Hakuna Matata -Spring-ing into Action for Race Season

Connie-Thanks so much for sharing your Great Race Report!
You guys did awesome...We are so Proud of you!
You have overcome some huge obstacle since WDW! :hug:
PTL the new shoes, taping, icing, and Tylenol helped get you
through without any additional major problems with your foot.

Vicky-Congratulations 1.5# more weight Loss...WTG :cheer2:
Tried some of the exercise, but my training is a bit sporadic
yet through this week. I do have them in a folder and I will try them :upsidedow

Mike- we had to be posting about the same time!
Glad all is well!
Rest Days are so needed especially with your long work schedule,
another race, and home fix it projects!

Margie~ I checked out the team's race schedule, can you add the Bunny Dash 5k on Apr 3rd , and the Run Thru the Hills 5K on Apr 11th under the past races for me?
Also, I have the Bookfield Zoo Run Wild 5K coming up on May 15th.

Again, you are Awesome for keeping track of all this! You must spend alot of time at the computer!! :surfweb: Thanks! :hug:
Mike- No actually I do not have lots of extra time. I do not watch television-I am a reader.
You can do lots in a few minutes if it is important to you!
I usually do it very early mornings, in the middle of th night when I cannot sleep, and catch a few minutes when the little ones are napping. :grouphug:
Hi y'all.

Connie it's good to hear your back at it. I've been worried about you princess. Finishing a half after the foot issues you were having is huge.

Vicky I need to get back up to yoru beautiful country and visit again with you and Kimmer. I'll probably be bringing Sally along, she loves to travel.

Mike you are doing amazing, GO Brother!!!!!

Regina, yep one race and you will be hooked.

Hope I want some grilled meat and beans not form a can.

Ok off to bed, 5am pool workout comes early.

Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Freeze Warnings, Windy, and Sunny skies this afternoon with a high of 58°.

Can you beleive it - April is almost gone!
The kids here will be out of school in 5-week their last day is June 4th-

Hakuna Matata Team 2010 Race Calendar
Hakuna Matata Team Weight Loss Listing

Hakuna Matata Team Birthday Calendar
January: 12th Gerry; 31st Connie
February: 25th Kim
March: 9th Mike
April: 25th Jennifer
June: 11th Denise; Robert (?)
July: 14th Margie; 24th Regina
October: 4th Jack; 6th Vicky; 7th Dave;
November: 10th Mary; 12th Hope
December: 1st Kristie

If the following posted your Birth Date…I missed it.
Please re-post::bday:
Eva, Lynn, Pam, Robert, Shannon, Scott, Sue

pixiedust: Connie (foot), Dave (Achilles), Jennifer (runners knees)
Kim (foot), Kristie (arm), Lynn (cold/flu/knees), and Vicky (ankle)

AFM: today will be a long day :upsidedow

Have a Great Day! :wave:
Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert,
Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, and Vicky-

Good morning, Hakuna Matata!

I hope everyone is doing wonderfully this morning!

Mike - We posted at the same time. You are becoming a race dynamo! I am certain that I couldn't even keep up with your schedule (even on a calender) much less accomplish all that you have!

Dave - Thanks for the kind words. My foot is still sore and painful, but it is improving. I just keep on my diet and stretching and everything. I know that one day I will realize that it doesn't hurt anymore! Soon, I just want it to happen soon!!!

Hope - Thanks for the update! Come back and visit longer!

Margie - Good morning, friend! Yes, a new month coming soon!

AFM - DH put my seedlings outside in the wind. He let the sides of the wagon down and WHOOOOOOOSH the wind blew my seedlings off the wagon and killed 'em. I have to start over.... My garden is getting further and further behind! Oh well, it froze last night. It was a good thing I hadn't anything planted yet. I have discovered that even if I plant very early, I don't have veggies any faster, I just have more work!

Melissa's DD in 2nd grade, took her Mom's medal to school for Show and Tell, yesterday. DGD was so proud of her Mommy!

See ya! - Connie
Good morning team! Pretty chilly day today - the winds seemed to pick up last night and everything cooled down. I got a ride to the train station this morning so it wasn't too bad. Did some training last night and I talked to my PT about maybe running this weekend. He said I should be good to go but did suggest an accupuncture session before. Eeeek! I hate needles! I did talk to another girl in the gym who said she had it done on her knees (by the same practitioner) and she was telling me exactly what was done (and that she hates needles too) and that it wasn't too bad. It made me feel a little better :)

Dave - Sounds like a fun trip! You let me know where and when :) How's Sally doing post-op?

Margie - Thanks for keeping track of the race calendars and all the birthdays! Do you have a small gang of kiddos to look after today?

Connie - Congrats on your 1/2! Fantastic race report! It sounds like a race I might have to check out one day - lots of yummy treats to be had along the way. I love it when the locals come out and support a race, especially when they make their own little aid stations! Hope your feet feel better today. About the wedding - if the invite says DF + guest, I'll go anyway :D I have a feeling it will just DF's name on it :confused3

Mike - Wow! Look at all those races!! And you're getting super speedy too! I want what you're eating! :cutie:

Hope - Sounds like a yummy BBQ! Love ribs :) Yum!!

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:

Bday is Jan 12

No racing this pass weekend but surely walked some 6-8 miles (pedometer for one night read over 17500) for working GradBash at USF

Feet still sore
Hi Kids!

Just a quick fly-by! Thanks for all the great comments about my progress! It seems everyone is doing well competing, training and all around keepin' it moving! Even the injured keep at it, in whatever way they can! I LOVE THIS TEAM!! :cool1:
Tuesday seems to be my day to do long runs. Eight miles again today! I didn't really want to run but I talked myself into it. I figured that we are predicted for rain over the next four days, so I better get out there. I set a new PR for the distance (1:26:20 with average pace of 10:47) so I'm feeling good! :woohoo: Two minutes and 18 seconds better than last week. I'm getting more confident about my 10 miler at the end of May. My goal is under two hours, which will depend alot on the weather along Lake Michigan.

Off to bed for a few hours before work, Mike :cool2:
Mike, we do what we can do. I'm trying to be better at the stretching and icing, this last race was a good motivator for me to pay attention to little details like that.

Hi Everyone,

It was another rainy, cloudy day today. Luckily, it stopped raining and I was able to go running. I planned on running in the rain since the down pour had stopped and it was a slow, steady rain, but when I got to where I run, the rain had stopped. :woohoo: The temperature was comfortable and it wasn’t too windy. I ran another 3 miles. My pace was a lot slower (32:07), but I’m ok with that since I’m not running for time.

I agree, we have an awesome team!! :yay:

Margie- Thanks for putting my race on our team race list!!! We appreciate all the hard work you put into keeping the team organized with races, birthdays, and weight loss.

Vicky- DH is not a runner per se (spelling?), but anything athletic comes easily to him. Right now he’s playing football with a northwestern league and is busy with that, but he knows running is important to me so he goes with me whenever he can. He seems to be able to go out and run several miles with no training (makes me green with envy sometimes!:rotfl:). I’m really lucky he’s so supportive of anything I want to and always up for doing things together! A jacket sounds great! What kind of jacket did you get? I haven’t had to get a jacket tailored, but have had to get dresses taken in on the top to fit right. I bet you’ll end up loving it even more now that it will be tailored to you! Why would DF’s ex girlfriend invite him, but not you? Seems just a little rude if she knows you two are together? Are you going to go through with the acupuncture?

Connie- Thanks for the race report! It sounds like a great race with a lot of support and yummy treats! How’s your foot doing now that the race is over? Thanks for the good wishes…the race is still a month away, but it’s coming up pretty fast.

Mike- You seem to have gone race crazy! :lmao: LOL, every time we read it seems you’ve got another race going on! That’s awesome! It sounds like a blast. It’s pretty impressive you can stay up all night and go out and run these races without any rest. Keep up the great work! Seeing all your progress is very encouraging!! Thanks, I’m really excited for our first race! As long as we both finish, it will have been a success to me. I’ll definitely be taking my camera.

Hope- When is your wedding?

Dave- Have you always done your pool workouts in the morning?

That's it for me. Have a great night.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

My track girls qualified for regionals in every event but one.

As for me 4.25 miles in 37 minutes.

Now off to watch my favorite trashy tv show, The Hills. What's everyone else's tv guilty pleasure?
I'm going to try to post, the last 3 times when I have tried dis has frozen on me, so I will not use any simelys!!!!!

Vicky I had accupuncture for just over 3 years to help me to learn to live with the pain that I am in all the time. I hate needles as as long as they do not want to put one into your spinal cord or the pad at the bottom of your thumb its fine.........those 2 spots hurt sooooooooo much.

I have a problem with top that never fit the top of my arms.
I wear mens tops foe training and racing and normally have sleeveless womens tops to wear.

I always thought that a wedding invite was for invitee + 1?????

My Mom left today, so we are all very sad in our house.
We left the airport and went stright into the MK.
Getting on to the ferry boat tonight a lady kicked Tinkerbell's hip and knocked her off her back legs and now she can not walk on her right leg. Dh had to carr her to our car.
The lady did not even stop to say sorry.
I'm hoping that she just needs to keep her weight off it and not need to see the vet.

As for Tv I love ghost hunters, I used to love Dr. Who too, but none of us like the new Dr.
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Freeze Warnings, Windy, and Sunny skies this afternoon with a high of 61°.

Connie- how is your foot today?
We still have frost almost every night
so it is still way early to be planting anything here.

Dave-how's Sally doing? :flower3:
Did you have a good pool workout?
Yes, I agree training-cross training-stretching-REST
are truly important before races. If we leave one little thing
out our bodies do tend to get a bit Ouchy!

Jack- :surfweb: Good Morning - we miss you!
We think about you and all the things you have had to cope with since
the disastrous flooding. How is progress in the clean up and getting life
back to 'normal' in your area?

Jennifer- Congratulations, Coach!
WTG - Nice Run.

What's everyone else's TV guilty pleasure?
My television is rarely on, but I do watch the
Weather Station or the little guys get to watch limited
time of Nick Jr...the commercial free educational
programs for preschooler.

Kristie- hope Tinkerbell is better this morning?
It probably did not even register with the lady that she did
something...Disney is exciting and we humans tend to be a bit self focused.

Mike- :worship: 2 races then an 8-mile...What Regina said!

Regina- WTG that was a nice run! :goodvibes

Robert- Races every weekend now? :upsidedow
We are Very Thankful people like you are willing to do this but
I cannot imagine all the planning, organizing, and work you have to do!

Scott & Lynn-Where or Where could they be off to now (?) :confused3

Sue- miss hearing from you. :upsidedow
Only 11 more days until your Marathon-
When do you start your taper?

Vicky-:hug: hope all works out with the acupuncture,
but certainly would be willing to try it.
Scheduled for 2 little guys today :goodvibes

pixiedust: Connie (foot), Dave (Achilles), Jennifer (runners knees)
Kim (foot), Kristie (arm), Lynn (cold/flu/knees), and Vicky (ankle)

AFM:Energy or Where Are Thou...better get moving! :upsidedow

Enjoy all the moments today might bring! :wave:
Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert,
Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, and Vicky-

Margie, Sally goes back to work today. She has been resting and she is ready to get back to it now.

I'm going to meet my walkers in a few min for my return to walk training. I took off 3 days and just ran in the pool and stretched.

I'm having some issues with my ex over the devorce property settlement. I'm afraid it's time for me to fight back instead of being Mr nice guy.

Everyone have a magical day.

Margie Tinkerbell, is a little better, thank you.
She can now walk on her leg but has a limp, I will try to get her to rest it as much as poss today, but she shouldn't need to go to the vet.

I shiver when I read your weather updates.........today we have sun and 89.
Hi team! Nice and sunny here but windy and cold. Things are suppose to warm up on the weekend so if things go well with the accupuncture, I'll go out for a 3 miler.

Regina - Yeah, not too sure what to make of the invite. I don't think he's got the paper invite yet, they were just talking over email about it. I know they were trying to keep the ceremony small because of the location and he thinks that might be why.

Kirstie - Thanks for the accupuncture tips! I couldn't even imagine getting one in my spinal cord - ouch! Where do you usually get your needles? Sorry to hear about the rude lady :( I hope Tinkerbelle is going to be okay.

Jennifer - I like watching Lost but I'd have to say that reality TV like Survivor, What Not to Wear or Biggest Loser would be my guilty pleasure. I've also watched a few of the Real Housewives series on occasion.

Margie - Good luck and have fun with the kiddos today! Do you have anything exciting planned? I think the biggest problem with my ankle is that it keeps getting caught in the sheets when I go to sleep. I start out okay but always end up in a funny position by the morning :)

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:


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