Ging Gang Gooley - See You Soon

can I leave the cd player at home then Matt, every little helps when you have a mini !
I may drop by for a pow wow but won't be knee slapping!
Hi Guys

Sounds like you are all having fun planning, we will know for def Friday morning, but so far all looking good as no news is bad news. Jules I will give you a tinkle on the mobile as soon as we know:thumbsup2 I have been on the route planner and have my route all being well. I dont know of any roads that are flooded between Cardiff and Brecon, so fingers crossed.:thumbsup2 Have a wonderful few days and hopefully see some of you on Sunday:flower3:
Jules we can bring a CD player Hun.
Loads of room so no sweat.

thanks Tony that is great of you, I know a cd player is not a huge item, but when trying to fit the tent, the bbq, the fridge etc etc in a mini every bit of room helps
Hi Guys

Sounds like you are all having fun planning, we will know for def Friday morning, but so far all looking good as no news is bad news. Jules I will give you a tinkle on the mobile as soon as we know:thumbsup2 I have been on the route planner and have my route all being well. I dont know of any roads that are flooded between Cardiff and Brecon, so fingers crossed.:thumbsup2 Have a wonderful few days and hopefully see some of you on Sunday:flower3:

great Sue you have my number don't you, I am so confident that you will be there, I am going to say See You on Sunday
great Suem you have my number don't you, I am so confident that you will be there, I am going to say See You on Sunday

Yes hon, I have your number and Ians, Im going to say See you Sunday as well, as Im sure things are going to go our way fingers crossed. Please expect a phone call from me saying im lost:rotfl2: :rotfl2: rubbish at directions, so Vicki just informed me;) Hope you have a signal there:thumbsup2
Tony, forgot to mention, as you are having electric I had to book it in my name for some reason ? so when you get there just tell them you have an electric hook up booked for Fri and Sat and give them my name
Jules have we still got the electric hook up booked?
Is it a straight covered household 3 pin plug type or the round blue type???

You must have read my mind.!!!!!!
Yes hon, I have your number and Ians, Im going to say See you Sunday as well, as Im sure things are going to go our way fingers crossed. Please expect a phone call from me saying im lost:rotfl2: :rotfl2: rubbish at directions, so Vicki just informed me;) Hope you have a signal there:thumbsup2

had phone signal last time we were there hon, so you should be fine, don't leave it too late, if I haven't started on the pop I can come and rescue you :rotfl2:
Tony I checked with Ian and it is a round blue type !! bit like our noses if it gets chilly
had phone signal last time we were there hon, so you should be fine, don't leave it too late, if I haven't started on the pop I can come and rescue you :rotfl2:

Dont be worrying about not drinking hon, your on holidays, if all else fails, I will make my way to the nearest point I can find then phone a cab and follow it:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
no Sue its not a problem, as long as you are there before about 11.00 am on Sunday I probably won't have drunk, after all as Matt would say its five o clock somewhere :rotfl2: :rotfl2: as its you I may even stretch until noon !
no Sue its not a problem, as long as you are there before about 11.00 am on Sunday I probably won't have drunk, after all as Matt would say its five o clock somewhere :rotfl2: :rotfl2: as its you I may even stretch until noon !

Well you really are going to have to start drinking them hon, Im working until 1, so wont be leaving Cardiff until 1.30 the earliest, it should take just over an hour, however this is me driving, so lets see........I guess I'll see you around 6pm:rotfl2: ;) Only joking;)
looking forward to seeing you sue :woohoo:

i forgot to say yesterday ive brought some of the individual cereal packets for the children if anyone wants any :thumbsup2
I am not going to comment on the weather this morning, I think it is best to say nothing !
Just checked Matt, looks not bad for tomorrow or Saturday, bit dodgy on Sunday !


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