Getting married during college?

Haha, I almost ordered that brochure DVD from the Disney Weddings site because i'm curious, but it ask about the bride and groom's personal info and since i'm not really planning a wedding I didn't dare order it... hehe

I did! haha Dont worry, they dont spam you with email or postal mail. But the booklet is really pretty. I wanted the info for disneyland, but got the wdw info.
I feel your pain.

I'm ready to marry my boyfriend, but we're both in college still, and it's just kind of difficult to make happen right now. Which is incredibly hard, considering we live out of state from each other anyway, so most of our contact is on the phone.

Bleh, it's so difficult...
I know all about long distance relationships, it really sucks. Though my boyfriend lives very near me we can't see each other often because he's working all summer at his parents bussiness. So, I only get to see him once or twice a week, the rest of the time it's phone communication.
I just wanted to say that a long distance relationship can be hard, but if both of the people involved are mature and committed it can work out. People always say that it can't, but dont listen to them. When my fiance and I started dating I left for the summer only about 1 1/2 months but we had only been dating for about 4 months before hand. We talked on the phone a lot. When I went to college he stayed home and for the next 9 months we only saw each other a few times. I tried to talk to him everyday at least to just say goodnight. That went well too.::yes::

Before we moved in together he moved up to our new area a month before I did because he started school earlier. I actually didnt get to talk to him much for that period because he was so busy. Now we have been living together for almost a year and I will be doing the CP for 5 months. I definitely think this time will be the hardest because Ive gotten used to seeing him everyday. Ill only be able to see him once. Hopefully he can make a trip. And well also have a time difference this time.

Anyone have any other good long distance relationship advice?
Just to keep in contact in anyway you can, but don't push the limits. Sometimes it gets a bit annoying if you call/he calls you various times a day.
I think that everyone in a relationship needs time on their own, it helps to be apart at least every so often. It's strengthens the relationship and builds up communication, so I think it's healthy. But yeah, it can be hard.
Since I've cancelled my CP this year for various reasons, i've decided to see if I can take a Disney trip with my bf in the fall because we need some alone time and I really want to take him to WDW since he's only been there once.
My fiance and I have been together for four years and have been long distance for 3 1/2 years. It is very difficult to do but like someone posted before me, if both persons are committed then they are possible. My fiance, Michael, and I talk on the phone as often as we can, and text each other all the time. I have done a CP and am now a PI, he is working at Cedar Point right now and then lives in Michigan in the off season. We only see each other a few times a year. If you have time away from each other it can sometimes show you how much a person really means to you. In the end, both people need to want to make it work.
I agree that spending time apart can strengthen the relationship. If you see the person everyday you take for granted how special the time with them really is. When ever we are apart for a while I really come to appreciate the time we have together and it makes up appreciate each other more.
:offtopic: I cook dinner everynight, and my fiance helps me. His cooking talents are limited to top ramen (and now mashed potatoes;)) So when Im gone for something he really appreciates when I come back because he can eat something besides top ramen.:rotfl2:
Hehehe, well at least you can cook. With my DBF it's the other way around, he can cook some things while I can only make eggs and frozen pizzas.:rotfl2: I really need to learn how to cook, hehehe
I strongly suggest they also have a magazine you can subscribe to for free.

I was the maid of honor in my friends wedding (college aged aka poor) and this website helped a lot with cute cheap substitutes that you wouldnt really think of. Our favorite little touch was instead of each bridesmaid having a bouquet as well as the bride, the bridges bouquet was actually 5 seperate smaller bouquets tied together with ribbon and when she passed it to me during the ceremony, I untied it and we passed them down the line. It was a nice touch to the ceremony as well as economical and it was like we each had a piece of her wedding magic. Check out this website, its great for stuff like that.
A little update on my life. I had a marriage talk with my DBF a few days ago about the future, etc. I asked him if he would like to marry me someday and he said he would very much like too and then told me he was really happy I asked. Of course, I was also incredibly happy. :goodvibes
So, I hope for something soon, hehe

BTW, I still haven't recieved my Disney Wedding info package and it's been 2 weeks...
A little update on my life. I had a marriage talk with my DBF a few days ago about the future, etc. I asked him if he would like to marry me someday and he said he would very much like too and then told me he was really happy I asked. Of course, I was also incredibly happy. :goodvibes
So, I hope for something soon, hehe

BTW, I still haven't recieved my Disney Wedding info package and it's been 2 weeks...

Thats great! Its really good that you guys talked about it and are in the same page. BTW It took a REALLY long time before i got my little package. I completely forgot i ordered it when it got here!
A little update on my life. I had a marriage talk with my DBF a few days ago about the future, etc. I asked him if he would like to marry me someday and he said he would very much like too and then told me he was really happy I asked. Of course, I was also incredibly happy. :goodvibes
So, I hope for something soon, hehe

BTW, I still haven't recieved my Disney Wedding info package and it's been 2 weeks...

If you ordered it online it can take 4-6 to get to you. I am doing my internship and sending out the wedding collateral is part of my job:goodvibes
A little update on my life. I had a marriage talk with my DBF a few days ago about the future, etc. I asked him if he would like to marry me someday and he said he would very much like too and then told me he was really happy I asked. Of course, I was also incredibly happy. :goodvibes
So, I hope for something soon, hehe

BTW, I still haven't recieved my Disney Wedding info package and it's been 2 weeks...

Hey! I got married at Disney this past May and am also a college student. Our situation is a bit different, my DH is 31 and I am 23. We both work full time and I go to school part time now until nursing school... which should be Fall of '09. Anyways, if you are even considering a Disney Wedding, you should definitely head over the the Weddings board here on the Dis. They are a great group and there is a TON of info... also, you can get your Disney wedding fix with the wedding reports and trip reports! Hope everything goes great for your and your DBF... hopefully soon to be DF! :)
Hey! I got married at Disney this past May and am also a college student. Our situation is a bit different, my DH is 31 and I am 23. We both work full time and I go to school part time now until nursing school... which should be Fall of '09. Anyways, if you are even considering a Disney Wedding, you should definitely head over the the Weddings board here on the Dis. They are a great group and there is a TON of info... also, you can get your Disney wedding fix with the wedding reports and trip reports! Hope everything goes great for your and your DBF... hopefully soon to be DF! :)

Thanks for the advice and congrats on your wedding! :goodvibes
I personally cannot get married in college because that's just me. I need to get my life in order with money on my own, etc before I do that. But if you can be financially it! Good luck ^_^
Hey! I got married at Disney this past May and am also a college student. Our situation is a bit different, my DH is 31 and I am 23. We both work full time and I go to school part time now until nursing school... which should be Fall of '09. Anyways, if you are even considering a Disney Wedding, you should definitely head over the the Weddings board here on the Dis. They are a great group and there is a TON of info... also, you can get your Disney wedding fix with the wedding reports and trip reports! Hope everything goes great for your and your DBF... hopefully soon to be DF! :)

Oh I'm in love with the wedding boards, I pester those poor girls so much, but they are amazing. I can't wait for my wedding day, whenever that will be, thanks to those girls. I know it HAS to be at Disney, lol.


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