getting fit for your trip - a place to share & ramble

Just make sure you have at least 1200 calories a day. That is the minimum healthy number that the body needs to function properly, so make sure that you have that a day. We have been told on 12WBT, that if you eat less than that, your body goes into starvation mode and it will hold onto fat as you aren't giving it enough. I break it up into 3 x 300 calorie meals then 3 x 100 calorie snacks, but if I'm going out for lunch or dinner, I will get rid of a snack or two and eat those for my meal instead.

I always seem to need a snack around 3 or 4 too. I usually have some low fat cottage cheese (the bulla, onion and chive one, YUMMY) and 10 wholegrain rice crackers. Its about 100 calories, so a perfect snack. Speaking of that, I may just go and have that now! :rotfl:

I haven't tried Calorie King, so can't compare, just went straight to my fitness pal. Love that it's free, such an awesome service for no cost. Love a bargain. I love that tony ferguson iced coffee shake, mmmm. Love the chocolate too come to think about it :rotfl: Congrats on starting the new program!

thanks. yes i am trying to maintain the 1200 calories intake :) and the cafe latte shake i had this morning was pretty nice :) i also have the bulla onion and chive cottage cheese which is just yummy and i usually have that on 2 wholegrain crispbread as my snack.

TF used to be just the shakes and the veges for dinner, but loving the fact that you can incorporate other foods as snacks and each week you get to have a 'love meal' ie a meal that you would normally love to eat, just in smaller portions and you just moderate your other snacks etc.

i usually struggle with snacks as i was always taught that snacks were a no-no. so i would be hungry all the time and then binge on bad foods as my body was craving the calories... when i get into good eating patterns with healthy snacks in between calorie controlled meals, my metabolism picks up and i avoid the whole starvation/binge cycle which is so, so unhealthy :)

thanks for being such an awesome inspiration and support aussietravellers :)
Don't think i'll be walking tonight, probably get struck by lightning :scared1:
I'm super excited. I went shopping today and bought a size 12 dress and shorts and a medium top from Country Road. I tried on the 14 dress and the staff said, no way, you need to go down a size, not believing them, thinking they were crazy... I tried it on and couldn't believe it fit! 10 weeks ago I bought a size XL top and was in size 16 shorts!

So I've dropped 2 dress sizes in the last 10 weeks! :dance3:
I'm super excited. I went shopping today and bought a size 12 dress and shorts and a medium top from Country Road. I tried on the 14 dress and the staff said, no way, you need to go down a size, not believing them, thinking they were crazy... I tried it on and couldn't believe it fit! 10 weeks ago I bought a size XL top and was in size 16 shorts!

So I've dropped 2 dress sizes in the last 10 weeks! :dance3:

I'm super excited. I went shopping today and bought a size 12 dress and shorts and a medium top from Country Road. I tried on the 14 dress and the staff said, no way, you need to go down a size, not believing them, thinking they were crazy... I tried it on and couldn't believe it fit! 10 weeks ago I bought a size XL top and was in size 16 shorts!

So I've dropped 2 dress sizes in the last 10 weeks! :dance3:

That's so wonderful! Well done.

I'm beginning to think I don't have the motivation to lose weight right now even though I tell myself I do. :rolleyes2
Today I had:

peppermint tea for brunch at Gloria Jeans

prawn and lettuce sandwich with cocktail sauce (made at home)


can of coke

Tonight I think I'll make crumbed chicken strips with mashed potatoes and vegetables.

I also stared wistfully at a pair of size 4 shorts at Country Road this morning. Once upon a time, in my early 20s, I could have fitted into those...
so just had fish and chips for lunch (kids pack) plus mini cupcake......went to pump on monday, step last night and now I can hardly junk was because I am cold, sore and having a crazy weird week.....

fit ball tomorrow..oh joy!
I had two peanut butter toasts, 6 mini milky ways, 2 packs of those little popcorn chickens and fries from McDonald's. dinner was a piece of chicken cacciatore no veggies :(. We've got a water leak and DH is digging up the yard to find it so dinner has been otherwise wasted :(
I had two peanut butter toasts, 6 mini milky ways, 2 packs of those little popcorn chickens and fries from McDonald's. dinner was a piece of chicken cacciatore no veggies :(. We've got a water leak and DH is digging up the yard to find it so dinner has been otherwise wasted :(

so haven't tried the chook popcorn..are they yummy..will i get they taste good with sauce???
australiankaren said:
so haven't tried the chook popcorn..are they yummy..will i get they taste good with sauce???

Oh yes they are very nice! $2 a pack of 10 and a hint of seasoning and I have it with a little bit of tomato sauce :)
so i had a situation this morning...

got to work early, went to the cafe and bought a small fruit salad for breakfast. totally allowable on my diet, and nice and yummy.

so i go up to the cashier and i order the fruit salad.
anything else she says?
and i hear myself asking for a bacon/egg/cheese bagel and a slice of the strawberry cheesecake for later. oh, and a large mocha frappe.

cue to 10 mins later where i scarfed down all of it at my desk, before my colleagues got in. this is eerily similar to my behaviour on tuesday and wednesday too and to bouts over the last 5-10 years... really good eating habits, lose weight, success on a diet, then stuffing myself, feeling terrible and embarassed and ashamed, start new diet, tomorrow is a new day etc... i am so totally horrified with myself for falling into this pattern again. i really thought i had it beaten :( then, cue to 10 mins later when i'm horribly sick in the ladies bathroom from eating too much bad food too quickly. feeling horrible and queasy, i call it a day claiming stomach virus, go see my doc and beg him for help.

30 mins of tears and consultations, questions, exam and weigh in, more questions and consultations, and i have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder, a referral to a psychiatrist, a referral to an online support group, a script for a mild antidepressant and a lecture from my doctor that this isn't about eating good things or bad things or having good and bad days.. this is similar to alcoholism. my brain is wired differently. i need to go on a sobriety program.

so now i am home, feeling raw and battered and a little fragile, but oh so grateful for the support of a doctor who took the time to investigate my issues rather than just brushing me off and who helped me come up with a plan as to how to move forward and deal with this on a day to day basis.

so. day 1 starting right now.
Oh Alicia :grouphug: :hug:

I'm glad you've got a good diagnoses and the doctor you saw definitely sounds supportive. I know many people at the other end of the spectrum, dealing with anorexia or bulimia but it is mostly the same. It's all wired into your brain and your system doesn't know any other way. As you said, take each day at a time, you have the courage and determination to beat this!
Alicia - You know we're here if you need support. I'm so glad that you've gotten a great doctor who has put you in the right direction. :hug:
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:Alicia that's a lot to learn in one day and that is great news that the DR is getting help for you, and with help you will beat this :grouphug:
What a day you have had. Sounds like a journey that has taken many years to get to this point. I applaud you for heading straight to your doctor and I also commend your doctor for listening and finding you some solutions and something to work with.

I wish you the very best of luck, it won't be easy but I'm sure you will come through feeling much stronger.
Ms. Shuttergirl said:
What a day you have had. Sounds like a journey that has taken many years to get to this point. I applaud you for heading straight to your doctor and I also commend your doctor for listening and finding you some solutions and something to work with.

I wish you the very best of luck, it won't be easy but I'm sure you will come through feeling much stronger.

You are exactly right. It has taken many years of good and bad cycles to hit rock bottom like this but i am so very grateful that i have a plan moving forward. Have already told my parents and carlo who have all been positive and supportive.

Told a friend i work with too so that she can help me stay focussed while i am at work :)

Thank you all for your support. It means a lot. A huge lot.
You are exactly right. It has taken many years of good and bad cycles to hit rock bottom like this but i am so very grateful that i have a plan moving forward. Have already told my parents and carlo who have all been positive and supportive.

Told a friend i work with too so that she can help me stay focussed while i am at work :)

Thank you all for your support. It means a lot. A huge lot.

support you have from us..::yes::::yes::


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