Germany Trip Report 2016 - Completed

We also enjoyed the dress up too. The wall walk was very nice also and we walked to all the gates, up and down the walls and stairs. I also feel the hotel is the perfect location and yes it is not "modern" but really adds so much to the stay. Love the pictures.
Everyone I spoke to that has done Germany loves this city!

OMG! Ok, my inner 12 year old loves the idea of trying on suits of armor! It's those types of silly things that make me love ABD so much. Germany just got a serious bump up on my list!
A funny story about the chainmail...I have pics of my son trying it on last summer. When we got home, my company had a "summer of safety" photo contest. We were supposed to send in pictures of ourselves and our family members exhibiting safe behavior on our summer vacations. I sent in the picture of him in that get-up with a comment about it being his "medieval PPE" (personal protective equipment). The grand prize for the contest was a Go-Pro (winner was selected at random). Unfortunately, we didn't win the Go-Pro, but we did win a selfie-stick (after I spent the better part of our vacation griping about how obnoxious they are!)
We also enjoyed the dress up too. The wall walk was very nice also and we walked to all the gates, up and down the walls and stairs. I also feel the hotel is the perfect location and yes it is not "modern" but really adds so much to the stay. Love the pictures.

The hotel in Rothenburg was definitely one of my favorites. We did about 1/4 the wall. Not a terribly impressive feet, but enough to satisfy us.

Everyone I spoke to that has done Germany loves this city!

OMG! Ok, my inner 12 year old loves the idea of trying on suits of armor! It's those types of silly things that make me love ABD so much. Germany just got a serious bump up on my list!

Yeah, dressing up was actually kind of cool. It was nice because the dress up area was in the basement so it was just you, the guides and helpers that were dressing you. And they were in full character... So much fun.

I *love* the photos of you & Gavin in armor! :) Wonderful!


Thanks! It felt like were in Monty Python - Quest for the Holy Grail. I just needed a pair of coconuts to gallop around with.
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

Sorry...back to regularly scheduled programming...I think it's wonderful that you took your son on the Germany trip for pretzels! Did I see some animal shaped ones? So fun!
African or European? ;)

Rothenburg looks quite a bit like Tallinn, Estonia. At least the old central part of Tallinn. It was our favorite city in the Baltics.
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

Sorry...back to regularly scheduled programming...I think it's wonderful that you took your son on the Germany trip for pretzels! Did I see some animal shaped ones? So fun!

yep.. a lizard and turtle. The baker made the turtle for Gavin and the lizard for the other young boy in our group.

I love that Gavin picked this trip because of the pretzel making. I picked the restaurant we're going to eat at tonight because they have an appetizer that is a cheese fondue with pretzels :-) Looks like you guys had a great time! Germany is such an awesome country.
Day 7 Rothenburg to Munich

Today was our final trek down to Munich. Along the way we stopped at Steiff. I actually found Steiff very interesting, and Gavin loved it.



We started with a tour through their museum and exhibit hall with huge stuffed animals that you can get pictures with. They had a giant stuffed snake slide that was very popular with the kids. They had many Steiff’s throughout the years including the original elephant that Margarete Steiff sewed that started it all.






After the museum we had our hands on experience making Steiff stuffed faces. We could choose from a frog, cat, brown or white bunny, bear (which ironically looked odd), and a pig. Gavin chose the pig, and I the bunny. We stuffed it and one lady sewed it while another painted faces on it. You could choose a half smile or full smile, blush, etc. They were fun. Sometimes I’m not a fan of the arts and crafts activities, but I enjoyed this. Granted most of the work was done by the Steiff workers. I wish we saw the actual factory and how they make the handmade bears, but otherwise it was fun.




After the faces, we had time to shop. I picked up a dress and stuffed dragon for my youngest daughter at home (yes Steiff makes children’s clothes). And I got a bear. When in Rome as they say… It was very cute. It’s a picnicking Papa with a wine bottle. Gavin got a little green bear. We had lunch at Steiff and away we went again.




We arrived at the beautiful Kempinski Four Seasons Hotel (not a part of the Four Seasons chain). It’s a beautiful hotel and sounds like it’s THE hotel to be at in Munich. It was tea time and there was a gentleman there with his very large dog. The waiter brought the gentleman a drink and the dog a dog bowl full of water. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a fancy hotel that catered so much to pets. It was a quick turn around and we were off to our walking tour.



We had the now famous Michael as our guide around Munich. He was awesome. I loved listening to him talk about Bavarian history and how everyone in our group played a little part acting as this King or that Emperor.



He walked us around much of Munich. It was fun at the time, but honestly it was so comprehensive, it’s difficult to remember what we actually saw. We did go by the surfing area - incredible. It’s an area in the river that has a constant wave. These surfers were amazing. As one wiped out, another immediately jumped in to take his place.


Look at them RUN!




We walked through a beautiful park, and it was neat seeing every enjoying themselves. It was so hot that day, many of us hopped into the stream. But no worries, my shorts were dry by the time we got through with the tour.





Michael went into WWII and Nazi Germany history as well. He told us a fascinating story of how there was a Nazi monument that everyone was required to salute as they bicycled on by. But some rebels would cut through an alleyway just before the monument to avoid having to give the Nazi salute. During the Nazi days, they called that street Traitors Alley, but today they’ve placed gold tiles down to honor those historic rebels. Very cool.



At the end of the tour Michael pass out our awards, and I was shocked he could remember every single person and what King/Emperor or other sill part they played. Michael was such an amazing guide.


After our walking tour we were free to eat on our own. Gavin and I chose pizza and pasta. We can only eat so much German food and there was a lot more to come tomorrow. We actually saw another family there so we ate together. I can’t remember the name of it, but it was one of the recommendations by the guides. After dinner we walked around some more and headed back to the hotel. Munich is probably a city that would justify some post nights since you don’t have much time here during the ABD. Unfortunately we had to go straight home. I felt I saw quite a bit of the city, but I’m sure there’s lots that we missed.
We fondly refer to this day as our "RUNNING Tour of Munich"!! After all the history Michael gave us, we have decided we MUST return to this beautiful city! Definitely not enough time here! At the castle, Michael stripped to his skivvies and swam in the lake. Then he put his leather lederhosen back on while still wet, and we continued our bus ride back to the Kempinski!!!! Oh, what fond memories! We adored this trip! (and Michael! I will never see the Bavarian Blue & White and NOT think of him!)
Thanks for another entertaining trip report. Your photos are amazing. If you get tired of practicing medicine you could become a professional blogger. :)
We fondly refer to this day as our "RUNNING Tour of Munich"!! After all the history Michael gave us, we have decided we MUST return to this beautiful city! Definitely not enough time here! At the castle, Michael stripped to his skivvies and swam in the lake. Then he put his leather lederhosen back on while still wet, and we continued our bus ride back to the Kempinski!!!! Oh, what fond memories! We adored this trip! (and Michael! I will never see the Bavarian Blue & White and NOT think of him!)

Michael was something else. One of my favorite guides ever. I have it on good authority that Karl Hotlz who was on one of the first ABD River Cruises hired Michael as a private guide for him and his family. I guess one of the perks of being the head of ABD, you know who the best private guides in the world.

Thanks for another entertaining trip report. Your photos are amazing. If you get tired of practicing medicine you could become a professional blogger. :)

Thanks! That's nice of you to say. I love reading other people's trip reports, and hopefully my words and pictures help others plan, remember or dream about their own trips.
Day 8 Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle

Today was our last full day, and we headed south to Neuschwanstein Castle. This is one of the main castles that Disney used as inspiration for Sleeping Beauty Castle. In fact, in the Dream Suite in Disneyland (seen sometimes on the Backstage Magic ABD) they have a prominent portrait of Neuschwanstein in the Living Room along side Chenonceau in France. I saw Chenonceau on my first ABD, so it’s cool to be seeing Neuschwanstein now.

Breakfast was very good at the Kempinski. My favorite of the trip. I decided to go fancy this am and order chocolate crepes with a mimosa. It was tasty!

Sadly it was raining. :(

We drove south to Neuschwanstein Castle. It’s high up on a bluff, and you take a shuttle to the Castle. Sadly there’s not front of the line access here for the shuttle. We waited maybe 20-30min. The castle doesn’t cut any deals with anyone. It’s the most visited site in Germany. The money made at this castle alone pays for the upkeep of all Germany’s castles.


Other than the rain, the Castle did not disappoint. In some sense we lucked out coming today, because the bridge overlooking the castle just reopened from a refurb today. It was raining hard. Apparently it rained 6 inches today! Gavin’s face on the bridge says it all. It was cold and pretty much raining sideways, but we got our photo! Thanks to Gavin for toughing it out.


We had to wait an hour for our tour. And you have to be exactly on time or you are out of luck. We got some hot chocolate while we waited. The tour inside was interesting and worthwhile, but certainly the main attraction is just seeing the castle from the outside.




Lunch was good. I had a Spezi with my schnitzel. Spezi is a german drink - basically 1/2 coke, 1/2 fanta. It’s not life changing, but it’s a fun German Coke product. I’m wondering now if they have it at Epcot’s Club Cool.

We drove back and had a couple of hours on our own. We spent the time walking around Munich. I picked up a Starbuck’s mug of Germany. Sadly they discontinued (or never made) a classic city mug for Munich.


For our farewell dinner we headed to a beer hall somewhere in Munich. We had a typical Bavarian band and dancers. It was was a small cozy affair given our group size but lots of fun. All our ABD farewell dinners have been good, and this one did not disappoint. The food was good, the beer was good, and we had a lot of fun. We goofed off and danced and just enjoyed everyone's company.







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Did you buy any Lederhosen? :)

Still a great shot of you guys with Neuschwanstein, despite the rain!

Did you buy any Lederhosen? :)

Still a great shot of you guys with Neuschwanstein, despite the rain!


Tempting, but no. :)

Thanks, yes I was pretty happy with that picture. Between all the cameras, we had 9 pics from which to choose. The guides had umbrellas above everyone in the picture.... It's actually funny thinking back on it.
I've been waiting with great anticipation for your beautiful, blue-sky Neuschwanstein pictures. It was just not meant to be! Your experience sounds exactly like ours, including the rainy/windy pic on the bridge and the hot chocolate. The look on our faces in our bridge pic pretty much tells the entire story! The day did start to clear after the tour was over, though. Glad the bridge was open for you; Lexi told us on our trip last year that we were the last ABD group to see it before it closed for the refurb.

How crowded was your castle tour group? That was the one disappointment of the trip for me.


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