Guidelines regarding commercial links

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I understand about the middle ground and appreciate that the admins are trying to find it. I think most are upset because it came with little warning.

I think posting credits that way would work. But the whole purpose of the Post your Digital Links Thread was for just that- to post LINKS to share Disney related digital scrapbooking items with other digital scrappers, freebies or not. It made it easier to locate Disney digital stuff online.

the links expanded to much more then that though. We are working on an index that will be stuck to the top of the scrapbooking forum or added to the first post of the digi FAQ thread that will be broken down into categories including disney-ish, baby, wedding, travel, etc.
I'm so totally bummed about this. I was annoyed when fridge swaps and photopass shares were banned, but I understood why. I can't get on board with the decision to ban promoting awesome digital stores and freebies. I have been a DIS-er for a long time now, but you'll be seeing a lot less of me now. This is so upsetting. The DIS was my digi-scrapping home. I always felt more comfortable here than on the other digi sites. We were such a fun little group of Disney digi fans! I hope we can make our new home just as (well, make that much MORE) welcoming! Hope to see everyone over there soon!
wow. I have never felt that paper scrappers didn't welcome the digi scrappers or that the digi scrappers didn't welcome the paper scrappers. sure there have been issues (like the digi challenges that you have to make disney related) but everyone was happy sharing information.

I do think that the board as it has grown has changed, it doesn't seem as close knit as it used to, it's still friendly but in more of an "aquaintance" way vs an "I got your back" way. it will only get worse if everyone starts pointing fingers and saying, oh the digi scrappers said this or the paper scrappers said that. y'all are all STILL scrappers and it doesn't matter how you do it. it's still the same end product.

could the rules have been presented in a better way, absolutely. now that they are out there again, maybe they will be enforced across the board and not just single out the scrappers (which is my gripe with them more than anything else).

that's all. :) going back to 2peas myself. Just thought it was getting a little uglier over here than it really needed to be.
I was annoyed when fridge swaps and photopass shares were banned, but I understood why. I can't get on board with the decision to ban promoting awesome digital stores and freebies. I have been a DIS-er for a long time now, but you'll be seeing a lot less of me now.

I so agree!

Fridge swaps. Done.
Photopass share. Done.
Stroller swaps. Over.
Digital stores/freebies. Over

What's next? I can't recommend a pair of comfortable shoes to wear in the parks??? What about all the Crocs talk and posting of sales/info? Where does this end??? Let me guess, I won't be able to share a packing list because it has moleskin on it??? Or I can't recommend bringing Crystal Light in packets.

Think about it. Where does it end?

I can tell you one thing, I booked my trip in 9 days with DU. My March cruise is booked with DU. I think it is time to 100% completely stop supporting ANYTHING on this site if that's the way its going to be. Ridiculous.

NEVER did I think this board would come to this.

Sad indeed.

Where will our new home be?
wow...i come back from vacation, pop on to see what goodies i have missed on my fave thread and - BOOM! very disappointing to say the least. seems things really could have been handled better. i was new here and was really enjoying the thread. i feel so bad for the true blue DISers that have really been hurt by this. :sad1: it's a dam* shame...
NEVER did I think this board would come to this.

Sad indeed.

Where will our new home be?

I think we are going to try for our challenges now. It is a site for Disney scrappers (traditional and digital), so let's all head over there and give it a try!

BTW, I never thought any of this had to do with paper vs. digi scrappers. It is all a misunderstanding about designers participating in our board. The mods think those folks were here for self-promotion, where we all thought they were here because we enjoyed one another's company.

I had started a blog of all of my favorite Disney kits and freebies, but I haven't been keeping it up because the DIS had become such a fantastic resource. I guess I'll start updating that blog again! I don't know if I can get all the info on there that we had, but I can try!
Can everyone post credits- the name of the designer without linking back to the store in any way, if you list the name of the designer without the store and a link would you be within your TOU- we are trying to come to a middle ground- allowing everyone to post while not being outside of the guidelines.

Too little too late. The time to discuss was before the "guidelines" (and lets face it, they are more like rules than guidelines, no they ARE rules, laws perhaps) were issued. That would have been the time to address the community and say - there are posts here that are beyond the rules here, we need to discuss to understand. Instead - you just make the rules without even knowing anything about copyright, get everyone upset and then try to come back and go to a middle ground?

Typical DIS behavior, I've seen it in other forums - make the rules, ban, then oops, we need to discuss. And the banning of one particular person here recently without discussion is just inexcusable. A PM to her explaining what what about to happen and why was in order. Just common courtesy to a person who is really nice.

I have always believed in a good neighbor policy - you don't call the cops on your neighbors until you discuss, unless it's life threatening. What you have done here is, you've called the cops and now trying to smooth it over. Doesn't work for me. I left the DVC forums over how their mods chose to operate, now I'm gone from here too.

And by the way - the people you are driving away are the ones that use your sponsors. Or rather used to use your sponsors. I know I won't be.
Oh yeah, one rhetorical/snarky question just for the record -- how do we know that the people posting Crocs deals or CVS deals don't work for thos companies? Hmmmm.... This whole thing just rubs me the wrong way, as the Budget board and Scrapbooking board are my favorite parts of the DIS and we really seem to be taking some heat lately. :sad2:
Can one of the mods please respond to my question in this thread? I'm just trying to understand the new rules.

ETA -- The same question would apply to this thread, this thread, and this thread....

Oh yeah, one rhetorical/snarky question just for the record -- how do we know that the people posting Crocs deals or CVS deals don't work for thos companies? Hmmmm.... This whole thing just rubs me the wrong way, as the Bidget board and Scrapbooking board are my favorite parts of the DIS and we really seem to be taking some heat lately. :sad2:

The threads here in the Creative Community forum are well within the guidelines because even though people are posting on these threads there are no blinkies, no links to "for sale" sites and blogs, and they are not repeatedly promoting these sites on a daily basis while having the above mentioned in their signatures. There is no personal gain by posting these kinds of enabler threads. I can not speak for the Crocs and CVS thread because I don't frequent those.
The threads here in the Creative Community forum are well within the guidelines because even though people are posting on these threads there are no blinkies, no links to "for sale" sites and blogs, and they are not repeatedly promoting these sites on a daily basis while having the above mentioned in their signatures. There is no personal gain by posting these kinds of enabler threads. I can not speak for the Crocs and CVS thread because I don't frequent those.

How about this one, blatent advertising for etsy?
I can't see that link because it's been removed from admin. apparently is was in violation of the guidelines so thank you for bringing it to our attention.
If you ever see blatant advertising please use the triangle button in the user's avatar area so we can take care of it.
This is so sad. I cannot tell you how much information and inspiration I have received regarding digital scapbooking and where to find the disney related kits. I would know NOTHING if it weren't for these AWESOME ladies who have shared so much good information!

I will be joining you on the new site for sure! It's such a shame the way this happened, I have never encountered anything like this on the DIS.
- you can provide information about places to find good deals/sales and such as people ask for information and you find it as long as you are not a member of a design team or designer for that store.

For the record I got a warning for doing this on the disboutiquers thread on the family board so this is not accurate information. Someone asked where to buy a digital design so I answered them. I was not affiliated with the store at all and still got a warning and was told I would get points if I did it again.
Wow. That's a lot of drama.

DIS, thank you so much for all of the info that I've gathered here for my upcoming trip! I've been super excited to combine my love for Disney trips and my love for digital scrapbooking, but I gotta tell you in all love for you guys that this is more drama than I have time for. I'm such a rule follower that I'd be nervous all the time that I was doing something wrong. Really sucks the fun right out of it and scrapping Disney should definitely be fun.

Logging off. Won't be back. Don't have time.
- you can provide information about places to find good deals/sales and such as people ask for information and you find it as long as you are not a member of a design team or designer for that store

It appears that one of my favorite stores is now an edited site, how am I going to let people know of deals there. Just when I think the administration can't suprise me a new low is reached.

Just checking the link www.*****************
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