Ghost stories


Sep 26, 2010
Since we are 12 days from Halloween, and I need to lighten up, do you have a real life ghost story that happened to you?

I will start it out, On Valentines day 2008 my wife and I stayed at the Brown Place hotel in downtown Denver, It is next door to where we work, so I thought a night away would be good, an then we would not have to get up early for work the next day. At night in the bathroom we could hear big band music, so we thought that they were having a band for the holiday, and the next morning I stayed later to do some work in the room since it was a 9:00 check out time, I kept looking around the room, as I felt someone was watching me. When I went to check us out, the front desk asked if we enjoyed our stay, and I said yes, and I asked them about how that dance went last night. They informed me that they did not have a dance, and did not know what I was talking about. I looked the hotel up on the internet it turns out that there are reports of a ghost band at the hotel. If it was them playing through the pipes, they were good in their day.
When I was younger My mother and Father took me to England and Scotland. I can't remeber where it is but there is a restaurant called "The Witchery" which is built where the witches were burned in the 1600s.

Anyway the stories at this place are it is haunted and no one can be in the restaurant by themselves because strange things happen.

Anyway in the toilet I was in there and all of the push button hand dryers all started going off one by one and I was alone in the toilet. this is back in 1989/1990 so no hand sensor things going.

When the mains came out my mother hadnt even picked up her knief and fork and the lemon wedge on the plate squirted by itself into her eye...

Was very odd in that place
i absoultely LOVE ghost stories!! thanks for starting this thread!
How weird about the ghost band! that's really cool though.
& bateman that seems pretty creepy....if i was alone in the bathroom and all that started happening i would have gone nuts!

i wish i had a cool ghost story, but i dont.....well kinda.
ok, so me and my 2 friends, 2 guys and 1 girl, were driving out in the country at night. i had dropped my phone somewhere in the car so i used my friends phone to call it so i could find it. well my phone never rang, but on the reciever it was making the 'ringing' sound, does that make sense? i did dial the right number because my number is programmed into my friends phone. anyways, so it goes to voicemail and instead of it being my recorded message it was a guys voice saying something like "she isn't here right now." so i thought maybe one of my guy friends in the car had changed it just to be stupid...but none of them know my password. and none of them said they did it. so i re-called myself and this time my phone actaully did ring out loud and my voicemail message was back to normal. then my friend told me of some ghost story or some guy dying in the same area we were in.
maybe it was just mixed cell phone signals or something but it was still all weird and scared me soooo badly.

i wanna read more stories!!!
i absoultely LOVE ghost stories!! thanks for starting this thread!
How weird about the ghost band! that's really cool though.
& bateman that seems pretty creepy....if i was alone in the bathroom and all that started happening i would have gone nuts!

i wish i had a cool ghost story, but i dont.....well kinda.
ok, so me and my 2 friends, 2 guys and 1 girl, were driving out in the country at night. i had dropped my phone somewhere in the car so i used my friends phone to call it so i could find it. well my phone never rang, but on the reciever it was making the 'ringing' sound, does that make sense? i did dial the right number because my number is programmed into my friends phone. anyways, so it goes to voicemail and instead of it being my recorded message it was a guys voice saying something like "she isn't here right now." so i thought maybe one of my guy friends in the car had changed it just to be stupid...but none of them know my password. and none of them said they did it. so i re-called myself and this time my phone actaully did ring out loud and my voicemail message was back to normal. then my friend told me of some ghost story or some guy dying in the same area we were in.
maybe it was just mixed cell phone signals or something but it was still all weird and scared me soooo badly.

i wanna read more stories!!!

Ghost band was cool but that story made the little hairs on my neck stand on end... that is freaky
i absoultely LOVE ghost stories!! thanks for starting this thread!
How weird about the ghost band! that's really cool though.
& bateman that seems pretty creepy....if i was alone in the bathroom and all that started happening i would have gone nuts!

i wish i had a cool ghost story, but i dont.....well kinda.
ok, so me and my 2 friends, 2 guys and 1 girl, were driving out in the country at night. i had dropped my phone somewhere in the car so i used my friends phone to call it so i could find it. well my phone never rang, but on the reciever it was making the 'ringing' sound, does that make sense? i did dial the right number because my number is programmed into my friends phone. anyways, so it goes to voicemail and instead of it being my recorded message it was a guys voice saying something like "she isn't here right now." so i thought maybe one of my guy friends in the car had changed it just to be stupid...but none of them know my password. and none of them said they did it. so i re-called myself and this time my phone actaully did ring out loud and my voicemail message was back to normal. then my friend told me of some ghost story or some guy dying in the same area we were in.
maybe it was just mixed cell phone signals or something but it was still all weird and scared me soooo badly.

i wanna read more stories!!!

:scared1: Thats so creepy! I probably would have cried
I grew up in a haunted house, I have a lot of ghost stories. I used to have very vivid horrible dreams, dreams that I would wake up in a cold sweat and think they were real, they were very very scary! One night in particular I had a dream that woke me up horribly, I was sweating, couldn't breathe and almost panicked, until the lady of the house (as I called her) started stroking my cheek and saying "sssshhhh it's ok, I'm here, you're safe, you're protected" and I fell right back to sleep and slept so well that night. There wasn't anyone in my room but me, and the lady of the house apparently. She came to me many times after my dreams, they were more like night terrors really only I wasn't that young, I was probably 12 when they first started, maybe 11. I told my Mom about it the next morning, she and my Dad never believed me. I would see shadows of people walking in the living room, I saw the lady of the house on the balcony outside my parents room, I would see her in the middle of the day, I would look up and see her, wave, she'd wave back. My friends would ask who I waved at because when they looked there was no one there, they alway assumed it was one of my parents but it wasn't. I know it was the lady who lived there before we did, I saw a photo of her and she lived in the room I had, it was her home for years and years. :)
Since we are 12 days from Halloween, and I need to lighten up, do you have a real life ghost story that happened to you?

I will start it out, On Valentines day 2008 my wife and I stayed at the Brown Place hotel in downtown Denver, It is next door to where we work, so I thought a night away would be good, an then we would not have to get up early for work the next day. At night in the bathroom we could hear big band music, so we thought that they were having a band for the holiday, and the next morning I stayed later to do some work in the room since it was a 9:00 check out time, I kept looking around the room, as I felt someone was watching me. When I went to check us out, the front desk asked if we enjoyed our stay, and I said yes, and I asked them about how that dance went last night. They informed me that they did not have a dance, and did not know what I was talking about. I looked the hotel up on the internet it turns out that there are reports of a ghost band at the hotel. If it was them playing through the pipes, they were good in their day.

Ok that's cool! :)

When I was younger My mother and Father took me to England and Scotland. I can't remeber where it is but there is a restaurant called "The Witchery" which is built where the witches were burned in the 1600s.

Anyway the stories at this place are it is haunted and no one can be in the restaurant by themselves because strange things happen.

Anyway in the toilet I was in there and all of the push button hand dryers all started going off one by one and I was alone in the toilet. this is back in 1989/1990 so no hand sensor things going.

When the mains came out my mother hadnt even picked up her knief and fork and the lemon wedge on the plate squirted by itself into her eye...

Was very odd in that place

Ohhh that's cool too!

i absoultely LOVE ghost stories!! thanks for starting this thread!
How weird about the ghost band! that's really cool though.
& bateman that seems pretty creepy....if i was alone in the bathroom and all that started happening i would have gone nuts!

i wish i had a cool ghost story, but i dont.....well kinda.
ok, so me and my 2 friends, 2 guys and 1 girl, were driving out in the country at night. i had dropped my phone somewhere in the car so i used my friends phone to call it so i could find it. well my phone never rang, but on the reciever it was making the 'ringing' sound, does that make sense? i did dial the right number because my number is programmed into my friends phone. anyways, so it goes to voicemail and instead of it being my recorded message it was a guys voice saying something like "she isn't here right now." so i thought maybe one of my guy friends in the car had changed it just to be stupid...but none of them know my password. and none of them said they did it. so i re-called myself and this time my phone actaully did ring out loud and my voicemail message was back to normal. then my friend told me of some ghost story or some guy dying in the same area we were in.
maybe it was just mixed cell phone signals or something but it was still all weird and scared me soooo badly.

i wanna read more stories!!!

Whoa...this one is plain old creepy!!
So I was driving off a mountain pass and when I got into the prarie below I could see a light in the hills on the horizon. It was a dark night, no moon and probably about 3 am. I though it was the next little town I would come up to but that was still 40 miles away. This looked about 10 miles at most. The horizon wasn't that far away I expected the source of the light to show itself at any time.

It was like a bright aura intensly glowing in the sage brush. I couldn't think of what it was. I had driven through this place many times and never noticed anything that could make such a bright light. As I drove on through the undulating brush I though at any second I would see what produced this huge blasting sentinel.

I can not explain how intense this light is. It was like a hundred search lights with rays scattering into the sky. I could not believe how this random place in the high dessert radiated like this.

The strange thing is since this, which was probably at least 12 years ago I have seen more of these isolated glowing spots. They are gas flares.
Ok this is the only thing I've ever seen that can't be explained. The story goes, that where you see this from was once a train track. And then varies but this one makes the most sense.

The train came upon a lady laying on the tracks. The enigineer didn't think they stopped the train in time. The engineer and fireman got out and with rail road lights search for the ladies body. Still to this day. You can see the lights moving randomly in the distance changing from red to white and green as the engineer and fireman wander the railine every night. I use the word wander because the lights, can be single or double will split and divide, bounce, hover, move in circles and up and down in various manners.

Take a quick look here. And enjoy the debate of comments about it.

The direction you look to see the light has no view of the highway which vears away from this area. Also the frequency of the lights is not porportional to the traffic on the nearby highway. Further I have spoken to people who have jogged and walked for hours toward the light to find it's source, keep in mind this was an old track and now is like a two lane dirt road, and they can't find the source.
I grew up in a haunted house, I have a lot of ghost stories. I used to have very vivid horrible dreams, dreams that I would wake up in a cold sweat and think they were real, they were very very scary! One night in particular I had a dream that woke me up horribly, I was sweating, couldn't breathe and almost panicked, until the lady of the house (as I called her) started stroking my cheek and saying "sssshhhh it's ok, I'm here, you're safe, you're protected" and I fell right back to sleep and slept so well that night. There wasn't anyone in my room but me, and the lady of the house apparently. She came to me many times after my dreams, they were more like night terrors really only I wasn't that young, I was probably 12 when they first started, maybe 11. I told my Mom about it the next morning, she and my Dad never believed me. I would see shadows of people walking in the living room, I saw the lady of the house on the balcony outside my parents room, I would see her in the middle of the day, I would look up and see her, wave, she'd wave back. My friends would ask who I waved at because when they looked there was no one there, they alway assumed it was one of my parents but it wasn't. I know it was the lady who lived there before we did, I saw a photo of her and she lived in the room I had, it was her home for years and years. :)

It cool that it was looking after you, so I guess it was a friendly ghost.
i absoultely love ghost stories!! Thanks for starting this thread!
How weird about the ghost band! That's really cool though.
& bateman that seems pretty creepy....if i was alone in the bathroom and all that started happening i would have gone nuts!

I wish i had a cool ghost story, but i dont.....well kinda.
Ok, so me and my 2 friends, 2 guys and 1 girl, were driving out in the country at night. I had dropped my phone somewhere in the car so i used my friends phone to call it so i could find it. Well my phone never rang, but on the reciever it was making the 'ringing' sound, does that make sense? I did dial the right number because my number is programmed into my friends phone. Anyways, so it goes to voicemail and instead of it being my recorded message it was a guys voice saying something like "she isn't here right now." so i thought maybe one of my guy friends in the car had changed it just to be stupid...but none of them know my password. And none of them said they did it. So i re-called myself and this time my phone actaully did ring out loud and my voicemail message was back to normal. Then my friend told me of some ghost story or some guy dying in the same area we were in.
Maybe it was just mixed cell phone signals or something but it was still all weird and scared me soooo badly.

I wanna read more stories!!!



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