"Guess who`s back"...3 Return for 3 Weeks @ RPR. Parks, KSC with lots of good food and fun...A May 2023 TR

Funny I am such a wimp on almost all rides, but it's true - it helps if you don't hold your breath!! I used to always do that and as soon as I tried to relax it's not nearly as bad a feeling. I do the same thing with turbulence on flights lol.

I think this can take some getting used to - if you are a newbie and not expecting to have to drop your stuff it can be a bit disorienting lol...we discovered that in 2020 when we went to Universal after only doing Disney for years :)) But of course the locker thing totally makes sense!

For years I held my breath in terror on these rides, Indiana Jones at Disneyland Paris was the first one I experienced enjoying it instead of holding my breath, that was the first upside down coaster I ever went on. Oh I love turbulence!

Yes, I agree, it is different for folks used to Disney and every trip we see folks argue with TM as to why they will be fine taking on coins/keys/phones despite the rules telling you they’re a no. The TM’s have the patience of saints at times. And the lockers are not as bad as folks make them out to be, we never have an issue with them and takes only a few minutes.
Confisco was wonderful the first time we went (Feb 2020 before everything shut down) and it was on you recommendation. The sticky ribs were amazing and everyone enjoyed their food so much! When we went back in December, everything was cold (my ribs were literally ice cold, but the polenta was piping hot), 86'd, or just plain terrible. Such a disappointment. I hope they make a comeback!
Once we had exhausted Doom, we headed to a real classic....Spider-Man. This is one ride I can do even though it spins, when it comes to the spinny part, I don`t close my eyes, instead I focus them on the ride vehicle right in front of me or someone`s head and that takes away any feelings of being nauseated or dizzy. That works for me, some prefer to close their eyes, but for me that makes it a million times worse.

The ride is excellent and very traditional, good story line and the EP pass line is quite a good one and usually moves very quickly as it did today. The regular line was out to where you enter under the Daily Bugle sign, we thought it might have been longer for us, but we walked more or less straight up to where you get your glasses today.

We love this ride, although we had a group of four young ladies behind us who when the water spray hit them screamed as though they were being hit by a tidal wave of iced water!! But, so much fun, although we only did this once today as we wanted to get round to the other rides as soon as we could.

The characters were heading out as we were leaving this area, we did catch a couple of pics but the line for Capt America and whoever the female is was already long. Can you guess I`m not a fan of these movies and have no clue who they are or what they do???? I do know who Iron Man is though.......😘


I will say, we hadn`t planned to stop for any pictures with these guys, but Wolverine (I do know him) yelled us to come talk to him....well, who were we to refuse!!

He was charming in his own way!




To the left of the picture is where they were going to open the new UOAP lounge, I say lounge, it`s really just a place to cool down and they had a load of merchandise for sale as well as charging points and a couple of seats, but it`s not somewhere really worth visiting. I know some folks are obsessed with the AP buttons and magnets they have, but we don`t collect anything like that although we have been given a few by some TM we know from the parks.

I did like our photobomber in this pic!!



We weren`t doing the water rides today, I was dreading sitting in this ride vehicle as it is the most awkward of vehicles to get in and out of, but such a good ride. Last time we were here this whole area had been cleared of water for some kind of refurb. I think I might give this one a miss this trip purely for the nightmare that is getting in and out of the carriage.


None of us remember if we went on Kong today or not......I haven`t written it down, so usually if it`s not written down, it didn`t happen, so I`m guessing this is one for another day.



Now onto the ride we were all waiting for.

We were so excited for Kyle to get on this ride today. Tom and I had ridden it many times before and had to remind ourselves back home not to give away many spoilers of the ride including that amazing revving up before we headed up one side of the top hat and all the airtime you got.

20 minute for the regular line, but as this ride now has EP that was always going to be used!


Kyle loved this ride. We were so glad as we had raved about it since we had first gone on it last year, he got the back row first and loved the airtime and then we got on the middle which is our least favourite part of the ride vehicle.

But, what a coaster this really is! Trying not to give Kyle any spoilers like the revving sound before it climbs one side of the top hat and the amount of airtime and upside down turns you really get was hard to keep to ourselves for so long.



Now for a complete change of pace....no difference really from Velocicoaster to the Trolley Train!!

Kyle was loving this day, and so were we to be honest, we were altogether and the weather was hot!!! Can`t ask for more.

The Trolley Train is quite a slow loading one, but you never wait too long with EP and there was one family in front of us when we ascended the few stairs so it was straight on really. There is no ladylike way to get on or off this one, so you just clamber on as best you can, it`s not difficult just no graceful way to do it.


This is the cutest of rides but there is one part when it goes above the lagoon that makes me a little nervous, yes, honestly it does.....but you get some amazing views across the park and you can see RRR in the Studios as clear as a bell from the train.

I am not a fan nor did I grow up with Dr Seuss, I had never heard of him till my cousins came over from America in 1977 when the eldest cousin and I were around 10, the younger cousin loved all the books, but it wasn`t until Jim Carrey made The Grinch I really began to know any of Seuss stories. I can`t say the enthral me at all and I doubt I`d buy them for anyone`s children but the rides are a lot of fun and this whole area is bright and colourful which is lovely to walk around in.

It`s good to see Green Eggs and Ham open more or less all the time now, for so many years it lay empty and was quite a novelty when we saw it open at all and they have improved it over the years.




It was lunchtime when we came off the train, and Kyle wanted to go to Confisco Grille which we were very happy about. Although some dishes weren`t perfect on our last visits, it`s still one of our favourite places in the parks and has been since our first visit in 07.

We hadn`t made a reservation but it wasn`t a problem, we asked for upstairs only because Kyle hadn`t been up there yet and it was no problem for them to seat us.

You do get a nice view around the park from the front of the upstairs and we did have a good wander round to let him see the views.



I think I still prefer downstairs to eat, it`s a bit open up here, whereas downstairs although busier feels nicer somehow and a little more atmosphere, but it`s bright, light and not busy today, there were only three other tables in use.

We asked for paper menu`s as I loathe those scan things, I prefer a real menu to hold and she did bring three for us to read and we ordered fantas and water to drink.

I will say straight away we asked for fresh fanta as both glasses looked and tasted like they had been in the pitcher for a week, so she did come back with some that had some fizz in them. But, that`s nothing really but it was undrinkable at first.

Tom decided to order the Confisco BLTA minus the Avocado, I went for the Ahi Tuna Nachos with no cilantro and Kyle ordered the chicken that came with arborio rice and sounded nice actually.

As we waited we chatted about our morning so far and we had all loved every second of the day and we still had some more things to do here today.

Lunch arrived and it all looked so good......but.......Kyle`s and Tom`s were cold. Tom`s pork belly was barely cooked which worried us but we called the waitress over and she said she`d exchange them for fresh which she did as I tucked into my nice and cold Ahi Tuna Nachos.

They came back with two new dishes and Kyle`s was fine, it was hot as it should be, but unbelievably, Tom`s pork was still cold and didn`t look cooked at all......she was so apologetic but there was no way he would be eating that, so he changed his order to the chipotle chicken wrap which did arrive cold with hot fries!! Finally......





Mine was lovely although there was less Ahi Tuna on the plate than there was when this dish first appeared on the menu, Kyle`s was delicious when it was sizzling hot and Tom`s fries were lovely, he did enjoy the wrap but it wasn`t what he wanted.

We`ll still go back here as they do make it right, but that`s a few times we`ve ordered food and it hasn`t been as warm as it should be and it wasn`t exactly overflowing with customers.

We paid up and headed back outside into the blazing sunshine that was now feeling very hot.....this was lovely and we enjoyed that feeling of heat as we headed back to Harry Potter for a couple of hours. About now I was hoping the sunscreen was still working as Tom and I never spend this long in the parks, we`re usually gone by lunch, I never bring the sunscreen with us, so fingers crossed!

Mythos is an impressive building but we have no desire to go back to eat there, it doesn`t live up to the hype anymore for us especially since they changed the menu so much and it`s also the coldest place in the park aside the entrance to MiB!!! Honestly, the amount of times we would be in there and I would go outside to warm up is crazy!



This would keep for another day......we knew it was closing so we would go through it one last time and none of us were looking forward to it as from memory (2007) we had not enjoyed it at all and never understood the hype for it.

Maybe our minds would be changed as to how bad it was........😉


We stopped in at the Boutique and it was still filled with Halloween merchandise and Kyle enjoyed mooching around it, not that there was as much to see as there usually is but still nice.



Back to Potter, and of course being the afternoon now, the park was busier than we are used to although this morning it was lovely and quiet but this was strange for us.



We did FJ and it was a good ride, but a one and done for me. I`m ok until you swish back into the castle, that bit always gets me, but it is such an amazing ride, not to be missed. There is a test seat outside if you are worried about getting on the ride and the end seat is slightly more amenable to us larger folks.

After wandering a little we all decide to head home, some of us feel like a nap, so we head out and enjoy the sights and sounds again of the park as we head out towards Margaritaville where we walk back home and enjoy every second.

Kyle goes up and we spend some time with someone we know from behind the front desk area, we have a coffee in Tuk Tuk and catch up which is nice then we head up to the room where we all went for an hour`s nap, I think we really needed it!!

Strong Water Bar coming up.....

Sorry about hitting the reply button. I didn't mean to have you scroll down the whole TR!:rolleyes2.
I agree with you on the Forbidden Journey! I did it once and felt like I was falling over backwards. I also didn't like all the jerking around. Just not for me.

I confess we never tried Posiden's adventure! But I always wanted to try Mythos. Now, I don't think it would be a good choice. Thanks for the feedback on Mythos.

As far as Confisco's? I can't believe they served Tom Cold food twice!!! That's disappointing, but we will give it a try one day.

I don't know who the characters are in Capatain America area either. But everyone knows Wolverine, especially as he is played by Hugh Jackman, Yes! Call me shallow, but he is handsome:)

Enjoying your beautiful photos and TR, as always!
Confisco was wonderful the first time we went (Feb 2020 before everything shut down) and it was on you recommendation. The sticky ribs were amazing and everyone enjoyed their food so much! When we went back in December, everything was cold (my ribs were literally ice cold, but the polenta was piping hot), 86'd, or just plain terrible. Such a disappointment. I hope they make a comeback!

That’s such a shame, but seems a few folks have had cold food, there’s really no excuse for that.

I do hope they get back to where they were as we really do rave about them and always have, so it’s disappointing to recommend somewhere that’s not keeping up their standards.

Those ribs were lovely though!
Sorry about hitting the reply button. I didn't mean to have you scroll down the whole TR!:rolleyes2.
I agree with you on the Forbidden Journey! I did it once and felt like I was falling over backwards. I also didn't like all the jerking around. Just not for me.

I confess we never tried Posiden's adventure! But I always wanted to try Mythos. Now, I don't think it would be a good choice. Thanks for the feedback on Mythos.

As far as Confisco's? I can't believe they served Tom Cold food twice!!! That's disappointing, but we will give it a try one day.

I don't know who the characters are in Capatain America area either. But everyone knows Wolverine, especially as he is played by Hugh Jackman, Yes! Call me shallow, but he is handsome:)

Enjoying your beautiful photos and TR, as always!

lol…..no worries.

Oh I still do FJ, but usually only once or twice a day as it can knock me funny, but it is such a good ride I do it every visit. But, I’ve got to have just eaten, but not too much…..if I’m hungry I get incredibly nauseated doing rides.

Some people love Mythos, but for us the quality dropped and menu changed to things we didn’t get excited over. Confisco for all its faults with cold food a couple of times still has it for us and we’ll go back but when we order we will gently mention having cold food on previous occasions, hopefully they’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Oh yes, Hugh Jackman is the reason I know who Wolverine is…..lol……I love him in The Greatest Showman……swoon…….::yes::

Thank you Ruth, I’m glad you’re enjoying it and I’ll pass your words onto Tom for the pictures :)
For some reason I stopped receiving update notifications, but I’m here now!

We skipped Confisco on our last trip because it hadn’t been great. I am hoping to hear it’s turned around. That and Jake’s, too.

I don’t care if there is no one else around, for us resort EP is mandatory! It is so nice to ride whatever you want, whenever you want, and as many times as you’d like quickly. Mr. Worfie refuses to go without it 🥰

You are off to a fabulous start. What a lovely first day, and so nice to catch up with people. Ther is something wonderful about vacationing with your adult child ☺️ We love to do long weekend trips to explore another city with Worf Jr. 🎉🎉

We were at HR on our last trip and I did miss the RPR lounge. I prefer the variety they offer. Although my 💔 that morning mimosas are gone. That was such a lovely feature 😢

Can’t wait to go on this wonderful adventure with you!! 🎉🎢🥂
For some reason I stopped receiving update notifications, but I’m here now!

We skipped Confisco on our last trip because it hadn’t been great. I am hoping to hear it’s turned around. That and Jake’s, too.

I don’t care if there is no one else around, for us resort EP is mandatory! It is so nice to ride whatever you want, whenever you want, and as many times as you’d like quickly. Mr. Worfie refuses to go without it 🥰

You are off to a fabulous start. What a lovely first day, and so nice to catch up with people. Ther is something wonderful about vacationing with your adult child ☺️ We love to do long weekend trips to explore another city with Worf Jr. 🎉🎉

We were at HR on our last trip and I did miss the RPR lounge. I prefer the variety they offer. Although my 💔 that morning mimosas are gone. That was such a lovely feature 😢

Can’t wait to go on this wonderful adventure with you!! 🎉🎢🥂

I wasn`t getting notifications for Caroline`s TR on the Disney board on her last TR and missed most of it! Very annoying, but glad you`re back ☺️

We`ll go back to Confisco in November, but this is the last chance, if food is cold or mediocre, we`re done. We did visit Jake`s twice this trip and both visits were much better, they have a new manager though and she is lovely.

Yep, wouldn`t be without EP anytime of the year! We do sometimes wander through the regular line if it`s non existant for pictures now and again, Dr Doom is good for that, but generally speaking......EP all the way. And yes, having our adult children on trips is a blessing, being altogether as a family is very special and times to be appreciated. Worf Jr, I like that name!!

Yes, RP lounge is much better than the HR, and maybe we should all campaign for the return of the morning mimosas! lol.....I think it maybe a cost issue more than anything.

Glad to have you along as always Maria :wave2:
There is no ladylike way to get on or off this one, so you just clamber on as best you can, it`s not difficult just no graceful way to do it.
one of the worst designed ride vehicles for access IMO. strikes me as needing to be a bit of a contortionist to be able to bend one’s body in that awkward way necessary. Do enjoy the ride, wish it were a bit longer.

we lost patience with mythos as to succession of revised menus. have had cold food at the other venue too. I don’t understand why every venue doesn’t offer a simple steak or grilled chicken for those of us who travel with non-adventurous diners.
On our disaster of a trip last June (hubby came down with terrible Covid, despite having all the vaxes), we still ate at Mythos a couple of times, because of long-term family tradition. (When our now 35 year old son was13, he was served a peach cobbler with nuts in the topping, after the server and manager said it was nut free. He nearly died, and was hospitalized, but ultimately it became a lovely story with becoming life long friends this the IoA Guest services director, and HRH still remembering with welcome when our ressie comes up.

Our big request was that USO adopt resort-wide protocols for food allergies, and get life and death serious about training servers. They did so. It isn’t perfect, but much, much better than 23 years ago.

It was important for Graham to go back to Mythos, and not have it stuck in his psyche, and we still eat there every trip. A year ago, prior to the sick ward, we had the crusted pork chop, bolognese, souvlaki, salmon, and the risotto and all were tasty if you like Mediterranean style cooking. Much better than the era when the burger was the best thing on the menu.
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Such a shame about Confisco. That TM was also very shocked by it as well, and as you said they always make it right. But it is a shame to hear that.

We felt sorry for the waitress having to bring a cold dish twice, certainly wasn`t her fault and yes it is a shame as that place is generally so good, for us it is the best place to eat in IOA.
one of the worst designed ride vehicles for access IMO. strikes me as needing to be a bit of a contortionist to be able to bend one’s body in that awkward way necessary. Do enjoy the ride, wish it were a bit longer.

we lost patience with mythos as to succession of revised menus. have had cold food at the other venue too. I don’t understand why every venue doesn’t offer a simple steak or grilled chicken for those of us who travel with non-adventurous diners.

Yes, I think it should be longer, it is very short, but so darn awkward to get into....I made the mistake of getting on it one day wearing a dress. I did have modesty shorts on underneath, but, my mistake!

Yes, Mythos lost it for us a good few years ago, it`s a common complaint they get apparently as there are just not enough offerings for folks who don`t like all the ingredients they use.

I won`t be back I don`t think.
On our disaster of a trip last June (hubby came down with terrible Covid, despite having all the vaxes), we still ate at Mythos a couple of times, because of long-term family tradition. (When our now 35 year old son was13, he was served a peach cobbler with nuts in the topping, after the server and manager said it was nut free. He nearly died, and was hospitalized, but ultimately it became a lovely story with becoming life long friends this the IoA Guest services director, and HRH still remembering with welcome when our ressie comes up.

Our big request was that USO adopt resort-wide protocols for food allergies, and get life and death serious about training servers. They did so. It isn’t perfect, but much, much better than 23 years ago.

It was important for Graham to go back to Mythos, and not have it stuck in his psyche, and we still eat there every trip. A year ago, prior to the sick ward, we had the crusted pork chop, bolognese, souvlaki, salmon, and the risotto and all were tasty if you like Mediterranean style cooking. Much better than the era when the burger was the best thing on the menu.

That was a dreadful thing to happen!! That should have been an easy dish to identify nuts in, so it should never have happened, glad he was ok but goodness how scary.

We do like Mediterranean dishes, just not how they do it. We don`t eat risotto or blue cheese and several other ways they present a dish doesn`t appeal either. Meditteranean food can be much simpler but still so tasty.

I did like the menu they used to have about 10 years ago and never did order a burger from them as there were other nicer options, but we had very poor service on our last visit which didn`t help, a waitress condescendingly telling me how a dish is normally served when I knew it wasn`t served that way certainly didn`t endear us to go back.

It`s an amazing building and quite unique, but for us, I can`t see us going back, friends who have gone have mostly said the same thing recently, but I`m glad you still enjoy it as do many others.
I was surprised when I was told they had stopped doing them, as to be honest not everyone bothered with them, but I certainly did on certain days....... ::yes::
I agree - most mornings it was just my dh and I having a glass before we headed out. It didn’t seem that popular. Loving the trip report….. having Kyle along and reading about his reactions to the rides is a great addition!:flower:
On our disaster of a trip last June (hubby came down with terrible Covid, despite having all the vaxes), we still ate at Mythos a couple of times, because of long-term family tradition. (When our now 35 year old son was13, he was served a peach cobbler with nuts in the topping, after the server and manager said it was nut free. He nearly died, and was hospitalized, but ultimately it became a lovely story with becoming life long friends this the IoA Guest services director, and HRH still remembering with welcome when our ressie comes up.

Our big request was that USO adopt resort-wide protocols for food allergies, and get life and death serious about training servers. They did so. It isn’t perfect, but much, much better than 23 years ago.

It was important for Graham to go back to Mythos, and not have it stuck in his psyche, and we still eat there every trip. A year ago, prior to the sick ward, we had the crusted pork chop, bolognese, souvlaki, salmon, and the risotto and all were tasty if you like Mediterranean style cooking. Much better than the era when the burger was the best thing on the menu.
I’m shocked to hear about food allergies because usually they are good (our only issue has been at BigFire and even though we love it there my mom wishes they would make a separate pot of chili for those with red wine allergies like her). Love that the guest services director is now a friend
I was vibrating with excitement for Kyle reading your first park day!

There is nothing that quite takes your breath away like your first ride on Velocicoaster!!!
My son was literally shaking after the first time we road it. My wife thought I would be the one to not want to ride it again. But I was grinning ear to ear when we got off, my son was white as a ghost!! 🤣

He need a couple days to build back up to a 2nd ride. My wife doesn't do coasters LOL.

The combination of all out intensity in such a smooth comfortable way is hard to describe to someone was hasn't ridden it. It's one you have to experience for yourself.

You guys always look like you are enjoying yourself, but I can see the extra enjoyment this time around with Kyle there.


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