Ging Gang Goolie 2008, 23rd May, Tal-y-Bont On Usk

Theresa and I were discussing this on the way home and thought we hadn't contributed as much as everyone else but don't know the best way to rectify it. Any ideas?

we can all appreciate you've just got back from florida Tone and the GGG wasn't a priority so don't worry about it.
I'm sure you can make up for it at the next one ;) ;) :rotfl2:
Deb, I most certainly am not looking for any kind of recompense. I believe that we all chipped in fairly and am happy that we got as much out of it as we put in :)
I don't think I contributed enough as I didn't bring anything for Friday thinking we wouldn't be there/would be late and as Deb said you didn't even drink my champagne!

Thanks again to Jules and Ian for organising everything. We had a great time even though it rained and we nearly blew away.

Thanks to Matt, Deb, Tammy and Kev for their wonderfull cooking (Deb, Mike keeps going on about your kebabs).

One last gust of rain nearly had that marquee away on Sunday but we just managed to hold onto it before taking it down. We noticed the party tent was still standing as we left.

Mike and I are re-thinking our holiday plans, two weeks camping, I don't think so!
just having a good giggle to myself about the weekend, I think the conversation that summed it up happened after we'd returned from Brecons shopping trip......

Matt: 'Well the good news is that all the wet clothes have finally dried out'

Debs: 'yes but the bad news is, they are all in Abergavenny'

just having a good giggle to myself about the weekend, I think the conversation that summed it up happened after we'd returned from Brecons shopping trip......

Matt: 'Well the good news is that all the wet clothes have finally dried out'

Debs: 'yes but the bad news is, they are all in Abergavenny'


:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao:

any photos to share

I was too busy hanging onto the marquee for dear life to take any!

Ah yes, raw sausages and cremated burgers work every time! :rotfl2:

And only 75% of attendees got food poisoning. A new record.


Not cremated Kev, flame grilled.
Ah yes, raw sausages and cremated burgers work every time! :rotfl2:

And only 75% of attendees got food poisoning. A new record.


oh you meanie, I thought they did a sterling job, and Debs' kebabs are to die for!
by the way did you get a headcount on how many burgers were eaten on sat night?
Matt took a few photos. They probably don't count amongst his most artistic work, but I'll upload them to Photobucket and get some posted.
The sun attempts to break through the clouds

Our hosts, Ted Bovis (aka Ian)...

... and Gladys Pugh (aka Jules). Hi-de-Hi, campers!

Spike Dixon (aka Matthew Longstaff) entertains the crowd (next four photos)
(left to right: Deb, Callum, Tam, India, Carol, John, Ellie, Nat, Claire, Joh, Mike, Matthew, Theresa, Georgia, Tony, Kev, Rea

(left to right faces visible: Inds, Mike, Claire, Tone, Daniel, Carol, Deb, Cal, Matthew, Nat, Joh, Kev, Rea)



Ted, never one to miss an opportunity to fiddle the unsuspecting campers, oversees his crooked quiz
(Gary deserves an honourable mention here as this appears to be the only one which shows his face - he's to the right of Ian's elbow)

Squadron Leader Clive Dempster (aka the Tonester)

Peggy Ollerenshaw (aka Deb) takes a victory lap

Babs (aka Tam), Peggy, Yvonne & Barry Stuart-Hargreaves (aka Nat and John) and Sylvia (aka Joh)

Sylvia (hands firmly out of pockets!)

And so the sun sets on another happy day at Maplins...

I'm off now to see if I can find any with Sian in them - the only ones of her are of the back of her head!
Well done Deb's your naming of people made me smile :goodvibes
And Matt took some good photo's also :thumbsup2
Thanks for the photos, Debbie. I've never seen a cuter bunch of city slickers. Obvioulsy the sweet looks are deceiving, though, as you were all up to something ornery enough to require taking on aliases. Did you get any pictures of menacing wildlife? I believe it's sheep in that part of the country, right?
here are a few i took :)

Our sleeping arrangements


1st night bbq


Matthew and Daniel ready for bed


Ellie, Matt, Daniel and Rea and Callum aka the ds crew



Matt in Brecon on the Saturday


and finally...... Theresa's lovely cookies

great piccies folks, glad I managed to escape most of them, if you'd had one of the euroDision song contest I'd never be able to show my face again :rotfl2:
Nice Photo's. I wish the weather had stayed as nice for the whole weekend as it was during the quizzes.


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