Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Well Erica and I got in 4 miles at the mall before it opened. We went slow but my paw still hurt after, but the good news is that it was better than last monday's 4 miles. I recovered quicker today and should be able to walk again tomorrow after the dentist.

GO TEAM Hakuna Matata!!!!!

Warrior Panda:hippie:
Hi, everyone! Wow! You guys are doing great! I feel silly even saying the tiny bit I'm doing, but here goes! I was on the treadmill for 40 minuts this morning. I'd say how far I went, but.......I am mechanically challenged, apparently. I reached up at 35 minutes to hit the minus button to slow down a little for the cooldown and somehow shut the treadmill off! I am guessing that I had a total of about 2.5 miles?? Maybe a tad bit more. I wasn't really watching the miles right then because I knew I had another five minutes to go.....Anyhow, I did the other five minutes - so there, you mean ol' treadmill!!! :laughing:

Tomorrow is water aerobics in the morning and I am trying out a new yoga class tomorrow evening......so it should look a little more respectable than today!

I am very proud of myself today because I went to lunch with a couple of co-workers who ordered cheesy bread.....I didn't have any! I had a salad and half a turkey sandwich. Then we had a staff meeting in the afternoon, to which another person brought cookies. Cookies are my nemesis.....but I passed them by, too! Yeah, me!!! :cheer2: I'd really like to lose at least 10 pounds before the OKC half in April. More, really, but I'd take 10! Eating well is always harder for me than exercising well, but I WILL prevail!!!
You did super Kathy, way to go resisting the temptation of the food. Treadmills are evil, designed by the same person who invented shoes.

Country Panda:hippie:
Long work day yeasterday so didn't get in any time or miles, a rest day. Today got up and hit the TM, lynn has my numbers.

You all are doing great, resisting the goodies, and putting in the time and miles, way to go team.

Having a nice bowl of grits here for breakfast here at work looks like another long one today.

Remember today is Fat Tuesday. Let the good times roll!!! or more apprapoe Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!!!!!!
Well I did nothing yesterday. Had a migraine, I think from too many salty items on Sunday. I did manage to lose 1.4 pounds at WW so I’m encouraged to watch my intake. I plan on either doing the TM tonight or Ellip. Not sure how to judge miles on the ellip but will figure it out.

Have a good one, take care, it’s nice to feel somewhat human today.

Well I did nothing yesterday. Had a migraine, I think from too many salty items on Sunday. I did manage to lose 1.4 pounds at WW so I’m encouraged to watch my intake. I plan on either doing the TM tonight or Ellip. Not sure how to judge miles on the ellip but will figure it out.

Have a good one, take care, it’s nice to feel somewhat human today.


We still love ya super mom.

We are getting a new member on the team a Canadian Gal, Vicky, who goes by Bunnyfoo. I'm not contributing much right now so even though she is favoring a knee she will be able to add some miles to make up for my lame efforts.

Good news is that my foot feels pretty good after yesterdays 4 miles so maybe I have turned the corner. Last monday I did 4 miles and hurt all week.

I'm sure y'all saw that there is a new walker thread. Lily asked that the long threads be restarted so the forum could go faster.

I'm off to the dentist in a few minutes. For those who don't know I have a periodonal thing that causes the bone under my teeth to wear and the teeth although healthy to become loose and fall out. So I will probably get dentures. I held on to my natural teeth as along as I could but I some starting to get really loose so I guess it's time. This is very hard for me.

Hakuna Matata Panda:hippie:
Good luck at the dentist Dave!!!!!!! DH and I have not been getting in any milage, I have been sick for almost a week but starting to feel better and will be getting in a walk tonight!!!

Welcome Vicki!!!!
Dave best of luck with the dentist, hope for the best.

Welcome BunnyFoo, makes me think of Little Bunny Foo Foo , walking in the Forest???? One of my favorite songs..... really it is , next to Little Duckie Daudle.
Welcome Vicky to the team!

Dave - good luck at the dentist pixiedust: The hygenist keeps saying I have the same condition, but my teeth are not yet loose, and I spend alot of time with a toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash, as well as 4 cleanings a year to prevent having to do a bone transplant.

It has been really hard for me to get out to walk lately with the weather. Yesterday, I went out in a snow storm. Good news is that once I did get out, I stayed out for 5 miles. Today is cold again, and a bit windy (17 degrees with 17 mph winds), but tomorrow is supposed to be windier!

I spent about an hour catching up on the weekly thread, I think I will have to give up on that one and just stay here, I cannot spend that much time at a computer!

Time to bite the bullet and get out for my walk. The dogs will be happy at least!
:welcome: BunnyFoo to the Hakuna Matata bestest Team ever :banana:!!

Dave, good luck with your dentist appointment today, and always remember, it is what's in your heart that counts to us, not the teeth :love:

To those experiencing horrible weather conditions allow me to send you some virtual warmth and sunshine :beach: :sunny:

and...to those that are feeling a bit under the weather, here's a :grouphug:, please feel better!

Connie, I only ran two miles today at a 12 minutes pace. Sorry...I have work and school tomorrow, so it will be a rest day (LOL). I will log on Thursday.

Have a blessed day everyone :flower3:.
Dear Connie, Hakuna Matata Team Captain and fellow WISHer,

Team Ohana would like to file a formal complaint against one of your team members (actually a co-captain, at that) for visiting our thread, uninvited, and suggesting we do things that involve certain modes of undress. I know it's difficult, and you have our sympathies, but please try to keep him under control!
Dear Connie, Hakuna Matata Team Captain and fellow WISHer,

Team Ohana would like to file a formal complaint against one of your team members (actually a co-captain, at that) for visiting our thread, uninvited, and suggesting we do things that involve certain modes of undress. I know it's difficult, and you have our sympathies, but please try to keep him under control!

Can we move mountains, change the course of rivers, curb pestilence, leap tall buildings in a single bound, be faster than a speeding bullet, etc etc... well that is the easy stuff :thumbsup2 . Control the Panda, :eek: :eek: never in a million years.
Hey all. Sorry I haven't been around much. But DS and I have gotten really sick in the past couple days. Dr. was 99% sure we had the flu--but the test came back negative. Unfortunately, that means, no drugs and just wait it out. So no miles from me.:sad2: Will get back out as soon as the body allows:thumbsup2

Welcome to BunnyFoo and Congrats to all those getting in miles and minutes!
Log 4 miles each and 1 hour each for Erica and I. Every day feels better so soon I will be contributing more. Thanks for bearing with me.

Believe nothing the scurvy dogs of team Ohana say. They are just jealous that we can count over 10 without taking our shoes off.

The dentist visit was ok. I will get a full upper denture and a partial lower one. After insurance my cost will be $2700. Better than I expected but we still have Erica's bunion to deal with. I know a waste of good Disney money. I go in Mar 3rd for the procedures then recover for a week. At least I'll lose a few lbs since I can't cram food in my mouth for a week.

Lynn I had the bone transplant in the early 90s but it doesn't last all that long before you have the same problems again.

GO TEAM!!!!!

Hakuna Matata Panda:hippie:
Yea!!! I did 5 miles on the TM in 75 Minutes. I'll probably have to crawl out of bed tomorrow but I did it.

Yea!!! I did 5 miles on the TM in 75 Minutes. I'll probably have to crawl out of bed tomorrow but I did it.


Miles in the bank Denise!!!!


In my humble opinion.

Warrior Panda:hippie:
I was on the bike today. I did 13.2 miles and I worked out for a total of one hour :goodvibes

I am so sorry for the dental problems, Brave Panda! I will be thinking of you and sending good energy your way!!


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