
Each cookie weighs a pound. Half of one is an enormous amount for one sitting for one person. Probably like eating at least an entire sleeve of Oreos.

Yeah. I ate my one cookie over several days on my last trip, not actually finishing it until I got home. They keep well though, so that's good.
These cookies are not to be eaten in one sitting. I can literally divide one up, and eat it over 4 or 5 days, taking a sliver of one with a cup of coffee and be satisfied. It is very sweet and dense. We take the ride to the actual store in Orlando, so fast, in and out.
I really liked them too, though I'd be hard pressed to call anything worth the kind of wait they typically have. It is definitely my kind of cookie though!

I’ve waited in three hour lines for beer so while I’d like to say I wouldn’t wait that long for cookies, the sad truth I would.

We weirdly lucked out when we went in April. We put our name down and were told it’d be something outrageous like a 5-6 hour wait. This was around 5PM. We went to dinner and afterward I checked on how much longer. The person in charge of the line said we still had a few hours to go and then just said she was going to let us in anyway! So we bought a whole bunch of cookies!
These cookies are not to be eaten in one sitting. I can literally divide one up, and eat it over 4 or 5 days, taking a sliver of one with a cup of coffee and be satisfied. It is very sweet and dense. We take the ride to the actual store in Orlando, so fast, in and out.

That’s what we did. I think I divided each one into quarters. We still had plenty even at the end of our stay. They stay really well just at room temp.
How long would you say they last? I was going to ds on a Thursday but was considering going on the Sat before our flight so they would be fresher. But if they last a while, Thursday is way easier
We went on a week day morning to Disney Springs, and had a 10 minute wait. Under-baked cookies are not our favorite, but we really wanted to see the store inside, more than buy. We did buy the chocolate chip cookie, and while we nibbled it when we bought it, after nibbling the next day, we threw out the rest. Maybe a different cookie type would have been a better choice, but we won’t be buying any more. One and done for us. But the store was great to look around, as I am a fan of that type of decor.
We were not impressed at all. Our cookies were old already and the frosting on our cake slice was grainy and overly sweet. I worked as a baker for years and have made tens of thousands of cookies and can easily tell if they are day old or not. We felt ripped off from the whole experience.
That’s what we did. I think I divided each one into quarters. We still had plenty even at the end of our stay. They stay really well just at room temp.
How long would you say they last? I was going to ds on a Thursday but was considering going on the Sat before our flight so they would be fresher. But if they last a while, Thursday is way easier

We usually go to the Orlando store 30 minutes from DS, about 2 days before going home. And freeze the cookies. They defrost a little bit on the way home, but then I throw them back in the freezer when we get home. They freeze very well and take one cookie out at a time and divide it up and it lasts over a couple of days.
Can a cookie really be that good?
It depends.
Schmackerys in NYC is a cookie I highly recommend all the time especially since their shipping service is dependable. Plus they have a variety of flavors and are conscious of allergies and intolerances and vegan folks.
while I've never tried Gideon’s, I am getting strong schmackerys vibes from them (not in style or taste) but the vibe I’m getting is they are good because the word of mouth is good.
I think cookie preferences are so subjective. It is a unique type of cookie however, certainly unlike any other cookie I’ve bought. You can tell they put a lot of effort in making the cookies this way; it’s just a matter of whether you like it that way or not.

Our family loved them but we tend to like “underdone” cookies and brownies. Gideon’s cookies definitely taste like they are underdone.
Are all of the cookies that "too soft" / "underdone" type of consistency?
I've tried those types of cookies before (Crumbl Cookie), and I'm not a fan.
I prefer a crisp outside with slight chewy (not underdone) in the middle, for which you can dunk in coffee and only then it gets semi-soft.
If they are all that "too soft" consistency that you can eat with a spoon, I will strike it off of my list of to-do's

Are all of the cookies that "too soft" / "underdone" type of consistency?
I've tried those types of cookies before (Crumbl Cookie), and I'm not a fan.
I prefer a crisp outside with slight chewy (not underdone) in the middle, for which you can dunk in coffee and only then it gets semi-soft.
If they are all that "too soft" consistency that you can eat with a spoon, I will strike it off of my list of to-do's

Of you don’t like Crumbl you won’t like these
They are very similar in style
Are all of the cookies that "too soft" / "underdone" type of consistency?
I've tried those types of cookies before (Crumbl Cookie), and I'm not a fan.
I prefer a crisp outside with slight chewy (not underdone) in the middle, for which you can dunk in coffee and only then it gets semi-soft.
If they are all that "too soft" consistency that you can eat with a spoon, I will strike it off of my list of to-do's

Their cookies are more cake like then cookie. They do have that cake like texture in the middle. Personally, I don't like them at all. I think that they are way overrated and are neither cookie nor cake. I rather have a cookie that is made right, then one of these half and half creations that they add too many ingredients to.
Is the virtual queue at Gideon's itself or do you sign up online somewhere? We'll be at Disney Springs next Tuesday and I'm interested to try them. How long do you have to get back over there once you reach the front of the virtual queue?
Is the virtual queue at Gideon's itself or do you sign up online somewhere? We'll be at Disney Springs next Tuesday and I'm interested to try them. How long do you have to get back over there once you reach the front of the virtual queue?
There is not a VQ at this time
Are all of the cookies that "too soft" / "underdone" type of consistency?
I've tried those types of cookies before (Crumbl Cookie), and I'm not a fan.
I prefer a crisp outside with slight chewy (not underdone) in the middle, for which you can dunk in coffee and only then it gets semi-soft.
If they are all that "too soft" consistency that you can eat with a spoon, I will strike it off of my list of to-do's


The cookies are basically a pound of raw cookie dough texturally.


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