Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
There are threads on rudest, nicest, cutest, etc., but unless I am missing one, I don't see one on the GROSSEST thing you've ever seen at WDW! After my experience at AK this morning, I feel compelled to start one.

I was on Kilimanjaro Safari, and for the whole ride the girl in front of me picked her nose, examined her magic nose goblins thoroughly, then wiped them on the side of the vehicle (she was in the end seat). Then she would stick her fingers in her mouth and chew and suck on them! UGH!!! Then she would repeat the whole process all over again. The sad thing was, she wasn't a little kid. She had to be 13 or 14. She'd mine away in the farthest reaches of her nasal cavity, then carefully examine her fingers to she if she'd made a discovery before wiping and sucking. I didn't see any animals on that trip because I couldn't tear my eyes away from the gross goings-on. I pity whoever got her seat next.
This was actually at Disneyland but it was still gross. My friend and I were waiting to watch Fantasmic! and a little kid who I'm assuming got overheated threw up behind her aka where I was sitting. Not only did the parents just look at it and go "eh, not my problem" but they didn't let a CM know so it could be cleaned up and WALKED THROUGH IT SEVERAL TIMES. They didn't even think anything of it...I was about to throw up myself. I let a CM know about it and they came to clean it up but some people, I swear.
I was riding the monorail and the teenage boy across from me was peeling the sunburned skin off his face and body - he left a nice pile of skin in the floor. It was gross!
My shoes -- after I stepped in a puddle of puke outside of It's a Small World. :eek:

Same here, except in the DARK Fastpass line inside Space Mountain. I felt myself slip, and then heard everyone in the standby line go "Eeeeewwwwww!" Then the smell set in....

Well, I'm not sure how "gross" this is, but DD9 is still talking about how tacky this was. We saw a woman carrying her cell phone in her cleavage. Let's just say it was a very revealing top and she had pleny of room for it! (Of course maybe it's just jealousy that I wouldn't be able to do that!)

haha... These stories are nothing. I won't even go into some of the stuff that I have seen working as a custodial CM last summer. Just now, that usually we get most of the worst stuff cleaned up before too many people see it!
Well, I'm not sure how "gross" this is, but DD9 is still talking about how tacky this was. We saw a woman carrying her cell phone in her cleavage. Let's just say it was a very revealing top and she had pleny of room for it! (Of course maybe it's just jealousy that I wouldn't be able to do that!)


That's gross and oddly funny at the same time! :eek: :laughing:
This wasn't at one of the parks but a few years ago at the TTC my family and I were taking pictures in front of the Monorail entrance signs, when after we took a picture someone behind me threw up on the ground. I had just got of the way before it happened because we saw this actually happen and the funny thing is, the person who got sick is the backround of one of our pictures just before it happened.
Well, I'm not sure how "gross" this is, but DD9 is still talking about how tacky this was. We saw a woman carrying her cell phone in her cleavage. Let's just say it was a very revealing top and she had pleny of room for it! (Of course maybe it's just jealousy that I wouldn't be able to do that!)


Eh, do you have her number?;)
I also get tired of seeing kids with their fingers up their noses.
Well, I'm not sure how "gross" this is, but DD9 is still talking about how tacky this was. We saw a woman carrying her cell phone in her cleavage. Let's just say it was a very revealing top and she had pleny of room for it! (Of course maybe it's just jealousy that I wouldn't be able to do that!)


Thats not gross.. Thats GREAT !! LOL :cool1:
Heh, i was in line for the Jungle Cruise, and the man in front of me forgot to put on his deodorant that day....the line was scary than the actual ride..sigh :rotfl2:
Unflushed toilets with large "deposits" in them. It seems that I always get the only open stall with the above mentioned in it. I know that keeping the restrooms clean is a herculean task but EYEW!!! some of the stall are bad!!!

Adventure and Fantasyland always seem to be the worst offenders and EPCOT bathrooms always seem to be the neatest????
One thing that has ALWAYS grossed my out is all the people who put hats on their heads in gift shops with no intention of buying them, just to take a picture. Not that I would ever buy one myself, but those sombreros in the Mexico pavilion for example must be swimming with all kinds of interesting germs. Every time i exit the boat ride there, there are TONS of people putting those stupid things on, taking pictures, and putting them back. Don't think i have ever seen anybody wearing or carrying one outside the mexico pavilion. But I am not just talking about them, I am talking about ANY hat. I can understand if you want to buy a hat, trying them on to find one that fits, looks good, etc, but if you have no intention of buying one, KEEP IT OFF YOUR HEAD!!!! I don't want your head germs, let alone your kid's germs, lice, etc. If you want to take a pic of your kid in a cute or funny hat, it is my opinion that you should buck up and BUY it.


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