Frozen SSRMonkey thaws out. Live from SSR May 4-10

I'm sorry SNZK. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep track of who corresponds to what names on which site. My bad.
Chellymouse--not sure why Koala is taking all these selfies. Apparently it's the cool thing to do these days...

Please send Mom the strawberry recipe when you get time!

I'm sure dad will confiscate the photo taking device sooner than later! I will send mom the recipe! My cousin suggested I soak the berries in some vodka prior to candying them.....will let mom know how they turn out!
If it's near 90 or warmer, it is too warm for squatches to be out! Looks like you had a very productive night at WS! Wonder why there were so many inebriated individuals in Italy? Usually they're in Germany! Can't wait for the next installment!
As usual, we had a great time in Epcot yesterday. We got there before it was time to use our FP for Soarin, so we hopped into a clamshell and rode Nemo. After that we headed over to Figgy. The line was out the door again, but the posted wait time was 5 minutes, so we got in line anyway. It was more like 15 minutes, but that was ok.

Using our imaginations made us hungry, so we stopped at The Land for a big cookie.


After a ride on Soarin we decided to head back to SSR. Since Mom and Dad took advantage of the Premium Annual Pass offer last year, they thought it would be a perfect day to try out Blizzard Beach. Since I didn’t want to pollute the air here with wet monkey smell, Koala and I told Mom and Dad we would just stay in the room and watch cartoons all afternoon.

They are so gullible! They left their second set of Magic Bands here, so as soon as we saw the car leave the parking lot, we decided to head to Disney Quest. The walk from our building to the boat was really long, so we scored a ride on a cart with a very nice mousekeeping person.

The boat ride was nice and no one asked any questions when we went into Disney Quest. My first stop was Ms. Pac Man. I still don’t understand how she can eat that much and stay so thin. Koala played Crazy Taxi for an hour.

Then we raced on the Star Wars racers. Koala loves Ewoks…probably because if you throw a hood and cape on Koala he looks just like one.

We tried to get into the stage entrance for Cirque de Soleil. I showed off some of my acrobatic skills, but they wouldn’t let me in. Next time, I’m going to wear a spandex body suit and paint my face. Then I’ll be in for sure.

We were hungry, so we went to Bongos. I was hoping they would actually have bongos to play so I could entertain everyone, but that wasn’t the case. I’m going to have to call Gloria Estefan to complain.

We walked down to the Lego store and guess what? They have Snow Caucasian and Seven Little People there too! Koala tried to climb into the display, but got caught, so we got out of there fast and went to hide in the Rainforest Café. Since security was on the lookout for us, we decided to walk back to SSR rather than ride the boat. Plus, I didn’t want to hear Koala sing “FISHES!” again.

We made it back and had just enough time to settle in on the couch before Mom and Dad got home.


They had no idea we had been out. Whew! They were hungry from all that swimming so we headed to Panera for dinner and then they took us shopping at the outlets. I got a new vest and tie and borrowed Koala’s glasses to complete my new look.


Today, we are headed to Orange World for some gator jerky for my aunt (she loves that stuff—ew!). Later this afternoon we will head to Epcot and use our FP for a nighttime ride of TT!! Let’s just hope Mom and Dad don’t find out about our escapades yesterday!
If it's near 90 or warmer, it is too warm for squatches to be out! Looks like you had a very productive night at WS! Wonder why there were so many inebriated individuals in Italy? Usually they're in Germany! Can't wait for the next installment!

There was some kind of private party close to the lagoon there, so I think it might have been overflow from that. It was really loud there, though. I was surprised they weren't by Germany too.

Let me know how your second set of strawberries turn out!!
Well, I think our secret is safe about our adventures yesterday…at least for now. We made it to Orange World this morning without incident.


Today they had fresh coconuts right from the tree. I was going to get my picture taken with them, but I saw some ants near them, so I stayed away. I did try grapefruit for the first time. Wouldn’t you think that it would taste like grapes? Um…no! It was horrible! I should have stuck with the gator jerky.

After a quick trip through Celebration, we headed to lunch and then back to SSR. To keep up the charade from our adventure last night, Koala had been whining to Mom all day about how they made us stay in the room yesterday while they went to the water park. It made her feel bad, so they decided to take us to Typhoon Lagoon as long as we stayed out of the water. Our plan was to wander around, make sandcastles, and eat ice cream sundaes while Mom and Dad floated around. We had a great time and I was glad I brought my ‘Cuba Diver shirt (thanks, Ralphie May).


We looked for lobsters for dinner, but no such luck.


Koala chatted up this alligator. Luckily, he was a friendly gator. I asked him if he is related to the gator from Where’s My Water. Turns out, they are cousins! I told him that he should really get in touch with that guy—there was tons of water at Typhoon Lagoon. That would really help him out.


Mom and Dad really liked the Crush ‘n Gusher. While they were in line, they learned the right way to peel a banana so you don’t get the little stringy things. You should peel from the bottom up! I’m going to try that when I get home.

After a couple hours in the water, Mom and Dad were hungry (and sunburned), so we headed out to get ready for our evening at Epcot. We grabbed some pizza and breadsticks at Pizza Hut and Dad let me drive! Well, he worked the pedals and I steered. It was way better than the Tomorrowland Speedway.


I thought I was in big trouble when we got back to SSR because security was parked right outside our building. Turns out they knew nothing about our escapades or (or my driving), so I got a quick picture before the guy got back.


After digesting, we headed to Epcot. I decided to give up on my search for Constantine. What would I have done if I found him? All I would want to know is where Tina Fey is. So I just focused on having fun.

We had FP for Figgy and Nemo, but Innoventions was still open, so we cut through that way. I had a chance for a private photo shoot with Mickey and Goofy!

Mickey was so happy to see me.


And Goofy loved Koala’s Grape Soda pin.



One of my FB friends told me to steal the camera and post a picture of Mom and Dad, but I couldn’t do it without them finding out. I did, however, find this picture on their camera after our photo shoot. It’s weird, though, their faces were automatically blurred out. I’ll have to call the camera company to see why that is.


By that time, Figgy and Nemo were walk ons, so we did those and then headed over to the WS.

While Mom was shopping in Norway, Koala and I went for a boat ride.


After we made it around the rest of the WS, we stopped for some ice cream and then headed to TT for our one and only ride this week. It was awesome as usual although the car we designed didn’t do so well. It didn’t matter, though. It was dark by the time we did the high speed loops and that’s what makes it such a great ride!

With an early start to head home tomorrow, we decided we should probably head back to SSR and pack. I hate leaving the park on the last night of the trip. It makes me sad. But we plan to head back in October, so we have something to look forward to. And I do miss my evil cat, Chloe. Although I didn’t get into too much trouble this time, I had a great trip and am glad I was able to share it! Thanks for following along!

SSRMonkey, you and Koala certainly are lucky that your Mom and Dad take you to Disneyworld and even give you some freedom. Love the new clothes!

You are quite the "typist" to write this report by yourself. Is it called "typist" or "keyboarder"? What do they teach in school now? I wonder if they teach "thumbs"? So many gadgets need you to type with two thumbs. Auggh! What is this world coming to? I learned to type on a manual typewriter, then electric, then a computer, then many different computers, then tablets, and now "thumbing" on a phone! What's next? Well, if a monkey can do it, I suppose I can try too.

Keep up the good work. Love your reports!
Nora03-thanks for following along. Koala and I are spoiled rotten and are very lucky.

I did a lot of typing in college. Not only to finish my thesis for my MBA, but also instant messaging with my buddies...does that make me sound old? Mom and Dad let me practice texting with their old iPhones, but I like to use voice recognition. Some of what it thinks I said is really funny!!
You look very dapper in your new vest! I'm sending mom the recipe for the strawberries tonight. Happy to hear you had a great trip. Sounds like our Oct trips will have a day or two overlap....the Squatch is anxious to meet you two and has even agreed to a photo op! I'm sorry you and Koala didn't find the Fix it Felix Jr game at DQ. We went over in Dec and were absolutely shocked to see it. I played until Ralph (Squatch) made me go find something else to play! I can see where you had to be careful though....hopefully mom and dad don't find out about your "unauthorized field trip" Hope you had a safe and uneventful trip home, Chloe is happy to see you and didn't destroy anything!
Thanks, Chellymouse. I love my vest, but I think it may be more appropriate for the fall since it's made of wool. At least I didn't have to wear another shirt under it!

Can't wait to see you and the Squatch in October! Oh the shenanigans!! And I'll be really glad to meet a real live Squatch. Maybe I can get his autograph!

Thanks for the strawberry recipe. I'll try it out soon!
We had an uneventful trip home (thankfully). We missed most all of the rain that was up and down the east coast yesterday and made it home in about 16.5 hours thanks to Dad letting me drive while Mom was sleeping. I like to go fast, but don't worry, no laws were broken...except for the speed limit. :moped:

Apparently Chloe was good while we were gone. Nothing was destroyed and she was so happy to see Dad...and kind of happy to see Mom. Sometimes Chloe loves Mom, sometimes she really, really, really dislikes her. Last night was not a hate night.

Tomorrow it's back to work for Mom and Dad so Koala and I will make up for not terrorizing the cat for the last week and also do some laundry.

While we are sad that our trip is over, we are really glad we had a chance to go and can't wait for our next adventure in 146 days, but who's counting? :goodvibes

From me and my best bud, thanks for following along!

Thanks, Chellymouse. I love my vest, but I think it may be more appropriate for the fall since it's made of wool. At least I didn't have to wear another shirt under it!

Can't wait to see you and the Squatch in October! Oh the shenanigans!! And I'll be really glad to meet a real live Squatch. Maybe I can get his autograph!

Thanks for the strawberry recipe. I'll try it out soon!

You're very welcome! Wool would have been too warm for me in that heat! I'm sure the squatch will happily sign an autograph! Can't wait for the shenanigans!! Maybe mom and dad will let us take you and Koala on a "drinking around the world tour!" :rotfl2:
I'm in Chellymouse, but I will definitely need to ride in my bag. And I would want one of those tshirts people make for drinking around the world. :)

tiggermetoo- thanks for reading!
I'm in Chellymouse, but I will definitely need to ride in my bag. And I would want one of those tshirts people make for drinking around the world. :)

tiggermetoo- thanks for reading!

What size shirts do you and koala wear? I can have our drinking around the world shirts made for you!!
Well, we are pretty small. I wear a 3-6months and Koala wears build a bear size. Haha. We will survive without shirts. :)
Whoever makes your t-shirts might question why you are getting "drinking around the world" shirts for a 3-6 month old and a newborn... :lmao:


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