Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout

The uproar was interesting to watch last night. I admit that I know very well how those people feel.

Joe Rohde made it pretty clear that this is just the beginning and that more will be coming down the pipeline. People had better just get used to it.
I hear that they've spent a boatload of money in China, and I know that they're spending lots of money domestically in Anaheim and Orlando. I'm glad that they're doing all of that work. ...but to take a great, original and beloved attraction like ToT and do a retheme on it just smells cheap - like they've spent all their money on those other three projects so they'll just hang Galaxy colored curtains over the ToT. Do people not enjoy the ToT on the West coast? Is it not popular? That's the only reason I can think of to do this.

I've been disappointed with Disney in the past, but this is the first time that I can think of them doing something so blatantly cheap AND stupid at the same time in the Parks. Thumbs down to this move.

Correction, they SQUANDERED a lot of money in Shanghai. That's because the park went billions of dollars OVER budget because of slapdash work standards. By all appearances, it is a great park, but spending billions more than anticipated is a waste of money. Didn't they know, from their experiences building HKDL, that the work ethic over there is substandard? So those billions are gone, and will never go into the domestic parks.
That's 14 billion wasn't spent on the parks though. Those were definitely good investments but look at it from a parks fan perspective. What major things have WDW gotten in the last 10 years?

New fantasyland 2014
TSMM 2008
Everest 2006
Anything else? That's a pretty short list...

DLR hasn't gotten anything major in DL since Indiana Jones which was in the 80s... DCA was given a ton of stuff because the park was failing terribly and needed it.

Agreed. WDW is the most important park to Disney yet it gets the least amount of love from it. I hope the next 10 years prove me wrong but Disney has been taking advantage of the fans and visitors of WDW. I want BIG and I want NEW. Come on Disney!
That's what I was referring to. The words KEEPS and INSTEAD OF imply that you feel that is what they're currently doing, to me.

I'm not sure what your point is, but I'm not interested in getting into a semantics argument about what I meant. Obviously I was referring to the ride that is the subject of this thread: TOT in Anaheim getting replaced, instead of Disney building a new GOTG attraction. And it isn't the first time, it is something that Disney has done before, most recently instead of building a new Frozen attraction, Maelstrom got replaced.
People may actually want to GO to DCA because this is new-ish and different from DHS. And, Disney is not JUST replacing rides - I think there's an entirely new land being built? Something to do with Star Wars?

I think anything new will draw crowds, there will certainly be people who will want to ride GOTG at DCA. It's too bad that GOTG fans don't get a new attraction, but a re-theming of an existing attraction.

Also, not sure I appreciate the sarcasm. Like I responded to someone else who misinterpreted what I wrote, I never said Disney was JUST replacing rides. I am well aware of Star Wars, as well as Avatarland, thank you. But while Disneyland is getting a new Star Wars land in an unused area of the park, the Hollywood Studios version of Star Wars land is coming at the expense of the Backlot Tour, Lights Motors Action, and the streets of America. I feel like with all the land Disney has in Florida, it is a shame when attractions are removed to make way for something new.
I've said this before and I'll say it again...Disney fans are THE most difficult fans. Nothing ever satisfies. We want new rides - but NEW, not overlays. And those new rides - we want them built fast! And, they had better be UH-MAZING with the latest technology and ride system!!! But don't forget you have to build it in like six months, because I don't want to see walls everywhere and I want to be able to ride it on my next trip. And should Disney decide to do an overlay, well, it will NEVER measure up. But, Disney should be adding something new EVERY year. And on and on it goes. I'm not wholesale defending Disney, but HAVE MERCY we are a PITA fan-base!!!

I have to agree, we Disney lovers are a huge PITA! But Disney created us! We have huge expectations because that is what Disney has given us for years. I remember going as a child, it was such a magical place, so clean, such awesome theming, spectacular rides, innovative ride technology. We went to Orlando every couple of years, and there weren't just new rides, there were new THEME PARKS! Nowadays you have Universal adding a new King Kong ride quicker than Disney does a Frozen overlay.

Personally, I want new rides, not overlays. And I don't care if it takes a while to build it, I want them to take the time and spend the money to make it special and memorable.
I think anything new will draw crowds, there will certainly be people who will want to ride GOTG at DCA. It's too bad that GOTG fans don't get a new attraction, but a re-theming of an existing attraction.

Also, not sure I appreciate the sarcasm. Like I responded to someone else who misinterpreted what I wrote, I never said Disney was JUST replacing rides. I am well aware of Star Wars, as well as Avatarland, thank you. But while Disneyland is getting a new Star Wars land in an unused area of the park, the Hollywood Studios version of Star Wars land is coming at the expense of the Backlot Tour, Lights Motors Action, and the streets of America. I feel like with all the land Disney has in Florida, it is a shame when attractions are removed to make way for something new.
I happen to agree with most of your sentiment but on the DHS thing I disagree. Sure you're not netting much with the new star wars and toy story stuff but to be honest that park has been a mess for a while and the new things will correct (hopefully) a new theme and vision for the park.
I think if this was happening at WDW, you would have a different tune on the matter.
Nope. I wouldn't like it, but I don't expect to have any more say/impact in Disney decisions on the East Coast than I do on the West Coast. It's not about me. :)
Radiator Springs Racers?
but........ its just Test Track with Disney IP overlaid really. At the American parks the last time they tried ride tech that was new was surely Everest.... or 7DMT. At least they were new tech even if they weren't too excitingly different.
I can guarantee you it's not too hard for imagineers to come up with originality. The problem is executives don't want to risk anything. Haunted mansion, Pirates, tiki room, big thunder, space, etc. would never be built with today's management. If it doesn't have a major IP tie in it's too risky.

And that's the problem - the suits are deciding everything now. People who just see it as a business. Perhaps I'm getting older and more cynical but the past year I'm finding myself bashing Disney more and more for the decisions they are making, the extra money events that I personally don't see the benefit of. I'm seeing it for the corporation it is and it worries this lifelong Disney nut. And this is coming from an overseas visitor who has no qualms with spending tens of thousands at all world parks, Aulani and on DCL. Please don't think I am bragging but money is no object when it comes to our Disney vacations for us but even I am starting to question things. I'm just starting to see it for the corporation it really is and it is breaking my heart. I guess I'm finally growing up ;)

Please don't take the pee that I am taking this too literally and too much to heart, I know it is a first world problem. This is the first time a favourite attraction of mine has been messed with. :)

The uproar was interesting to watch last night. I admit that I know very well how those people feel.

Joe Rohde made it pretty clear that this is just the beginning and that more will be coming down the pipeline. People had better just get used to it.

I'll get used to it and take my money to Tokyo and the other Asian parks. Tokyo DL and Disney Sea are far superior to any US park. The theming is top notch, nothing is done half hearted and nothing is thrown together. The OLC will now benefit from me to getting used to it.
And that's the problem - the suits are deciding everything now. People who just see it as a business. Perhaps I'm getting older and more cynical but the past year I'm finding myself bashing Disney more and more for the decisions they are making, the extra money events that I personally don't see the benefit of. I'm seeing it for the corporation it is and it worries this lifelong Disney nut. And this is coming from an overseas visitor who has no qualms with spending tens of thousands at all world parks, Aulani and on DCL. Please don't think I am bragging but money is no object when it comes to our Disney vacations for us but even I am starting to question things. I'm just starting to see it for the corporation it really is and it is breaking my heart. I guess I'm finally growing up ;)

Please don't take the pee that I am taking this too literally and too much to heart, I know it is a first world problem. This is the first time a favourite attraction of mine has been messed with. :)

I'll get used to it and take my money to Tokyo and the other Asian parks. Tokyo DL and Disney Sea are far superior to any US park. The theming is top notch, nothing is done half hearted and nothing is thrown together. The OLC will now benefit from me to getting used to it.
I sympathize. When the integrity of Norway was gradually destroyed I finally lost it. I know very well how you feel. In my case the disappointment has mellowed but it has never been the same.
I actually prefer DL's version but I think I'm in the minority. DL's is the same as the DLP version. Tokyo has the far superior version of them all as it is an independent very strong story. (Let's not forget there are other worldwide parks people)

I might be wrong, but I think DLP's tech is slightly newer - I think it has the random program feature that they are supposed to be adding to DL's as part of this "upgrade".
Overall my feeling for this is ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :rolleyes: ToT regardless of which version are unique, and definitely the kind of ride you'd only get at Disney. No where else would spend the months perfecting the theme to the point of ensuring the correct level of dust in lobby etc. Now I assume that will all be destroyed and some quick fix of a few props and little else put in place just to use the IP

What next? Ewoks taking over big thunder mountain just because they must use the IP somewhere? What about splash mountain - maybe some kinda random Inside Out theme for there - just to use the IP.
Toy Story Mania is one of the most popular rides Disney has ever created, and was revolutionary when it was released. To say the ride wasn't well designed or not thought out is a bit of hyperbole.
Well designed, popular and entertaining.... but still a bit lacking in magic though.
Also, not sure I appreciate the sarcasm. Like I responded to someone else who misinterpreted what I wrote, I never said Disney was JUST replacing rides. I am well aware of Star Wars, as well as Avatarland, thank you. But while Disneyland is getting a new Star Wars land in an unused area of the park, the Hollywood Studios version of Star Wars land is coming at the expense of the Backlot Tour, Lights Motors Action, and the streets of America. I feel like with all the land Disney has in Florida, it is a shame when attractions are removed to make way for something new.

I didn't see your response to PP until after I posted; however, we both interpreted what you said the same way. So, it wasn't just "semantics."

I have to agree, we Disney lovers are a huge PITA! But Disney created us! We have huge expectations because that is what Disney has given us for years. I remember going as a child, it was such a magical place, so clean, such awesome theming, spectacular rides, innovative ride technology. We went to Orlando every couple of years, and there weren't just new rides, there were new THEME PARKS! Nowadays you have Universal adding a new King Kong ride quicker than Disney does a Frozen overlay.

Personally, I want new rides, not overlays. And I don't care if it takes a while to build it, I want them to take the time and spend the money to make it special and memorable.

I am not going to be the defender of Disney, but there's a difference in having high expectations and unrealistic expectations - which was my point. At this point in time, no matter what Disney does, very little pleases the masses on this board.
Toy Story Mania is one of the most popular rides Disney has ever created, and was revolutionary when it was released. To say the ride wasn't well designed or not thought out is a bit of hyperbole.
Was it really revolutionary? It's a 3D game. It's a step up from buzz at MK, and didn't universal have men in black before TSMM which is pretty much the same thing? It is well designed but I don't find it revolutionary.
The problem with Iger is that he doesn't have the passion for what he is doing. It was Walt's passions that drove Disney for so long and they are missing that driver right now. I think the last real passion project we have seen from Disney was Animal Kingdom. Iger only came in to be a steward and keep things going and he did what he could for the company, which was business acquisitions. But he is not a man with dreams and passion for what he runs. What Disney or any company really needs to grow is a leader with passion. There must also always be a Roy, though. If a passion person does lead again there needs to be that person that can reign them in and keep things running.


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