good news is we are doing a double-dip out of Galveston in November, so we'll be back before too long.:love:



I busted open a mini bottle of Veuve Cliquot to commemorate.:jumping3:


Everyone decided they needed showers and we had to hustle a bit as we also wanted to go to the Mike Super show at 6:15 pm. We went down to the Walt Disney theater at 6 o’clock and got our seats. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were highly advertised by all the acts this cruise.


Scott was a happy-chappy with his beer and popcorn.


Again, another show that was new to us, and it was good. We stopped at the gift shops on the way back and also had a quick photo taken with Donald Duck as there was barely a line.


We ran into Captain Ken Puckett while we were in line and had a quick chat with him – well, listened to what he had to say – ha ha! :listen::listen::listen: He's a speaker...not a listener! :lmao:

Then it was back to the room for a quick TV session before heading down to dinner in Triton’s at 8:15 pm.


Mum was impressed that Sasha had remembered that she liked lemon in her water. :thumbsup2 Although he didn’t take the pips not quite perfect! Ha ha. Here she is taking her own pips out – oh, the humanity!!! :rotfl:


Ready for dinner...we hadn't eaten in hours! :goodvibes


I also got a good photo of Maggie!


I had the Baked Brie (which actually wasn’t that great - stone cold – but I didn’t complain about it - of course :laughing:) and rack of lamb.



Scott had the shrimp and lobster, potato soup and chateaubriand.




Mum had the lamb, and Maureen had French onion soup and lamb. She said the soup wasn't as good as she remembered it. My photograph is also not great! :laughing:


No sharing of dessert today – it was Grand Marnier Souffles all round. Ha ha!


Maxed my photo limit..continued in next post.
Maureen also enjoyed :scratchin a happy birthday song to celebrate her birthday the week before. For some reason she thought that she could hide underneath a napkin! :lmao:


The chocolate mousse cake that they brought was delicious though, we didn’t do it justice as we were all so full.


Charlie entertained us with a crayon trick, the first of many over the course of the two weeks. Either we got better at solving them, or he used all his good ones first, because we didn’t solve the first few, but got good towards the end.


We went to Shutters after dinner and looked at the photos we had taken so far before going for a very brief walk in deck 4, which was cut short by the wind and so we headed back to our cabins. Our towel greeter was reading the Navigator. ::yes:: So cute!


We were in bed early tonight, especially as we hadn’t slept well the night before (aka the camera debacle ;)). The gentle rocking of the ship soon put me to sleep though.:cloud9:

Up next: At Sea Day #1
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YES!!! You KNOW I've been waiting for this trip report :Pinkbounc:banana:

Can I just say, first off, your mum doesn't look 90! That's some good genes for sure :thumbsup2 Ahhhhh I'm so glad you all got to do this cruise together!!

Rough start at the Hyatt, yikes. Oh well, shake it off, right?

Deck 8 is so fabulous on the Wonder!!! I actually have deck 8 booked again for Alaska, though not concierge this time :laughing: Pretty sure that was one and done (never say never, right?) I haven't done my trip report from March yet, but will hopefully start soon (yours starting is probably the kick in the butt I needed to start mine).

Well I hope Scott was able to get his DSLR working, guess we'll find out :thumbsup2

Mum looks great for her age, doesn't she? Fingers crossed for me, but I already know I don't stand a chance. :rotfl2: Deck 8 was pretty awesome, we are going to try and do Alaska next year (hopefully), I have an OBB that I need to get on with changing!

I hope you can get going on your trip report - they are a lot of work and sometimes it takes a bit of coaxing to get started. :goodvibes:goodvibes I'll look forward to reading it. :thumbsup2 This trip report was a doozy. We ended up with about 2700 photos. :faint: Ugg...LOL seems like such a good idea when you are happily snapping away - I had the most on my iphone, so I can't blame anyone but me! ha ha.
Love your trip report so far! And I just have to say, I hope if I live to be 90 I'm sailing on a Disney cruise like your mum - how awesome!:-)
Yay! I love your reports and your mom is just lovely. She looks like such a wonderful traveling companion.

I can't wait to hear how the rest of the trip goes!
Yay! I love your reports and your mom is just lovely. She looks like such a wonderful traveling companion.

I can't wait to hear how the rest of the trip goes!

Thanks for joining in. :flower: Having Mum along is just making such great memories and it works out great for Mum and Maureen to share a room, so there are lots of pros for all traveling together . Spoiler alert for the end of the trip! 14 nights was wonderful and you are never ready to leave that little cocoon of being so pampered and lazy. :cloud9: :lovestruc
Great start! I love Jo and can't wait to see her again in July on our Alaskan cruise. So sad to hear that Brian left DCL. Can't wait to hear about your experiences!
Great start! I love Jo and can't wait to see her again in July on our Alaskan cruise. So sad to hear that Brian left DCL. Can't wait to hear about your experiences!

Thanks for joining in - Jo is our favorite but this is only the second cruise that we've had her - she's elusive. Ha ha.
We had Jo as our club host for the second time last month and hopefully she's still onboard for Alaska this August, she's a riot! :rotfl2:

Look at all those empty chairs on CC!! Wow.....I'd love it to be that empty the next time we go:laughing:

Darn it for the camera....if it were just a 'regular cruise' (you know, Caribbean, Mexico, whatnot) then it wouldn't be such a big issue but this is the Panama Canal so yeah, I'd want our DSLR to work, too. I'm crossing my fingers he gets it working later in the cruise, guess I'll just have to keep reading :rotfl:


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