Geriatric MM Warriors June 13, 2010

No, it wasn't. Nothing even remotely suggesting it. That's why I'm dumbfounded by that reason.

How's Tom feeling today? I hope he was able to get a good night's sleep. Has the nauseousness (is that a word?) subsided?
Tom again was vomiting in the night. We both stumbled around trying to find the right pill for the problem. At least he did sleep and this morning sipped some broth. He has lost 15 lbs. this week so far. We think maybe he has turned the corner on the vomiting. He's gone back to bed and I actually got to go out and clean up the yard a bit this am. Felt so good to be back in my gardening clothes with tools in hand!
Hi Lisa - I hope Tom was able to keep the broth down. It's so hard to want to eat when you feel like crap. I'm sure you're trying to think of everything and anything that he might possibly want to eat. It's good that you got outside and got some sunshine, fresh air & your hands in the dirt! :thumbsup2

Nothing new here. I stayed in all day - it was a rainy, dreary day.

Going to bed now. Talk to you tomorrow! :hug:
Tom is eating a little and we are going to the doctor today for blood tests and to schedule the next chemo which should start next week. We have moved the infusions to Sacramento so we don't have to travel. It was too much for us. We're glad we were in SF for the kidney complication to be taken care of, but now that we have a baseline, we've all decided to do the other treatments here. Tom's not up to traveling. We decided yesterday to look into a disability retirement for him. We're going tomorrow to look into it.

Hope all is great with you!
Hi Lisa,
I'm happy to hear Tom is able to eat. It's nice that you can stay local for treatments. I hope that he can go on disability - it will be one less thing to worry about.

There was some really sad news here yesterday. My friend's 20 yr. old grandson committed suicide by hanging himself during the night on Monday. His dad found him yesterday morning. His sister is due with her first baby in a few weeks. She found out by stupid facebook - his girlfriend wrote RIP Nick and his sister saw it and called her grandmother (my friend) to ask what that was about. It's such a sad, sad situation.

I went on an interview for a minimum wage job at Macy's. It's a p/t holiday stocker job - it's on-call and early morning hours. I cried all the way home. I'm waiting for an email from them for 'onboarding'.

I hope the blood tests are all good! :flower3:
Hi Lisa -
I read on the caring bridge that you scalped your husband! :)
It's very much 'the look' around here - I think you should both move to NY!
I hope he's feeling better. :flower3:

I had an interview yesterday with an agency, I haven't heard back yet. Tomorrow night is my 'training' for the Macys job. I was hoping something would come through and I wouldn't have to go. On Friday I have an interview with a church about 45 min. south of here. This is getting so tiresome - I hope something breaks soon.

It's apple picking season here. On Saturday I'm going with my sister and her kids and grandkids. The little ones enjoy it - but to me it's just a major rip-off. When Owen was little it was reasonably priced and a nice day out. Now it's so expensive per pound and you have to pick them! It's cheaper to buy them at ShopRite, but I'm just an old fuddy-duddy. :confused3
Diane, Yes, a clean-headed man can fade into the crowd for sure. We bought a nice knit hat yesterday. He's so uncharacteristically cold these days...

We are overwhelmed with the process to retire him whilst making the right decisions about benefits and life insurance. Both of us are taking sleeping pills to no avail...

Maybe that job at Macy's will serve to introduce you to someone who will have a role to play in your next step. I'm sure everywhere you are led it is for a reason that is for your highest good. Let me know what happens with the church interview.

We have a wonderful locale called Apple Hill. There are many farms on maps with craft areas, food, apple picking etc. There's just something about being out there in the fresh air that's a right of passage into the fall season. Of course, the apple fritters don't hurt! It will build some nice family memories for the kids. There are kids in major cities who never see a tree; as evidenced by our stay in downtown San Francisco. Hated it and I really like the city when we're just there to sightsee at the wharf, etc.

I'm surrounded by disability applications so I guess I'll get back to it for now.

Love to you.
Lisa - I was so happy to read on the Caring Bridge site that Tom is feeling better! :thumbsup2
Here's a hug for both of you!:hug:
Hi Lisa, I was glad to read that Tom's pain is getting under control. You deserve the little white hat! (I'm sure Tom would like the entire little white ensemble!)

I didn't get the job at the church! I had another interview at an agency in Connecticut. I was so blue after the rejection from the church, I was glad to get the call from the agency a few hours later. It was in Stamford, CT which is about 1-1/2 hrs. away. I got so lost on the way home in the rain - ugh.

I hope the weekend is peaceful and restful. :hug:
haha, Diane. I thought about the little white ensemble. Poor Tom can barely stand up to give me a hug. He is so weak and dizzy. He looks like a walking skeleton. I finally decided to give him Ensure tonight. At least I can get some nutrition in him with it. He did eat chicken soup and some pudding. He only wants very plain broth or creamy yogurt-type foods. Everything makes him feel sick.

What is up with all these churches!!?? You have experience and everything. Something has to materialize soon for you, I just know it.

John-Paul is coming home tomorrow night. We are anxious to see him. I've tried to prepare him for the difference in his Dad. Tom was always a mountain of a man. He feels so fragile I can hardly believe it.

The weather is glorious. I went to church alone today, but it was nice to get out. Tomorrow I have to meet the accountant then get the house cleaned again.

Hope you have good news soon.:hug:
Lisa -
I just got a response from that agency I went to in CT. I had asked about another job on their website that was a really good match for me (non-profit, bookkeeper). I was shocked at her candid response - here it is:

"Hi Diane,

I spoke again with the recruiter in charge of this job regarding your resume. This job is not looking at people who are currently unemployed. I am really sorry, unfortunately in this market the companies are being insanely picky."

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? I'm just so defeated. I have another interview on Monday with an investment company across the bridge from me.

How's Tom feeling today? Is JP still visiting? I know you're busy and I want you to know that you are all in my prayers. :hug:
Diane, I have never heard of such a thing! However, I've been self-employed for most of my life so I'm totally out of the loop. I wonder if there is a way to get through to them with a personal letter??

JP is here until Monday. Tom is feeling a tiny bit better. He has had a lot of stomach pain this week so that is a new thing to be concerned about. He has a CT scan on Tuesday and an appointment with the doctor on Friday to go over the results which should tell us if the chemo has worked to shrink things. Hoping so!

It's fun to cook breakfast for my boy. He's updated all of our electronics, haha.:surfweb:

Thanks for the prayers and I will continue to hold one for you to find that job.
Hi Lisa -
Since that job was through an agency I don't know the name of the company. BUT, I have another interview for Monday afternoon. One is in the morning about 40 min. west (across the bridge) and then in the afternoon I have an interview about 40 min. east! Hopefully, one will be the final interview. Although, today I did apply online to a job at a local college that sounds perfect for me - it's about 35 min. north! I hope they call me for an interview.

I'm sure JP enjoys the breakfasts just as much as you enjoy making them! I know you must be so happy to have him in the house. :thumbsup2
I hope everything looks good from the CT that Tom gets this week. Is this the chemo halfway mark?

Tomorrow I'm going down to my sister's house. Her two 8 yr. old granddaughters (one is her son's girl and the other is her daughter's girl) are cheering at half-time for the peewee football team. (hot stuff!) It should be cute.

I hope Tom's stomach pain subsides and that you all have a fun, relaxing weekend together. :hug:
Hi Lisa - I was sending positive thoughts and prayers your way this morning. I hope the scan results are all great. Is JP still there with you?

Monday's interviews went well. I like the one that was in the morning better, but I would take either one if they offer. I'll hear from the one that I want by the end of the week and the other one by the end of next week.
The job that I applied to at the local college had a deadline to submit resumes by 10/24, so hopefully they're going over them today and will call me in for interview soon. (wishful thinking!) I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.

My ex-husband got laid off on Friday and another woman I know got laid off from her job too. This is crazy.

I know you'll be holding your breath until Friday. I will definitely be praying hard for Tom. :hug:
Diane, we always get a CD of the scans to take to our doctor in San Francisco. We're waiting for the radiologist to write his report which we hope to have on Thursday so we're not going blindly into the doctor appt. Our doctor at UCSF taught us how to read the scans so I put it into my computer yesterday and was able to see the cancer is still there in all of the locations from before. What I don't know is if any of it has become smaller because I don't have the measurements until the report. It looks to me like there might be more lymph nodes involved than before:( I'll keep you posted. We're not sure what the choices will be if the chemo isn't working.

Tom is really thin, pale and tired. His digestive system is a mess.

Last night I had a horrible nightmare a strange man was grabbing me from above as I slept. I screamed and screamed until Tom was able to wake me up by calling my name. I sobbed and sobbed when I realized it was a dream and cried myself to sleep when I realized that could happen to me again and he might not be there. I am so afraid to be alone. I wish John-Paul could be here all the time, but that wouldn't be fair to him.

John-Paul was recruited by a company that has offices in Portland and Chicago, plus other cities, to do a big project over the next couple of months. The recruiter was in Chicago. It could turn into a job where he is allowed to work remotely. He might have to visit their San Francisco office from time to time so we could see more of him. I'm so excited for the opportunity for him to network with many more people and to make new friends. In particular, he would not be alone in his efforts in case he wants to take some time off for vacation or travel, etc.

I sure hope you hear good news from the company you really want to work for soon and that the other interview comes about over the next few days.

Keep me posted and I'll let you know what we learn on Friday.

I saw on Facebook that Kathy's ex-husband has passed away. So sorry for her girls...
Hi Lisa,
I hope the dr. has a good report on Friday. You should research the Gerson therapy - it's been around for decades, but is an 'alternative' method. Ask your doctor about it.
That is sad that you think about being alone. I hope and pray it doesn't come to that.
Yay for JP!! That sounds like a wonderful opportunity for him.
I haven't heard anything yet. Keeping my fingers crossed, as usual.
Tomorrow I'm meeting my friends for lunch. We used to meet every week, but now it's maybe once a month. It's the first time I'm seeing my friend, Alba, since her grandson committed suicide. She needs our company. It will be nice to get together.
That's sad about Kathy's ex. Too bad he waited to get close to his girls until he was sick. At least they had this time together.
Talk to you tomorrow!
Diane, we tried pretty close to the Gersen therapy for two years. I have to get to the hospital so if you'd like to catch up on yesterday, here is the link:

We were also told the chemo isn't working. The cancer is growing in all locations. He cannot tolerate any more chemo even if it were working because of the new developments. Time is short now...


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