Gay Culture 101


<font color=darkorchid>Age. Fac ut gaudeam<br><fon
Jun 5, 2005
Another thread (seriously hijacked -- of course :lmao:) got me to thinkin -- what are the real touchstones for contemporary gay culture? Judy Garland? The L Word? 800 thread count aubergine egyptian cotton sheets? (Thank you Wally -- I am TOTALLY jealous!) For that matter, is there even such a thing as gay culture? Just wonderin what everybody thinks... :scratchin
This will be interesting.

Do we start with Broadway Musicals and showtunes, or with the pop divas, or with Dyansty?

Or do we discuss why Bewitched was gay while I Dream of Jeannie was totally straight even though both shows had essentially the same premise?
Another thread (seriously hijacked -- of course :lmao:) got me to thinkin -- what are the real touchstones for contemporary gay culture? Judy Garland?

Well as the story goes, it was the death of Judy Garland that may or may not have sparked the Stonewall Riots, the start of the gay rights movement...:confused3

The uprising was inspirited by a potent cocktail of pent-up rage (raids of gay bars were brutal and routine), overwrought emotions (hours earlier, thousands had wept at the funeral of Judy Garland) and drugs. As a 17-year-old cross-dresser was being led into the paddy wagon and got a shove from a cop, she fought back. [She] hit the cop and was so stoned, she didn't know what she was doing--or didn't care.
Well as the story goes, it was the death of Judy Garland that may or may not have sparked the Stonewall Riots, the start of the gay rights movement...:confused3

The uprising was inspirited by a potent cocktail of pent-up rage (raids of gay bars were brutal and routine), overwrought emotions (hours earlier, thousands had wept at the funeral of Judy Garland) and drugs. As a 17-year-old cross-dresser was being led into the paddy wagon and got a shove from a cop, she fought back. [She] hit the cop and was so stoned, she didn't know what she was doing--or didn't care.

WOW! I had no idea! I had always thought Stonewall was a manifestation of the overall 60s movement towards empowerment of (previously) disenfranchised groups. I never would have connected the death of Judy Garland to that pivotal event.
Or do we discuss why Bewitched was gay while I Dream of Jeannie was totally straight even though both shows had essentially the same premise?

Uncle Arthur ???;)
My immediate thought when reading the first post was, "of course there is a gay culture!"

Some of the culture encompasses the strengths of our community, some encompasses the artistic expressions, the myriad of complexities of self identification, the realities of living as "other" in society, and the very real aspects of self protection.

However, it is important not to include in any culture, those actions/behaviors/aspects that are present as a result of oppression, and stigma. That is not a true representation of culture rather a statement of the bigotry and intolerance directed toward a given culture.

So, having said that... define it?

Whew. OK, again initial thoughts. Strength. Strong personalities. Semiotics that go beyond rainbow (albeit a very important one for all that). World views that tend to be more inclusive, not necessarily more understanding-simply more inclusive. Pure love of life for the sake of being (this is one of those aspects that can be a slippery slope to the aspects of culture NOT being inclusive of response to oppression. True love of life is the joy that we feel when we accept who and what we are without any self doubt. Getting there is another story. The very real danger of suicide in teens of the gay community is NOT an aspect of culture, rather an aspect of the oppression of that culture).

Must dash. Have to get to the facility... aren't you happy??? :rotfl:
Personally and speaking as a straight person so really what the hell do I know?

I think truly just as many people that are straight like the things associated w/being gay wether its true or just stereotyping.

I have NO gaydar - truly no clue - but that aspect of a person is not what I really care about - any friendships I have formed over the years have been through common interested - or being at the same stage of life(not age) - Love of family, people that have a child the same age as mine, same hobbies and of course LOVE of animals and WDW - Gay Straight or Bi don't care - our commonalities is what binds us.

Okay less (way less) serious just need to know though really - Does anyone think Tom Cruise is Gay? - I have always thought he is - but again no gaydar - until i read it on this board I didn't know Adam:love:Lambert was gay:confused3

Don't you dare give up "the keys to the kingdom" just for the asking!
If we let out all the secrets - Next thing you know -
Rush Limbaugh is prancing around in a rainbow tank top and hot pants. :sad2:
Uncle Arthur ???;)

And dont forget Endora was gay in real life and so was the second Darren.

And if you ask me, Aunt Clara, well.......

I heard both Darrens. :confused3

Not to mention Dr. Bombay, Samantha's father Maurice, and of course her evil brunette cousin Serena!

How is it that they created such high camp with this series and the other show took the same premise and some of the same gags (evil twin brunette cousin) and turned out such lackluster dreck?

It's a fascinating comparison.
And then we have the secret rituals.

You could get into serious trouble letting straight people know about the secret rituals!


:eek: Well it was just the one.

Never mind everybody :eek: This is just a party game.
No cats let out of the bag here .
Move along.
Sometimes I just sit here and read and laugh and read and laugh and read and laugh and I have absolutely nothing to add to the conversation.... :sad2:


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